2024-03-29 17:43:34 -04:00

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Spectra is a general purpose planning system. It extends STRIPS-style planning by allowing arbitrary DCEC and first-order formulae for state descriptions, background knowledge, and action descriptions rather than just predicates. This allows, for instance, handling domains with infinite or unbounded objects elegantly (among other things).

Overview Presentation (pdf)

  • Drawbacks of propositional planning (current planning systems):
  • Expressivity: Cannot express arbitrary constraints. “At every step make sure that no two blocks on the table have same color”
    • Domain Size: Scaling to large domains of arbitrary sizes poses difficulty.


First, we need to make sure ShadowProver is installed.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/RAIRLab/ShadowProver.git
cd ShadowProver
mvn package
mvn install

Now, we can clone the Spectra repository.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/RAIRLab/Spectra.git

Similarly build and install the java project

cd Spectra
mvn package
mvn install

Now you should be able to run Spectra:

./run_spectra.sh [problem_file_path]

Spectra's Architecture


Example Input File
