Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu 8c78a2f8e5 First commits.
2017-01-14 22:08:51 -05:00

130 lines
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Common Lisp

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: snark-user -*-
;;; File: hot-drink-example.lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
;;; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;;; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;;; under the License.
;;; The Original Code is SNARK.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SRI International.
;;; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1981-2005.
;;; All Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Mark E. Stickel <stickel@ai.sri.com>.
(in-package :snark-user)
;;; this is a simple example of one way of implementing partitions in SNARK
;;; rows are annotated with the partitions they're in and inferences are
;;; restricted to rows in the same partitions
;;; a partition communication table is used to augment the annotation
;;; of derived rows in case the row should be included in a neighboring
;;; partition too
;;; the partition communication table computation is invoked by including
;;; it as a pruning test
;;; this code is more illustrative than definitive
;;; partition communication table is a set of triples
;;; (from-partition to-partition relation-names) like
;;; (1 2 (water))
;;; (2 3 (steam))
(defun row-predicate-names (row)
(row-relation-names row))
(defun row-relation-names (row)
;; returns list of relation names in formula part
;; (but not answer, constraint, etc. parts) of a row
(let ((names nil))
(snark::map-atoms-in-wff (row-wff row) ->* atom polarity)
(declare (ignore polarity))
atom nil
:if-constant (pushnew (constant-name atom) names)
:if-compound (pushnew (function-name (head atom)) names)))
(defun partition-communication (row)
;; could try to refine the context for added partitions
(when (use-partitions?)
(let ((table (partition-communication-table?))
(preds (row-relation-names row))
(context (snark::row-context row))
(more-context nil))
(flet ((message-passing-from (x)
(car x -> part1)
(sparse-matrix-row table part1 ->nonnil row)
(cdr x -> ctxt1)
(map-sparse-vector-with-indexes row ->* preds2 part2)
(when (and (null (assoc part2 context))
(null (assoc part2 more-context))
(subsetp preds preds2))
(push (cons part2 ctxt1) more-context)
(mapc #'message-passing-from context)
(do ()
((null more-context))
(push (pop more-context) context)
(message-passing-from (first context)))
(setf (snark::row-context row) context))))
(defun hot-drink-example (&key (use-partitions t) (use-ordering nil))
;; Amir & McIlraith partition-based reasoning example
(when use-partitions
(use-partitions '(1 2 3))
(let ((pct (make-sparse-matrix)))
(setf (sparef pct 1 2) '(water)
(sparef pct 2 3) '(steam))
(pruning-tests (append (pruning-tests?) '(partition-communication))))
(use-resolution t)
(use-literal-ordering-with-resolution 'literal-ordering-a)
(declare-proposition 'ok_pump)
(declare-proposition 'on_pump)
(declare-proposition 'man_fill)
(declare-proposition 'water)
(declare-proposition 'ok_boiler)
(declare-proposition 'on_boiler)
(declare-proposition 'steam)
(declare-proposition 'coffee)
(declare-proposition 'hot_drink)
(declare-ordering-greaterp '(ok_pump on_pump man_fill) 'water)
(declare-ordering-greaterp '(water ok_boiler on_boiler) 'steam)
(declare-ordering-greaterp 'coffee 'hot_drink))
(use-hyperresolution t)))
(dolist (wff '((or (not ok_pump) (not on_pump) water)
(or (not man_fill) water)
(or (not man_fill) (not on_pump))
(or man_fill on_pump)))
(assert wff :partitions '(1)))
(dolist (wff '((or (not water) (not ok_boiler) (not on_boiler) steam)
(or water (not steam))
(or ok_boiler (not steam))
(or on_boiler (not steam))))
(assert wff :partitions '(2)))
(dolist (wff '((or (not steam) (not coffee) hot_drink)
(or coffee teabag)
(or (not steam) (not teabag) hot_drink)))
(assert wff :partitions '(3)))
(assume 'ok_pump :partitions '(1))
(assume 'ok_boiler :partitions '(2))
(assume 'on_boiler :partitions '(2))
;;; hot-drink-example.lisp EOF