mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:04:28 +00:00
309 lines
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309 lines
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expect = require("chai").expect
async = require("async")
User = require "./helpers/User"
request = require "./helpers/request"
settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
MockDocstoreApi = require './helpers/MockDocstoreApi'
MockDocUpdaterApi = require './helpers/MockDocUpdaterApi'
try_read_access = (user, project_id, test, callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->
user.request.get "/project/#{project_id}", (error, response, body) ->
return cb(error) if error?
test(response, body)
(cb) ->
user.request.get "/project/#{project_id}/download/zip", (error, response, body) ->
return cb(error) if error?
test(response, body)
], callback
try_settings_write_access = (user, project_id, test, callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->
user.request.post {
uri: "/project/#{project_id}/settings"
compiler: "latex"
}, (error, response, body) ->
return cb(error) if error?
test(response, body)
], callback
try_admin_access = (user, project_id, test, callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->
user.request.post {
uri: "/project/#{project_id}/rename"
newProjectName: "new-name"
}, (error, response, body) ->
return cb(error) if error?
test(response, body)
(cb) ->
user.request.post {
uri: "/project/#{project_id}/settings/admin"
publicAccessLevel: "private"
}, (error, response, body) ->
return cb(error) if error?
test(response, body)
], callback
try_content_access = (user, project_id, test, callback) ->
# The real-time service calls this end point to determine the user's
# permissions.
if user.id?
user_id = user.id
user_id = "anonymous-user"
request.post {
url: "/project/#{project_id}/join"
qs: {user_id}
user: settings.apis.web.user
pass: settings.apis.web.pass
sendImmediately: true
json: true
jar: false
}, (error, response, body) ->
return callback(error) if error?
test(response, body)
expect_read_access = (user, project_id, callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->
try_read_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(response.statusCode).to.be.oneOf [200, 204]
, cb)
(cb) ->
try_content_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(body.privilegeLevel).to.be.oneOf ["owner", "readAndWrite", "readOnly"]
, cb)
], callback
expect_content_write_access = (user, project_id, callback) ->
try_content_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(body.privilegeLevel).to.be.oneOf ["owner", "readAndWrite"]
, callback)
expect_settings_write_access = (user, project_id, callback) ->
try_settings_write_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(response.statusCode).to.be.oneOf [200, 204]
, callback)
expect_admin_access = (user, project_id, callback) ->
try_admin_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(response.statusCode).to.be.oneOf [200, 204]
, callback)
expect_no_read_access = (user, project_id, options, callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->
try_read_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 302
expect(response.headers.location).to.match new RegExp(options.redirect_to)
, cb)
(cb) ->
try_content_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(body.privilegeLevel).to.be.equal false
, cb)
], callback
expect_no_content_write_access = (user, project_id, callback) ->
try_content_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(body.privilegeLevel).to.be.oneOf [false, "readOnly"]
, callback)
expect_no_settings_write_access = (user, project_id, options, callback) ->
try_settings_write_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 302
expect(response.headers.location).to.match new RegExp(options.redirect_to)
, callback)
expect_no_admin_access = (user, project_id, options, callback) ->
try_admin_access(user, project_id, (response, body) ->
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 302
expect(response.headers.location).to.match new RegExp(options.redirect_to)
, callback)
describe "Authorization", ->
before (done) ->
@owner = new User()
@other1 = new User()
@other2 = new User()
@anon = new User()
@site_admin = new User({email: "admin@example.com"})
async.parallel [
(cb) => @owner.login cb
(cb) => @other1.login cb
(cb) => @other2.login cb
(cb) => @anon.getCsrfToken cb
(cb) =>
@site_admin.login (err) =>
return cb(err) if error?
@site_admin.ensure_admin cb
], done
describe "private project", ->
before (done) ->
@owner.createProject "private-project", (error, project_id) =>
return done(error) if error?
@project_id = project_id
it "should allow the owner read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @owner, @project_id, done
it "should allow the owner write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_content_write_access @owner, @project_id, done
it "should allow the owner write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_settings_write_access @owner, @project_id, done
it "should allow the owner admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_admin_access @owner, @project_id, done
it "should not allow another user read access to the project", (done) ->
expect_no_read_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow another user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_no_content_write_access @other1, @project_id, done
it "should not allow another user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow another user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow anonymous user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_read_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow anonymous user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_no_content_write_access @anon, @project_id, done
it "should not allow anonymous user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow anonymous user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should allow site admin users read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @site_admin, @project_id, done
it "should allow site admin users write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_content_write_access @site_admin, @project_id, done
it "should allow site admin users write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_settings_write_access @site_admin, @project_id, done
it "should allow site admin users admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_admin_access @site_admin, @project_id, done
describe "shared project", ->
before (done) ->
@rw_user = @other1
@ro_user = @other2
@owner.createProject "private-project", (error, project_id) =>
return done(error) if error?
@project_id = project_id
@owner.addUserToProject @project_id, @ro_user, "readOnly", (error) =>
return done(error) if error?
@owner.addUserToProject @project_id, @rw_user, "readAndWrite", (error) =>
return done(error) if error?
it "should allow the read-only user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @ro_user, @project_id, done
it "should not allow the read-only user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_no_content_write_access @ro_user, @project_id, done
it "should not allow the read-only user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @ro_user, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow the read-only user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @ro_user, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should allow the read-write user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @rw_user, @project_id, done
it "should allow the read-write user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_content_write_access @rw_user, @project_id, done
it "should allow the read-write user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_settings_write_access @rw_user, @project_id, done
it "should not allow the read-write user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @rw_user, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
describe "public read-write project", ->
before (done) ->
@owner.createProject "public-rw-project", (error, project_id) =>
return done(error) if error?
@project_id = project_id
@owner.makePublic @project_id, "readAndWrite", done
it "should allow a user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @other1, @project_id, done
it "should allow a user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_content_write_access @other1, @project_id, done
it "should not allow a user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow a user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should allow an anonymous user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @anon, @project_id, done
it "should allow an anonymous user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_content_write_access @anon, @project_id, done
it "should not allow an anonymous user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow an anonymous user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
describe "public read-only project", ->
before (done) ->
@owner.createProject "public-ro-project", (error, project_id) =>
return done(error) if error?
@project_id = project_id
@owner.makePublic @project_id, "readOnly", done
it "should allow a user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @other1, @project_id, done
it "should not allow a user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_no_content_write_access @other1, @project_id, done
it "should not allow a user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow a user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @other1, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should allow an anonymous user read access to it", (done) ->
expect_read_access @anon, @project_id, done
it "should not allow an anonymous user write access to its content", (done) ->
expect_no_content_write_access @anon, @project_id, done
it "should not allow an anonymous user write access to its settings", (done) ->
expect_no_settings_write_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done
it "should not allow an anonymous user admin access to it", (done) ->
expect_no_admin_access @anon, @project_id, redirect_to: "/restricted", done