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612 lines
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Common Lisp
612 lines
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Common Lisp
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: snark -*-
;;; File: subst.lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
;;; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;;; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;;; under the License.
;;; The Original Code is SNARK.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SRI International.
;;; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1981-2011.
;;; All Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Mark E. Stickel <stickel@ai.sri.com>.
(in-package :snark)
;;; a substitution is a list of bindings and an alist of variables and values
;;; substitutions can be manipulated as SNARK terms if this ever becomes useful
(defmacro make-binding (var value)
`(cons ,var ,value))
(defmacro binding-var (binding)
`(car ,binding))
(defmacro binding-value (binding)
`(cdr ,binding))
(defmacro add-binding-to-substitution (binding subst)
`(cons ,binding ,subst))
(defmacro dobindings ((binding subst &optional resultform) &body body)
`(dolist (,binding ,subst ,resultform)
(definline bind-variable-to-term (var term subst)
(add-binding-to-substitution (make-binding var term) subst))
(defun lookup-variable-in-substitution (var subst)
(let ((v (assoc var subst :test #'eq)))
(if v (binding-value v) none)))
(defun lookup-value-in-substitution (value subst)
(let ((v (rassoc value subst)))
(if v (binding-var v) none)))
(defun lookup-value-in-substitution2 (value subst subst2)
(let ((v (rassoc value subst :test (lambda (x y) (equal-p x y subst2)))))
(if v (binding-var v) none)))
(defun substitution-equal-p (subst1 subst2)
(and (length= subst1 subst2)
(substitution-subset-p1 subst1 subst2)))
(defun substitution-subset-p (subst1 subst2)
(and (length<= subst1 subst2)
(substitution-subset-p1 subst1 subst2)))
(defun substitution-diff (subst1 subst2)
(if subst2 (ldiff subst1 subst2) subst1))
(defun substitution-diff2 (subst1 subst2)
((subst-diff (subst1)
(if (null subst1)
(let* ((b1 (first subst1))
(var (binding-var b1))
(val1 (binding-value b1))
(val2 (lookup-variable-in-substitution var subst2)))
((eq none val2) ;var is unbound in subst2
(let* ((l (rest subst1))
(l* (subst-diff l)))
((eq none l*)
((eq l l*)
(cons b1 l*)))))
((equal-p val1 val2) ;var is bound equally in subst1 and subst2
(subst-diff (rest subst1)))
(t ;var is bound unequally in subst1 and subst2
none)))))) ;return none to signal incompatibility
(if (null subst2)
(subst-diff subst1))))
(defun substitution-subset-p1 (subst1 subst2)
(if (null subst1)
(return t)
(let ((v (lookup-variable-in-substitution (binding-var (first subst1)) subst2)))
(if (and (neq none v) (equal-p (binding-value (first subst1)) v))
(setf subst1 (rest subst1))
(return nil))))))
(defun remove-irrelevant-bindings (subst term)
((null subst)
((not (variable-occurs-p (binding-var (first subst)) term nil))
(remove-irrelevant-bindings (rest subst) term))
(let* ((l (rest subst))
(l* (remove-irrelevant-bindings l term)))
(if (eq l l*)
(add-binding-to-substitution (first subst) l*))))))
(defun print-substitution (subst)
(format t "{ ")
(let ((first t))
(dobindings (binding subst)
(if first
(setf first nil)
(princ " , "))
(format t "~S -> ~S" (binding-var binding) (binding-value binding))))
(format t " }")
(defun make-idempotent-substitution (subst)
;; create an idempotent substitution from subst
;; by instantiating the variable values
((null subst)
((null (rest subst))
(setf subst (copy-alist subst))
(dolist (binding subst)
(setf (binding-value binding) (instantiate (binding-value binding) subst)))
(defun variables (x &optional subst vars)
"return a list of all the variables that occur in x"
x subst
:if-constant vars
:if-compound-cons (variables (cdrc x) subst (variables (carc x) subst vars))
:if-compound-appl (dolist (x1 (argsa x) vars)
(setf vars (variables x1 subst vars)))
:if-variable (adjoin x vars)))
(defun nontheory-variables (x &optional subst theory vars)
x subst
:if-constant vars
:if-compound-cons (nontheory-variables (cdrc x) subst theory (nontheory-variables (carc x) subst theory vars))
:if-compound-appl (let ((head (heada x)))
(unless (function-constructor head) ;constructor symbols are transparent wrt theory
(setf theory (function-constraint-theory head)))
(dolist (x1 (argsa x) vars)
(setf vars (nontheory-variables x1 subst theory vars))))
:if-variable (if (null theory) (adjoin x vars) vars))) ;only variables under nontheory symbols are returned
(defun variablesl (l &optional subst vars)
(dolist (x l vars)
(setf vars (variables x subst vars))))
(defun first-nonvariable-term (terms &optional subst)
(dolist (term terms none)
term subst
:if-constant (return term)
:if-compound (return term))))
(defun first-nonvariable-subterm (terms &optional subst)
(dolist (term terms none)
term subst
:if-compound (let ((v (first-nonvariable-term (args term))))
(unless (eq none v)
(return v))))))
(defun variable-counts (x &optional subst counts)
"return a list of all the variables that occur in x with their frequency, in dotted pairs"
x subst
:if-constant counts
:if-compound-cons (variable-counts (cdrc x) subst (variable-counts (carc x) subst counts))
:if-compound-appl (dolist (x1 (argsa x) counts)
(setf counts (variable-counts x1 subst counts)))
:if-variable (let ((v (assoc/eq x counts)))
(if v (progn (incf (cdrc v)) counts) (cons (cons x 1) counts)))))
(defun variable-disjoint-partition (l &optional subst)
(let ((l* nil))
(dolist (x l)
;; bind all variables in x to first variable in x
(let ((firstvar nil))
((unify-variables (x)
x subst
:if-variable (cond
((null firstvar)
(setf firstvar x))
((neq firstvar x)
(setf subst (bind-variable-to-term x firstvar subst))))
:if-compound-cons (progn (unify-variables (carc x)) (unify-variables (cdrc x)))
:if-compound-appl (dolist (x (argsa x)) (unify-variables x)))))
(unify-variables x))
(push (cons firstvar x) l*))) ;record firstvar with expression
(let ((partition nil) (ground nil))
(dolist (x l*)
(let ((p (car x)))
((null p)
(push (cdr x) ground))
(dereference p subst) ;use each dereferenced firstvar as key for partition
(let ((v (assoc p partition)))
(if v
(push (cdr x) (cdr v))
(push (list p (cdr x)) partition)))))))
(dolist (v partition) ;remove keys, leaving only expressions
(setf (car v) (cadr v))
(setf (cdr v) (cddr v)))
(if ground
(values (cons ground partition) t) ;if any expressions are ground, put them first in partition, and return 2nd value t
(defun new-variables (x &optional subst vars)
"return a list of all the variables that occur in x but are not in vars"
;; ldiff could be done destructively
(ldiff (variables x subst vars) vars))
(defun instantiate (x n &optional subst)
"applies substitution to x, optionally first renumbering block-0 variables to block-n"
((constant-p x)
(when (or (consp n) (numberp subst)) ;accept n and subst arguments in either order
(psetq subst n n subst))
(if (or (null n) (zerop n))
(if (null subst)
x ;nop
(labels ;just substitute
((instantiate* (x)
x subst
:if-variable x
:if-constant x
:if-compound-cons (lcons (instantiate* (car x)) (instantiate* (cdr x)) x)
:if-compound-appl (let* ((args (argsa x)) (args* (instantiatel args)))
(if (eq args args*) x (make-compound* (heada x) args*)))))
(instantiatel (l)
(lcons (instantiate* (first l)) (instantiatel (rest l)) l)))
(instantiate* x)))
(let ((incr (variable-block n)))
(if (null subst)
(labels ;just renumber
((instantiate* (x)
x nil
:if-variable (let ((n (variable-number x)))
(if (variable-block-0-p n)
(make-variable (variable-sort x) (+ n incr))
:if-constant x
:if-compound-cons (lcons (instantiate* (car x)) (instantiate* (cdr x)) x)
:if-compound-appl (let* ((args (argsa x)) (args* (instantiatel args)))
(if (eq args args*) x (make-compound* (heada x) args*)))))
(instantiatel (l)
(lcons (instantiate* (first l)) (instantiatel (rest l)) l)))
(instantiate* x))
(labels ;renumber and substitute
((instantiate* (x)
(when (variable-p x)
(let ((n (variable-number x)))
(when (variable-block-0-p n)
(setf x (make-variable (variable-sort x) (+ n incr))))))
x subst
:if-variable x
:if-constant x
:if-compound-cons (lcons (instantiate* (car x)) (instantiate* (cdr x)) x)
:if-compound-appl (let* ((args (argsa x)) (args* (instantiatel args)))
(if (eq args args*) x (make-compound* (heada x) args*)))))
(instantiatel (l)
(lcons (instantiate* (first l)) (instantiatel (rest l)) l)))
(instantiate* x))))))))
(defun renumber (x &optional subst rsubst)
"applies substitution to x and renumbers variables (normally to block 0)"
x subst
:if-constant (values x rsubst)
:if-compound-cons (values (let (u v)
(setf (values u rsubst) (renumber (carc x) subst rsubst))
(setf (values v rsubst) (renumber (cdrc x) subst rsubst))
(lcons u v x))
:if-compound-appl (values (let* ((args (argsa x))
(args* (let (dummy)
(declare (ignorable dummy))
(setf (values dummy rsubst)
(renumberl args subst rsubst)))))
(if (eq args args*)
(make-compound* (head x) args*)))
:if-variable (let ((v (lookup-variable-in-substitution x rsubst)))
((neq none v)
(values v rsubst))
(let ((var (renumberv x rsubst)))
;; (values var (bind-variable-to-term x var rsubst)) ;maybe x=var
(values var (cons (cons x var) rsubst))))))))
(defun renumberl (l subst rsubst)
(let (dummy)
(declare (ignorable dummy))
(values (lcons (setf (values dummy rsubst) (renumber (first l) subst rsubst))
(setf (values dummy rsubst) (renumberl (rest l) subst rsubst))
(defvar *renumber-first-number* 0)
(defvar *renumber-by-sort* nil)
(defvar *renumber-ignore-sort* nil)
(defun renumberv (var rsubst)
(let ((sort (if *renumber-ignore-sort* (top-sort) (variable-sort var))))
(if (null *renumber-first-number*)
(make-variable sort)
((null rsubst)
(return (make-variable sort *renumber-first-number*)))
(let ((binding (first rsubst)))
(when (implies *renumber-by-sort* (same-sort? sort (variable-sort (binding-value binding))))
(return (make-variable sort (+ (variable-number (binding-value binding)) 1)))))
(setf rsubst (rest rsubst))))))))
(defun renumber-new (x &optional subst rsubst)
"applies substitution to x and renumbers variables to all new variables"
(let ((*renumber-first-number* nil))
(renumber x subst rsubst)))
(defun renumberer ()
(let ((variable-substitution nil)
(compound-substitution nil))
#'(lambda (x &optional subst)
((renumber (x)
x subst
:if-constant x
:if-variable (let ((v (lookup-variable-in-substitution x variable-substitution)))
(if (neq none v)
(let ((x* (make-variable (variable-sort x))))
(setf variable-substitution (bind-variable-to-term x x* variable-substitution))
:if-compound-appl (let ((v (assoc x compound-substitution :test #'eq)))
(if v
(cdrc v)
(let* ((args (argsa x))
(args* (renumberl args))
(x* (if (eq args args*) x (make-compound* (heada x) args*))))
(setf compound-substitution (acons x x* compound-substitution))
:if-compound-cons (lcons (renumber (carc x)) (renumber (cdrc x)) x)))
(renumberl (l)
(lcons (renumber (carc l)) (renumberl (cdrc l)) l)))
(renumber x)))))
(defun ground-p (x &optional subst)
"return t if x is ground, nil otherwise"
x subst
:if-constant t
:if-compound-cons (and (ground-p (carc x) subst) (ground-p (cdrc x) subst))
:if-compound-appl (loop for x1 in (argsa x)
always (ground-p x1 subst))
:if-variable nil))
(defun frozen-p (x subst)
"return t if all variables of x are frozen, nil otherwise"
x subst
:if-constant t
:if-compound-cons (and (frozen-p (carc x) subst) (frozen-p (cdrc x) subst))
:if-compound-appl (loop for x1 in (argsa x)
always (frozen-p x1 subst))
:if-variable (variable-frozen-p x)))
(defun constructor-term-p (x subst)
;; returns t if x is built entirely from constructors
;; treat nil as second argument of cons as a constructor even if not declared as such
x subst
:if-constant (constant-constructor x)
:if-compound-cons (and (constructor-term-p (carc x) subst) (constructor-term-p (cdrc x) subst))
:if-compound-appl (and (function-constructor (heada x))
(loop for x1 in (argsa x)
always (constructor-term-p x1 subst)))
:if-variable nil))
(defun unsorted-p (x &optional subst)
;; check whether all symbols in x are unsorted
;; except $$cons and nil
;; and numbers and strings?
x subst
:if-variable (top-sort? (variable-sort x))
:if-constant (or (null x) (top-sort? (constant-sort x)))
:if-compound-cons (and (unsorted-p (carc x) subst) (unsorted-p (cdrc x) subst))
:if-compound-appl (and (top-sort? (function-sort (heada x)))
(loop for x1 in (argsa x)
always (unsorted-p x1 subst)))))
(defun all-variables-p (terms &optional subst)
(dolist (term terms t)
term subst
:if-constant (return nil)
:if-compound (return nil))))
(defun occurs-p (x y &optional subst)
"return t if x occurs in y, nil otherwise"
x subst
:if-constant (if (function-symbol-p x)
(function-occurs-p x y subst)
(constant-occurs-p x y subst))
:if-compound (compound-occurs-p x y subst)
:if-variable (variable-occurs-p x y subst)))
(defun function-occurs-p (x y subst)
y subst
:if-compound (or (eq x (head y))
(loop for y1 in (args y)
thereis (function-occurs-p x y1 subst)))))
(defun constant-occurs-p (x y subst)
"return t if atom x occurs in y, nil otherwise"
y subst
:if-constant (eql x y)
:if-compound (loop for y1 in (args y)
thereis (constant-occurs-p x y1 subst))))
(defun compound-occurs-p (x y subst)
"return t if compound x occurs in y, nil otherwise"
y subst
:if-compound (or (equal-p x y subst)
(loop for y1 in (args y)
thereis (compound-occurs-p x y1 subst)))))
(defun no-new-variable-occurs-p (x subst vars)
;; returns t if every variable in x.subst is a member of vars, nil otherwise
(labels ((no-new-variable (x)
x subst
:if-variable (member x vars :test #'eq)
:if-constant t
:if-compound-cons (and (no-new-variable (carc x)) (no-new-variable (cdrc x)))
:if-compound-appl (dolist (x1 (argsa x) t)
(unless (no-new-variable x1)
(return nil))))))
(not (null (no-new-variable x)))))
(defun constant-occurs-below-constructor-p (x y subst)
((occ (y)
y subst
:if-constant (eql x y)
:if-compound-cons (or (occ (carc y)) (occ (cdrc y)))
:if-compound-appl (and (function-constructor (heada y))
(loop for y1 in (argsa y) thereis (occ y1))))))
y subst
:if-compound-cons (or (occ (carc y)) (occ (cdrc y)))
:if-compound-appl (and (function-constructor (heada y))
(loop for y1 in (argsa y) thereis (occ y1))))))
(defun variable-occurs-below-constructor-p (x y subst)
((occ (y)
y subst
:if-variable (eq x y)
:if-compound-cons (or (occ (carc y)) (occ (cdrc y)))
:if-compound-appl (and (function-constructor (heada y))
(loop for y1 in (args y) thereis (occ y1))))))
y subst
:if-compound-cons (or (occ (carc y)) (occ (cdrc y)))
:if-compound-appl (and (function-constructor (heada y))
(loop for y1 in (argsa y) thereis (occ y1))))))
(defun compound-occurs-below-constructor-p (x y subst)
((occ (y)
y subst
:if-compound-cons (or (if (consp x) (equal-p x y subst) nil)
(or (occ (carc y)) (occ (cdrc y))))
:if-compound-appl (or (if (consp x) nil (equal-p x y subst))
(and (function-constructor (heada y))
(loop for y1 in (argsa y) thereis (occ y1)))))))
y subst
:if-compound-cons (or (occ (carc y)) (occ (cdrc y)))
:if-compound-appl (and (function-constructor (heada y))
(loop for y1 in (argsa y) thereis (occ y1))))))
(defmacro variable-occurs-p1-macro ()
y nil
:if-compound-cons (or (variable-occurs-p1 x (carc y)) (variable-occurs-p1 x (cdrc y)))
:if-compound-appl (dolist (y (argsa y) nil)
(when (variable-occurs-p1 x y)
(return t)))
:if-variable (eq x y)))
(defmacro variable-occurs-p2-macro ()
y subst
:if-compound-cons (or (variable-occurs-p2 x (carc y) subst) (variable-occurs-p2 x (cdrc y) subst))
:if-compound-appl (dolist (y (argsa y) nil)
(when (variable-occurs-p2 x y subst)
(return t)))
:if-variable (eq x y)))
(defun variable-occurs-p1l (x l)
(dolist (y l nil)
(when (variable-occurs-p1-macro)
(return t))))
(defun variable-occurs-p2l (x l subst)
(dolist (y l nil)
(when (variable-occurs-p2-macro)
(return t))))
(defun variable-occurs-p1 (x y)
(defun variable-occurs-p2 (x y subst)
(defun variable-occurs-p (x y subst)
"return t if variable x occurs in y, nil otherwise"
(if (null subst)
(defun special-unify-p (x subst)
x subst
:if-compound (or (function-unify-code (head x))
(loop for x1 in (args x)
thereis (special-unify-p x1 subst)))))
(defun skolem-occurs-p (x subst)
x subst
:if-constant (constant-skolem-p x)
:if-compound (or (function-skolem-p (head x))
(loop for x1 in (args x)
thereis (skolem-occurs-p x1 subst)))))
(defun disallowed-symbol-occurs-in-answer-p (x subst)
x subst
:if-constant (not (constant-allowed-in-answer x))
:if-compound (or (not (function-allowed-in-answer (head x)))
(loop for x1 in (args x)
thereis (disallowed-symbol-occurs-in-answer-p x1 subst)))))
(defun embedding-variable-occurs-p (x subst)
x subst
:if-compound (loop for x1 in (args x)
thereis (embedding-variable-occurs-p x1 subst))
:if-variable (embedding-variable-p x)))
(defun split-if (test list &optional subst)
;; split list into lists of dereferenced items that satisfy and don't satisfy test
(if (dereference list subst :if-compound-cons t)
(let ((l (rest list)))
(multiple-value-bind (l1 l2) (split-if test l subst)
(let ((x (first list)))
(let ((x* x))
(dereference x* subst)
(if (funcall test x*)
(if (and (eq l l1) (eq x x*))
(values list l2)
(values (cons x* l1) l2))
(if (and (eq l l2) (eq x x*))
(values l1 list)
(values l1 (cons x* l2))))))))
(values nil list)))
;;; subst.lisp EOF