Merge branch 'master' into sk-unlisted-projects

This commit is contained in:
Shane Kilkelly 2017-11-02 10:10:09 +00:00
commit 1cedfed1e4
77 changed files with 6901 additions and 2072 deletions

View file

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public/js/utils/

View file

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-parallel'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-exec'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-postcss'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-forever'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-shell'
# grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-imagemin'
# grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-sprity'
@ -28,9 +30,15 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
command:"node app.js | ./node_modules/logger-sharelatex/node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan --color"
command:"node_modules/clean-css/bin/cleancss --s0 -o public/stylesheets/style.css public/stylesheets/style.css"
command:"node_modules/clean-css/bin/cleancss --s0 --source-map -o public/stylesheets/style.css public/stylesheets/style.css"
command:"node_modules/clean-css/bin/cleancss --s0 --source-map -o public/stylesheets/ol-style.css public/stylesheets/ol-style.css"
index: "app.js"
@ -137,20 +145,31 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
sourceMap: true
sourceMapFilename: "public/stylesheets/"
sourceMapBasepath: "public/stylesheets"
"public/stylesheets/style.css": "public/stylesheets/style.less"
sourceMap: true
sourceMapFilename: "public/stylesheets/"
sourceMapBasepath: "public/stylesheets"
"public/stylesheets/ol-style.css": "public/stylesheets/ol-style.less"
map: true,
prev: "public/stylesheets/"
inline: false
sourcesContent: true
processors: [
require('autoprefixer')({browsers: [ 'last 2 versions', 'ie >= 10' ]})
src: 'public/stylesheets/style.css'
src: [ "public/stylesheets/style.css", "public/stylesheets/ol-style.css" ]
@ -244,8 +263,11 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
pattern: "@@RELEASE@@"
replacement: process.env.BUILD_NUMBER || "(unknown build)"
command: "bash ./test/acceptance/scripts/"
command: 'docker run -v "$(pwd):/app" --env SHARELATEX_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS=true --rm sharelatex/acceptance-test-runner'
@ -381,7 +403,7 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask 'compile:server', 'Compile the server side coffee script', ['clean:app', 'coffee:app', 'coffee:app_dir', 'compile:modules:server']
grunt.registerTask 'compile:client', 'Compile the client side coffee script', ['coffee:client', 'coffee:sharejs', 'wrap_sharejs', "compile:modules:client", 'compile:modules:inject_clientside_includes']
grunt.registerTask 'compile:css', 'Compile the less files to css', ['less', 'postcss:dist']
grunt.registerTask 'compile:minify', 'Concat and minify the client side js', ['requirejs', "file_append", "exec:cssmin",]
grunt.registerTask 'compile:minify', 'Concat and minify the client side js and css', ['requirejs', "file_append", "exec:cssmin_sl", "exec:cssmin_ol"]
grunt.registerTask 'compile:unit_tests', 'Compile the unit tests', ['clean:unit_tests', 'coffee:unit_tests']
grunt.registerTask 'compile:acceptance_tests', 'Compile the acceptance tests', ['clean:acceptance_tests', 'coffee:acceptance_tests']
grunt.registerTask 'compile:smoke_tests', 'Compile the smoke tests', ['coffee:smoke_tests']
@ -396,6 +418,18 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask 'test:acceptance', 'Run the acceptance tests (use --grep=<regex> or --feature=<feature> for individual tests)', ['compile:acceptance_tests', 'mochaTest:acceptance']
grunt.registerTask 'test:smoke', 'Run the smoke tests', ['compile:smoke_tests', 'mochaTest:smoke']
"Start server and run acceptance tests",
"Run acceptance tests inside docker container",
['compile:acceptance_tests', 'shell:dockerTests']
grunt.registerTask 'test:modules:unit', 'Run the unit tests for the modules', ['compile:modules:server', 'compile:modules:unit_tests'].concat(moduleUnitTestTasks)
grunt.registerTask 'run:watch', "Compile and run the web-sharelatex server", ['compile', 'env:run', 'parallel']

View file

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
args "-v /var/lib/jenkins/.npm:/tmp/.npm"
agent any
environment {
HOME = "/tmp"
@ -18,6 +13,12 @@ pipeline {
stages {
stage('Set up') {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
reuseNode true
steps {
// we need to disable logallrefupdates, else git clones during the npm install will require git to lookup the user id
// which does not exist in the container's /etc/passwd file, causing the clone to fail.
@ -40,15 +41,28 @@ pipeline {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'modules/learn-wiki'], [$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: true]], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GIT_DEPLOY_KEY', url: '']]])
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'modules/templates'], [$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: true]], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GIT_DEPLOY_KEY', url: '']]])
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'modules/track-changes'], [$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: true]], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GIT_DEPLOY_KEY', url: '']]])
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'modules/overleaf-integration'], [$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: true]], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GIT_DEPLOY_KEY', url: '']]])
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'modules/overleaf-account-merge'], [$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: true]], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GIT_DEPLOY_KEY', url: '']]])
stage('Install') {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
args "-v /var/lib/jenkins/.npm:/tmp/.npm"
reuseNode true
steps {
sh 'git config --global core.logallrefupdates false'
sh 'mv app/views/external/robots.txt public/robots.txt'
sh 'mv app/views/external/googlebdb0f8f7f4a17241.html public/googlebdb0f8f7f4a17241.html'
sh 'npm install'
sh 'npm rebuild'
// It's too easy to end up shrinkwrapping to an outdated version of translations.
// Ensure translations are always latest, regardless of shrinkwrap
sh 'npm install git+'
sh 'npm install --quiet grunt'
sh 'npm install --quiet grunt-cli'
sh 'ls -l node_modules/.bin'
@ -56,29 +70,62 @@ pipeline {
stage('Compile') {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh 'node_modules/.bin/grunt compile --verbose'
// replace the build number placeholder for sentry
sh 'node_modules/.bin/grunt version'
stage('Smoke Test') {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh 'node_modules/.bin/grunt compile:smoke_tests'
stage('Minify') {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh 'node_modules/.bin/grunt compile:minify'
stage('Unit Test') {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh 'env NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/grunt test:unit --reporter=tap'
stage('Acceptance Tests') {
steps {
sh 'docker pull sharelatex/acceptance-test-runner'
sh 'docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app --env SHARELATEX_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS=true sharelatex/acceptance-test-runner'
stage('Package') {
steps {
sh 'rm -rf ./node_modules/grunt*'
@ -87,6 +134,7 @@ pipeline {
sh 'tar -czf build.tar.gz --exclude=build.tar.gz --exclude-vcs .'
stage('Publish') {
steps {
withAWS(credentials:'S3_CI_BUILDS_AWS_KEYS', region:"${S3_REGION_BUILD_ARTEFACTS}") {
@ -96,6 +144,18 @@ pipeline {
stage('Sync OSS') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
sshagent (credentials: ['GIT_DEPLOY_KEY']) {
sh 'git push HEAD:master'
post {

View file

@ -249,3 +249,55 @@ module.exports = CollaboratorsHandler =
if err?
return callback(err)
callback(null, project?)
transferProjects: (from_user_id, to_user_id, callback=(err, projects) ->) ->
MEMBER_KEYS = ['collaberator_refs', 'readOnly_refs']
# Find all the projects this user is part of so we can flush them to TPDS
query =
[{ owner_ref: from_user_id }]
.concat( (key) ->
q = {}
q[key] = from_user_id
return q
) # [{ collaberator_refs: from_user_id }, ...]
Project.find query, { _id: 1 }, (error, projects = []) ->
return callback(error) if error?
project_ids = (p) -> p._id
logger.log {project_ids, from_user_id, to_user_id}, "transferring projects"
update_jobs = []
update_jobs.push (cb) ->
Project.update { owner_ref: from_user_id }, { $set: { owner_ref: to_user_id }}, { multi: true }, cb
for key in MEMBER_KEYS
do (key) ->
update_jobs.push (cb) ->
query = {}
addNewUserUpdate = $addToSet: {}
removeOldUserUpdate = $pull: {}
query[key] = from_user_id
removeOldUserUpdate.$pull[key] = from_user_id
addNewUserUpdate.$addToSet[key] = to_user_id
# Mongo won't let us pull and addToSet in the same query, so do it in
# two. Note we need to add first, since the query is based on the old user.
Project.update query, addNewUserUpdate, { multi: true }, (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
Project.update query, removeOldUserUpdate, { multi: true }, cb
# Flush each project to TPDS to add files to new user's Dropbox
ProjectEntityHandler = require("../Project/ProjectEntityHandler")
flush_jobs = []
for project_id in project_ids
do (project_id) ->
flush_jobs.push (cb) ->
ProjectEntityHandler.flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore project_id, cb
# Flush in background, no need to block on this
async.series flush_jobs, (error) ->
if error?
logger.err {err: error, project_ids, from_user_id, to_user_id}, "error flushing tranferred projects to TPDS"
async.series update_jobs, callback

View file

@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
sendRequestOnce: (project_id, user_id, options = {}, callback = (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->) ->
ClsiManager._buildRequest project_id, options, (error, req) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if error?
if error.message is "no main file specified"
return callback(null, "validation-problems", null, null, {mainFile:error.message})
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, "sending compile to CLSI"
ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems req.compile?.resources, (err, validationProblems)->
if err?
@ -38,17 +42,17 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
if validationProblems?
logger.log project_id:project_id, validationProblems:validationProblems, "problems with users latex before compile was attempted"
return callback(null, "validation-problems", null, null, validationProblems)
ClsiManager._postToClsi project_id, user_id, req, options.compileGroup, (error, response) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, project_id:project_id, "error sending request to clsi"
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, outputFilesLength: response?.outputFiles?.length, status: response?.status, compile_status: response?.compile?.status, "received compile response from CLSI"
ClsiCookieManager._getServerId project_id, (err, clsiServerId)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting server id"
return callback(err)
outputFiles = ClsiManager._parseOutputFiles(project_id, response?.compile?.outputFiles)
callback(null, response?.compile?.status, outputFiles, clsiServerId)
ClsiManager._postToClsi project_id, user_id, req, options.compileGroup, (error, response) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, project_id:project_id, "error sending request to clsi"
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, outputFilesLength: response?.outputFiles?.length, status: response?.status, compile_status: response?.compile?.status, "received compile response from CLSI"
ClsiCookieManager._getServerId project_id, (err, clsiServerId)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting server id"
return callback(err)
outputFiles = ClsiManager._parseOutputFiles(project_id, response?.compile?.outputFiles)
callback(null, response?.compile?.status, outputFiles, clsiServerId)
stopCompile: (project_id, user_id, options, callback = (error) ->) ->
compilerUrl = @_getCompilerUrl(options?.compileGroup, project_id, user_id, "compile/stop")
@ -107,6 +111,8 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
callback null, compile:status:"project-too-large"
else if response.statusCode == 409
callback null, compile:status:"conflict"
else if response.statusCode == 423
callback null, compile:status:"compile-in-progress"
error = new Error("CLSI returned non-success code: #{response.statusCode}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, "CLSI returned failure code"
@ -144,13 +150,8 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
logger.log project_id: project_id, projectStateHash: projectStateHash, docs: docUpdaterDocs?, "checked project state"
# see if we can send an incremental update to the CLSI
if docUpdaterDocs? and (options.syncType isnt "full") and not error?
# Workaround: for now, always flush project to mongo on compile
# until we have automatic periodic flushing on the docupdater
# side, to prevent documents staying in redis too long.
DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushProjectToMongo project_id, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error? "compile-from-redis"
ClsiManager._buildRequestFromDocupdater project_id, options, project, projectStateHash, docUpdaterDocs, callback "compile-from-redis"
ClsiManager._buildRequestFromDocupdater project_id, options, project, projectStateHash, docUpdaterDocs, callback
else "compile-from-mongo"
ClsiManager._buildRequestFromMongo project_id, options, project, projectStateHash, callback
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
# present in the docupdater. This allows finaliseRequest to
# identify the root doc.
possibleRootDocIds = [options.rootDoc_id, project.rootDoc_id]
for rootDoc_id in possibleRootDocIds when rootDoc_id?
for rootDoc_id in possibleRootDocIds when rootDoc_id? and rootDoc_id of docPath
path = docPath[rootDoc_id]
docs[path] ?= {_id: rootDoc_id, path: path}
ClsiManager._finaliseRequest project_id, options, project, docs, [], callback
@ -209,9 +210,12 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
resources = []
rootResourcePath = null
rootResourcePathOverride = null
hasMainFile = false
numberOfDocsInProject = 0
for path, doc of docs
path = path.replace(/^\//, "") # Remove leading /
if doc.lines? # add doc to resources unless it is just a stub entry
path: path
@ -220,11 +224,20 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
rootResourcePath = path
if options.rootDoc_id? and doc._id.toString() == options.rootDoc_id.toString()
rootResourcePathOverride = path
if path is "main.tex"
hasMainFile = true
rootResourcePath = rootResourcePathOverride if rootResourcePathOverride?
if !rootResourcePath?
logger.warn {project_id}, "no root document found, setting to main.tex"
rootResourcePath = "main.tex"
if hasMainFile
logger.warn {project_id}, "no root document found, setting to main.tex"
rootResourcePath = "main.tex"
else if numberOfDocsInProject is 1 # only one file, must be the main document
for path, doc of docs
rootResourcePath = path.replace(/^\//, "") # Remove leading /
logger.warn {project_id, rootResourcePath: rootResourcePath}, "no root document found, single document in project"
return callback new Error("no main file specified")
for path, file of files
path = path.replace(/^\//, "") # Remove leading /

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module.exports = CompileManager =
@_checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit options.isAutoCompile, (err, canCompile)->
@_checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit options.isAutoCompile, "everyone", (err, canCompile)->
if !canCompile
return callback null, "autocompile-backoff", []
logger.log project_id: project_id, user_id: user_id, "compiling project"
@ -34,12 +34,16 @@ module.exports = CompileManager =
return callback(error) if error?
for key, value of limits
options[key] = value
# only pass user_id down to clsi if this is a per-user compile
compileAsUser = if Settings.disablePerUserCompiles then undefined else user_id
ClsiManager.sendRequest project_id, compileAsUser, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log files: outputFiles, "output files"
callback(null, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits, validationProblems)
# Put a lower limit on autocompiles for free users, based on compileGroup
CompileManager._checkCompileGroupAutoCompileLimit options.isAutoCompile, limits.compileGroup, (err, canCompile)->
if !canCompile
return callback null, "autocompile-backoff", []
# only pass user_id down to clsi if this is a per-user compile
compileAsUser = if Settings.disablePerUserCompiles then undefined else user_id
ClsiManager.sendRequest project_id, compileAsUser, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log files: outputFiles, "output files"
callback(null, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits, validationProblems)
stopCompile: (project_id, user_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
@ -72,18 +76,30 @@ module.exports = CompileManager =
return callback null, true
_checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit: (isAutoCompile, callback = (err, canCompile)->)->
_checkCompileGroupAutoCompileLimit: (isAutoCompile, compileGroup, callback = (err, canCompile)->)->
if !isAutoCompile
return callback(null, true)
opts =
if compileGroup is "standard"
# apply extra limits to the standard compile group
CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit isAutoCompile, compileGroup, callback
else "auto-compile-#{compileGroup}"
return callback(null, true) # always allow priority group users to compile
_checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit: (isAutoCompile, compileGroup, callback = (err, canCompile)->)->
if !isAutoCompile
return callback(null, true) "auto-compile-#{compileGroup}"
opts =
throttle: 25
throttle: Settings?.rateLimit?.autoCompile?[compileGroup] || 25
rateLimiter.addCount opts, (err, canCompile)->
if err?
canCompile = false
logger.log canCompile:canCompile, opts:opts, "checking if auto compile limit has been hit"
if !canCompile "auto-compile-#{compileGroup}-limited"
callback err, canCompile
_ensureRootDocumentIsSet: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->

View file

@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ module.exports = DocumentUpdaterHandler =
# docs from redis via the docupdater. Otherwise we will need to
# fall back to getting them from mongo.
timer = new metrics.Timer("get-project-docs")
url = "#{settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{project_id}/doc?state=#{projectStateHash}"
url = "#{settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{project_id}/get_and_flush_if_old?state=#{projectStateHash}"
logger.log project_id:project_id, "getting project docs from document updater"
request.get url, (error, res, body)-> url, (error, res, body)->
if error?
logger.error err:error, url:url, project_id:project_id, "error getting project docs from doc updater"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module.exports =
doc_id = req.params.doc_id
plain = req?.query?.plain == 'true'
logger.log doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "receiving get document request from api (docupdater)"
ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, (error, lines, rev, version, ranges) ->
ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, {pathname: true}, (error, lines, rev, version, ranges, pathname) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "error finding element for getDocument"
return next(error)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module.exports =
lines: lines
version: version
ranges: ranges
pathname: pathname
setDocument: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
@ -33,6 +34,3 @@ module.exports =
return next(error)
logger.log doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "finished receiving set document request from api (docupdater)"
res.sendStatus 200

View file

@ -4,9 +4,33 @@ settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
AuthenticationController = require "../Authentication/AuthenticationController"
module.exports = HistoryController =
initializeProject: (callback = (error, history_id) ->) ->
return callback() if !settings.apis.project_history?.enabled {
url: "#{settings.apis.project_history.url}/project"
}, (error, res, body)->
return callback(error) if error?
if res.statusCode >= 200 and res.statusCode < 300
project = JSON.parse(body)
catch error
return callback(error)
overleaf_id = project?.project?.id
if !overleaf_id
error = new Error("project-history did not provide an id", project)
return callback(error)
callback null, { overleaf_id }
error = new Error("project-history returned a non-success status code: #{res.statusCode}")
callback error
proxyToHistoryApi: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId req
url = settings.apis.trackchanges.url + req.url
url = HistoryController.buildHistoryServiceUrl() + req.url
logger.log url: url, "proxying to track-changes api"
getReq = request(
url: url
@ -18,3 +42,9 @@ module.exports = HistoryController =
getReq.on "error", (error) ->
logger.error err: error, "track-changes API error"
buildHistoryServiceUrl: () ->
if settings.apis.project_history?.enabled
return settings.apis.project_history.url
return settings.apis.trackchanges.url

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
request = require "request"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
module.exports = HistoryManager =
flushProject: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
logger.log project_id: project_id, "flushing project in track-changes api"
url = "#{settings.apis.trackchanges.url}/project/#{project_id}/flush" url, (error, res, body) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if 200 <= res.statusCode < 300
error = new Error("track-changes api responded with non-success code: #{res.statusCode} #{url}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, "error flushing project in track-changes api"
archiveProject: (project_id, callback = ()->)->
logger.log project_id: project_id, "archving project in track-changes api"
url = "#{settings.apis.trackchanges.url}/project/#{project_id}/archive" url, (error, res, body) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if 200 <= res.statusCode < 300
error = new Error("track-changes api responded with non-success code: #{res.statusCode} #{url}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, "error archving project in track-changes api"

View file

@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectController =
else if event?
return cb(null, false)
logger.log { user_id, event }, "track changes onboarding not shown yet to this user"
return cb(null, true)
showPerUserTCNotice: (cb) ->
cb = underscore.once(cb)
@ -247,12 +248,40 @@ module.exports = ProjectController =
else if event?
return cb(null, false)
logger.log { user_id, event }, "per user track changes notice not shown yet to this user"
return cb(null, true)
isTokenMember: (cb) ->
cb = underscore.once(cb)
if !user_id?
return cb()
CollaboratorsHandler.userIsTokenMember user_id, project_id, cb
showAutoCompileOnboarding: (cb) ->
cb = underscore.once(cb)
if !user_id?
return cb()
# Extract data from user's ObjectId
timestamp = parseInt(user_id.toString().substring(0, 8), 16)
counter = parseInt(user_id.toString().substring(18, 24), 16)
rolloutPercentage = 40 # Percentage of users to roll out to
if counter % 100 > rolloutPercentage
# Don't show if user is not part of roll out
return cb(null, { enabled: false, showOnboarding: false })
userSignupDate = new Date(timestamp * 1000)
if userSignupDate > new Date("2017-10-16")
# Don't show for users who registered after it was released
return cb(null, { enabled: true, showOnboarding: false })
timeout = setTimeout cb, 500
AnalyticsManager.getLastOccurance user_id, "shown-autocompile-onboarding", (error, event) ->
clearTimeout timeout
if error?
return cb(null, { enabled: true, showOnboarding: false })
else if event?
return cb(null, { enabled: true, showOnboarding: false })
logger.log { user_id, event }, "autocompile onboarding not shown yet to this user"
return cb(null, { enabled: true, showOnboarding: true })
}, (err, results)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error getting details for project page"
@ -260,9 +289,9 @@ module.exports = ProjectController =
project = results.project
user = results.user
subscription = results.subscription
{ showTrackChangesOnboarding, showPerUserTCNotice } = results
{ showTrackChangesOnboarding, showPerUserTCNotice, showAutoCompileOnboarding } = results
daysSinceLastUpdated = (new Date() - project.lastUpdated) /86400000
daysSinceLastUpdated = (new Date() - project.lastUpdated) / 86400000
logger.log project_id:project_id, daysSinceLastUpdated:daysSinceLastUpdated, "got db results for loading editor"
token = TokenAccessHandler.getRequestToken(req, project_id)
@ -307,6 +336,8 @@ module.exports = ProjectController =
trackChangesState: project.track_changes
showTrackChangesOnboarding: !!showTrackChangesOnboarding
showPerUserTCNotice: !!showPerUserTCNotice
autoCompileEnabled: !!showAutoCompileOnboarding?.enabled
showAutoCompileOnboarding: !!showAutoCompileOnboarding?.showOnboarding
privilegeLevel: privilegeLevel
anonymous: anonymous

View file

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
async = require("async")
metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex')
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId
ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId
Project = require('../../models/Project').Project
Folder = require('../../models/Folder').Folder
ProjectEntityHandler = require('./ProjectEntityHandler')
ProjectDetailsHandler = require('./ProjectDetailsHandler')
HistoryController = require('../History/HistoryController')
User = require('../../models/User').User
fs = require('fs')
Path = require "path"
@ -14,23 +15,36 @@ _ = require "underscore"
module.exports = ProjectCreationHandler =
createBlankProject : (owner_id, projectName, callback = (error, project) ->)->
createBlankProject : (owner_id, projectName, projectHistoryId, callback = (error, project) ->)->"project-creation")
if arguments.length == 3
callback = projectHistoryId
projectHistoryId = null
ProjectDetailsHandler.validateProjectName projectName, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log owner_id:owner_id, projectName:projectName, "creating blank project"
rootFolder = new Folder {'name':'rootFolder'}
project = new Project
owner_ref : new ObjectId(owner_id)
name : projectName
if Settings.currentImageName?
project.imageName = Settings.currentImageName
project.rootFolder[0] = rootFolder
User.findById owner_id, "ace.spellCheckLanguage", (err, user)->
project.spellCheckLanguage = user.ace.spellCheckLanguage (err)->
return callback(err) if err?
callback err, project
if projectHistoryId?
ProjectCreationHandler._createBlankProject owner_id, projectName, projectHistoryId, callback
HistoryController.initializeProject (error, history) ->
return callback(error) if error?
ProjectCreationHandler._createBlankProject owner_id, projectName, history?.overleaf_id, callback
_createBlankProject : (owner_id, projectName, projectHistoryId, callback = (error, project) ->)->
rootFolder = new Folder {'name':'rootFolder'}
project = new Project
owner_ref : new ObjectId(owner_id)
name : projectName = projectHistoryId
if Settings.currentImageName?
project.imageName = Settings.currentImageName
project.rootFolder[0] = rootFolder
User.findById owner_id, "ace.spellCheckLanguage", (err, user)->
project.spellCheckLanguage = user.ace.spellCheckLanguage (err)->
return callback(err) if err?
callback err, project
createBasicProject : (owner_id, projectName, callback = (error, project) ->)->
self = @

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ProjectTokenGenerator = require('./ProjectTokenGenerator')
module.exports = ProjectDetailsHandler =
getDetails: (project_id, callback)->
ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, {name:true, description:true, compiler:true, features:true, owner_ref:true}, (err, project)->
ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, {name:true, description:true, compiler:true, features:true, owner_ref:true, overleaf:true}, (err, project)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting project"
return callback(err)
@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ module.exports = ProjectDetailsHandler =
description: project.description
compiler: project.compiler
features: user.features
logger.log project_id:project_id, details:details, "getting project details"
if project.overleaf?
details.overleaf = project.overleaf
logger.log project_id:project_id, details: details, "getting project details"
callback(err, details)
getProjectDescription: (project_id, callback)->
@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectDetailsHandler =
validateProjectName: (name, callback = (error) ->) ->
if name.length == 0
if !name? or name.length == 0
return callback(new Errors.InvalidNameError("Project name cannot be blank"))
else if name.length > @MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH
return callback(new Errors.InvalidNameError("Project name is too long"))
@ -97,4 +101,3 @@ module.exports = ProjectDetailsHandler =
Project.update {_id: project_id}, {$set: {tokens: tokens}}, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
callback(null, tokens)

View file

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
setRootDoc: (project_id, newRootDocID, callback = (error) ->)->
logger.log project_id: project_id, rootDocId: newRootDocID, "setting root doc"
Project.update {_id:project_id}, {rootDoc_id:newRootDocID}, {}, callback
unsetRootDoc: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
logger.log project_id: project_id, "removing root doc"
Project.update {_id:project_id}, {$unset: {rootDoc_id: true}}, {}, callback
@ -140,8 +140,15 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
if typeof(options) == "function"
callback = options
options = {}
DocstoreManager.getDoc project_id, doc_id, options, callback
if options["pathname"]
delete options["pathname"]
projectLocator.findElement {project_id: project_id, element_id: doc_id, type: 'doc'}, (error, doc, path) =>
return callback(error) if error?
DocstoreManager.getDoc project_id, doc_id, options, (error, lines, rev, version, ranges) =>
callback(error, lines, rev, version, ranges, path.fileSystem)
DocstoreManager.getDoc project_id, doc_id, options, callback
addDoc: (project_id, folder_id, docName, docLines, callback = (error, doc, folder_id) ->)=>
ProjectGetter.getProjectWithOnlyFolders project_id, (err, project) ->
@ -158,7 +165,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
# Put doc in docstore first, so that if it errors, we don't have a doc_id in the project
# which hasn't been created in docstore.
DocstoreManager.updateDoc project_id.toString(), doc._id.toString(), docLines, 0, {}, (err, modified, rev) ->
return callback(err) if err?
return callback(err) if err?
ProjectEntityHandler._putElement project, folder_id, doc, "doc", (err, result)=>
return callback(err) if err?
@ -207,7 +214,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
replaceFile: (project_id, file_id, fsPath, callback)->
ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, {name:true}, (err, project) ->
return callback(err) if err?
findOpts =
findOpts =
@ -280,7 +287,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
procesFolder = (previousFolders, folderName, callback)=>
previousFolders = previousFolders || []
parentFolder = previousFolders[previousFolders.length-1]
if parentFolder?
if parentFolder?
parentFolder_id = parentFolder._id
builtUpPath = "#{builtUpPath}/#{folderName}"
projectLocator.findElementByPath project, builtUpPath, (err, foundFolder)=>
@ -360,7 +367,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
return callback(err) if err?
projectLocator.findElement {project:project, element_id:entity_id, type:entityType}, (err, entity, path)->
return callback(err) if err?
if entityType.match(/folder/)
ensureFolderIsNotMovedIntoChild = (callback = (error) ->) ->
projectLocator.findElement {project: project, element_id: folder_id, type:"folder"}, (err, destEntity, destPath) ->
@ -372,7 +379,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
ensureFolderIsNotMovedIntoChild = (callback = () ->) -> callback()
ensureFolderIsNotMovedIntoChild (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
self._removeElementFromMongoArray Project, project_id, path.mongo, (err)->
@ -382,7 +389,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
return callback(err) if err?
ProjectEntityHandler._putElement project, destinationFolder_id, entity, entityType, (err, result)->
return callback(err) if err?
opts =
opts =
@ -506,7 +513,7 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
_countElements : (project, callback)->
countFolder = (folder, cb = (err, count)->)->
jobs = folder?.folders, (folder)->

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module.exports =
webRouter.get '/privacy_policy', HomeController.externalPage("privacy", "Privacy Policy")
webRouter.get '/planned_maintenance', HomeController.externalPage("planned_maintenance", "Planned Maintenance")
webRouter.get '/style', HomeController.externalPage("style_guide", "Style Guide")
webRouter.get '/ol-style', HomeController.externalPage("ol_style_guide", "Overleaf Style Guide")
webRouter.get '/jobs', HomeController.externalPage("jobs", "Jobs")
webRouter.get '/track-changes-and-comments-in-latex', HomeController.externalPage("review-features-page", "Review features")

View file

@ -1,56 +1,105 @@
child = require "child_process"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
metrics = require "metrics-sharelatex"
fs = require "fs"
Path = require "path"
fse = require "fs-extra"
yauzl = require "yauzl"
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
_ = require("underscore")
ONE_MEG = 1024 * 1024
module.exports = ArchiveManager =
_isZipTooLarge: (source, callback = (err, isTooLarge)->)->
callback = _.once callback
unzip = child.spawn("unzip", ["-l", source])
totalSizeInBytes = null source, {lazyEntries: true}, (err, zipfile) ->
return callback(err) if err?
output = ""
unzip.stdout.on "data", (d)->
output += d
if Settings.maxEntitiesPerProject? and zipfile.entryCount > Settings.maxEntitiesPerProject
return callback(null, true) # too many files in zip file
error = null
unzip.stderr.on "data", (chunk) ->
error ||= ""
error += chunk
zipfile.on "error", callback
unzip.on "error", (err) ->
logger.error {err, source}, "unzip failed"
if err.code == "ENOENT"
logger.error "unzip command not found. Please check the unzip command is installed"
# read all the entries
zipfile.on "entry", (entry) ->
totalSizeInBytes += entry.uncompressedSize
zipfile.readEntry() # get the next entry
unzip.on "close", (exitCode) ->
if error?
error = new Error(error)
logger.warn err:error, source: source, "error checking zip size"
# no more entries to read
zipfile.on "end", () ->
if !totalSizeInBytes? or isNaN(totalSizeInBytes)
logger.err source:source, totalSizeInBytes:totalSizeInBytes, "error getting bytes of zip"
return callback(new Error("error getting bytes of zip"))
isTooLarge = totalSizeInBytes > (ONE_MEG * 300)
callback(null, isTooLarge)
lines = output.split("\n")
lastLine = lines[lines.length - 2]?.trim()
totalSizeInBytes = lastLine?.split(" ")?[0]
_checkFilePath: (entry, destination, callback = (err, destFile) ->) ->
# check if the entry is a directory
endsWithSlash = /\/$/
if endsWithSlash.test(entry.fileName)
return callback() # don't give a destfile for directory
# check that the file does not use a relative path
for dir in entry.fileName.split('/')
if dir == '..'
return callback(new Error("relative path"))
# check that the destination file path is normalized
dest = "#{destination}/#{entry.fileName}"
if dest != Path.normalize(dest)
return callback(new Error("unnormalized path"))
return callback(null, dest)
totalSizeInBytesAsInt = parseInt(totalSizeInBytes)
_writeFileEntry: (zipfile, entry, destFile, callback = (err)->) ->
callback = _.once callback
if !totalSizeInBytesAsInt? or isNaN(totalSizeInBytesAsInt)
logger.err source:source, totalSizeInBytes:totalSizeInBytes, totalSizeInBytesAsInt:totalSizeInBytesAsInt, lastLine:lastLine, exitCode:exitCode, "error getting bytes of zip"
return callback(new Error("error getting bytes of zip"))
zipfile.openReadStream entry, (err, readStream) ->
return callback(err) if err?
readStream.on "error", callback
readStream.on "end", callback
isTooLarge = totalSizeInBytes > (ONE_MEG * 300)
errorHandler = (err) -> # clean up before calling callback
callback(error, isTooLarge)
fse.ensureDir Path.dirname(destFile), (err) ->
return errorHandler(err) if err?
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream destFile
writeStream.on 'error', errorHandler
_extractZipFiles: (source, destination, callback = (err) ->) ->
callback = _.once callback source, {lazyEntries: true}, (err, zipfile) ->
return callback(err) if err?
zipfile.on "error", callback
# read all the entries
zipfile.on "entry", (entry) ->
logger.log {source:source, fileName: entry.fileName}, "processing zip file entry"
ArchiveManager._checkFilePath entry, destination, (err, destFile) ->
if err?
logger.warn err:err, source:source, destination:destination, "skipping bad file path"
zipfile.readEntry() # bad path, just skip to the next file
if destFile? # only write files
ArchiveManager._writeFileEntry zipfile, entry, destFile, (err) ->
if err?
logger.error err:err, source:source, destFile:destFile, "error unzipping file entry"
zipfile.close() # bail out, stop reading file entries
return callback(err)
zipfile.readEntry() # continue to the next file
else # if it's a directory, continue
# no more entries to read
zipfile.on "end", callback
extractZipArchive: (source, destination, _callback = (err) ->) ->
callback = (args...) ->
@ -62,36 +111,19 @@ module.exports = ArchiveManager =
return callback(err)
if isTooLarge
return callback(new Error("zip_too_large"))
return callback(new Error("zip_too_large"))
timer = new metrics.Timer("unzipDirectory")
logger.log source: source, destination: destination, "unzipping file"
unzip = child.spawn("unzip", [source, "-d", destination])
# don't remove this line, some zips need
# us to listen on this for some unknow reason
unzip.stdout.on "data", (d)->
error = null
unzip.stderr.on "data", (chunk) ->
error ||= ""
error += chunk
unzip.on "error", (err) ->
logger.error {err, source, destination}, "unzip failed"
if err.code == "ENOENT"
logger.error "unzip command not found. Please check the unzip command is installed"
unzip.on "close", () ->
ArchiveManager._extractZipFiles source, destination, (err) ->
if error?
error = new Error(error)
logger.error err:error, source: source, destination: destination, "error unzipping file"
if err?
logger.error {err, source, destination}, "unzip failed"
findTopLevelDirectory: (directory, callback = (error, topLevelDir) ->) ->
fs.readdir directory, (error, files) ->
return callback(error) if error?

View file

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ module.exports = FileTypeManager =
MAX_TEXT_FILE_SIZE: 1 * 1024 * 1024 # 1 MB

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ UserDeleter = require("./UserDeleter")
UserUpdater = require("./UserUpdater")
sanitize = require('sanitizer')
AuthenticationController = require('../Authentication/AuthenticationController')
ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId
module.exports = UserController =
getLoggedInUsersPersonalInfo: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
@ -19,8 +20,17 @@ module.exports = UserController =
UserController.sendFormattedPersonalInfo(user, res, next)
getPersonalInfo: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
UserGetter.getUser req.params.user_id, { _id: true, first_name: true, last_name: true, email: true}, (error, user) ->
logger.log user_id: req.params.user_id, "reciving request for getting users personal info"
{user_id} = req.params
if user_id.match(/^\d+$/)
query = { "": parseInt(user_id, 10) }
else if user_id.match(/^[a-f0-9]{24}$/)
query = { _id: ObjectId(user_id) }
return res.send(400)
UserGetter.getUser query, { _id: true, first_name: true, last_name: true, email: true}, (error, user) ->
logger.log user_id: req.params.user_id, "receiving request for getting users personal info"
return next(error) if error?
return res.send(404) if !user?
UserController.sendFormattedPersonalInfo(user, res, next)

View file

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ ProjectSchema = new Schema
imported_at_ver_id : { type: Number }
token : { type: String }
read_token : { type: String }
history :
id : { type: Number }
ProjectSchema.statics.getProject = (project_or_id, fields, callback)->
if project_or_id._id?

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@ -38,6 +38,6 @@
each item in nav.right_footer
if item.url
a(href=item.url, class=item.class) !{item.text}
a(href=item.url, class=item.class, aria-label=item.label) !{item.text}
| !{item.text}

View file

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default
button.navbar-toggle(ng-init="navCollapsed = true", ng-click="navCollapsed = !navCollapsed", ng-class="{active: !navCollapsed}")
if settings.nav.custom_logo
a(href='/', style='background-image:url("'+settings.nav.custom_logo+'")').navbar-brand
a(href='/', aria-label=settings.appName, style='background-image:url("'+settings.nav.custom_logo+'")').navbar-brand
else if (nav.title)
a(href='/').navbar-title #{nav.title}
a(href='/', aria-label=settings.appName).navbar-title #{nav.title}
a(href='/', aria-label=settings.appName).navbar-brand

View file

@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ block requirejs
window.trackChangesState = data.trackChangesState;
window.showTrackChangesOnboarding = #{!!showTrackChangesOnboarding};
window.showPerUserTCNotice = #{!!showPerUserTCNotice};
window.autoCompileEnabled = #{!!autoCompileEnabled};
window.showAutoCompileOnboarding = #{!!showAutoCompileOnboarding}
window.wikiEnabled = #{!!( &&};
window.enableTokenAccessUI = #{enableTokenAccessUI}
window.requirejs = {

View file

@ -94,4 +94,17 @@ div.full-size(
ng-show="ui.view == 'pdf'"
include ./pdf
ng-if="onboarding.autoCompile == 'show'"
h3.popover-title #{translate("auto_compile")}
p #{translate("try_out_auto_compile_setting")}
img(src="/img/onboarding/autocompile/setting-dropdown.png" width="100%")
p #{translate("auto_compile_onboarding_description")}
| #{translate("got_it")}

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
source(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/open-review.mp4' }}", type="video/mp4")
img(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/open-review.gif' }}", alt="Open review panel demo")
div(ng-show="onboarding.innerStep === 2;")
video-play-state="onboarding.innerStep === 2;"
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
source(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/commenting.mp4' }}", type="video/mp4")
img(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/commenting.gif' }}", alt="Commenting demo")
div(ng-show="onboarding.innerStep === 3;")
video-play-state="onboarding.innerStep === 3;"
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
source(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/add-changes.mp4' }}", type="video/mp4")
img(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/add-changes.gif' }}", alt="Add changes demo")
div(ng-show="onboarding.innerStep === 4;")
video-play-state="onboarding.innerStep === 4;"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
source(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/accept-changes.mp4' }}", type="video/mp4")
img(ng-src="{{ '/img/onboarding/review-panel/accept-changes.gif' }}", alt="Accept changes demo")
ng-disabled="onboarding.innerStep === onboarding.nSteps;")

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
tooltip-html="'"+translate('recompile_pdf')+" <span class=\"keyboard-shortcut\">({{modifierKey}} + Enter)</span>'"
@ -26,6 +26,17 @@ div.full-size.pdf(ng-controller="PdfController")
// Only show if on beta program or part of rollout
if user.betaProgram || autoCompileEnabled
li.dropdown-header #{translate("auto_compile")}
a(href, ng-click="autocompile_enabled = true")
i.fa.fa-fw(ng-class="{'fa-check': autocompile_enabled}")
| &nbsp;#{translate('on')}
a(href, ng-click="autocompile_enabled = false")
i.fa.fa-fw(ng-class="{'fa-check': !autocompile_enabled}")
| &nbsp;#{translate('off')}
li.dropdown-header #{translate("compile_mode")}
a(href, ng-click="draft = false")
@ -306,6 +317,9 @@ div.full-size.pdf(ng-controller="PdfController")
li(ng-repeat="entry in pdf.validation.conflictedPaths") {{ '/'+entry['path'] }}
strong #{translate("main_file_not_found")}
span #{translate("please_set_main_file")}
@ -333,6 +347,10 @@ div.full-size.pdf(ng-controller="PdfController")
strong #{translate("pdf_compile_rate_limit_hit")}
span #{translate("project_flagged_too_many_compiles")}
strong #{translate("pdf_compile_in_progress_error")}.
span #{translate("pdf_compile_try_again")}
strong #{translate("timedout")}.
@ -376,6 +394,12 @@ div.full-size.pdf(ng-controller="PdfController")
) #{translate("start_free_trial")}
strong #{translate("autocompile_disabled")}.
span #{translate("autocompile_disabled_reason")}
strong #{translate("project_too_large")}
span #{translate("project_too_large_please_reduce")}

View file

@ -15,58 +15,58 @@ block content
ng-class="{ 'announcements-open': ui.isOpen }"
ng-class="{ 'announcements-btn-open': ui.isOpen, 'announcements-btn-has-new': ui.newItems }"
span.announcements-badge(ng-if="ui.newItems") {{ ui.newItems }}
ng-repeat="announcement in announcements | filter:(ui.newItems ? { read: false } : '') track by"
h2.announcement-header {{ announcement.title }}
p.announcement-date {{ | date:"longDate" }}
ng-href="{{ announcement.url }}"
) Read more
ng-if="ui.newItems > 0 && ui.newItems < announcements.length"
) Show all
ng-class="{ 'announcements-open': ui.isOpen }"
ng-class="{ 'announcements-btn-open': ui.isOpen, 'announcements-btn-has-new': ui.newItems }"
span.announcements-badge(ng-if="ui.newItems") {{ ui.newItems }}
ng-repeat="announcement in announcements | filter:(ui.newItems ? { read: false } : '') track by"
h2.announcement-header {{ announcement.title }}
p.announcement-date {{ | date:"longDate" }}
ng-href="{{ announcement.url }}"
) Read more
ng-if="ui.newItems > 0 && ui.newItems < announcements.length"
) Show all
span(ng-if="projects.length > 0")
.project-list-container(ng-if="projects.length > 0")
include ./list/side-bar
include ./list/notifications
include ./list/project-list
span(ng-if="projects.length === 0")
.project-list-empty(ng-if="projects.length === 0")
include ./list/empty-project-list

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
@ -127,6 +128,7 @@
span.header.clickable(ng-click="changePredicate('name')") #{translate("title")}
@ -147,6 +149,7 @@
aria-label=translate('select_project') + " '{{ }}'"

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
a(href) #{translate("shared_with_you")}
li(ng-class="{active: (filter == 'archived')}", ng-click="filterProjects('archived')")
a(href) #{translate("deleted_projects")}
h2 #{translate("folders")}
ng-repeat="tag in tags | orderBy:'name'",

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
var keys = require('./app/js/infrastructure/Keys');
var settings = require('settings-sharelatex');
var queueName = process.argv[2];
var projectQueueName = process.argv[3];
var queue = require('fairy').connect(settings.redis.web).queue(queueName);
console.log("cleaning up queue "+ queueName + " " + projectQueueName);
//fairy should kill the process but just in case
thirtySeconds = 30 * 1000
setTimeout(process.exit, thirtySeconds)

View file

@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ module.exports = settings =
url : "http://localhost:3005"
url : "http://localhost:3015"
enabled: false
url : "http://localhost:3054"
url : "http://localhost:3016"
pubUrl: "http://localhost:3016"
@ -442,3 +445,8 @@ module.exports = settings =
# name : "all projects",
# url: "/templates/all"
everyone: 100
standard: 25

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -25,11 +25,12 @@
"dateformat": "1.0.4-1.2.3",
"express": "4.13.0",
"express-session": "^1.14.2",
"fs-extra": "^4.0.2",
"heapdump": "^0.3.7",
"helmet": "^3.8.1",
"http-proxy": "^1.8.1",
"ioredis": "^2.4.0",
"jade": "~1.3.1",
"jsonwebtoken": "^8.0.1",
"ldapjs": "^0.7.1",
"lodash": "^4.13.1",
"logger-sharelatex": "git+",
@ -54,8 +55,7 @@
"passport-oauth2-refresh": "^1.0.0",
"passport-saml": "^0.15.0",
"pug": "^2.0.0-beta6",
"redis": "0.10.1",
"redis-sharelatex": "git+",
"redis-sharelatex": "git+",
"request": "^2.69.0",
"requests": "^0.1.7",
"rimraf": "2.2.6",
@ -68,16 +68,17 @@
"underscore": "1.6.0",
"uuid": "^3.0.1",
"v8-profiler": "^5.2.3",
"xml2js": "0.2.0"
"xml2js": "0.2.0",
"yauzl": "^2.8.0"
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^6.6.1",
"bunyan": "0.22.1",
"chai": "3.5.0",
"chai-spies": "",
"grunt": "0.4.5",
"clean-css": "^3.4.18",
"es6-promise": "^4.0.5",
"grunt": "0.4.5",
"grunt-available-tasks": "0.4.1",
"grunt-bunyan": "0.5.0",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "0.5.0",
@ -89,12 +90,14 @@
"grunt-exec": "^0.4.7",
"grunt-execute": "^0.2.2",
"grunt-file-append": "0.0.6",
"grunt-forever": "^0.4.7",
"grunt-git-rev-parse": "^0.1.4",
"grunt-mocha-test": "0.9.0",
"grunt-newer": "^1.2.0",
"grunt-parallel": "^0.5.1",
"grunt-postcss": "^0.8.0",
"grunt-sed": "^0.1.1",
"grunt-shell": "^2.1.0",
"sandboxed-module": "0.2.0",
"sinon": "^1.17.0",
"timekeeper": "",

View file

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ define [
@ -71,12 +72,17 @@ define [
view: "editor"
chatOpen: false
pdfLayout: 'sideBySide'
reviewPanelOpen: localStorage("ui.reviewPanelOpen.#{window.project_id}")
miniReviewPanelVisible: false
pdfHidden: false,
pdfWidth: 0,
reviewPanelOpen: localStorage("ui.reviewPanelOpen.#{window.project_id}"),
miniReviewPanelVisible: false,
$scope.onboarding = {
autoCompile: if window.showAutoCompileOnboarding then 'unseen' else 'dismissed'
$scope.user = window.user
$scope.__enableTokenAccessUI = window.enableTokenAccessUI == true
$scope.$watch "project.features.trackChangesVisible", (visible) ->
return if !visible?
$scope.ui.showCollabFeaturesOnboarding = window.showTrackChangesOnboarding and visible
@ -101,6 +107,10 @@ define [
if value?
localStorage "ui.reviewPanelOpen.#{window.project_id}", value
$scope.$on "layout:pdf:resize", (_, layoutState) ->
$scope.ui.pdfHidden = layoutState.east.initClosed
$scope.ui.pdfWidth = layoutState.east.size
# Tracking code.
$scope.$watch "ui.view", (newView, oldView) ->
if newView? and newView != "editor" and newView != "pdf"
@ -183,6 +193,20 @@ define [
if ide.browserIsSafari
ide.safariScrollPatcher = new SafariScrollPatcher($scope)
# Fix Chrome 61 and 62 text-shadow rendering
browserIsChrome61or62 = false
chromeVersion = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split(" Chrome/")[1]) || null;
browserIsChrome61or62 = (
chromeVersion? &&
(chromeVersion == 61 || chromeVersion == 62)
if browserIsChrome61or62
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(".ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_completion-highlight { text-shadow: none !important; }", 1)
catch err
console.error err
# User can append ?ft=somefeature to url to activate a feature toggle
ide.featureToggle = location?.search?.match(/^\?ft=(\w+)$/)?[1]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
define [
], (App) ->
App.controller "AutoCompileOnboardingController", ($scope, event_tracking) ->
recompileBtn = angular.element('#recompile')
popover = angular.element('#onboarding-autocompile')
{ top, left } = recompileBtn.offset()
# If pdf panel smaller than recompile button + popover, show to left.
# Otherwise show to right
if $scope.ui.pdfWidth < 475
$scope.placement = 'left'
top: top,
left: left - popover.width()
$scope.placement = 'right'
top: top,
left: left + recompileBtn.width()
$scope.dismiss = () ->
$scope.onboarding.autoCompile = 'dismissed'
event_tracking.sendMB "shown-autocompile-onboarding"

View file

@ -252,21 +252,34 @@ define [
_joinDoc: (callback = (error) ->) ->
if @doc?
@ide.socket.emit 'joinDoc', @doc_id, @doc.getVersion(), (error, docLines, version, updates, ranges) =>
@ide.socket.emit 'joinDoc', @doc_id, @doc.getVersion(), { encodeRanges: true }, (error, docLines, version, updates, ranges) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@joined = true
@doc.catchUp( updates )
@_catchUpRanges( ranges?.changes, ranges?.comments )
@_catchUpRanges(ranges?.changes, ranges?.comments)
@ide.socket.emit 'joinDoc', @doc_id, (error, docLines, version, updates, ranges) =>
@ide.socket.emit 'joinDoc', @doc_id, { encodeRanges: true }, (error, docLines, version, updates, ranges) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@joined = true
@doc = new ShareJsDoc @doc_id, docLines, version, @ide.socket
@ranges = new RangesTracker(ranges?.changes, ranges?.comments)
_decodeRanges: (ranges) ->
decodeFromWebsockets = (text) -> decodeURIComponent(escape(text))
for change in ranges.changes or []
change.op.i = decodeFromWebsockets(change.op.i) if change.op.i?
change.op.d = decodeFromWebsockets(change.op.d) if change.op.d?
for comment in ranges.comments or []
comment.op.c = decodeFromWebsockets(comment.op.c) if comment.op.c?
catch err
_leaveDoc: (callback = (error) ->) ->
sl_console.log '[_leaveDoc] Sending leaveDoc request'
@ide.socket.emit 'leaveDoc', @doc_id, (error) =>
@ -309,6 +322,9 @@ define [
@ide.pushEvent "op:acknowledged",
doc_id: @doc_id
op: op
@ide.$scope.$emit "ide:opAcknowledged",
doc_id: @doc_id
op: op
@trigger "op:acknowledged"
@doc.on "op:timeout", (op) =>
@ide.pushEvent "op:timeout",

View file

@ -374,6 +374,21 @@ define [
if scope.eventsBridge?
session.on "changeScrollTop", onScroll
$rootScope.hasLintingError = false
session.on('changeAnnotation', () ->
# Both linter errors and compile logs are set as error annotations,
# however when the user types something, the compile logs are
# replaced with linter errors. When we check for lint errors before
# autocompile we are guaranteed to get linter errors
hasErrors = session
.filter((annotation) -> annotation.type != 'info')
.length > 0
if ($rootScope.hasLintingError != hasErrors)
$rootScope.hasLintingError = hasErrors
setTimeout () ->
# Let any listeners init themselves

View file

@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
define [
], (CommandManager, EnvironmentManager) ->
], (CommandManager, EnvironmentManager, Helpers) ->
Range = ace.require("ace/range").Range
aceSnippetManager = ace.require('ace/snippets').snippetManager
getLastCommandFragment = (lineUpToCursor) ->
if m = lineUpToCursor.match(/(\\[^\\]+)$/)
return m[1]
return null
getCommandNameFromFragment = (commandFragment) ->
class AutoCompleteManager
constructor: (@$scope, @editor, @element, @labelsManager, @graphics, @preamble) ->
@suggestionManager = new CommandManager()
@ -48,15 +40,11 @@ define [
Preamble = @preamble
GraphicsCompleter =
getCompletions: (editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) ->
upToCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, 0, pos.row, pos.column)
lineUpToCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(upToCursorRange)
commandFragment = getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
context = Helpers.getContext(editor, pos)
{lineUpToCursor, commandFragment, lineBeyondCursor, needsClosingBrace} = context
if commandFragment
match = commandFragment.match(/^~?\\(includegraphics(?:\[.*])?){([^}]*, *)?(\w*)/)
if match
beyondCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, pos.column, pos.row, 99999)
lineBeyondCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(beyondCursorRange)
needsClosingBrace = !lineBeyondCursor.match(/^[^{]*}/)
commandName = match[1]
currentArg = match[3]
graphicsPaths = Preamble.getGraphicsPaths()
@ -78,15 +66,11 @@ define [
labelsManager = @labelsManager
LabelsCompleter =
getCompletions: (editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) ->
upToCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, 0, pos.row, pos.column)
lineUpToCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(upToCursorRange)
commandFragment = getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
context = Helpers.getContext(editor, pos)
{lineUpToCursor, commandFragment, lineBeyondCursor, needsClosingBrace} = context
if commandFragment
refMatch = commandFragment.match(/^~?\\([a-z]*ref){([^}]*, *)?(\w*)/)
if refMatch
beyondCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, pos.column, pos.row, 99999)
lineBeyondCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(beyondCursorRange)
needsClosingBrace = !lineBeyondCursor.match(/^[^{]*}/)
commandName = refMatch[1]
currentArg = refMatch[2]
result = []
@ -108,15 +92,13 @@ define [
references = @$scope.$root._references
ReferencesCompleter =
getCompletions: (editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) ->
upToCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, 0, pos.row, pos.column)
lineUpToCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(upToCursorRange)
commandFragment = getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
context = Helpers.getContext(editor, pos)
{lineUpToCursor, commandFragment, lineBeyondCursor, needsClosingBrace} = context
if commandFragment
citeMatch = commandFragment.match(/^~?\\([a-z]*cite[a-z]*(?:\[.*])?){([^}]*, *)?(\w*)/)
citeMatch = commandFragment.match(
/^~?\\([a-z]*cite[a-z]*(?:\[.*])?){([^}]*, *)?(\w*)/
if citeMatch
beyondCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, pos.column, pos.row, 99999)
lineBeyondCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(beyondCursorRange)
needsClosingBrace = !lineBeyondCursor.match(/^[^{]*}/)
commandName = citeMatch[1]
previousArgs = citeMatch[2]
currentArg = citeMatch[3]
@ -160,8 +142,8 @@ define [
onChange: (change) ->
cursorPosition = @editor.getCursorPosition()
end = change.end
range = new Range(end.row, 0, end.row, end.column)
lineUpToCursor = @editor.getSession().getTextRange(range)
context = Helpers.getContext(@editor, end)
{lineUpToCursor, commandFragment, commandName, lineBeyondCursor, needsClosingBrace} = context
if lineUpToCursor.match(/.*%.*/)
lastCharIsBackslash = lineUpToCursor.slice(-1) == "\\"
@ -170,8 +152,6 @@ define [
if lastTwoChars.match(/^\\[^a-z]$/)
commandFragment = getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
commandName = getCommandNameFromFragment(commandFragment)
if commandName in ['begin', 'end']
# Check that this change was made by us, not a collaborator
@ -233,10 +213,10 @@ define [
# Delete back to last backslash, as appropriate
lastBackslashIndex = lineUpToCursor.lastIndexOf('\\')
if lastBackslashIndex != -1
leftRange.start.column = lastBackslashIndex
# Delete back to command start, as appropriate
commandStartIndex = Helpers.getLastCommandFragmentIndex(lineUpToCursor)
if commandStartIndex != -1
leftRange.start.column = commandStartIndex
leftRange.start.column -= completions.filterText.length
@ -310,5 +290,5 @@ define [
currentLineOffset = i + 1
currentLine = text.slice(currentLineOffset, pos)
fragment = getLastCommandFragment(currentLine) or ""
fragment = Helpers.getLastCommandFragment(currentLine) or ""
return fragment

View file

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
define [], () ->
noArgumentCommands = [
'item', 'hline', 'lipsum', 'centering', 'noindent', 'textwidth', 'draw',
'maketitle', 'newpage', 'verb', 'bibliography', 'fi', 'hfill', 'par',
'in', 'sum', 'cdot', 'alpha', 'ldots', 'else', 'linewidth', 'left',
'right', 'today', 'clearpage', 'newline', 'endinput', 'mu',
'tableofcontents', 'vfill', 'bigskip', 'fill', 'cleardoublepage'
'maketitle', 'newpage', 'verb', 'bibliography', 'hfill', 'par',
'in', 'sum', 'cdot', 'ldots', 'linewidth', 'left', 'right', 'today',
'clearpage', 'newline', 'endinput', 'tableofcontents', 'vfill',
'bigskip', 'fill', 'cleardoublepage', 'infty', 'leq', 'geq', 'times',
'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'varepsilon', 'zeta',
'eta', 'theta', 'vartheta', 'iota', 'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'nu', 'xi',
'pi', 'varpi', 'rho', 'varrho', 'sigma', 'varsigma', 'tau', 'upsilon',
'phi', 'varphi', 'chi', 'psi', 'omega', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Theta',
'Lambda', 'Xi', 'Pi', 'Sigma', 'Upsilon', 'Phi', 'Psi', 'Omega'
singleArgumentCommands = [
'chapter', 'usepackage', 'section', 'label', 'textbf', 'subsection',
@ -13,11 +18,12 @@ define [], () ->
'hspace', 'bibitem', 'url', 'large', 'subsubsection', 'textsc', 'date',
'footnote', 'small', 'thanks', 'underline', 'graphicspath', 'pageref',
'section*', 'subsection*', 'subsubsection*', 'sqrt', 'text',
'normalsize', 'Large', 'paragraph', 'pagestyle', 'thispagestyle',
'normalsize', 'footnotesize', 'Large', 'paragraph', 'pagestyle',
'thispagestyle', 'bibliographystyle', 'hat'
doubleArgumentCommands = [
'newcommand', 'frac', 'renewcommand', 'setlength', 'href', 'newtheorem'
'newcommand', 'frac', 'dfrac', 'renewcommand', 'setlength', 'href',
tripleArgumentCommands = [
'addcontentsline', 'newacronym', 'multicolumn'
@ -25,12 +31,12 @@ define [], () ->
special = ['LaTeX', 'TeX']
rawCommands = [].concat(
noArgumentCommands = for cmd in noArgumentCommands
@ -79,7 +85,7 @@ define [], () ->
# hacky solution: limit iterations
limit = null
if window?._ide?.browserIsSafari
limit = 100
limit = 5000
# fully formed commands
realCommands = []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
define [
], () ->
Range = ace.require("ace/range").Range
Helpers =
getLastCommandFragment: (lineUpToCursor) ->
if (index = Helpers.getLastCommandFragmentIndex(lineUpToCursor)) > -1
return lineUpToCursor.slice(index)
return null
getLastCommandFragmentIndex: (lineUpToCursor) ->
# This is hack to let us skip over commands in arguments, and
# go to the command on the same 'level' as us. E.g.
# \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{..
# should not match the \textwidth.
blankArguments = lineUpToCursor.replace /\[([^\]]*)\]/g, (args) ->
if m = blankArguments.match(/(\\[^\\]+)$/)
return m.index
return -1
getCommandNameFromFragment: (commandFragment) ->
getContext: (editor, pos) ->
upToCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, 0, pos.row, pos.column)
lineUpToCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(upToCursorRange)
commandFragment = Helpers.getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
commandName = Helpers.getCommandNameFromFragment(commandFragment)
beyondCursorRange = new Range(pos.row, pos.column, pos.row, 99999)
lineBeyondCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(beyondCursorRange)
needsClosingBrace = !lineBeyondCursor.match(/^[^{]*}/)
return {
return Helpers

View file

@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ define [
$scope.displayName = (user) ->
full_name = "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"
full_name =
full_name = "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"
fallback_name = "Unknown"
if !user?

View file

@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ define [
], (App, Ace, HumanReadableLogs, BibLogParser) ->
App.controller "PdfController", ($scope, $http, ide, $modal, synctex, event_tracking, logHintsFeedback, localStorage) ->
App.controller "PdfController", ($scope, $http, ide, $modal, synctex, event_tracking, logHintsFeedback, localStorage) ->
# enable per-user containers by default
perUserCompile = true
autoCompile = true
@ -66,13 +68,50 @@ define [
$scope.$on "project:joined", () ->
return if !autoCompile
autoCompile = false
$scope.recompile(isAutoCompile: true)
$scope.recompile(isAutoCompileOnLoad: true)
$scope.hasPremiumCompile = $scope.project.features.compileGroup == "priority"
$scope.$on "pdf:error:display", () ->
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.renderingError = true
autoCompileTimeout = null
triggerAutoCompile = () ->
return if autoCompileTimeout or $scope.ui.pdfHidden
timeSinceLastCompile = - $scope.recompiledAt
# If time is non-monotonic, assume that the user's system clock has been
# changed and continue with recompile
isTimeNonMonotonic = timeSinceLastCompile < 0
if isTimeNonMonotonic || timeSinceLastCompile >= AUTO_COMPILE_TIMEOUT
if (!ide.$scope.hasLintingError)
$scope.recompile(isAutoCompileOnChange: true)
# Extend remainder of timeout
autoCompileTimeout = setTimeout () ->
autoCompileTimeout = null
, AUTO_COMPILE_TIMEOUT - timeSinceLastCompile
autoCompileListener = null
toggleAutoCompile = (enabling) ->
if enabling
autoCompileListener = ide.$scope.$on "ide:opAcknowledged", _.debounce(triggerAutoCompile, OP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TIMEOUT)
autoCompileListener() if autoCompileListener
autoCompileListener = null
$scope.autocompile_enabled = localStorage("autocompile_enabled:#{$scope.project_id}") or false
$scope.$watch "autocompile_enabled", (newValue, oldValue) ->
if newValue? and oldValue != newValue
localStorage("autocompile_enabled:#{$scope.project_id}", newValue)
event_tracking.sendMB "autocompile-setting-changed", { value: newValue }
if (window.user?.betaProgram or window.showAutoCompileOnboarding) and $scope.autocompile_enabled
# abort compile if syntax checks fail
$scope.stop_on_validation_error = localStorage("stop_on_validation_error:#{$scope.project_id}")
$scope.stop_on_validation_error ?= true # turn on for all users by default
@ -88,7 +127,7 @@ define [
sendCompileRequest = (options = {}) ->
url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/compile"
params = {}
if options.isAutoCompile
if options.isAutoCompileOnLoad or options.isAutoCompileOnChange
# if the previous run was a check, clear the error logs
$scope.pdf.logEntries = [] if $scope.check
@ -105,9 +144,9 @@ define [
rootDoc_id: options.rootDocOverride_id or null
draft: $scope.draft
check: checkType
# use incremental compile for beta users but revert to a full
# use incremental compile for all users but revert to a full
# compile if there is a server error
incrementalCompilesEnabled: window.user?.betaProgram and not $scope.pdf.error
incrementalCompilesEnabled: not $scope.pdf.error
_csrf: window.csrfToken
}, {params: params}
@ -128,6 +167,8 @@ define [
$scope.pdf.compileTerminated = false
$scope.pdf.compileExited = false
$scope.pdf.failedCheck = false
$scope.pdf.compileInProgress = false
$scope.pdf.autoCompileDisabled = false
# make a cache to look up files by name
fileByPath = {}
@ -166,7 +207,13 @@ define [
$scope.shouldShowLogs = true
else if response.status == "autocompile-backoff"
$scope.pdf.view = 'uncompiled'
if $scope.pdf.isAutoCompileOnLoad # initial autocompile
$scope.pdf.view = 'uncompiled'
else # background autocompile from typing
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.autoCompileDisabled = true
$scope.autocompile_enabled = false # disable any further autocompiles
event_tracking.sendMB "autocompile-rate-limited", {hasPremiumCompile: $scope.hasPremiumCompile}
else if response.status == "project-too-large"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = true
@ -184,6 +231,10 @@ define [
else if response.status == "validation-problems"
$scope.pdf.view = "validation-problems"
$scope.pdf.validation = response.validationProblems
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
else if response.status == "compile-in-progress"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.compileInProgress = true
else if response.status == "success"
$scope.pdf.view = 'pdf'
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
@ -369,9 +420,13 @@ define [
$scope.recompile = (options = {}) ->
return if $scope.pdf.compiling
if !options.isAutoCompileOnLoad and $scope.onboarding.autoCompile == 'unseen'
$scope.onboarding.autoCompile = 'show'
event_tracking.sendMBSampled "editor-recompile-sampled", options
$scope.pdf.compiling = true
$scope.pdf.isAutoCompileOnLoad = options?.isAutoCompileOnLoad # initial autocompile
if options?.force
# for forced compile, turn off validation check and ignore errors
@ -401,6 +456,8 @@ define [
$scope.pdf.renderingError = false
$scope.pdf.error = true
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
.finally () ->
$scope.recompiledAt =
# This needs to be public.
ide.$scope.recompile = $scope.recompile

View file

@ -55,7 +55,11 @@ define [
$scope.$watch "project.rootDoc_id", (rootDoc_id, oldRootDoc_id) =>
return if @ignoreUpdates
if oldRootDoc_id? and rootDoc_id != oldRootDoc_id
# don't save on initialisation, Angular passes oldRootDoc_id as
# undefined in this case.
return if typeof oldRootDoc_id is "undefined"
# otherwise only save changes, null values are allowed
if (rootDoc_id != oldRootDoc_id)
settings.saveProjectSettings({rootDocId: rootDoc_id})

View file

@ -26,22 +26,12 @@ define [
storedUIOpts = JSON.parse(localStorage("project_list"))
recalculateProjectListHeight = () ->
topOffset = $(".project-list-card")?.offset()?.top
bottomOffset = $("footer").outerHeight() + 25
sideBarHeight = $("aside").height() - 56
# When footer is visible and page doesn't need to scroll we just make it
# span between header and footer
height = $window.innerHeight - topOffset - bottomOffset
# When page is small enough that this pushes the project list smaller than
# the side bar, then the window going to have to scroll to take into account the
# footer. So we now start to track to the bottom of the window, with a 25px padding
# since the footer is hidden below the fold. Don't ever get bigger than the sidebar
# though since that's what triggered this happening in the first place.
if height < sideBarHeight
height = Math.min(sideBarHeight, $window.innerHeight - topOffset - 25)
$projListCard = $(".project-list-card")
topOffset = $projListCard.offset()?.top
cardPadding = $projListCard.outerHeight() - $projListCard.height()
bottomOffset = $("footer").outerHeight()
height = $window.innerHeight - topOffset - bottomOffset - cardPadding
$scope.projectListHeight = height
angular.element($window).bind "resize", () ->

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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View file

@ -98,4 +98,48 @@ a.feat-onboard-dismiss {
color: #FFF;
opacity: 1;
.onboarding-autocompile {
display: block;
top: 10px;
img {
margin-bottom: 10px;
border: 1px solid @gray-lighter;
&::before, &::after {
content: '';
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border-style: solid;
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top: 7px;
display: block;
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&.right::after {
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left: -9.5px;
&.left::before {
border-right-width: 0;
border-left-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
right: -11px
&.left::after {
border-right-width: 0;
border-left-color: #f7f7f7;
right: -9.5px;

View file

@ -947,6 +947,7 @@
justify-content: center;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
z-index: 1;
&::before {
content: '';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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@colorValBlue: blue(@colorVal);
@colorValAsRGB: 'rgb(@{colorValRed}, @{colorValGreen}, @{colorValBlue})';
&.@{colorName} {
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background-color: @colorVal;
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content: '@@{colorName}';
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content: '@{colorVal}';
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font-size: 10px;
content: '@{colorValAsRGB}';
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display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
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background: white;
margin: 10px 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
width: 16.666%;
.color-swatch {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
margin: 10px auto;
border-radius: 4px;
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display: flex;
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margin: 0 3px 10px;
.color-label pre {
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margin: 0 auto;

View file

@ -18,9 +18,56 @@
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position: absolute;
top: @header-height;
bottom: @footer-height;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
.project-list-content when (@is-overleaf) {
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
.project-list-content when (@is-overleaf = false) {
.sidebar-new-proj-btn when (@is-overleaf) {
.project-list-row when (@is-overleaf) {
height: 100%;
.project-list-container when (@is-overleaf) {
height: 100%;
.project-list-sidebar {
background-color: @sidebar-bg;
padding-top: @content-margin-vertical;
padding-bottom: @content-margin-vertical;
.project-list-sidebar when (@is-overleaf) {
height: 100%;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
-ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
.project-list-main {
padding-top: @content-margin-vertical;
padding-bottom: @content-margin-vertical;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.project-header {
.btn-group > .btn {
padding-left: @line-height-base / 2;
@ -48,6 +95,9 @@
p {
margin-bottom: @line-height-computed / 4;
&.small {
color: @sidebar-color;
@ -76,27 +126,38 @@
ul.folders-menu {
margin: 0;
margin: @folders-menu-margin;
.subdued {
color: @gray-light;
> li {
cursor: pointer;
line-height: 1.8;
position: relative;
> a {
display: block;
color: @sidebar-link-color;
padding: @folders-menu-item-v-padding @folders-menu-item-h-padding;
border-bottom: solid 1px transparent;
&:hover {
background-color: @sidebar-hover-bg;
text-decoration: @sidebar-hover-text-decoration;
&:focus {
text-decoration: none;
> a when (@is-overleaf = false) {
font-size: 0.9rem;
color: #333;
padding: (@line-height-computed / 4);
display: inline-block;
line-height: 1.2;
&.separator {
padding: @folders-menu-item-v-padding @folders-menu-item-h-padding;
cursor: auto;
> {
//border-right: 4px solid @red;
background-color: @link-color;
border-radius: @border-radius-small;
border-radius: @sidebar-active-border-radius;
> a {
background-color: @sidebar-active-bg;
font-weight: 700;
color: white;
.subdued {
@ -108,10 +169,13 @@ ul.folders-menu {
color: @gray;
h2 {
margin-top: @line-height-computed / 2;
margin-bottom: @line-height-computed / 4;
font-size: @font-size-base;
font-weight: 500;
margin-top: @folders-title-margin-top;
margin-bottom: @folders-title-margin-bottom;
font-size: @folders-title-font-size;
color: @folders-title-color;
text-transform: @folders-title-text-transform;
padding: @folders-title-padding;
font-weight: @folders-title-font-weight;
font-family: @font-family-sans-serif;
> li.tag {
@ -120,7 +184,7 @@ ul.folders-menu {
color: white;
border-color: white;
&:hover {
background-color: darken(@brand-primary, 10%);
background-color: @folders-tag-menu-active-hover;
@ -128,7 +192,7 @@ ul.folders-menu {
font-style: italic;
margin-bottom: @line-height-computed / 4;
a {
line-height: 1.7;
line-height: @folders-untagged-line-height;
&:focus {
text-decoration: none;
@ -140,7 +204,7 @@ ul.folders-menu {
&:hover {
&:not(.active) {
background-color: darken(@gray-lightest, 2%);
background-color: @folders-tag-hover;
.tag-menu {
display: block
@ -148,30 +212,23 @@ ul.folders-menu {
&:not(.active) {
.tag-menu > a:hover {
background-color: @gray-light;
background-color: @folders-tag-menu-hover;
a.tag-name {
padding: 2px (@line-height-computed / 4);
margin-right: 18px;
display: inline-block;
padding: @folders-tag-padding;
display: @folders-tag-display;
position: relative;
i {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
left: 6px;
} {
display: inline-block;
padding-left: 22px;
line-height: 1.4;
padding-left: 0.5em;
line-height: @folders-tag-line-height;
.tag-menu {
> a {
border: 1px solid @gray;
border: 1px solid @folders-tag-border-color;
border-radius: @border-radius-small;
color: @text-color;
color: @folders-tag-menu-color;
display: block;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
@ -184,7 +241,8 @@ ul.folders-menu {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 6px;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -8px; // Half the element height.
right: 4px;
&.open {
display: block;
@ -204,32 +262,34 @@ ul.structured-list {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
-ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
li {
border-bottom: 1px solid @gray-lightest;
border-bottom: 1px solid @structured-list-border-color;
padding: (@line-height-computed / 4) 0;
&:first-child {
.header {
font-size: 1rem;
&:last-child {
border-bottom: 0 none;
&:hover {
background-color: @gray-lightest;
background-color: @structured-list-hover-color;
&:first-child:hover {
background-color: white;
&:first-child {
border-bottom-color: @structured-header-border-color;
&:hover {
background-color: transparent;
a {
color: darken(@blue, 10%);
color: @structured-list-link-color;
.header {
.header when (@is-overleaf = true) {
font-weight: 600;
.header when (@is-overleaf = false) {
text-transform: uppercase;
.select-item, .select-all {
display: inline-block;
.select-item, .select-all {
position: absolute;
left: @line-height-computed;
@ -245,17 +305,25 @@ ul.structured-list {
.project-list-card when (@is-overleaf) {
padding: 0 (@line-height-computed / 4);
ul.project-list {
li {
.last-modified, .owner {
.last-modified when (@is-overleaf = false) {
font-size: .8rem;
.owner {
.owner when (@is-overleaf = false) {
font-size: .8rem;
.owner when (@is-overleaf = false) {
margin-right: 0;
.projectName {
margin-right: @line-height-computed / 4;
.tag-label {
margin-left: @line-height-computed / 4;
position: relative;
@ -267,6 +335,12 @@ ul.project-list {
display: inline-block;
padding-top: 0.3em;
color: #FFF;
border-radius: @tag-border-radius;
background-color: @tag-bg-color;
&:focus {
background-color: @tag-bg-hover-color;
.tag-label-name {
padding-right: 0.3em;
@ -347,7 +421,7 @@ ul.project-list {
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position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
bottom: @footer-height;
right: 0;
height: 150px;
width: 100%;
@ -429,7 +503,7 @@ ul.project-list {
margin-right: 95px;
bottom: 30px;
width: 700px;
max-height: 52%;
max-height: 40%;
min-height: 100px;
background: #FFF;
z-index: 1;

View file

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
vertical-align: middle;
cursor: pointer;
background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid transparent;
border: @btn-border-width solid transparent;
border-bottom: @btn-border-bottom-width solid transparent;
white-space: nowrap;
.button-size(@padding-base-vertical; @padding-base-horizontal; @font-size-base; @line-height-base; @border-radius-base);
.button-size(@padding-base-vertical; @padding-base-horizontal; @font-size-base; @line-height-base; @btn-border-radius-base);
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@
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// line-height: ensure even-numbered height of button next to large input
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// line-height: ensure proper height of button next to small input
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.button-size(@padding-small-vertical; @padding-small-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @btn-border-radius-small);
.btn-xs {
.button-size(@padding-xs-vertical; @padding-xs-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @border-radius-small);
.button-size(@padding-xs-vertical; @padding-xs-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @btn-border-radius-small);

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
.card {
background-color: white;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
-webkit-box-shadow: @card-box-shadow;
box-shadow: @card-box-shadow;
padding: @line-height-computed;
.page-header {
margin: 0 0 1.5625rem;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ {
background-color: @footer-bg-color;
border-top: 1px solid @gray-lighter;
padding: 2em;
font-size: 0.9rem;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
height: @footer-height;
line-height: @footer-height - 1; // Hack — in Chrome, using the full @footer-height would generate vertical scrolling
ul {
list-style: none;
margin: 0px;
@ -22,6 +28,21 @@ {
vertical-align: text-bottom;
a {
color: @footer-link-color;
&:focus {
color: @footer-link-hover-color;
.site-footer-content when (@is-overleaf = true) {
.site-footer-content when (@is-overleaf = false) {
.sprite-icon-lang {

View file

@ -174,9 +174,9 @@
font-size: 20px;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: 2px;
color: #666;
color: @navbar-title-color;
&:hover, &:active, &:focus {
color: #333;
color: @navbar-title-color-hover;
text-decoration: none;
@ -378,13 +378,17 @@
.navbar-default {
background-color: @navbar-default-bg;
border-color: @navbar-default-border;
padding: 1rem 2rem;
padding: @navbar-default-padding;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: @header-height;
.navbar-brand {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
bottom: 5px;
width: 180px;
width: @navbar-brand-width;
padding: 0;
background-image: @navbar-brand-image-url;
background-size: contain;
@ -400,11 +404,11 @@
> li > a {
color: @navbar-default-link-color;
border: 2px solid transparent;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
font-size: @font-size-base * .8;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 1;
padding: 10px 10px 11px;
border-radius: @navbar-btn-border-radius;
font-size: @navbar-btn-font-size;
font-weight: @navbar-btn-font-weight;
line-height: @navbar-btn-line-height;
padding: @navbar-btn-padding;
&:focus {
@ -432,15 +436,15 @@
> li.subdued > a {
border: 0;
color: @gray;
padding: 12px 12px 13px;
color: @navbar-subdued-color;
padding: @navbar-subdued-padding;
margin-left: 0;
&:hover {
color: @gray-dark;
background-color: @gray-lightest;
color: @navbar-subdued-hover-color;
background-color: @navbar-subdued-hover-bg;
&:focus {
color: @gray;
color: @navbar-subdued-color;
background-color: transparent;
@ -485,8 +489,8 @@
&:focus {
color: @gray-dark;
background-color: @gray-lightest;
color: @navbar-subdued-hover-color;
background-color: @navbar-subdued-hover-bg;

View file

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
height: @line-height-computed;
margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;
background-color: @progress-bg;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
border: 1px solid @progress-border-color;
border-radius: @progress-border-radius;
border: @progress-border-width solid @progress-border-color;
.box-shadow(inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
color: @progress-bar-color;
text-align: center;
background-color: @progress-bar-bg;
.box-shadow(inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15));
.transition(width .6s ease);

View file

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
@border-radius-base: 3px;
@border-radius-large: 5px;
@border-radius-small: 2px;
//** Global color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).
@component-active-color: #fff;
//** Global background color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).
@ -789,10 +788,7 @@
//** Horizontal offset for forms and lists.
@component-offset-horizontal: 180px;
@content-margin-top: @line-height-computed;
@content-margin-top: @line-height-computed;
// Custom
@content-margin-vertical: @line-height-computed;
@left-menu-width: 260px;
@left-menu-animation-duration: 0.35s;
@ -803,3 +799,94 @@
@editor-dark-background-color: #333;
@editor-dark-toolbar-border-color: #222;
@editor-dark-highlight-color: #FFA03A;
// Custom
@is-overleaf : false;
@header-height : 68px;
@footer-height : 50px;
// Backgrounds
@content-alt-bg-color: lighten(@gray-lightest, 2.5%);
// Typography
@text-small-color: @gray;
// Navbar
@navbar-title-color : #666;
@navbar-title-color-hover : #333;
@navbar-default-padding : 1rem 2rem;
@navbar-brand-width : 180px;
@navbar-btn-font-size : @font-size-base * 0.8;
@navbar-btn-border-radius : @border-radius-base;
@navbar-btn-font-weight : 700;
@navbar-btn-padding : 10px 10px 11px;
@navbar-btn-line-height : 1;
@navbar-subdued-padding : 12px 12px 13px;
@navbar-subdued-color : @gray;
@navbar-subdued-hover-bg : @gray-lightest;
@navbar-subdued-hover-color : @gray-dark;
// Button colors and sizing
@btn-border-radius-large : @border-radius-large;
@btn-border-radius-base : @border-radius-base;
@btn-border-radius-small : @border-radius-small;
@btn-border-width : 1px;
@btn-border-bottom-width : 2px;
// Cards
@card-box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
// Project table
@structured-list-link-color : darken(@blue, 10%);
@structured-header-border-color : @gray-lightest;
@structured-list-border-color : @gray-lightest;
@structured-list-hover-color : @gray-lightest;
@structured-list-line-height : @line-height-base;
// Sidebar
@sidebar-bg : transparent;
@sidebar-color : @gray;
@sidebar-link-color : #333;
@sidebar-active-border-radius : @border-radius-small;
@sidebar-active-bg : @link-color;
@sidebar-hover-bg : transparent;
@sidebar-hover-text-decoration : underline;
@folders-menu-margin : 0;
@folders-menu-line-height : 1.2;
@folders-menu-item-v-padding : (@line-height-computed / 4);
@folders-menu-item-h-padding : (@line-height-computed / 4);
@folders-title-padding : 0;
@folders-title-margin-top : (@line-height-computed / 2);
@folders-title-margin-bottom : (@line-height-computed / 4);
@folders-title-font-size : @font-size-base;
@folders-title-font-weight : 500;
@folders-title-line-height : @headings-line-height;
@folders-title-color : inherit;
@folders-title-text-transform : none;
@folders-tag-padding : 2px 20px 2px @folders-menu-item-h-padding;
@folders-tag-line-height : 1.8;
@folders-tag-display : block;
@folders-tag-menu-color : @gray;
@folders-tag-hover : darken(@gray-lightest, 2%);
@folders-tag-border-color : @text-color;
@folders-tag-menu-active-hover : darken(@brand-primary, 10%);
@folders-tag-menu-hover : @gray-light;
@folders-untagged-line-height : 1.7;
// Progress bars
@progress-border-radius : @border-radius-base;
@progress-border-width : 1px;
@progress-bar-shadow : inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15);
// Footer
@footer-link-color : @link-color;
@footer-link-hover-color : @link-hover-color;
@footer-bg-color : transparent;
@footer-padding : 2em;
// Tags
@tag-border-radius : 0.25em;
@tag-bg-color : @label-default-bg;
@tag-bg-hover-color : darken(@label-default-bg, 10%);

View file

@ -1,11 +1,164 @@
@ol-green: #4A9F48;
@ol-dark-green: #1C5B26;
@import "./_common-variables.less";
@is-overleaf: true;
@header-height: 68px;
@footer-height: 50px;
// Styleguide colors
@ol-blue-gray-1 : #E4E8EE;
@ol-blue-gray-2 : #9DA7B7;
@ol-blue-gray-3 : #5D6879;
@ol-blue-gray-4 : #485973;
@ol-blue-gray-5 : #2C3645;
@ol-blue-gray-6 : #1E2530;
@ol-green : #4F9C45;
@ol-dark-green : #1C5B26;
@ol-blue : #4B7FD1;
@ol-dark-blue : #2857A1;
@ol-red : #C9453E;
@ol-dark-red : #A6312B;
@ol-type-color : @ol-blue-gray-3;
// Navbar customization
@navbar-title-color : @ol-blue-gray-1;
@navbar-title-color-hover : @ol-blue-gray-2;
@navbar-brand-width : 130px;
@navbar-default-color : #FFF;
@navbar-default-bg : @ol-blue-gray-6;
@navbar-default-border : transparent;
@navbar-brand-image-url : url(/img/ol-brand/overleaf-white.svg);
// Backgrounds
@body-bg : #FFF;
@content-alt-bg-color : @ol-blue-gray-1;
// Typography
@text-small-color : @ol-type-color;
@text-color : @ol-type-color;
@link-color : @ol-blue;
@link-hover-color : @ol-dark-blue;
// Button colors and sizing
@btn-border-width : 0;
@btn-border-bottom-width : 0;
@btn-border-radius-large : 9999px;
@btn-border-radius-base : 9999px;
@btn-border-radius-small : 9999px;
@btn-default-color : #FFF;
@btn-default-bg : @ol-blue-gray-4;
@btn-default-border : transparent;
@btn-primary-color : #FFF;
@btn-primary-bg : @ol-green;
@btn-primary-border : transparent;
@btn-success-color : #FFF;
@btn-success-bg : @ol-green;
@btn-success-border : transparent;
@btn-info-color : #FFF;
@btn-info-bg : @ol-blue;
@btn-info-border : transparent;
// Tags
@tag-border-radius : 9999px;
@tag-bg-color : @ol-green;
@tag-bg-hover-color : @ol-dark-green;
// Navbar
@navbar-default-padding : (@grid-gutter-width / 2) 0;
@navbar-default-link-color : #FFF;
@navbar-default-link-hover-bg : @ol-green;
@navbar-default-link-active-bg : @ol-green;
@navbar-default-link-hover-color : @ol-green;
@navbar-btn-font-size : @font-size-base;
@navbar-btn-border-radius : @btn-border-radius-base;
@navbar-btn-font-weight : 400;
@navbar-btn-padding : (@padding-base-vertical - 1) @padding-base-horizontal @padding-base-vertical;
@navbar-btn-line-height : @line-height-base;
@navbar-subdued-color : #FFF;
@navbar-subdued-padding : (@padding-base-vertical + 1) (@padding-base-horizontal + 1) (@padding-base-vertical + 2);
@navbar-subdued-hover-bg : #FFF;
@navbar-subdued-hover-color : @ol-green;
// Forms
@input-color : @ol-blue-gray-3;
@input-border-radius : unit(@line-height-base, em);
@input-height-base : @line-height-computed + (@padding-base-vertical * 2) - 1;
// TODO Warning color-orange?
@btn-warning-color : #FFF;
@btn-warning-bg : @ol-red;
@btn-warning-border : transparent;
@btn-danger-color : #FFF;
@btn-danger-bg : @ol-red;
@btn-danger-border : transparent;
// Cards
@card-box-shadow : none;
// Sidebar
@sidebar-bg : @ol-blue-gray-5;
@sidebar-color : @ol-blue-gray-2;
@sidebar-link-color : #FFF;
@sidebar-active-border-radius : 0;
@sidebar-active-bg : @ol-blue-gray-6;
@sidebar-hover-bg : @ol-blue-gray-4;
@sidebar-hover-text-decoration : none;
@folders-menu-margin : 0 -(@grid-gutter-width / 2);
@folders-menu-line-height : @structured-list-line-height;
@folders-menu-item-v-padding : (@line-height-computed / 4);
@folders-menu-item-h-padding : (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
@folders-title-padding : @folders-menu-item-v-padding 0;
@folders-title-margin-top : 0;
@folders-title-margin-bottom : 0;
@folders-title-font-weight : normal;
@folders-title-font-size : @font-size-small;
@folders-title-color : @ol-blue-gray-2;
@folders-title-text-transform : uppercase;
@folders-tag-display : block;
@folders-tag-line-height : 1.4;
@folders-tag-padding : @folders-menu-item-v-padding 20px @folders-menu-item-v-padding @folders-menu-item-h-padding;
@folders-tag-menu-color : #FFF;
@folders-tag-hover : @sidebar-hover-bg;
@folders-tag-border-color : @folders-tag-menu-color;
@folders-tag-menu-hover : rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
@folders-tag-menu-active-hover : rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
@folders-untagged-line-height : @folders-menu-line-height;
// Project table
@structured-list-line-height : 2.5;
@structured-list-link-color : @ol-blue;
@structured-header-border-color : shade(@ol-blue-gray-1, 5%);
@structured-list-border-color : @ol-blue-gray-1;
@structured-list-hover-color : lighten(@ol-blue-gray-1, 5%);
// Progress bars
@progress-border-radius : @line-height-computed;
@progress-border-width : 0;
@progress-bar-bg : @ol-blue-gray-4;
@progress-bar-success-bg : @ol-green;
@progress-bar-warning-bg : @brand-warning;
@progress-bar-danger-bg : @ol-red;
@progress-bar-info-bg : @ol-blue;
@progress-bar-shadow : none;
// Footer
@footer-bg-color : #FFF;
@footer-link-color : @ol-green;
@footer-link-hover-color : @ol-dark-green;
@footer-padding : 2em 0;
//== Colors
//## Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap.
@gray-darker: #252525;
@gray-dark: #505050;
@gray: #7a7a7a;
@ -28,10 +181,6 @@
@brand-warning: @orange;
@brand-danger: #E03A06;
@navbar-brand-image-url: url(/img/ol-brand/logo-horizontal.png);
@editor-loading-logo-padding-top: 115.44%;
@editor-loading-logo-background-url: url(/img/ol-brand/overleaf-o-grey.svg);
@editor-loading-logo-foreground-url: url(/img/ol-brand/overleaf-o.svg);
@import "./_common-variables.less";
@editor-loading-logo-foreground-url: url(/img/ol-brand/overleaf-o.svg);

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
html {
//font-size: 62.5%;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
height: 100%;
body {
@ -29,6 +30,13 @@ body {
line-height: @line-height-base;
color: @text-color;
background-color: @body-bg;
min-height: 100%;
position: relative;
padding-top: @header-height;
padding-bottom: @footer-height;
& > .content {
min-height: calc(~"100vh -" (@header-height + @footer-height));
// Reset fonts for relevant elements
@ -137,12 +145,12 @@ hr {
.content {
padding-top: @content-margin-top;
padding-bottom: @content-margin-top;
padding-top: @content-margin-vertical;
padding-bottom: @content-margin-vertical;
.content-alt {
background-color: lighten(@gray-lightest, 2.5%);
background-color: @content-alt-bg-color;
.row-spaced {

View file

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ p {
// Ex: 14px base font * 85% = about 12px
.small { font-size: 90%; color: @gray }
.small { font-size: 90%; color: @text-small-color; }
// Undo browser default styling
cite { font-style: normal; }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// Core variables and mixins
@import "core/ol-variables.less";
@import "app/ol-style-guide.less";
@import "_style_includes.less";

View file

@ -431,3 +431,103 @@ describe "CollaboratorsHandler", ->
expect(isTokenMember).to.equal false
describe 'transferProjects', ->
beforeEach ->
@from_user_id = "from-user-id"
@to_user_id = "to-user-id"
@projects = [{
_id: "project-id-1"
}, {
_id: "project-id-2"
@Project.find = sinon.stub().yields(null, @projects)
@Project.update = sinon.stub().yields()
@ProjectEntityHandler.flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore = sinon.stub().yields()
describe "successfully", ->
beforeEach ->
@CollaboratorHandler.transferProjects @from_user_id, @to_user_id, @callback
it "should look up the affected projects", ->
$or : [
{ owner_ref: @from_user_id }
{ collaberator_refs: @from_user_id }
{ readOnly_refs: @from_user_id }
.should.equal true
it "should transfer owned projects", ->
owner_ref: @from_user_id
}, {
$set: { owner_ref: @to_user_id }
}, {
multi: true
.should.equal true
it "should transfer collaborator projects", ->
collaberator_refs: @from_user_id
}, {
$addToSet: { collaberator_refs: @to_user_id }
}, {
multi: true
.should.equal true
collaberator_refs: @from_user_id
}, {
$pull: { collaberator_refs: @from_user_id }
}, {
multi: true
.should.equal true
it "should transfer read only collaborator projects", ->
readOnly_refs: @from_user_id
}, {
$addToSet: { readOnly_refs: @to_user_id }
}, {
multi: true
.should.equal true
readOnly_refs: @from_user_id
}, {
$pull: { readOnly_refs: @from_user_id }
}, {
multi: true
.should.equal true
it "should flush each project to the TPDS", ->
for project in @projects
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when flushing to TPDS fails", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore = sinon.stub().yields(new Error('oops'))
@CollaboratorHandler.transferProjects @from_user_id, @to_user_id, @callback
it "should log an error", ->
@logger.err.called.should.equal true
it "should not return an error since it happens in the background", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
@callback.calledWith(new Error('oops')).should.equal false

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
getProjectDocsIfMatch: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2,null,null)
"./ClsiCookieManager": @ClsiCookieManager
"./ClsiStateManager": @ClsiStateManager
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() }
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub(), err: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() }
"request": @request = sinon.stub()
"./ClsiFormatChecker": @ClsiFormatChecker
"metrics-sharelatex": @Metrics =
@ -122,6 +122,21 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
it "should call the callback with a success status", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @status, ).should.equal true
describe "when the resources fail the precompile check", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error("failed"))
@ClsiManager._postToClsi = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {
status: @status = "failure"
@ClsiManager.sendRequest @project_id, @user_id, {}, @callback
it "should call the callback only once", ->
@callback.calledOnce.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("failed")).should.equal true
describe "deleteAuxFiles", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiManager._makeRequest = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@ -247,12 +262,12 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, {compiler:1, rootDoc_id: 1, imageName: 1, rootFolder: 1})
.should.equal true
it "should flush the project to the database", ->
it "should not explicitly flush the project to the database", ->
.should.equal true
.should.equal false
it "should get only the live docs from the docupdater", ->
it "should get only the live docs from the docupdater with a background flush in docupdater", ->
.should.equal true
@ -331,7 +346,49 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
it "should set to main.tex", ->
@request.compile.rootResourcePath.should.equal "main.tex"
describe "when there is no valid root document and no main.tex document", ->
beforeEach () ->
@project.rootDoc_id = "not-valid"
@docs = {
"/other.tex": @doc_1 = {
name: "other.tex"
_id: "mock-doc-id-1"
lines: ["Hello", "world"]
"/chapters/chapter1.tex": @doc_2 = {
name: "chapter1.tex"
_id: "mock-doc-id-2"
lines: [
"Chapter 1"
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @docs)
@ClsiManager._buildRequest @project, null, @callback
it "should report an error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Error("no main file specified")).should.equal true
describe "when there is no valid root document and a single document which is not main.tex", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@project.rootDoc_id = "not-valid"
@docs = {
"/other.tex": @doc_1 = {
name: "other.tex"
_id: "mock-doc-id-1"
lines: ["Hello", "world"]
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @docs)
@ClsiManager._buildRequest @project, null, (@error, @request) =>
it "should set io to the only file", ->
@request.compile.rootResourcePath.should.equal "other.tex"
describe "with the draft option", ->
it "should add the draft option into the request", (done) ->
@ClsiManager._buildRequest @project_id, {timeout:100, draft: true}, (error, request) =>

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describe "CompileManager", ->
describe "succesfully", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit = (_, cb)-> cb(null, true)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit = (isAutoCompile, compileGroup, cb)-> cb(null, true)
@CompileManager.compile @project_id, @user_id, {}, @callback
it "should check the project has not been recently compiled", ->
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ describe "CompileManager", ->
describe "when the project has been recently compiled", ->
it "should return", (done)->
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit = (_, cb)-> cb(null, true)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit = (isAutoCompile, compileGroup, cb)-> cb(null, true)
@CompileManager._checkIfRecentlyCompiled = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, true)
@CompileManager.compile @project_id, @user_id, {}, (err, status)->
status.should.equal "too-recently-compiled"
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ describe "CompileManager", ->
describe "should check the rate limit", ->
it "should return", (done)->
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, false)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, false)
@CompileManager.compile @project_id, @user_id, {}, (err, status)->
status.should.equal "autocompile-backoff"
@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ describe "CompileManager", ->
describe "_checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit", ->
it "should be able to compile if it is not an autocompile", (done)->
@ratelimiter.addCount.callsArgWith(1, null, true)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit false, (err, canCompile)=>
@ratelimiter.addCount.callsArgWith(2, null, true)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit false, "everyone", (err, canCompile)=>
canCompile.should.equal true
it "should be able to compile if rate limit has remianing", (done)->
@ratelimiter.addCount.callsArgWith(1, null, true)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit true, (err, canCompile)=>
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit true, "everyone", (err, canCompile)=>
args = @ratelimiter.addCount.args[0][0]
args.throttle.should.equal 25
args.subjectName.should.equal "everyone"
@ -240,13 +240,13 @@ describe "CompileManager", ->
it "should be not able to compile if rate limit has no remianing", (done)->
@ratelimiter.addCount.callsArgWith(1, null, false)
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit true, (err, canCompile)=>
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit true, "everyone", (err, canCompile)=>
canCompile.should.equal false
it "should return false if there is an error in the rate limit", (done)->
@ratelimiter.addCount.callsArgWith(1, "error")
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit true, (err, canCompile)=>
@CompileManager._checkIfAutoCompileLimitHasBeenHit true, "everyone", (err, canCompile)=>
canCompile.should.equal false

View file

@ -265,19 +265,19 @@ describe 'DocumentUpdaterHandler', ->
v: @version
@docs = [ @doc0, @doc0, @doc0 ]
@body = JSON.stringify @docs
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, @body) = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, @body)
@handler.getProjectDocsIfMatch @project_id, @project_state_hash, @callback
it 'should get the documenst from the document updater', ->
url = "#{@settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{@project_id}/doc?state=#{@project_state_hash}"
@request.get.calledWith(url).should.equal true
url = "#{@settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{@project_id}/get_and_flush_if_old?state=#{@project_state_hash}" true
it "should call the callback with the documents", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(null, @docs).should.equal true
describe "when the document updater API returns an error", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null) = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null)
@handler.getProjectDocsIfMatch @project_id, @project_state_hash, @callback
it "should return an error to the callback", ->
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ describe 'DocumentUpdaterHandler', ->
describe "when the document updater returns a conflict error code", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 409 }, "Conflict") = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 409 }, "Conflict")
@handler.getProjectDocsIfMatch @project_id, @project_state_hash, @callback
it "should return the callback with no documents", ->
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ describe 'DocumentUpdaterHandler', ->
describe "when the document updater API returns an error", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null) = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null)
@handler.getProjectDocsIfMatch @project_id, @project_state_hash, @callback
it "should return an error to the callback", ->
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ describe 'DocumentUpdaterHandler', ->
describe "when the document updater returns a conflict error code", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 409 }, "Conflict") = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 409 }, "Conflict")
@handler.getProjectDocsIfMatch @project_id, @project_state_hash, @callback
it "should return the callback with no documents", ->

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ describe "DocumentController", ->
@doc_lines = ["one", "two", "three"]
@version = 42
@ranges = {"mock": "ranges"}
@pathname = '/a/b/c/file.tex'
@rev = 5
describe "getDocument", ->
@ -34,12 +35,12 @@ describe "DocumentController", ->
describe "when the document exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @doc_lines, @rev, @version, @ranges)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, @doc_lines, @rev, @version, @ranges, @pathname)
@DocumentController.getDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should get the document from Mongo", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id)
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id, pathname: true)
.should.equal true
it "should return the document data to the client as JSON", ->
@ -48,10 +49,11 @@ describe "DocumentController", ->
lines: @doc_lines
version: @version
ranges: @ranges
pathname: @pathname
describe "when the document doesn't exist", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"), null)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"), null)
@DocumentController.getDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should call next with the NotFoundError", ->

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "HistoryController", ->
beforeEach ->
@callback = sinon.stub()
@user_id = "user-id-123"
@AuthenticationController =
getLoggedInUserId: sinon.stub().returns(@user_id)
@ -14,46 +15,134 @@ describe "HistoryController", ->
"settings-sharelatex": @settings = {}
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = {log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub()}
"../Authentication/AuthenticationController": @AuthenticationController
@settings.apis =
enabled: false
url: ""
url: ""
describe "proxyToHistoryApi", ->
beforeEach ->
@req = { url: "/mock/url", method: "POST" }
@res = "mock-res"
@next = sinon.stub()
@settings.apis =
url: ""
@proxy =
events: {}
pipe: sinon.stub()
on: (event, handler) -> @events[event] = handler
@request.returns @proxy
@HistoryController.proxyToHistoryApi @req, @res, @next
describe "successfully", ->
it "should get the user id", ->
.should.equal true
describe "with project history enabled", ->
beforeEach ->
@settings.apis.project_history.enabled = true
@HistoryController.proxyToHistoryApi @req, @res, @next
it "should call the track changes api", ->
url: "#{@settings.apis.trackchanges.url}#{@req.url}"
method: @req.method
"X-User-Id": @user_id
.should.equal true
it "should get the user id", ->
.should.equal true
it "should pipe the response to the client", ->
.should.equal true
it "should call the project history api", ->
url: "#{@settings.apis.project_history.url}#{@req.url}"
method: @req.method
"X-User-Id": @user_id
.should.equal true
it "should pipe the response to the client", ->
.should.equal true
describe "with project history disabled", ->
beforeEach ->
@settings.apis.project_history.enabled = false
@HistoryController.proxyToHistoryApi @req, @res, @next
it "should call the track changes api", ->
url: "#{@settings.apis.trackchanges.url}#{@req.url}"
method: @req.method
"X-User-Id": @user_id
.should.equal true
describe "with an error", ->
beforeEach ->
@HistoryController.proxyToHistoryApi @req, @res, @next["error"].call(@proxy, @error = new Error("oops"))
it "should pass the error up the call chain", ->
@next.calledWith(@error).should.equal true
describe "initializeProject", ->
describe "with project history enabled", ->
beforeEach ->
@settings.apis.project_history.enabled = true
describe "project history returns a successful response", ->
beforeEach ->
@overleaf_id = 1234
@res = statusCode: 200
@body = JSON.stringify(project: id: @overleaf_id) = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @res, @body)
@HistoryController.initializeProject @callback
it "should call the project history api", ->
url: "#{@settings.apis.project_history.url}/project"
).should.equal true
it "should return the callback with the overleaf id", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(null, { @overleaf_id }).should.equal true
describe "project history returns a response without the project id", ->
beforeEach ->
@res = statusCode: 200
@body = JSON.stringify(project: {}) = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @res, @body)
@HistoryController.initializeProject @callback
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
.calledWith(sinon.match.has("message", "project-history did not provide an id"))
.should.equal true
describe "project history returns a unsuccessful response", ->
beforeEach ->
@res = statusCode: 404 = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @res)
@HistoryController.initializeProject @callback
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
.calledWith(sinon.match.has("message", "project-history returned a non-success status code: 404"))
.should.equal true
describe "project history errors", ->
beforeEach ->
@error = sinon.stub() = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error)
@HistoryController.initializeProject @callback
it "should return the callback with the error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(@error).should.equal true
describe "with project history disabled", ->
beforeEach ->
@settings.apis.project_history.enabled = false
@HistoryController.initializeProject @callback
it "should return the callback", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly().should.equal true

View file

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
chai = require('chai')
expect = chai.expect
sinon = require("sinon")
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/History/HistoryManager"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "HistoryManager", ->
beforeEach ->
@HistoryManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"request" : @request = sinon.stub()
"settings-sharelatex": @settings =
url: ""
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = {log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub()}
@project_id = "project-id-123"
@callback = sinon.stub() = sinon.stub()
describe "flushProject", ->
describe "with a successful response code", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode: 204, "")
@HistoryManager.flushProject @project_id, @callback
it "should flush the project in the track changes api", ->
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback without an error", ->
@callback.calledWith(null).should.equal true
describe "with a failed response code", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode: 500, "")
@HistoryManager.flushProject @project_id, @callback
it "should call the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Error("track-changes api responded with a non-success code: 500")).should.equal true
it "should log the error", ->
err: new Error("track-changes api responded with a non-success code: 500")
project_id: @project_id
}, "error flushing project in track-changes api")
.should.equal true
describe "ArchiveProject", ->
it "should call the post endpoint", (done)->, null, {})
@HistoryManager.archiveProject @project_id, (err)=>"#{@settings.apis.trackchanges.url}/project/#{@project_id}/archive")
it "should return an error on a non success", (done)->, null, {statusCode:500})
@HistoryManager.archiveProject @project_id, (err)=>

View file

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ describe 'ProjectCreationHandler', ->
@._id = project_id
@owner_ref = options.owner_ref
@name =
@overleaf =
history: {}
save: sinon.stub().callsArg(0)
_id: rootFolderId
@ -36,11 +38,13 @@ describe 'ProjectCreationHandler', ->
setRootDoc: sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@ProjectDetailsHandler =
validateProjectName: sinon.stub().yields()
@HistoryController =
initializeProject: sinon.stub().callsArg(0)
@user =
@user =
first_name:"first name here"
last_name:"last name here"
@User = findById:sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @user)
@ -49,6 +53,7 @@ describe 'ProjectCreationHandler', ->
'../../models/User': User:@User
'../History/HistoryController': @HistoryController
"settings-sharelatex": @Settings = {}
@ -60,32 +65,48 @@ describe 'ProjectCreationHandler', ->
describe 'Creating a Blank project', ->
beforeEach ->
@overleaf_id = 1234
@HistoryController.initializeProject = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0, null, { @overleaf_id })
@ProjectModel::save = sinon.stub().callsArg(0)
describe "successfully", ->
it "should save the project", (done)->
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, =>
@ProjectModel::save.called.should.equal true
it "should return the project in the callback", (done)->
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, (err, project)-> projectName
(project.owner_ref + "").should.equal ownerId
it "should initialize the project overleaf if history id not provided", (done)->
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, done
@HistoryController.initializeProject.calledWith().should.equal true
it "should set the overleaf id if overleaf id not provided", (done)->
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, (err, project)=> @overleaf_id
it "should set the overleaf id if overleaf id provided", (done)->
overleaf_id = 2345
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, overleaf_id, (err, project)-> overleaf_id
it "should set the language from the user", (done)->
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, (err, project)->
project.spellCheckLanguage.should.equal "de"
it "should set the imageName to currentImageName if set", (done) ->
@Settings.currentImageName = "mock-image-name"
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, (err, project)=>
project.imageName.should.equal @Settings.currentImageName
it "should not set the imageName if no currentImageName", (done) ->
@Settings.currentImageName = null
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, (err, project)=>
@ -96,21 +117,21 @@ describe 'ProjectCreationHandler', ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectModel::save = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0, new Error("something went wrong"))
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, @callback
it 'should return the error to the callback', ->
should.exist @callback.args[0][0]
describe "with an invalid name", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectDetailsHandler.validateProjectName = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("bad name"))
@handler.createBlankProject ownerId, projectName, @callback
it 'should return the error to the callback', ->
should.exist @callback.args[0][0]
it 'should not try to create the project', ->
@ProjectModel::save.called.should.equal false
describe 'Creating a basic project', ->
beforeEach ->

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
beforeEach ->
@project_id = "321l3j1kjkjl"
@user_id = "user-id-123"
@project =
@project =
name: "project"
description: "this is a great project"
something:"should not exist"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
owner_ref: @user_id
@user =
features: "mock-features"
@ProjectGetter =
@ProjectGetter =
getProjectWithoutDocLines: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @project)
getProject: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @project)
@ProjectModel =
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
describe "getDetails", ->
it "should find the project and owner", (done)->
@handler.getDetails @project_id, (err, details)=>
@handler.getDetails @project_id, (err, details)=>
details.description.should.equal @project.description
details.compiler.should.equal @project.compiler
@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
assert.equal(details.something, undefined)
it "should find overleaf metadata if it exists", (done)->
@project.overleaf = { id: 'id' }
@handler.getDetails @project_id, (err, details)=>
details.overleaf.should.equal @project.overleaf
assert.equal(details.something, undefined)
it "should return an error for a non-existent project", (done)->
@ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArg(2, null, null)
err = new Errors.NotFoundError("project not found")
@ -80,7 +87,7 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
@handler.getProjectDescription @project_id, (returnedErr, returnedDescription)=>
err.should.equal returnedErr
description.should.equal returnedDescription
describe "setProjectDescription", ->
@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
@handler.renameProject @project_id, @newName, =>
@tpdsUpdateSender.moveEntity.calledWith({project_id:@project_id,, newProjectName:@newName}).should.equal true
it "should not do anything with an invalid name", (done) ->
@handler.validateProjectName = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("invalid name"))
@handler.renameProject @project_id, @newName, =>
@ -120,6 +127,12 @@ describe 'ProjectDetailsHandler', ->
describe "validateProjectName", ->
it "should reject undefined names", (done) ->
@handler.validateProjectName undefined, (error) ->
it "should reject empty names", (done) ->
@handler.validateProjectName "", (error) ->

View file

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
doc_id = '4eecb1c1bffa66588e0000a2'
folder_id = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000008"
rootFolderId = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000007"
beforeEach ->
@FileStoreHandler =
@FileStoreHandler =
uploadFileFromDisk:(project_id, fileRef, localImagePath, callback)->callback()
copyFile: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null)
@tpdsUpdateSender =
@rootFolder =
@rootFolder =
{name:"level1", folders:[]}
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@FileModel = class File
{@name} = options
@._id = "file_id"
@._id = "file_id"
@rev = 0
@FolderModel = class Folder
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@ProjectModel.findById = (project_id, callback)=> callback(null, @project)
@ProjectModel.getProject = (project_id, fields, callback)=> callback(null, @project)
@ProjectGetter =
@ProjectGetter =
getProjectWithOnlyFolders : (project_id, callback)=> callback(null, @project)
getProjectWithoutDocLines : (project_id, callback)=> callback(null, @project)
@projectUpdater = markAsUpdated:sinon.stub()
@projectLocator =
@projectLocator =
findElement : sinon.stub()
@settings =
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
cb null, @parentFolder
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFolder = (project_id, parentFolder_id, folderName, callback)=>
callback null, {name:folderName}, @parentFolder_id
callback null, {name:folderName}, @parentFolder_id
it 'should return the root folder if the path is just a slash', (done)->
path = "/"
@ProjectEntityHandler.mkdirp project_id, path, (err, folders, lastFolder)=>
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, path: @pathAfterMove)
@ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @project)
@tpdsUpdateSender.moveEntity = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
describe "moving a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@docId = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000009"
@ -257,10 +257,10 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
it 'should remove the element from its current position', ->
.calledWith(@ProjectModel, project_id, @path.mongo ).should.equal true
it "should put the element back in the new folder", ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement.calledWith(@project, folder_id, @doc, "docs").should.equal true
it 'should tell the third party data store', ->
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
rev: @doc.rev
.should.equal true
describe "moving a folder", ->
beforeEach ->
@folder_id = "folder-to-move"
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
console.log "UNKNOWN ID", options
sinon.spy @projectLocator, "findElement"
describe "when the destination folder is outside the moving folder", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@path.fileSystem = "/one/directory"
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
.should.equal true
it "should put the element back in the new folder", ->
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
.should.equal true
it 'should tell the third party data store', ->
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
rev: @folder.rev
.should.equal true
describe "when the destination folder is inside the moving folder", ->
beforeEach ->
@path.fileSystem = "/one/two"
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
project: @project
.should.equal true
it "should return an error", ->
.calledWith(new Error("destination folder is a child folder of me"))
@ -385,16 +385,41 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@rev = 5
@version = 42
@ranges = {"mock": "ranges"}
@DocstoreManager.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, @lines, @rev, @version, @ranges)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, @callback
it "should call the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id)
.should.equal true
describe 'without pathname option', ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, @callback
it "should call the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id)
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the lines, version and rev", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @lines, @rev, @version, @ranges).should.equal true
describe 'with pathname option', ->
beforeEach ->
@project = 'a project'
@path = mongo: "mongo.path", fileSystem: "/file/system/path"
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {}, @path)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, {pathname: true}, @callback
it "should call the project locator", ->
.calledWith({project_id: project_id, element_id: doc_id, type: 'doc'})
.should.equal true
it "should call the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id)
.should.equal true
it "should return the pathname if option given", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @lines, @rev, @version, @ranges, @path.fileSystem).should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the lines, version and rev", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @lines, @rev, @version, @ranges).should.equal true
describe 'addDoc', ->
beforeEach ->
@ -876,7 +901,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
path: path
.should.equal true
describe "setRootDoc", ->
it "should call Project.update", ->
@project_id = "project-id-123234adfs"
@ -907,22 +932,22 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
it 'should copy the file in FileStoreHandler', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {path:{fileSystem:"somehintg"}})
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)=>
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)=>
@FileStoreHandler.copyFile.calledWith(oldProject_id, oldFileRef._id, project_id, fileRef._id).should.equal true
it 'should put file into folder by calling put element', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement = (passedProject, passedFolder_id, passedFileRef, passedType, callback)->
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement = (passedProject, passedFolder_id, passedFileRef, passedType, callback)->
passedProject._id.should.equal project_id
passedFolder_id.should.equal folder_id fileName
passedType.should.equal 'file'
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
it 'should return doc and parent folder', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
parentFolder.should.equal folder_id fileName
@ -942,7 +967,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
options.rev.should.equal 0
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
describe "renameEntity", ->
@ -1054,7 +1079,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@folder =
_id: ObjectId()
name: "someFolder"
@doc =
@doc =
_id: ObjectId()
name: "new.tex"
@path = mongo: "mongo.path", fileSystem: "/file/system/old.tex"
@ -1064,7 +1089,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
describe "updating the project", ->
it "should use the correct mongo path", (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement @project, @folder._id, @doc, "docs", (err)=>
@ -1089,12 +1114,12 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
it "should error if the element has no _id", (done)->
doc =
doc =
@ProjectEntityHandler._putElement @project, @folder._id, doc, "doc", (err)=>
@ProjectModel.update.called.should.equal false
describe "_countElements", ->
@ -1109,7 +1134,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
folders: [
fileRefs:[{_id:23123}, {_id:123213}, {_id:2312}]
@ -1131,7 +1156,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
it "should return the correct number", (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler._countElements @project, (err, count)->
@ -1142,19 +1167,19 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@project.rootFolder[0].folders[0].folders = undefined
@ProjectEntityHandler._countElements @project, (err, count)->
count.should.equal 17
it "should deal with null docs", (done)->
@project.rootFolder[0].folders[0].docs = undefined
@ProjectEntityHandler._countElements @project, (err, count)->
count.should.equal 23
it "should deal with null fileRefs", (done)->
@project.rootFolder[0].folders[0].folders[0].fileRefs = undefined
@ProjectEntityHandler._countElements @project, (err, count)->
count.should.equal 23

View file

@ -10,24 +10,22 @@ describe "ArchiveManager", ->
beforeEach ->
@logger =
error: sinon.stub()
warn: sinon.stub()
log: sinon.stub()
@process = new events.EventEmitter
@process.stdout = new events.EventEmitter
@process.stderr = new events.EventEmitter
@child =
spawn: sinon.stub().returns(@process)
@metrics =
Timer: class Timer
done: sinon.stub()
@zipfile = new events.EventEmitter
@zipfile.readEntry = sinon.stub()
@zipfile.close = sinon.stub()
@ArchiveManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"child_process": @child
"yauzl": @yauzl = {open: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @zipfile)}
"logger-sharelatex": @logger
"metrics-sharelatex": @metrics
"fs": @fs = {}
"fs-extra": @fse = {}
describe "extractZipArchive", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -39,10 +37,10 @@ describe "ArchiveManager", ->
describe "successfully", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, done
@process.emit "close"
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should run unzip", ->
@child.spawn.calledWithExactly("unzip", [@source, "-d", @destination]).should.equal true
it "should run yauzl", -> true
it "should time the unzip", ->
@metrics.Timer::done.called.should.equal true
@ -50,13 +48,12 @@ describe "ArchiveManager", ->
it "should log the unzip", ->
@logger.log.calledWith(sinon.match.any, "unzipping file").should.equal true
describe "with an error on stderr", ->
describe "with an error in the zip file header", ->
beforeEach (done) -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, new Error("Something went wrong"))
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@process.stderr.emit "data", "Something went wrong"
@process.emit "close"
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true
@ -74,60 +71,177 @@ describe "ArchiveManager", ->
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("zip_too_large")).should.equal true
it "should not call spawn", ->
@child.spawn.called.should.equal false
it "should not call", -> false
describe "with an error on the process", ->
describe "with an error in the extracted files", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@process.emit "error", new Error("Something went wrong")
@zipfile.emit "error", new Error("Something went wrong")
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true
it "should log out the error", ->
@logger.error.called.should.equal true
describe "with a relative extracted file path", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@zipfile.openReadStream = sinon.stub()
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@zipfile.emit "entry", {fileName: "../testfile.txt"}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should not write try to read the file entry", ->
@zipfile.openReadStream.called.should.equal false
it "should log out a warning", ->
@logger.warn.called.should.equal true
describe "with an unnormalized extracted file path", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@zipfile.openReadStream = sinon.stub()
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@zipfile.emit "entry", {fileName: "foo/./testfile.txt"}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should not write try to read the file entry", ->
@zipfile.openReadStream.called.should.equal false
it "should log out a warning", ->
@logger.warn.called.should.equal true
describe "with a directory entry", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@zipfile.openReadStream = sinon.stub()
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@zipfile.emit "entry", {fileName: "testdir/"}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should not write try to read the entry", ->
@zipfile.openReadStream.called.should.equal false
it "should not log out a warning", ->
@logger.warn.called.should.equal false
describe "with an error opening the file read stream", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@zipfile.openReadStream = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error("Something went wrong"))
@writeStream = new events.EventEmitter
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@zipfile.emit "entry", {fileName: "testfile.txt"}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true
it "should log out the error", ->
@logger.error.called.should.equal true
it "should close the zipfile", ->
@zipfile.close.called.should.equal true
describe "with an error in the file read stream", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@readStream = new events.EventEmitter
@readStream.pipe = sinon.stub()
@zipfile.openReadStream = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @readStream)
@writeStream = new events.EventEmitter
@fs.createWriteStream = sinon.stub().returns @writeStream
@fse.ensureDir = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@zipfile.emit "entry", {fileName: "testfile.txt"}
@readStream.emit "error", new Error("Something went wrong")
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true
it "should log out the error", ->
@logger.error.called.should.equal true
it "should close the zipfile", ->
@zipfile.close.called.should.equal true
describe "with an error in the file write stream", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@readStream = new events.EventEmitter
@readStream.pipe = sinon.stub()
@readStream.unpipe = sinon.stub()
@readStream.destroy = sinon.stub()
@zipfile.openReadStream = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @readStream)
@writeStream = new events.EventEmitter
@fs.createWriteStream = sinon.stub().returns @writeStream
@fse.ensureDir = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) =>
@zipfile.emit "entry", {fileName: "testfile.txt"}
@writeStream.emit "error", new Error("Something went wrong")
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true
it "should log out the error", ->
@logger.error.called.should.equal true
it "should unpipe from the readstream", ->
@readStream.unpipe.called.should.equal true
it "should destroy the readstream", ->
@readStream.destroy.called.should.equal true
it "should close the zipfile", ->
@zipfile.close.called.should.equal true
describe "_isZipTooLarge", ->
beforeEach ->
@output = (totalSize)->" Length Date Time Name \n-------- ---- ---- ---- \n241 03-12-16 12:20 main.tex \n108801 03-12-16 12:20 ddd/x1J5kHh.jpg \n-------- ------- \n#{totalSize} 2 files\n"
it "should return false with small output", (done)->
@ArchiveManager._isZipTooLarge @source, (error, isTooLarge) =>
isTooLarge.should.equal false
@process.stdout.emit "data", @output("109042")
@process.emit "close"
@zipfile.emit "entry", {uncompressedSize: 109042}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return true with large bytes", (done)->
@ArchiveManager._isZipTooLarge @source, (error, isTooLarge) =>
isTooLarge.should.equal true
@process.stdout.emit "data", @output("1090000000000000042")
@process.emit "close"
@zipfile.emit "entry", {uncompressedSize: 1090000000000000042}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return error on no data", (done)->
@ArchiveManager._isZipTooLarge @source, (error, isTooLarge) =>
@process.stdout.emit "data", ""
@process.emit "close"
@zipfile.emit "entry", {}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return error if it didn't get a number", (done)->
@ArchiveManager._isZipTooLarge @source, (error, isTooLarge) =>
@process.stdout.emit "data", @output("total_size_string")
@process.emit "close"
@zipfile.emit "entry", {uncompressedSize:"random-error"}
@zipfile.emit "end"
it "should return error if the is only a bit of data", (done)->
it "should return error if there is no data", (done)->
@ArchiveManager._isZipTooLarge @source, (error, isTooLarge) =>
@process.stdout.emit "data", " Length Date Time Name \n--------"
@process.emit "close"
@zipfile.emit "end"
describe "findTopLevelDirectory", ->
beforeEach ->

View file

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId
describe "UserInfoController", ->
beforeEach ->
@UserDeleter =
@UserDeleter =
deleteUser: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)
@UserUpdater =
@UserUpdater =
updatePersonalInfo: sinon.stub()
@sanitizer = escape:(v)->v
sinon.spy @sanitizer, "escape"
@ -50,23 +50,47 @@ describe "UserInfoController", ->
.should.equal true
describe "getPersonalInfo", ->
beforeEach ->
@user_id = ObjectId().toString()
@user =
_id: ObjectId(@user_id)
@req.params = user_id: @user_id
describe "when the user exists", ->
describe "when the user exists with sharelatex id", ->
beforeEach ->
@user_id = ObjectId().toString()
@user =
_id: ObjectId(@user_id)
@req.params = user_id: @user_id
@UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @user)
@UserInfoController.sendFormattedPersonalInfo = sinon.stub()
@UserInfoController.getPersonalInfo(@req, @res, @next)
it "should look up the user in the database", ->
.calledWith(@user_id, { _id: true, first_name: true, last_name: true, email: true })
{ _id: ObjectId(@user_id) },
{ _id: true, first_name: true, last_name: true, email: true }
).should.equal true
it "should send the formatted details back to the client", ->
.calledWith(@user, @res, @next)
.should.equal true
describe "when the user exists with overleaf id", ->
beforeEach ->
@user_id = 12345
@user =
_id: ObjectId()
id: @user_id
@req.params = user_id: @user_id.toString()
@UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @user)
@UserInfoController.sendFormattedPersonalInfo = sinon.stub()
@UserInfoController.getPersonalInfo(@req, @res, @next)
it "should look up the user in the database", ->
{ "": @user_id },
{ _id: true, first_name: true, last_name: true, email: true }
).should.equal true
it "should send the formatted details back to the client", ->
.calledWith(@user, @res, @next)
@ -74,13 +98,24 @@ describe "UserInfoController", ->
describe "when the user does not exist", ->
beforeEach ->
@user_id = ObjectId().toString()
@req.params = user_id: @user_id
@UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, null)
@UserInfoController.sendFormattedPersonalInfo = sinon.stub()
@UserInfoController.getPersonalInfo(@req, @res, @next)
it "should return 404 to the client", ->
@res.statusCode.should.equal 404
describe "when the user id is invalid", ->
beforeEach ->
@user_id = "invalid"
@req.params = user_id: @user_id
@UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, null)
@UserInfoController.getPersonalInfo(@req, @res, @next)
it "should return 400 to the client", ->
@res.statusCode.should.equal 400
describe "sendFormattedPersonalInfo", ->
beforeEach ->
@user =

View file

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ User = require "./helpers/User"
request = require "./helpers/request"
settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
MockDocstoreApi = require './helpers/MockDocstoreApi'
MockDocUpdaterApi = require './helpers/MockDocUpdaterApi'
try_read_access = (user, project_id, test, callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
express = require("express")
app = express()
module.exports = MockDocUpdaterApi =
run: () -> "/project/:project_id/flush", (req, res, next) =>
res.sendStatus 200
app.listen 3003, (error) ->
throw error if error?
.on "error", (error) ->
console.error "error starting MockDocUpdaterApi:", error.message

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
express = require("express")
bodyParser = require "body-parser"
app = express()
module.exports = MockDocStoreApi =
docs: {}
run: () -> "/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id", bodyParser.json(), (req, res, next) =>
{project_id, doc_id} = req.params
{lines, version, ranges} = req.body
@docs[project_id] ?= {}
@docs[project_id][doc_id] = {lines, version, ranges}
@docs[project_id][doc_id].rev ?= 0
@docs[project_id][doc_id].rev += 1
res.json {
modified: true
rev: @docs[project_id][doc_id].rev
app.get "/project/:project_id/doc", (req, res, next) =>
docs = (doc for doc_id, doc of @docs[req.params.project_id])
res.send JSON.stringify docs
app.listen 3016, (error) ->
throw error if error?
.on "error", (error) ->
console.error "error starting MockDocStoreApi:", error.message

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# If you're running on OS X, you probably need to manually
# 'rm -r node_modules/bcrypt; npm install bcrypt' inside
# the docker container, before it will start.
# npm rebuild bcrypt
echo ">> Starting server..."
grunt --no-color forever:app:start
echo ">> Server started"
sleep 5
echo ">> Running acceptance tests..."
grunt --no-color mochaTest:acceptance
echo ">> Killing server"
grunt --no-color forever:app:stop
echo ">> Done"
exit $_test_exit_code