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2017-01-14 22:08:51 -05:00
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: common-lisp-user -*-
;;; File: snark-system.lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
;;; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;;; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;;; under the License.
;;; The Original Code is SNARK.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SRI International.
;;; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1981-2012.
;;; All Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Mark E. Stickel <stickel@ai.sri.com>.
(in-package :common-lisp-user)
;;; load files from the same directory that this file was loaded from
(defparameter *snark-system-pathname* *load-truename*)
(defparameter *snark-files2*
(defparameter *snark-files*
"jepd-relations-tables" "jepd-relations" "date-reasoning2"
;; "constraint-purify"
;; "equality-elimination2"
"unify-bag" "subsume-bag"
"trie" "feature-vector" "feature-vector-trie" "feature-vector-index"
;; "instance-graph" "instance-graph2"
"recursive-path-ordering" "ac-rpo"
"subsume" "subsume-clause"
("examples" "overbeek-test")
("examples" "front-last-example")
("examples" "steamroller-example")
("examples" "reverse-example")
("examples" "hot-drink-example")
("examples" "coder-examples")
("examples" "latin-squares")
(defvar *compile-me* nil)
(defun make-snark-system (&optional (*compile-me* *compile-me*))
(pushnew :snark *features*)
#+cmu (setf extensions::*gc-verbose* nil)
(when (eq *compile-me* :optimize)
(proclaim (print '(optimize (safety 1) (space 1) (speed 3) (debug 1)))))
(with-compilation-unit ()
(dolist (name *snark-files2*)
(let* ((dir (if (consp name)
(append (pathname-directory *snark-system-pathname*) (butlast name))
(append (pathname-directory *snark-system-pathname*) (list "src"))))
(name (if (consp name) (first (last name)) name))
(file (make-pathname :directory dir :name name :defaults *snark-system-pathname*)))
(load file)))
(setf *package* (find-package :snark))
#+gcl (shadow '(#:assert #:substitute #:variable))
(dolist (name *snark-files*)
(let* ((dir (if (consp name)
(append (pathname-directory *snark-system-pathname*) (butlast name))
(append (pathname-directory *snark-system-pathname*) (list "src"))))
(name (if (consp name) (first (last name)) name))
(file (make-pathname :directory dir :name name :defaults *snark-system-pathname*)))
(load (if *compile-me*
(compile-file file)
(or (probe-file (compile-file-pathname file)) file))))))
;;#-(or symbolics mcl) (load "/home/pacific1/stickel/spice/build.lisp")
(setf *package* (find-package :snark-user))
(setf *print-pretty* nil)
#+openmcl (egc nil)
(funcall (intern (symbol-name :initialize) :snark)))
(defun fix-snark-files ()
(let ((dir (pathname-directory cl-user::*snark-system-pathname*)))
(dolist (x (append
(make-pathname :directory (append dir (list "src")) :name :wild :type "lisp"))
(make-pathname :directory (append dir (list "Private")) :name :wild :type "lisp"))
(make-pathname :directory (append dir (list "examples")) :name :wild :type "lisp"))
(make-pathname :directory (append dir (list "examples")) :name :wild :type "kif"))))
(ccl:set-mac-file-type x :text)
(ccl:set-mac-file-creator x :ccl2))))
;;; snark-system.lisp EOF