mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 17:45:26 +00:00
Cleanup and updates
- Runner jar - Optimizations for when calling out to ShadowProver - Fixed bug in precondition code - Fixed grapevine domain
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 93 additions and 44 deletions
@ -16,17 +16,17 @@
@ -49,7 +49,14 @@ public class Action {
this.freeVariables = freeVariables;
this.precondition = new And(preconditions.stream().collect(Collectors.toList()));
if (preconditions.size() > 1) {
this.precondition = new And(preconditions.stream().collect(Collectors.toList()));
} else if (preconditions.size() == 1) {
this.precondition = preconditions.iterator().next();
} else {
this.precondition = State.TRUE;
this.weight = preconditions.stream().mapToInt(Formula::getWeight).sum() +
additions.stream().mapToInt(Formula::getWeight).sum() +
@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ import org.rairlab.planner.utils.Visualizer;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.core.Prover;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.core.ccprovers.CognitiveCalculusProver;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.core.proof.Justification;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.formula.BiConditional;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.value.Value;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.value.Variable;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.formula.*;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.value.Constant;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.utils.Sets;
@ -16,11 +17,14 @@ import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Created by naveensundarg on 1/13/17.
@ -29,6 +33,7 @@ public class Operations {
private static boolean DEEP_EQUIVALENCE = false;
private static boolean THROW_AWAY_EMPTY_BINDINGS = true;
private static boolean MONOTONIC = true;
private static Prover prover;
@ -48,40 +53,44 @@ public class Operations {
public static synchronized Optional<Justification> proveCached(Set<Formula> assumptions, Formula goal) {
// (1) If we've asked to prove this exact goal from assumptions before
// then return the previous result
Pair<Set<Formula>, Formula> inputPair = ImmutablePair.of(assumptions, goal);
if (proverCache.containsKey(inputPair)) {
return proverCache.get(inputPair);
// Iterate through the cache
for (Map.Entry<Pair<Set<Formula>, Formula>, Optional<Justification>> entry : proverCache.entrySet()) {
Set<Formula> cachedAssumptions = entry.getKey().getLeft();
Formula cachedGoal = entry.getKey().getRight();
Optional<Justification> optJust = entry.getValue();
// (2) Return the cached justification if:
// - Goals are the same
// - The cached assumptions are a subset of the current ones
// - A justification was found
if (optJust.isPresent() && cachedGoal.equals(goal) && Sets.subset(cachedAssumptions, assumptions)) {
return optJust;
// (1) If we've asked to prove this exact goal from assumptions before
// then return the previous result
if (proverCache.containsKey(inputPair)) {
return proverCache.get(inputPair);
// (3) Return cached failure if:
// - Goals are the same
// - Assumptions are a subset of cached assumptions
// - No justification was found
if (optJust.isEmpty() && cachedGoal.equals(goal) && Sets.subset(assumptions, cachedAssumptions)) {
return optJust;
// Iterate through the cache
for (Map.Entry<Pair<Set<Formula>, Formula>, Optional<Justification>> entry : proverCache.entrySet()) {
Set<Formula> cachedAssumptions = entry.getKey().getLeft();
Formula cachedGoal = entry.getKey().getRight();
Optional<Justification> optJust = entry.getValue();
// (2) Return the cached justification if:
// - Goals are the same
// - The cached assumptions are a subset of the current ones
// - A justification was found
if (optJust.isPresent() && cachedGoal.equals(goal) && Sets.subset(cachedAssumptions, assumptions)) {
return optJust;
// (3) Return cached failure if:
// - Goals are the same
// - Assumptions are a subset of cached assumptions
// - No justification was found
if (optJust.isEmpty() && cachedGoal.equals(goal) && Sets.subset(assumptions, cachedAssumptions)) {
return optJust;
// Otherwise create a new call to the theorem prover
Optional<Justification> answer = prover.prove(assumptions, goal);
proverCache.put(inputPair, answer);
proverCache.put(inputPair, answer);
return answer;
@ -155,10 +164,9 @@ public class Operations {
return Optional.of(ans.get().getRight());
public static Optional<Set<Pair<State, Action>>> apply(Set<Formula> background, Action action, State state) {
// Get resulting states from cache if computed before
// // Get resulting states from cache if computed before
if(applyCache.containsKey(Triple.of(background, action, state))){
Optional<Set<Pair<State, Action>>> ans = applyCache.get(Triple.of(background, action, state));
@ -169,7 +177,14 @@ public class Operations {
// Ask theorem prover for witnesses that satisfy the precondition
Set<Formula> givens = Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae());
Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> bindingsOpt = proveAndGetBindingsCached(givens, action.getPrecondition(), action.openVars());
Formula precondition = action.getPrecondition();
List<Variable> openVars = action.openVars()
Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> bindingsOpt = proveAndGetBindingsCached(givens, precondition, openVars);
// If not witnesses found, return nothing
if (!bindingsOpt.isPresent()) {
@ -191,9 +206,12 @@ public class Operations {
// newState = (oldState - Deletions(a)) U Additions(a)
Action groundedAction = action.instantiate(binding);
Set<Formula> additions = groundedAction.getAdditions();
Set<Formula> deletions = groundedAction.getDeletions();
State newState = State.initializeWith(Sets.union(
Sets.difference(state.getFormulae(), groundedAction.getDeletions()),
Sets.difference(state.getFormulae(), deletions),
// If the state progresses, record it as a possible next state
@ -203,6 +221,7 @@ public class Operations {
applyCache.put(Triple.of(background, action, state), Optional.of(nextStates));
return Optional.of(nextStates);
@ -12,14 +12,17 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class State {
final Set<Formula> formulae;
static Formula TRUE;
static Formula FALSE;
try {
TRUE = Reader.readFormulaFromString("(or P (not P))");
FALSE = Reader.readFormulaFromString("(and P (not P))");
} catch (Reader.ParsingException e) {
TRUE = null;
FALSE = null;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import org.rairlab.planner.State;
import org.rairlab.planner.Action;
import org.rairlab.planner.Plan;
import org.rairlab.planner.Operations;
import org.rairlab.shadow.prover.representations.value.Value;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
@ -67,6 +68,10 @@ public class AStarPlanner {
comparator.setValue(searchStart, 0);
// For debugging...
// Map<State, List<Action>> seq = new HashMap<State, List<Action>>();
// seq.put(start, new ArrayList<Action>());
// Current set of plans
Set<Plan> plansFound = new HashSet<Plan>();
@ -81,7 +86,11 @@ public class AStarPlanner {
State lastState = currentSearch.getLeft();
List<Action> previous_actions = currentSearch.getRight();
// System.out.println("--------------------");
// System.out.println("Considering state with heuristic: " + comparator.getValue(currentSearch));
// System.out.println("Current Plan: " + seq.get(lastState).toString());
// System.out.println("Current State: " + lastState.toString());
// System.out.println("--------------------");
// Exit loop if we've passed the depth limit
int currentDepth = previous_actions.size();
@ -105,6 +114,8 @@ public class AStarPlanner {
// Apply the action to the state and add to the search space
for (Action action : nonTrivialActions) {
// System.out.println("Considering action: " + action.getName());
Optional<Set<Pair<State, Action>>> optNextStateActionPairs = Operations.apply(background, action, lastState);
// Ignore actions that aren't applicable
@ -137,6 +148,10 @@ public class AStarPlanner {
int heuristicValue = heuristic.apply(nextState);
comparator.setValue(futureSearch, planCost + heuristicValue);
// For debugging...
// seq.put(nextState, next_actions);
@ -46,10 +46,11 @@ public final class Runner {
AStarPlanner astarplanner = new AStarPlanner();
for (PlanningProblem planningProblem : planningProblemList) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Set<Plan> plans = astarplanner.plan(
@ -57,9 +58,11 @@ public final class Runner {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(plans.size() > 0) {
System.out.println("Time (ms): " + (end - start));
else {
@ -61,16 +61,17 @@
:additions [
(Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1))
(Believes ?a3 (the ?a1))
(Believes ?a1 (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1)))
(Believes ?a1 (Believes! ?a3 (the ?a1)))
(Believes! ?a3 (the ?a1))
(Believes! ?a1 (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1)))
(Believes! ?a1 (Believes! ?a3 (the ?a1)))
:deletions [
(not (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1)))
(not (Believes! ?a3 (the ?a1)))
(not (Believes ?a1 (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1))))
(not (Believes ?a1 (Believes! ?a3 (the ?a1))))
(not (Believes! ?a1 (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1))))
(not (Believes! ?a1 (Believes! ?a3 (the ?a1))))
:cost 2
(define-action share-single [?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?r] {
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@
(not (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1)))
(not (Believes! ?a1 (Believes! ?a2 (the ?a1))))
:cost 2
Reference in a new issue