First commit

This commit is contained in:
Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu 2017-01-14 22:07:41 -05:00
commit ecd7c00454
12 changed files with 1020 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.And;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.value.Value;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.value.Variable;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Sets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public class Action {
private final Set<Formula> preconditions;
private final Set<Formula> additions;
private final Set<Formula> deletions;
private final List<Variable> freeVariables;
private final String name;
private final Formula precondition;
private int weight;
private Action(String name, Set<Formula> preconditions, Set<Formula> additions, Set<Formula> deletions, List<Variable> freeVariables) { = name;
this.preconditions = preconditions;
this.additions = additions;
this.deletions = deletions;
List<Variable> computedFreeVariables = preconditions.
map(x -> Sets.difference(x.variablesPresent(), x.boundVariablesPresent())).
reduce(Sets.newSet(), Sets::union).
this.freeVariables = freeVariables;
this.precondition = new And(;
this.weight = + +;
public static Action buildActionFrom(String name,
Set<Formula> preconditions,
Set<Formula> additions,
Set<Formula> deletions,
List<Variable> freeVariables) {
return new Action(name, preconditions, additions, deletions, freeVariables);
public int getWeight() {
return weight;
public Formula getPrecondition() {
return precondition;
public List<Variable> openVars() {
return freeVariables;
public Set<Formula> instantiateAdditions(Map<Variable, Value> mapping) {
return -> x.apply(mapping)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public Set<Formula> instantiateDeletions(Map<Variable, Value> mapping) {
return -> x.apply(mapping)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public Action instantiate(Map<Variable, Value> binding){
Set<Formula> newPreconditions =>x.apply(binding)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<Formula> newAdditions =>x.apply(binding)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<Formula> newDeletions =>x.apply(binding)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
List<Variable> newFreeVraibles = CollectionUtils.newEmptyList();
for(Variable var: freeVariables){
return new Action(name, newPreconditions, newAdditions, newDeletions, newFreeVraibles);
public String toString() {
return "Action{" +
"preconditions=" + preconditions +
", additions=" + additions +
", deletions=" + deletions +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Action action = (Action) o;
if (!preconditions.equals(action.preconditions)) return false;
if (!additions.equals(action.additions)) return false;
if (!deletions.equals(action.deletions)) return false;
return name.equals(;
public int hashCode() {
int result = preconditions.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + additions.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + deletions.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + name.hashCode();
return result;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Pair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Sets;
import java.util.*;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public class DepthFirstPlanner implements Planner {
public Optional<Set<Plan>> plan(Set<Formula> background, Set<Action> actions, State start, State goal) {
if (Operations.satisfies(background, start, goal)) {
//Already satisfied. Do nothing. Return a set with an empty plan.
return Optional.of(Sets.with(Plan.newEmptyPlan(goal, background)));
Set<Plan> allPlans = Sets.newSet();
boolean atleastOnePlanFound = false;
for (Action action : actions) {
Optional<Pair<State, Action>> nextStateActionPair = Operations.apply(background, action, start);
if (nextStateActionPair.isPresent()) {
Optional<Set<Plan>> planOpt = plan(background, actions, nextStateActionPair.get().first(), goal);
if (planOpt.isPresent()) {
atleastOnePlanFound = true;
Set<Plan> nextPlans = planOpt.get();
State nextSate = nextStateActionPair.get().first();
Action instantiatedAction = nextStateActionPair.get().second();
Set<Plan> augmentedPlans =
map(plan -> plan.getPlanByStartingWith(instantiatedAction, nextSate)).
//TODO: store different plans and return the best plan.
if (atleastOnePlanFound) {
return Optional.of(allPlans);
} else {
//No plan found.
return Optional.empty();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/14/17.
public class Goal {
private final State goalState;
private final int priority;
private Goal(State goalState, int priority) {
this.goalState = goalState;
this.priority = priority;
public static Goal makeGoal(State goalState, int priority){
return new Goal(goalState, priority);
public State getGoalState() {
return goalState;
public int getPriority() {
return priority;
public String toString() {
return "Goal{" +
"goalState=" + goalState +
", priority=" + priority +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Goal goal = (Goal) o;
if (priority != goal.priority) return false;
return goalState.equals(goal.goalState);
public int hashCode() {
int result = goalState.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + priority;
return result;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Pair;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/14/17.
public class GoalTracker {
private final Set<Formula> background;
private State currentState;
private final Set<Goal> currentGoals;
private final Planner planner;
private final Set<Action> actions;
public GoalTracker(Set<Formula> background, State startState, Set<Action> actions) {
this.background = background;
this.currentState = startState;
this.currentGoals = CollectionUtils.newEmptySet();
this.planner = new DepthFirstPlanner();
this.actions = actions;
public boolean adoptGoal(Goal goal) {
Optional<Set<Plan>> possiblePlans = planner.plan(background, actions, currentState, goal.getGoalState());
if (!possiblePlans.isPresent()) {
return false;
} else if (possiblePlans.get().isEmpty()) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected condition: possible plans is empty");
} else {
Set<Plan> plans = possiblePlans.get();
if ( -> plan.noConflicts(currentGoals))) {
* If there is any plan without any goal conflicts, then adopt the goal.
return true;
} else {
* Find goals to drop.
* For each plan, find the sum of the priorities of the goals that conflict.
* If any plan exists, where sum of priorities of existing goals is less than the new goal,
* add the new goal and remove the conflict goals.
* Otherwise return false and don't adopt the new goal.
boolean feasiblePlanExists = false;
int bestPriorityGap = 0;
Set<Goal> bestRemovalCandidates = null;
for (Plan plan : plans) {
Set<Goal> conflictingGoals = plan.getConflictingGoals(currentGoals);
int conflictSum =;
int gap = goal.getPriority() - conflictSum;
if(gap > 0 && gap > bestPriorityGap ){
feasiblePlanExists = true;
bestPriorityGap = gap;
bestRemovalCandidates= conflictingGoals;
return true;
else {
return false;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.Prover;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.SnarkWrapper;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.And;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.value.Value;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.value.Variable;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.ImmutablePair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Pair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Sets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import static edu.rpi.rair.State.FALSE;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public class Operations {
private static Prover prover;
prover = new SnarkWrapper();
public static synchronized Optional<Map<Variable, Value>> proveAndGetBindings(Set<Formula> givens, Formula goal, List<Variable> variables){
return prover.proveAndGetBindings(givens, goal, variables);
public static Optional<Pair<State,Action>> apply(Set<Formula> background, Action action, State state){
Prover prover = new SnarkWrapper();
Set<Formula> givens = Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae());
Optional<Map<Variable, Value>> bingdingsOpt = proveAndGetBindings(givens, action.getPrecondition(), action.openVars());
State newState;
return Optional.empty();
Set<Formula> newFormulae = state.getFormulae();
newFormulae = Sets.union(newFormulae, action.instantiateAdditions(bingdingsOpt.get()));
newFormulae = Sets.difference(newFormulae, action.instantiateDeletions(bingdingsOpt.get()));
newState = State.initializeWith(newFormulae);
return Optional.of(ImmutablePair.from(newState, action.instantiate(bingdingsOpt.get())));
public static boolean satisfies(Set<Formula> background, State state, State goal){
return goal.getFormulae().stream().
allMatch(x->prover.prove(Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae()), x).isPresent());
public static boolean conflicts(Set<Formula> background, State state1, State state2){
return prover.prove(Sets.union(background, Sets.union(state1.getFormulae(), state2.getFormulae())), FALSE ).isPresent();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/14/17.
public class Plan {
private final List<Action> actions;
private final List<State> expectedStates;
private final Set<Formula> background;
public static Plan newEmptyPlan(State currentState, Set<Formula> background){
List<Action> newActions = CollectionUtils.newEmptyList();
List<State> newExpectedStates = CollectionUtils.listOf(currentState);
return new Plan(newActions, newExpectedStates, background);
public Plan(List<Action> actions, List<State> expectedStates, Set<Formula> background) {
this.actions = actions;
this.expectedStates = expectedStates;
this.background = background;
public List<Action> getActions() {
return actions;
public Plan getPlanByStartingWith(Action action, State state){
List<Action> newActions = CollectionUtils.newEmptyList();
newActions.add(0, action);
List<State> newExpectedStates = CollectionUtils.newEmptyList();
newExpectedStates.add(0, state);
return new Plan(newActions, newExpectedStates, background);
public boolean conflictsWith(Goal goal){
return> Operations.conflicts(background, state,goal.getGoalState()));
public Set<Goal> getConflictingGoals(Set<Goal> goals){
public boolean noConflicts(Set<Goal> goals){
return getConflictingGoals(goals).isEmpty();
public String toString() {
return "Plan{" +
"actions=" + actions +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Plan plan = (Plan) o;
return actions != null ? actions.equals(plan.actions) : plan.actions == null;
public int hashCode() {
return actions != null ? actions.hashCode() : 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public interface Planner {
Optional<Set<Plan>> plan(Set<Formula> background, Set<Action> actions, State start, State goal);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.Prover;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.SnarkWrapper;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.And;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Reader;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Sets;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public class State {
final Set<Formula> formulae;
private static final Prover prover = new SnarkWrapper();
static Formula FALSE;
try {
FALSE = Reader.readFormulaFromString("(and P (not P))");
} catch (Reader.ParsingException e) {
FALSE = null;
private State(Set<Formula> formulae){
this.formulae = formulae;
public static State initializeWith(Set<Formula> formulae){
State newState = new State(formulae);
return newState;
public void add(Set<Formula> formulae){
public void remove(Set<Formula> formulae){
public Set<Formula> getFormulae() {
return CollectionUtils.setFrom(formulae);
public String toString() {
return "State{" +
"formulae=" + formulae +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
State state = (State) o;
return formulae.equals(state.formulae);
public int hashCode() {
return formulae.hashCode();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package edu.rpi.rair.utils;
import clojure.lang.Obj;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.value.Variable;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Reader;
import edu.rpi.rair.Action;
import edu.rpi.rair.State;
import us.bpsm.edn.Keyword;
import us.bpsm.edn.Symbol;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parseable;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parser;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Token;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public class PlanningProblem {
public Set<Formula> background;
public Set<Action> actions;
public State start;
public State goal;
public String name;
private static final Keyword BACKGROUND = Keyword.newKeyword("background");
private static final Keyword START = Keyword.newKeyword("start");
private static final Keyword GOAL = Keyword.newKeyword("goal");
private static final Keyword NAME = Keyword.newKeyword("name");
private static final Keyword ACTION = Keyword.newKeyword("actions");
private static final Keyword PRECONDITIONS = Keyword.newKeyword("preconditions");
private static final Keyword ADDITIONS = Keyword.newKeyword("additions");
private static final Keyword DELETIONS = Keyword.newKeyword("deletions");
private static final Symbol ACTION_DEFINER = Symbol.newSymbol("define-action");
public PlanningProblem(String name, Set<Formula> background, State start, State goal, Set<Action> actions) {
this.background = background;
this.start = start;
this.actions = actions;
this.goal = goal; = name;
public static List<PlanningProblem> readFromFile(InputStream inputStream) throws Reader.ParsingException {
Parseable parseable = Parsers.newParseable(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
Parser parser = Parsers.newParser(Parsers.defaultConfiguration());
List<PlanningProblem> planningProblems = CollectionUtils.newEmptyList();
Object nextValue = parser.nextValue(parseable);
while (!nextValue.equals(Token.END_OF_INPUT)) {
Map<?, ?> planningProblemSpec = (Map<?, ?>) nextValue;
Set<Formula> background = readFrom((List<?>) planningProblemSpec.get(BACKGROUND));
Set<Formula> start = readFrom((List<?>) planningProblemSpec.get(START));
Set<Formula> goal = readFrom((List<?>) planningProblemSpec.get(GOAL));
List<?> actionDefinitions = (List<?>) planningProblemSpec.get(ACTION);
String name = planningProblemSpec.get(NAME).toString();
Set<Action> actions = readActionsFrom(actionDefinitions);
planningProblems.add(new PlanningProblem(name, background, State.initializeWith(start),
State.initializeWith(goal), actions));
nextValue = parser.nextValue(parseable);
return planningProblems;
private static Set<Action> readActionsFrom(List<?> actionSpecs) throws Reader.ParsingException {
Set<Action> actions = -> {
List<?> specBody = (List<?>) spec;
return null;
String name = specBody.get(1).toString();
List<Variable> vars = ((List<?>)specBody.get(2)).stream().map(x -> {
try {
return Reader.readLogicValue(x);
} catch (Reader.ParsingException e) {
return null;
return null;
Map<?, ?> actionSpec = (Map<?, ?>) specBody.get(3);
try {
Set<Formula> preconditions = readFrom((List<?>) actionSpec.get(PRECONDITIONS));
Set<Formula> additions = readFrom((List<?>) actionSpec.get(ADDITIONS));
Set<Formula> deletions = readFrom((List<?>) actionSpec.get(DELETIONS));
return Action.buildActionFrom(name, preconditions, additions, deletions, vars);
} catch (Reader.ParsingException e) {
return null;
if ( {
throw new Reader.ParsingException("Couldn't read actions: " + actionSpecs);
return actions;
private static Set<Formula> readFrom(List<?> objects) throws Reader.ParsingException {
Set<Formula> formulae = -> {
try {
return Reader.readFormula(x);
} catch (Reader.ParsingException e) {
return null;
if ( {
throw new Reader.ParsingException("Couldn't read formulae: " + objects);
return formulae;
public String toString() {
return "PlanningProblem{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", background=" + background +
", actions=" + actions +
", start=" + start +
", goal=" + goal +

View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
{:name "test 1"
:background [P]
:start [Q]
:goal [R]
[(define-action a1 ()
{:preconditions [(or Q R)]
:additions [R]
:deletions [Q]})]
:expected-plan [a1]
{:name "simple killing"
:background []
:start [(forall ?x (Alive ?x))]
:goal [(forall ?x (Dead ?x))]
[(define-action kill ()
{:preconditions [(Alive ?x)]
:additions [(Dead ?x)]
:deletions [(Alive ?x)]})]
:expected-plans ([kill])
{:name "thirsty"
:background []
:start [thirsty]
:goal [(not thirsty)]
[(define-action drink ()
{:preconditions [thirsty]
:additions [(not thirsty)]
:deletions [thirsty]})
(define-action eat ()
{:preconditions [hungry]
:additions [(not hungry)]
:deletions [hungry]})]
:expected-plans ([drink])
{:name "hungry"
:background []
:start [hungry]
:goal [(not hungry)]
[(define-action drink ()
{:preconditions [thirsty]
:additions [(not thirsty)]
:deletions [thirsty]})
(define-action eat ()
{:preconditions [hungry]
:additions [(not hungry)]
:deletions [hungry]})]
:expected-plans ([eat])
{:name "hungry and thirsty"
:background []
:start [hungry thirsty]
:goal [(not (or hungry thirsty))]
[(define-action drink ()
{:preconditions [thirsty]
:additions [(not thirsty)]
:deletions [thirsty]})
(define-action eat ()
{:preconditions [hungry]
:additions [(not hungry)]
:deletions [hungry]})]
:expected-plans ([eat drink]
[drink eat])
{:name "hungry and thirsty"
:background []
:start [hungry thirsty work-unfinished]
:goal [work-finished]
[(define-action drink ()
{:preconditions [thirsty]
:additions [(not thirsty)]
:deletions [thirsty]})
(define-action eat ()
{:preconditions [hungry]
:additions [(not hungry)]
:deletions [hungry]})
(define-action work ()
{:preconditions [(and (not hungry) (not thirsty))]
:additions [work-finished]
:deletions [work-unfinished]})]
:expected-plans ([eat drink work]
[drink eat work])}
{:name "bidding problem"
:background []
:start [(bid 0)]
:goal [(bid 5)]
[(define-action post-new-bid (?number)
{:preconditions [(bid ?number)]
:additions [(bid ($$sum 1 ?number))]
:deletions [(bid ?number)]})]}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
:name "test 1"
:background [ (forall (?x ?y ?room1 ?room2)
(if (and (Interrogates ?x ?y)
(In ?x ?room1)
(In ?y ?room2))
(= ?room1 ?room2)))
(In commander room2)
:start [Be_In_Room
(Closed (door room1))
(Accompany self prisoner)]
:goalSequence [
[G1 1 [(In prisoner1 room1)]]
[G2 1 [(Closed (door room1))]]
[G3 1 [(Accompany self prisoner)]]
[G4 2 [(Interrogates command robot)]]
[G5 2 []]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Reader;
import edu.rpi.rair.utils.PlanningProblem;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
public class DepthFirstPlannerTest {
DepthFirstPlanner depthFirstPlanner;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
depthFirstPlanner = new DepthFirstPlanner();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Reader.ParsingException {
List<PlanningProblem> planningProblemList = (PlanningProblem.readFromFile(Planner.class.getResourceAsStream("completeness_problems.clj")));
Planner depthFirstPlanner = new DepthFirstPlanner();
PlanningProblem planningProblem = planningProblemList.get(2);
System.out.println(depthFirstPlanner.plan(planningProblem.background, planningProblem.actions, planningProblem.start, planningProblem.goal));
public static Object[][] testCompletenessDataProvider() throws Reader.ParsingException {
List<PlanningProblem> planningProblemList = (PlanningProblem.readFromFile(Planner.class.getResourceAsStream("completeness_problems.clj")));
Object[][] cases = new Object[planningProblemList.size()][1];
for (int i = 0; i < planningProblemList.size(); i++) {
cases[i][0] = planningProblemList.get(i);
return cases;
@Test(dataProvider = "testCompletenessDataProvider")
public void testCompletness(PlanningProblem planningProblem) throws Exception {
Optional<Set<Plan>> possiblePlans = depthFirstPlanner.plan(