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574 lines
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Common Lisp
574 lines
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Common Lisp
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: snark -*-
;;; File: trie-index.lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
;;; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;;; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;;; under the License.
;;; The Original Code is SNARK.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SRI International.
;;; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1981-2012.
;;; All Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Mark E. Stickel <stickel@ai.sri.com>.
(in-package :snark)
(defvar *trie-index*)
(defstruct (trie-index
(:constructor make-trie-index0 (entry-constructor))
(:copier nil))
(entry-constructor nil :read-only t) ;term->entry function for new entry insertion
(node-counter (make-counter 1) :read-only t)
(entry-counter (make-counter) :read-only t)
(top-node (make-trie-index-internal-node) :read-only t)
(retrieve-generalization-calls 0 :type integer) ;number of generalization retrieval calls
(retrieve-generalization-count 0 :type integer)
(retrieve-instance-calls 0 :type integer) ; " instance "
(retrieve-instance-count 0 :type integer)
(retrieve-unifiable-calls 0 :type integer) ; " unifiable "
(retrieve-unifiable-count 0 :type integer)
(retrieve-variant-calls 0 :type integer) ; " variant "
(retrieve-variant-count 0 :type integer)
(retrieve-all-calls 0 :type integer) ; " all "
(retrieve-all-count 0 :type integer))
(defstruct (trie-index-internal-node
(:copier nil))
(variable-child-node nil) ;nil or node
(constant-indexed-child-nodes nil) ;constant# -> node sparse-vector
(function-indexed-child-nodes nil)) ;function# -> node sparse-vector
(defstruct (trie-index-leaf-node
(:include sparse-vector (snark-sparse-array::default-value0 none :read-only t))
(:copier nil))
(defmacro trie-index-leaf-node-entries (n)
(defstruct (index-entry
(:constructor make-index-entry (term))
(:copier nil))
(term nil :read-only t))
(defun make-trie-index (&key (entry-constructor #'make-index-entry))
(setf *trie-index* (make-trie-index0 entry-constructor)))
(definline trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node (node &optional create internal)
(or (trie-index-internal-node-variable-child-node node)
(and create
(increment-counter (trie-index-node-counter *trie-index*))
(setf (trie-index-internal-node-variable-child-node node)
(if internal
(definline trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node (const node &optional create internal)
(let ((children (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes node)))
(unless children
(when create
(setf children (setf (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes node) (make-sparse-vector)))))
(and children
(let ((const# (constant-number const)))
(or (sparef children const#)
(and create
(increment-counter (trie-index-node-counter *trie-index*))
(setf (sparef children const#)
(if internal
(definline trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node (fn node &optional create internal)
(let ((children (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes node)))
(unless children
(when create
(setf children (setf (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes node) (make-sparse-vector)))))
(and children
(let ((fn# (function-number fn)))
(or (sparef children fn#)
(and create
(increment-counter (trie-index-node-counter *trie-index*))
(setf (sparef children fn#)
(if internal
(definline function-trie-index-lookup-args (fn term)
;; fn = (head term) unless term is nil (not specified)
(ecase (function-index-type fn)
((function-unify-code fn)
(let ((arity (function-arity fn)))
(if (eq :any arity) (list (args term)) (args term))))))
;; index all arguments, lookup with first two in order and commuted
;; (a b c d) -> 4, (c d a b), (c d (%index-or (a b) (b a))) for arity 4
;; (a b c d) -> 3, ((c d) a b), ((c d) (%index-or (a b) (b a))) for arity :any
(let ((arity (function-arity fn)))
(let* ((args (args term))
(l (rest (rest args)))
(a (first args))
(b (second args))
(v (list (list '%index-or (if l (list a b) args) (list b a)))))
((eq :any arity)
(cons l v))
(append l v))
;; index only first two arguments, lookup with first two in order and commuted
;; (a b c) -> 2, (a b), ((%index-or (a b) (b a)))
(let* ((args (args term))
(a (first args))
(b (second args)))
(list (list '%index-or (list a b) (list b a)))))
(definline function-trie-index-args (fn term)
(ecase (function-index-type fn)
((function-unify-code fn)
(let ((arity (function-arity fn)))
(if (eq :any arity) (list (args term)) (args term))))))
(let ((arity (function-arity fn)))
(let* ((args (args term))
(l (rest (rest args)))
(v (if l (list (first args) (second args)) args)))
((eq :any arity)
(cons l v))
(append l v))
(let ((args (args term)))
(list (first args) (second args))))
(definline function-trie-index-arity (fn)
(ecase (function-index-type fn)
((function-unify-code fn)
(let ((arity (function-arity fn)))
(if (eq :any arity) 1 arity)))))
(let ((arity (function-arity fn)))
(if (eq :any arity) 3 arity)))
(defun simply-indexed-p (term &optional subst)
term subst
:if-variable t
:if-constant t
:if-compound-cons (and (simply-indexed-p (carc term))
(simply-indexed-p (cdrc term)))
:if-compound-appl (and (let ((fn (heada term)))
(ecase (function-index-type fn)
(null (function-unify-code fn)))
(dolist (arg (argsa term) t)
(unless (simply-indexed-p arg subst)
(return nil))))))
(definline trie-index-build-path-for-terms (terms node internal)
(if internal
(dolist (x terms node)
(setf node (trie-index-build-path-for-term x node t)))
(dotails (l terms node)
(setf node (trie-index-build-path-for-term (first l) node (rest l))))))
(defun trie-index-build-path-for-term (term node &optional internal)
term nil
:if-variable (trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node t internal)
:if-constant (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node term node t internal)
:if-compound (let* ((head (head term))
(args (function-trie-index-args head term)))
(if (null args)
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node t internal)
(trie-index-build-path-for-terms args (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node t t) internal)))))
(definline trie-index-path-for-terms (terms path)
(dolist (x terms path)
(when (null (setf path (trie-index-path-for-term x path)))
(return nil))))
(defun trie-index-path-for-term (term path)
(let ((node (first path)))
term nil
:if-variable (let ((n (trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node)))
(and n (list* n 'variable path)))
:if-constant (let ((n (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node term node)))
(and n (list* n 'constant term path)))
:if-compound (let* ((head (head term))
(n (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node)))
(and n (let ((args (function-trie-index-args head term)))
(if (null args)
(list* n 'function head path)
(trie-index-path-for-terms args (list* n 'function head path)))))))))
(defun trie-index-insert (term &optional entry)
(let* ((trie-index *trie-index*)
(entries (trie-index-leaf-node-entries (trie-index-build-path-for-term term (trie-index-top-node trie-index)))))
((null entry)
(map-sparse-vector entries :reverse t ->* e)
(when (or (eql term (index-entry-term e)) (and (test-option38?) (equal-p term (index-entry-term e))))
(return-from trie-index-insert e)))
(setf entry (funcall (trie-index-entry-constructor trie-index) term)))
(cl:assert (eql term (index-entry-term entry)))
(map-sparse-vector entries :reverse t ->* e)
(when (eq entry e)
(return-from trie-index-insert e))
(when (or (eql term (index-entry-term e)) (and (test-option38?) (equal-p term (index-entry-term e))))
(error "There is already a trie-index entry for term ~A." term)))))
(increment-counter (trie-index-entry-counter trie-index))
(setf (sparef entries (nonce)) entry)))
(defun trie-index-delete (term &optional entry)
(let* ((trie-index *trie-index*)
(path (trie-index-path-for-term term (list (trie-index-top-node trie-index)))))
(when path
(let* ((entries (trie-index-leaf-node-entries (pop path)))
(k (cond
((null entry)
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes entries :reverse t ->* e k)
(when (eql term (index-entry-term e))
(return-from prog-> k))))
(cl:assert (eql term (index-entry-term entry)))
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes entries :reverse t ->* e k)
(when (eq entry e)
(return-from prog-> k)))))))
(when k
(decrement-counter (trie-index-entry-counter trie-index))
(setf (sparef entries k) none)
(when (eql 0 (sparse-vector-count entries))
(let ((node-counter (trie-index-node-counter trie-index))
(ecase (pop path)
(let ((k (function-number (pop path))))
(setf (sparef (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes (setf parent (pop path))) k) nil)))
(let ((k (constant-number (pop path))))
(setf (sparef (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes (setf parent (pop path))) k) nil)))
(setf (trie-index-internal-node-variable-child-node (setf parent (pop path))) nil)))
(decrement-counter node-counter)
(unless (and (rest path) ;not top node
(null (trie-index-internal-node-variable-child-node parent))
(eql 0 (sparse-vector-count (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes parent)))
(eql 0 (sparse-vector-count (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes parent))))
(defmacro map-trie-index-entries (&key if-variable if-constant if-compound count-call count-entry)
(declare (ignorable count-call count-entry))
((map-for-term (cc term node)
term subst
:if-variable ,if-variable
:if-constant ,if-constant
:if-compound ,if-compound))
(map-for-terms (cc terms node)
((null terms)
(funcall cc node))
(let ((term (pop terms)))
((and (consp term) (eq '%index-or (first term)))
((null terms)
(dolist (rest term) ->* terms1)
(map-for-terms terms1 node ->* node)
(funcall cc node)))
(dolist (rest term) ->* terms1)
(map-for-terms terms1 node ->* node)
(map-for-terms terms node ->* node)
(funcall cc node)))))
((null terms)
(map-for-term term node ->* node)
(funcall cc node)))
(map-for-term term node ->* node)
(map-for-terms terms node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))))))))))
(skip-terms (cc n node)
(declare (type fixnum n))
((= 1 n)
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes node ->nonnil constant-indexed-children)
(map-sparse-vector constant-indexed-children ->* node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes node ->nonnil function-indexed-children)
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes function-indexed-children ->* node fn#)
(skip-terms (function-trie-index-arity (symbol-numbered fn#)) node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))))
((= 0 n)
(funcall cc node))
(decf n)
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(skip-terms n node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes node ->nonnil constant-indexed-children)
(map-sparse-vector constant-indexed-children ->* node)
(skip-terms n node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes node ->nonnil function-indexed-children)
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes function-indexed-children ->* node fn#)
(skip-terms (+ n (function-trie-index-arity (symbol-numbered fn#))) node ->* node)
(funcall cc node)))))))
(let ((trie-index *trie-index*))
;; ,count-call
((simply-indexed-p term subst)
(map-for-term term (trie-index-top-node trie-index) ->* leaf-node)
(map-sparse-vector (trie-index-leaf-node-entries leaf-node) :reverse t ->* e)
;; ,count-entry
(funcall cc e)))
(quote nil -> seen)
(map-for-term term (trie-index-top-node trie-index) ->* leaf-node)
(when (do ((s seen (cdrc s))) ;(not (member leaf-node seen))
((null s)
(when (eq leaf-node (carc s))
(return nil)))
(map-sparse-vector (trie-index-leaf-node-entries leaf-node) :reverse t ->* e)
;; ,count-entry
(funcall cc e))
(setf seen (cons leaf-node seen)))))))
(defun map-trie-index-instance-entries (cc term subst)
:count-call (incf (trie-index-retrieve-instance-calls trie-index))
:count-entry (incf (trie-index-retrieve-instance-count trie-index))
:if-variable (prog->
(skip-terms 1 node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))
:if-constant (prog->
(trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node term node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
:if-compound (prog->
(head term -> head)
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node ->nonnil node)
(map-for-terms (function-trie-index-lookup-args head term) node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))))
(defun map-trie-index-generalization-entries (cc term subst)
;; in snark-20060805 vs. snark-20060806 test over TPTP,
;; constant and compound lookup before variable lookup outperforms
;; variable lookup before constant and compound lookup
:count-call (incf (trie-index-retrieve-generalization-calls trie-index))
:count-entry (incf (trie-index-retrieve-generalization-count trie-index))
:if-variable (prog->
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
:if-constant (progn
(trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node term node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node)))
:if-compound (progn
(head term -> head)
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node ->nonnil node)
(map-for-terms (function-trie-index-lookup-args head term) node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node)))))
(defun map-trie-index-unifiable-entries (cc term subst)
:count-call (incf (trie-index-retrieve-unifiable-calls trie-index))
:count-entry (incf (trie-index-retrieve-unifiable-count trie-index))
:if-variable (prog->
(skip-terms 1 node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))
:if-constant (progn
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
(trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node term node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node)))
:if-compound (progn
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
(head term -> head)
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node ->nonnil node)
(map-for-terms (function-trie-index-lookup-args head term) node ->* node)
(funcall cc node)))))
(defun map-trie-index-variant-entries (cc term subst)
:count-call (incf (trie-index-retrieve-variant-calls trie-index))
:count-entry (incf (trie-index-retrieve-variant-count trie-index))
:if-variable (prog->
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
:if-constant (prog->
(trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-node term node ->nonnil node)
(funcall cc node))
:if-compound (prog->
(head term -> head)
(trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-node head node ->nonnil node)
(map-for-terms (function-trie-index-lookup-args head term) node ->* node)
(funcall cc node))))
(defun map-trie-index-all-entries (cc)
(let ((term (make-variable nil 0))
(subst nil))
:count-call (incf (trie-index-retrieve-all-calls trie-index))
:count-entry (incf (trie-index-retrieve-all-count trie-index))
:if-variable (prog->
(skip-terms 1 node ->* node)
(funcall cc node)))))
(definline map-trie-index (cc type term &optional subst)
(ecase type
(map-trie-index-generalization-entries cc term subst))
(map-trie-index-instance-entries cc term subst))
(map-trie-index-unifiable-entries cc term subst))
(map-trie-index-variant-entries cc term subst))))
(defun print-trie-index (&key terms nodes)
(let ((index *trie-index*))
(mvlet (((:values current peak added deleted) (counter-values (trie-index-entry-counter index))))
(format t "~%; Trie-index has ~:D entr~:@P (~:D at peak, ~:D added, ~:D deleted)." current peak added deleted))
(mvlet (((:values current peak added deleted) (counter-values (trie-index-node-counter index))))
(format t "~%; Trie-index has ~:D node~:P (~:D at peak, ~:D added, ~:D deleted)." current peak added deleted))
(unless (eql 0 (trie-index-retrieve-variant-calls index))
(format t "~%; Trie-index retrieved ~:D variant term~:P in ~:D call~:P."
(trie-index-retrieve-variant-count index)
(trie-index-retrieve-variant-calls index)))
(unless (eql 0 (trie-index-retrieve-generalization-calls index))
(format t "~%; Trie-index retrieved ~:D generalization term~:P in ~:D call~:P."
(trie-index-retrieve-generalization-count index)
(trie-index-retrieve-generalization-calls index)))
(unless (eql 0 (trie-index-retrieve-instance-calls index))
(format t "~%; Trie-index retrieved ~:D instance term~:P in ~:D call~:P."
(trie-index-retrieve-instance-count index)
(trie-index-retrieve-instance-calls index)))
(unless (eql 0 (trie-index-retrieve-unifiable-calls index))
(format t "~%; Trie-index retrieved ~:D unifiable term~:P in ~:D call~:P."
(trie-index-retrieve-unifiable-count index)
(trie-index-retrieve-unifiable-calls index)))
(unless (eql 0 (trie-index-retrieve-all-calls index))
(format t "~%; Trie-index retrieved ~:D unrestricted term~:P in ~:D call~:P."
(trie-index-retrieve-all-count index)
(trie-index-retrieve-all-calls index)))
(when (or nodes terms)
(print-index* (trie-index-top-node index) nil terms))))
(defun print-index* (node revpath print-terms)
(map-index-leaf-nodes node revpath ->* node revpath)
(print-index-leaf-node node revpath print-terms)))
(defmethod map-index-leaf-nodes (cc (node trie-index-internal-node) revpath)
(trie-index-internal-node-variable-indexed-child-node node ->nonnil node)
(map-index-leaf-nodes node (cons '? revpath) ->* node revpath)
(funcall cc node revpath))
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes (trie-index-internal-node-constant-indexed-child-nodes node) ->* node const#)
(map-index-leaf-nodes node (cons (symbol-numbered const#) revpath) ->* node revpath)
(funcall cc node revpath))
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes (trie-index-internal-node-function-indexed-child-nodes node) ->* node fn#)
(map-index-leaf-nodes node (cons (symbol-numbered fn#) revpath) ->* node revpath)
(funcall cc node revpath)))
(defmethod map-index-leaf-nodes (cc (node trie-index-leaf-node) revpath)
(funcall cc node revpath))
(defmethod print-index-leaf-node ((node trie-index-leaf-node) revpath print-terms)
(trie-index-leaf-node-entries node -> entries)
(format t "~%; Path ~A has ~:D entr~:@P." (reverse revpath) (sparse-vector-count entries))
(when print-terms
(map-sparse-vector entries :reverse t ->* entry)
(format t "~%; ")
(print-term (index-entry-term entry))))))
;;; trie-index.lisp EOF