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Common Lisp
82 lines
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Common Lisp
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: snark-user -*-
;;; File: steamroller-example.lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
;;; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;;; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;;; under the License.
;;; The Original Code is SNARK.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SRI International.
;;; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1981-2011.
;;; All Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Mark E. Stickel <stickel@ai.sri.com>.
(in-package :snark-user)
(defun steamroller-example0 ()
(defun steamroller-example ()
(declare-sort 'animal :subsorts-incompatible t)
(declare-sort 'plant :subsorts-incompatible t)
(declare-subsort 'bird 'animal)
(declare-subsort 'caterpillar 'animal)
(declare-subsort 'fox 'animal)
(declare-subsort 'snail 'animal)
(declare-subsort 'wolf 'animal)
(declare-subsort 'grain 'plant)
(declare-relation 'e 2 :sort '((1 animal))) ;animal*true
(declare-relation 'm 2 :sort '((t animal))) ;animal*animal
(declare-variable '?a1 :sort 'animal)
(declare-variable '?a2 :sort 'animal)
(assertion (forall ((?s1 snail) (?b1 bird)) ;KIF-style sort specification
(m ?s1 ?b1)) ;all KIF variables begin with ?
:name snails-are-smaller-than-birds)
(assertion (forall ((b1 :sort bird) (f1 :sort fox)) ;SNARK-preferred sort specification
(m b1 f1))
:name birds-are-smaller-than-foxes)
(assertion (forall ((f1 true :sort fox)
(w1 wolf :sort wolf)) ;this works too
(m f1 w1))
:name foxes-are-smaller-than-wolves)
(assertion (forall ((w1 wolf) (f1 fox))
(not (e w1 f1)))
:name wolves-dont-eat-foxes)
(assertion (forall ((w1 :sort wolf) (g1 :sort grain))
(not (e w1 g1)))
:name wolves-dont-eat-grain)
(assertion (forall ((b1 :sort bird) (c1 :sort caterpillar))
(e b1 c1))
:name birds-eat-caterpillars)
(assertion (forall ((b1 :sort bird) (s1 :sort snail))
(not (e b1 s1)))
:name birds-dont-eat-snails)
(assertion (forall ((c1 :sort caterpillar))
(exists ((p1 :sort plant))
(e c1 p1)))
:name caterpillars-eat-some-plants)
(assertion (forall ((s1 :sort snail))
(exists ((p1 :sort plant))
(e s1 p1)))
:name snails-eat-some-plants)
(assertion (forall ((p1 :sort plant) (p2 :sort plant))
(implied-by (or (e ?a1 ?a2) (e ?a1 p1)) (and (m ?a2 ?a1) (e ?a2 p2)))))
(prove '(and (e ?x.animal ?y.animal) (e ?y.animal ?z.grain))
:answer '(values ?x.animal ?y.animal ?z.grain)))
;;; steamroller-example.lisp EOF