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359 lines
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Common Lisp
359 lines
13 KiB
Common Lisp
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: snark-user -*-
;;; File: overbeek-test.lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
;;; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;;; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;;; under the License.
;;; The Original Code is SNARK.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SRI International.
;;; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1981-2008.
;;; All Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Mark E. Stickel <stickel@ai.sri.com>.
(in-package :snark-user)
(defun overbeek-test (&key (verbose t))
#+Symbolics (zl:print-herald)
(let ((p1 (default-print-rows-when-given?))
(p2 (default-print-rows-when-derived?))
(p3 (default-print-rows-prettily?))
(p4 (default-print-final-rows?))
(p5 (default-print-options-when-starting?))
(p6 (default-print-assertion-analysis-notes?))
(p7 (default-print-term-memory-when-finished?))
(p8 (default-print-agenda-when-finished?)))
(let ((total-seconds 0.0))
(dolist (x '(
;; (print-rows-when-given print-rows-when-derived print-wffs-when-done problem-name)
(t t nil overbeek1)
(t t nil overbeek1e)
(t t nil overbeek3e)
(t t nil overbeek6)
(t t nil overbeek2e)
(t :signal nil overbeek2)
(t t nil overbeek4e)
(t t nil overbeek3)
(t t nil overbeek7e)
(t :signal nil overbeek7)
(t :signal nil overbeek4)
(t :signal nil overbeek5e)
(t :signal nil overbeek6e)
(t :signal nil overbeek5)
(t :signal nil overbeek6-1)
(t :signal nil overbeek4-1)
;; (t t nil overbeek5-1)
;; (t t nil overbeek7-1)
;; (t t nil overbeek7e-1)
(dotimes (i 3) (terpri))
(let ((#-symbolics *break-on-signals* #+symbolics conditions::*break-on-signals* nil)
(snark::critique-options t))
(default-print-rows-when-given (and verbose (first x)))
(default-print-rows-when-derived (and verbose (second x)))
(default-print-row-wffs-prettily nil)
(unless verbose
(default-print-final-rows nil)
(default-print-options-when-starting nil)
(default-print-assertion-analysis-notes nil)
(default-print-term-memory-when-finished nil)
(default-print-agenda-when-finished nil))
(funcall (print (fourth x))))
(incf total-seconds snark-lisp::*total-seconds*)
(when (third x)
(print-rows :ancestry t))
(prin1 (fourth x))
(format t "~%OVERBEEK-TEST Total = ~D seconds" (round total-seconds)))
(default-print-rows-when-given p1)
(default-print-rows-when-derived p2)
(default-print-row-wffs-prettily p3)
(default-print-final-rows p4)
(default-print-options-when-starting p5)
(default-print-assertion-analysis-notes p6)
(default-print-term-memory-when-finished p7)
(default-print-agenda-when-finished p8)
(defun refute-snark-example-file (name options &key format)
(make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory cl-user::*snark-system-pathname*) (list "examples"))
:name name
:type (case format (:tptp "tptp") (otherwise "kif")))
:options options
:format format
:ignore-errors nil
:verbose t
:output-file nil
:package :snark-user))
(defun overbeek1 ()
'(;;(agenda-ordering-function #'fifo)
;;(row-weight-limit 4) ;4 is minimum value for which proof can be found
(declare-constant 'e :alias 'identity)
(declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'c)
(declare-function 'f 2 :alias 'multiply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'g 1 :alias 'inverse :kbo-weight 0)
(declare-relation 'p 3 :alias 'product)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'g 'f 'c 'b 'a 'e)
(use-hyperresolution t)
(use-term-ordering :kbo))))
(defun overbeek2 ()
(declare-constant 'e :alias 'identity)
(declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'c)
(declare-constant 'd)
(declare-constant 'h)
(declare-constant 'j)
(declare-constant 'k)
(declare-function 'f 2 :alias 'multiply)
(declare-function 'g 1 :alias 'inverse :kbo-weight '(1 2))
(declare-relation 'p 3 :alias 'product)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'g 'f 'k 'j 'h 'd 'c 'b 'a 'e)
(use-hyperresolution t)
(use-term-ordering :kbo))))
(defun overbeek3 ()
'(;;(agenda-ordering-function #'fifo)
;;(row-weight-limit 8) ;8 is minimum value for which proof can be found
(declare-constant 'zero :alias 'additive_identity)
(declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'c)
(declare-function 'j 2 :alias 'add :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'f 2 :alias 'multiply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'g 1 :alias 'additive_inverse :kbo-weight 0)
(declare-relation 's 3 :alias 'sum)
(declare-relation 'p 3 :alias 'product)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'g 'f 'j 'c 'b 'a 'zero)
(use-hyperresolution t)
(use-term-ordering :kbo))))
(defun overbeek4 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias 'is_a_theorem)
(declare-function 'e 2 :alias 'equivalent)
(use-hyperresolution t))))
(defun overbeek5 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias 'is_a_theorem)
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias 'implies)
(use-hyperresolution t))))
(defun overbeek6 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias '|is_a_theorem|)
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias '|implies|)
(declare-function 'n 1 :alias '|not|)
;;(agenda-ordering-function #'fifo) ;very fast with fifo ordering
(use-hyperresolution t)
(level-pref-for-giving 1))
:format :tptp))
(defun overbeek7 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias 'is_a_theorem)
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias 'implies)
(declare-function 'n 1 :alias 'not)
(use-hyperresolution t)
(level-pref-for-giving 1))))
(defun overbeek4-1 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias 'is_a_theorem)
(declare-function 'e 2 :alias 'equivalent)
(use-resolution t)
(use-literal-ordering-with-resolution 'literal-ordering-a))))
(defun overbeek5-1 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias 'is_a_theorem)
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias 'implies)
(use-resolution t)
(use-literal-ordering-with-resolution 'literal-ordering-a))))
(defun overbeek6-1 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias '|is_a_theorem|)
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias '|implies|)
(declare-function 'n 1 :alias '|not|)
(use-resolution t)
(assert-context :current)
(use-literal-ordering-with-resolution 'literal-ordering-a)
(level-pref-for-giving 1))
:format :tptp))
(defun overbeek7-1 ()
'((declare-relation 'p 1 :alias 'is_a_theorem)
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias 'implies)
(declare-function 'n 1 :alias 'not)
(use-resolution t)
(use-literal-ordering-with-resolution 'literal-ordering-a)
(level-pref-for-giving 1))))
(defun overbeek1e ()
'((declare-constant 'e :alias 'identity)
(declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-function 'f 2 :alias 'multiply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'g 1 :alias 'inverse :kbo-weight '(1 2))
(declare-function 'h 2 :alias 'commutator :kbo-weight '(5 3 3) :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'h 'g 'f 'b 'a 'e)
(use-paramodulation t)
(use-term-ordering :kbo))))
(defun overbeek2e ()
'((declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'c)
(declare-function 'o 2 :alias 'add)
(declare-function 'n 1 :alias 'negate)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'n 'o 'a 'b 'c)
(use-paramodulation t))))
(defun overbeek3e ()
'(;;(agenda-ordering-function #'fifo)
;;(row-weight-limit 15) ;15 is minimum value for which proof can be found
(declare-function 'f 3 :alias 'multiply :ORDERING-STATUS :RIGHT-TO-LEFT)
(declare-function 'g 1 :alias 'inverse)
(declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'b 'a 'g 'f)
(use-paramodulation t)
(use-term-ordering :kbo))))
(defun overbeek4e ()
'((declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'c)
(declare-function 'f 2 :alias 'multiply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'i 1 :alias 'inverse :kbo-weight 0)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'i 'f 'c 'b 'a)
(use-paramodulation t)
(use-term-ordering :kbo) ;KBO better than RPO 4/20/92
;;(use-function-creation t) ;constant-creation only, insert new symbols into KB ordering
(defun overbeek5e ()
'(;;(ROW-WEIGHT-LIMIT 21) ;21 works, think 19 will too
(declare-function 'i 2 :alias 'implies #| :ordering-status :left-to-right |#)
(declare-function 'n 1 :alias 'not)
(declare-constant 'a)
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 't :alias 'true0)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'i 'n 'a 'b 't)
(use-paramodulation t))))
(defun overbeek6e ()
'(;;(row-weight-limit 21) ;don't know what value works (19 doesn't)
(declare-function 'a 2 :alias 'apply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'f 1 :weight-code (list (constantly 1)))
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'm)
(declare-constant 'w)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'a 'f 'b 'w 'm)
(use-paramodulation t))))
(defun overbeek7e ()
'((row-weight-before-simplification-limit 100)
(row-weight-limit 50)
(declare-constant 'zero :alias 'additive_identity)
(declare-function '* 2 :alias 'multiply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function '- 1 :alias 'additive_inverse)
(declare-function '+ 2 :alias 'add)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp '* '- '+ 'zero)
(use-paramodulation t))))
(defun overbeek7e-1 ()
'((row-weight-before-simplification-limit 100)
(row-weight-limit 50)
(declare-constant 'zero :alias 'additive_identity)
(declare-function '* 2 :alias 'multiply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function '- 1 :alias 'additive_inverse)
(declare-function '+ 2 :alias 'add)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp '* '- '+ 'zero)
(use-paramodulation t)
(use-associative-unification t))))
(defun overbeek8e ()
'((declare-function 'a 2 :alias 'apply :ordering-status :left-to-right)
(declare-function 'f 1 :weight-code (list (constantly 1)))
(declare-constant 'b)
(declare-constant 'w)
(ordering-functions>constants t)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'a 'f 'b 'w)
(use-paramodulation t))))
(defun overbeek9e ()
'((use-paramodulation t))))
(defun overbeek10e ()
'((use-paramodulation t))))
;;; overbeek-test.lisp EOF