mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 11:33:29 +00:00
Caching and new problem.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 400 additions and 42 deletions
@ -35,6 +35,12 @@
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class DepthFirstPlanner implements Planner {
private static int MAX_DEPTH = 3;
private static int MAX_DEPTH = 4;
private static boolean EXHAUSTIVE_TILL_MAX_DEPTH = false;
public static int getMaxDepth() {
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ public class GoalTracker {
this.currentGoals = CollectionUtils.newEmptySet();
this.planner = new DepthFirstPlanner();
this.actions = actions;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package edu.rpi.rair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.Prover;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.SnarkWrapper;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.And;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.core.proof.Justification;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.BiConditional;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.formula.Formula;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.representations.value.Value;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.ImmutablePair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Pair;
import com.naveensundarg.shadow.prover.utils.Sets;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -31,34 +32,101 @@ public class Operations {
private static Prover prover;
private static final Map<Pair<Set<Formula>, Formula>, Optional<Justification>> proverCache = CollectionUtils.newMap();
private static final Map<Triple<Set<Formula>, Formula, List<Variable>>, Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>>> proverBindingsCache = CollectionUtils.newMap();
private static final Map<Triple<Set<Formula>, Action, State>, Optional<Set<Pair<State, Action>>> > applyCache = CollectionUtils.newMap();
public static void reset(){
static {
prover = new SnarkWrapper();
public static synchronized Optional<Map<Variable, Value>> proveAndGetBindings(Set<Formula> givens, Formula goal, List<Variable> variables){
public static synchronized Optional<Justification> proveCached(Set<Formula> assumptions, Formula goal) {
Future<Optional<Map<Variable, Value>>> future = new FutureTask<>(()->{
return prover.proveAndGetBindings(givens, goal, variables);
Pair<Set<Formula>, Formula> inputPair = ImmutablePair.from(assumptions, goal);
if (proverCache.containsKey(inputPair)) {
return proverCache.get(inputPair);
Optional<Map.Entry<Pair<Set<Formula>, Formula>, Optional<Justification>>> cachedOptional = proverCache.entrySet().stream().filter(pairOptionalEntry -> {
Set<Formula> cachedAssumptions = pairOptionalEntry.getKey().first();
Formula cachedGoal = pairOptionalEntry.getKey().second();
return cachedGoal.equals(goal) && Sets.subset(cachedAssumptions, assumptions);
return cachedOptional.get().getValue();
Optional<Justification> answer = prover.prove(assumptions, goal);
proverCache.put(inputPair, answer);
return answer;
public static synchronized Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> proveAndGetBindingsCached(Set<Formula> givens, Formula goal, List<Variable> variables) {
Triple<Set<Formula>, Formula, List<Variable>> inputTriple = Triple.of(givens, goal, variables);
if (proverBindingsCache.containsKey(inputTriple)) {
return proverBindingsCache.get(inputTriple);
} else {
Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> answer = proveAndGetMultipleBindings(givens, goal, variables);
proverBindingsCache.put(inputTriple, answer);
return answer;
public static synchronized Optional<Map<Variable, Value>> proveAndGetBindings(Set<Formula> givens, Formula goal, List<Variable> variables) {
Future<Optional<Map<Variable, Value>>> future = new FutureTask<>(() -> {
return prover.proveAndGetBindings(givens, goal, variables);
Optional<Map<Variable, Value>> answer;
try {
answer = future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
answer = Optional.empty();
answer = Optional.empty();
return answer;
public static synchronized Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> proveAndGetMultipleBindings(Set<Formula> givens, Formula goal, List<Variable> variables){
public static synchronized Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> proveAndGetMultipleBindings(Set<Formula> givens, Formula goal, List<Variable> variables) {
return prover.proveAndGetMultipleBindings(givens, goal, variables);
return prover.proveAndGetMultipleBindings(givens, goal, variables);
/* Future<Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>>> future = new FutureTask<>(()-> prover.proveAndGetMultipleBindings(givens, goal, variables));
@ -75,58 +143,63 @@ public class Operations {
public static Optional<Set<Pair<State,Action>>> apply(Set<Formula> background, Action action, State state){
public static Optional<Set<Pair<State, Action>>> apply(Set<Formula> background, Action action, State state) {
if(applyCache.containsKey(Triple.of(background, action, state))){
return applyCache.get(Triple.of(background, action, state));
Set<Formula> givens = Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae());
Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> bindingsOpt = proveAndGetMultipleBindings(givens, action.getPrecondition(), action.openVars());
Optional<Set<Map<Variable, Value>>> bindingsOpt = proveAndGetBindingsCached(givens, action.getPrecondition(), action.openVars());
State newState;
if (!bindingsOpt.isPresent()) {
applyCache.put(Triple.of(background, action ,state), Optional.empty());
return Optional.empty();
Set<Pair<State,Action>> nexts = Sets.newSet();
for(Map<Variable, Value> binding: bindingsOpt.get()){
Set<Pair<State, Action>> nexts = Sets.newSet();
for (Map<Variable, Value> binding : bindingsOpt.get()) {
if(THROW_AWAY_EMPTY_BINDINGS && binding.values().stream().anyMatch(x-> x instanceof Variable)){
if (THROW_AWAY_EMPTY_BINDINGS && binding.values().stream().anyMatch(x -> x instanceof Variable)) {
Set<Formula> instantiatedDeletions = action.instantiateDeletions(binding);
Set<Formula> instantiatedDeletions = action.instantiateDeletions(binding);
Set<Formula> formulaeToRemove = state.getFormulae().stream().
filter(f-> instantiatedDeletions.stream().anyMatch(d-> equivalent(background, f,d))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<Formula> formulaeToRemove = state.getFormulae().stream().
filter(f -> instantiatedDeletions.stream().anyMatch(d -> equivalent(background, f, d))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<Formula> newFormulae = state.getFormulae();
Set<Formula> newFormulae = state.getFormulae();
newFormulae = Sets.union(newFormulae, action.instantiateAdditions(binding));
newFormulae = Sets.union(newFormulae, action.instantiateAdditions(binding));
newFormulae = Sets.difference(newFormulae, formulaeToRemove);
newFormulae = Sets.difference(newFormulae, formulaeToRemove);
newState = State.initializeWith(newFormulae);
newState = State.initializeWith(newFormulae);
nexts.add(ImmutablePair.from(newState, action.instantiate(binding)));
nexts.add(ImmutablePair.from(newState, action.instantiate(binding)));
if (nexts.isEmpty()) {
Map<Variable, Value> emptyBinding = CollectionUtils.newMap();
Set<Formula> instantiatedDeletions = action.instantiateDeletions(emptyBinding);
Set<Formula> instantiatedDeletions = action.instantiateDeletions(emptyBinding);
Set<Formula> formulaeToRemove = state.getFormulae().stream().
filter(f-> instantiatedDeletions.stream().anyMatch(d-> equivalent(background, f,d))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
filter(f -> instantiatedDeletions.stream().anyMatch(d -> equivalent(background, f, d))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<Formula> newFormulae = state.getFormulae();
@ -136,37 +209,44 @@ public class Operations {
newFormulae = Sets.difference(newFormulae, formulaeToRemove);
newState = State.initializeWith(newFormulae);
newState = State.initializeWith(newFormulae);
nexts.add(ImmutablePair.from(newState, action.instantiate(emptyBinding)));
applyCache.put(Triple.of(background, action ,state), Optional.of(nexts));
return Optional.of(nexts);
public static boolean equivalent(Set<Formula> background, Formula f1, Formula f2){
public static boolean equivalent(Set<Formula> background, Formula f1, Formula f2) {
return f1.equals(f2);
BiConditional biConditional = new BiConditional(f1, f2);
return prover.prove(background,biConditional).isPresent();
return proveCached(background, biConditional).isPresent();
public static boolean satisfies(Set<Formula> background, State state, State goal){
public static boolean satisfies(Set<Formula> background, State state, State goal) {
if ((Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae()).containsAll(goal.getFormulae()))) {
return true;
return goal.getFormulae().stream().
allMatch(x->prover.prove(Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae()), x).isPresent());
allMatch(x -> proveCached(Sets.union(background, state.getFormulae()), x).isPresent());
public static boolean conflicts(Set<Formula> background, State state1, State state2){
public static boolean conflicts(Set<Formula> background, State state1, State state2) {
return prover.prove(Sets.union(background, Sets.union(state1.getFormulae(), state2.getFormulae())), FALSE ).isPresent();
return proveCached(Sets.union(background, Sets.union(state1.getFormulae(), state2.getFormulae())), FALSE).isPresent();
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class RunDemo {
List<Problem> problems = ProblemReader.readFrom(Sandbox.class.getResourceAsStream("firstorder-completness-tests.clj"));
problems.forEach(problem -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
prover.prove(problem.getAssumptions(), problem.getGoal());
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class RunDemo {
List<GoalTrackingProblem> goalTrackingProblemList = (GoalTrackingProblem.readFromFile(Planner.class.getResourceAsStream("goal_management_3.clj")));
List<GoalTrackingProblem> goalTrackingProblemList = (GoalTrackingProblem.readFromFile(Planner.class.getResourceAsStream("goal_management_1.clj")));
GoalTrackingProblem goalTrackingProblem = goalTrackingProblemList.get(0);
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
G4 {:priority 1.0
:state [(in prisoner room2)
(in self room2)]}
G5 {:priority 1.0
G5 {:priority 3
:state [(interrogates commander prisoner)]}}
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
:background []
:start [
(forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (in ?x ?room) (and (in ?y ?room) (not (= ?x ?y)))) (sameroom ?x ?y)))
; (forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (in ?x ?room) (and (in ?y ?room) (not (= ?x ?y)))) (sameroom ?x ?y)))
(not (= prisoner commander))
(not (= self prisoner))
(in prisoner room1)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(not (= self commander))
(not (open (door room1)))
(open (door room2))
(forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (sameroom ?x ?y) (in ?x ?room)) (in ?y ?room)))
; (forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (sameroom ?x ?y) (in ?x ?room)) (in ?y ?room)))
@ -96,7 +96,9 @@
:state [(in prisoner room1)]}
G3 {:priority 1.0
:state [(sameroom self prisoner)]}
:state [(forall [?room]
(if (in prisoner ?room)
(in self ?room)))]}
G4 {:priority 3.0
:state [(in prisoner room2)]}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
{:name "demo 1"
:background []
:start [
(person prisoner)
(person commander)
(commander commander)
(robot guard)
(robot guide)
(not (= prisoner commander))
(not (= prisoner guard))
(not (= prisoner guide))
(not (= commander guard))
(not (= commander guide))
(not (= guard guide))
(room room1)
(room room2)
(not (= room1 room2))
(in prisoner room1)
(in commander room2)
(in guard room1)
(in guide room2)
(not (open (door room1)))
(open (door room2))
(forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (in ?x ?room) (in ?y ?room)) (sameroom ?x ?y)))
(forall (?room2 ?x ?room1) (implies (and (not (= ?room1 ?room2)) (in ?x ?room1)) (not (in ?x ?room2))))
(forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (sameroom ?x ?y) (in ?x ?room)) (in ?y ?room)))
:goal []
(define-action move [?actor ?person ?room2 ?room1]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(person ?person)
(room ?room1)
(room ?room2)
(not (= ?room1 ?room2))
(open (door ?room1))
(in ?actor ?room2)
(in ?person ?room2)
(open (door ?room2))]
:additions [(in ?person ?room1)]
:deletions [(in ?person ?room2)]
(define-action keepDoorClosed [?actor ?room]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(room ?room)
(in ?actor ?room)
(not (open (door ?room)))]
:additions []
:deletions [(open (door ?room))]
(define-action accompany [?actor ?person ?room1 ?room2]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(person ?person)
(room ?room1)
(room ?room2)
(not (= ?room1 ?room2))
(open (door ?room1))
(in ?person ?room1)
(open (door ?room2))
(not (= ?person ?actor))
(in ?actor ?room1)]
:additions [(in ?actor ?room2)
(in ?person ?room2)]
:deletions [(in ?person ?room1)
(in ?actor ?room1)]
(define-action openDoor [?actor ?room]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(room ?room)
(in ?actor ?room)
(not (open (door ?room)))]
:additions [(open (door ?room))]
:deletions [(not (open (door ?room)))]
(define-action stayInRoom [?actor ?room]
{:preconditions [(in ?actor ?room)
(room ?room)]
:additions [(in ?actor ?room)]
:deletions []
(define-action interrogate [?actor ?person]
{:preconditions [(person ?person)
(commander ?actor)
(in ?actor ?room)
(in ?person ?room)
(room ?room)]
:additions [(interrogates ?actor ?person)]
:deletions []
(define-action staySameRoom [?actor ?person]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(sameroom ?actor ?person)
(person ?person)
(in ?actor ?room)
(in ?person ?room)
(room ?room)]
:additions [(sameroom ?actor ?person)]
:deletions []
:goals {G1 {:priority 1.0
:state [(not (open (door room1)))]}
G2 {:priority 1.0
:state [(in prisoner room1)]}
G3 {:priority 1.0
:state [(sameroom guard prisoner)]}
G4 {:priority 6.0
:state [(interrogates commander prisoner)]}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{:name "demo 1"
:background []
:start [
(person prisoner)
(person commander)
(commander commander)
(robot guard)
(robot guide)
(not (= prisoner commander))
(not (= prisoner guard))
(not (= prisoner guide))
(not (= commander guard))
(not (= commander guide))
(not (= guard guide))
(room room1)
(room room2)
(room hallway)
(not (= room1 room2))
(not (= room1 hallway))
(not (= room2 hallway))
(in prisoner room1)
(in commander room2)
(in guard room1)
(in guide hallway)
(not (open (door room1)))
(open (door room2))
(open (door hallway))
(forall [?x ?y] (if (accompanies ?x ?y) (accompanies ?y ?x)))
(forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (in ?x ?room) (and (in ?y ?room) (not (= ?x ?y)))) (sameroom ?x ?y)))
(forall (?room2 ?x ?room1) (implies (and (not (= ?room1 ?room2)) (in ?x ?room1)) (not (in ?x ?room2))))
(forall (?room ?x ?y) (implies (and (sameroom ?x ?y) (in ?x ?room)) (in ?y ?room)))
:goal []
(define-action move [?actor ?room1 ?room2]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(room ?room1)
(room ?room2)
(in ?actor ?room1)
(open (door ?room1))
(open (door ?room2))
(not (= ?room1 ?room2))]
:additions [(in ?actor ?room2)]
:deletions [(in ?actor ?room1)]
(define-action keepDoorClosed [?actor ?room]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(room ?room)
(in ?actor ?room)
(not (open (door ?room)))]
:additions []
:deletions [(open (door ?room))]
(define-action accompany [?actor ?person1 ?person2 ?room1 ?room2]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(person ?person1)
(room ?room1)
(room ?room2)
(in ?actor ?room1)
(in ?person1 ?room1)
(in ?person2 ?room2)
(open (door ?room1))
(open (door ?room2))
(not (= ?actor ?person1))
(not (= ?actor ?person2))
(not (= ?room1 ?room2))]
:additions [(accompanies ?person1 ?person2)
(in ?actor ?room2)
(in ?person1 ?room2)]
:deletions [(in ?actor ?room1)
(in ?person1 ?room1)]
(define-action accompany2 [?actor ?person1 ?person2]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(person ?person1)
(person ?person2)
(in ?actor ?room)
(in ?person1 ?room)
(in ?person2 ?room)
(not (= ?actor ?person1))
(not (= ?actor ?person2))
(not (= ?person1 ?person2))]
:additions [(accompanies ?actor ?person1 ?person2)]
:deletions []
(define-action openDoor [?actor ?room]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(room ?room)
(in ?actor ?room)
(not (open (door ?room)))]
:additions [(open (door ?room))]
:deletions [(not (open (door ?room)))]
(define-action stayInRoom [?actor ?room]
{:preconditions [(in ?actor ?room)
(room ?room)]
:additions [(in ?actor ?room)]
:deletions []
(define-action staySameRoom [?actor ?person]
{:preconditions [(robot ?actor)
(sameroom ?actor ?person)
(person ?person)
(in ?actor ?room)
(in ?person ?room)
(room ?room)]
:additions [(sameroom ?actor ?person)]
:deletions []
:goals {G1 {:priority 1.0
:state [(not (open (door room1)))]}
G2 {:priority 1.0
:state [(in prisoner room1)]}
G3 {:priority 1.0
:state [(sameroom guard prisoner)]}
G4 {:priority 3.0
:state [(accompanies prisoner commander)]}
Reference in a new issue