2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
import DocumentDiffViewer from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/components/diff-view/document-diff-viewer'
import { Highlight } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/services/types/doc'
import { FC } from 'react'
import { EditorProviders } from '../../../helpers/editor-providers'
const doc = ` \\ documentclass{article}
% Language setting
% Replace \ ` english' with e.g. \` spanish' to change the document language
\ \ usepackage [ english ] { babel }
% Set page size and margins
% Replace \ ` letterpaper' with \` a4paper' for UK/EU standard size
\ \ usepackage [ letterpaper , top = 2 cm , bottom = 2 cm , left = 3 cm , right = 3 cm , marginparwidth = 1.75 cm ] { geometry }
% Useful packages
\ \ usepackage { amsmath }
\ \ usepackage { graphicx }
\ \ usepackage [ colorlinks = true , allcolors = blue ] { hyperref }
\ \ title { Your Paper }
\ \ author { You }
\ \ begin { document }
\ \ maketitle
\ \ begin { abstract }
Your abstract .
\ \ end { abstract }
\ \ section { Introduction }
Your introduction goes here ! Simply start writing your document and use the Recompile button to view the updated PDF preview . Examples of commonly used commands and features are listed below , to help you get started .
Once you ' re familiar with the editor , you can find various project settings in the Overleaf menu , accessed via the button in the very top left of the editor . To view tutorials , user guides , and further documentation , please visit our \ \ href { https : //www.overleaf.com/learn}{help library}, or head to our plans page to \\href{https://www.overleaf.com/user/subscription/plans}{choose your plan}.
$ { '\n' . repeat ( 200 ) }
\ \ end { document } `
const highlights : Highlight [ ] = [
type : 'addition' ,
range : { from : 15 , to : 22 } ,
hue : 200 ,
label : 'Added by Wombat on Monday' ,
} ,
type : 'deletion' ,
range : { from : 27 , to : 35 } ,
hue : 200 ,
label : 'Deleted by Wombat on Tuesday' ,
} ,
type : 'addition' ,
range : { from : doc . length - 9 , to : doc.length - 1 } ,
hue : 200 ,
label : 'Added by Wombat on Wednesday' ,
} ,
const Container : FC = ( { children } ) = > (
< div style = { { width : 600 , height : 400 } } > { children } < / div >
const mockScope = ( ) = > {
return {
settings : {
fontSize : 12 ,
fontFamily : 'monaco' ,
lineHeight : 'normal' ,
overallTheme : '' ,
} ,
describe ( 'document diff viewer' , function ( ) {
it ( 'displays highlights with hover tooltips' , function ( ) {
const scope = mockScope ( )
cy . mount (
< Container >
< EditorProviders scope = { scope } >
< DocumentDiffViewer doc = { doc } highlights = { highlights } / >
< / EditorProviders >
< / Container >
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-addition-marker' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-addition-marker' ) . first ( ) . as ( 'addition' )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
cy . get ( '@addition' ) . should ( 'have.text' , 'article' )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-deletion-marker' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-deletion-marker' ) . first ( ) . as ( 'deletion' )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
cy . get ( '@deletion' ) . should ( 'have.text' , 'Language' )
// Check hover tooltips
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
cy . get ( '@addition' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' )
. first ( )
. should ( 'have.text' , 'Added by Wombat on Monday' )
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
cy . get ( '@deletion' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' )
. first ( )
. should ( 'have.text' , 'Deleted by Wombat on Tuesday' )
} )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
it ( 'displays highlights with hover tooltips for empty lines' , function ( ) {
const scope = mockScope ( )
const doc = ` 1
3 `
const highlights : Highlight [ ] = [
type : 'addition' ,
range : { from : 2 , to : 16 } ,
hue : 200 ,
label : 'Added by Wombat on Monday' ,
} ,
type : 'deletion' ,
range : { from : 19 , to : 32 } ,
hue : 200 ,
label : 'Deleted by Wombat on Tuesday' ,
} ,
cy . mount (
< Container >
< EditorProviders scope = { scope } >
< DocumentDiffViewer doc = { doc } highlights = { highlights } / >
< / EditorProviders >
< / Container >
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-empty-line-addition-marker' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 2 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-empty-line-deletion-marker' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
// For an empty line marker, we need to trigger mouseover on the containing
// line beause the marker itself does not trigger mouseover
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-empty-line-addition-marker' )
. first ( )
. parent ( )
. as ( 'firstAdditionLine' )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-empty-line-addition-marker' )
. first ( )
. parent ( )
. as ( 'lastAdditionLine' )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-empty-line-deletion-marker' )
. last ( )
. parent ( )
. as ( 'deletionLine' )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
// Check hover tooltips
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
cy . get ( '@lastAdditionLine' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' )
. first ( )
. should ( 'have.text' , 'Added by Wombat on Monday' )
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
cy . get ( '@lastAdditionLine' ) . trigger ( 'mouseleave' )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
cy . get ( '@firstAdditionLine' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' )
. first ( )
. should ( 'have.text' , 'Added by Wombat on Monday' )
2023-05-09 08:54:14 +00:00
cy . get ( '@deletionLine' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip' )
. first ( )
. should ( 'have.text' , 'Deleted by Wombat on Tuesday' )
} )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
it ( "renders 'More updates' buttons" , function ( ) {
const scope = mockScope ( )
cy . mount (
< Container >
< EditorProviders scope = { scope } >
< DocumentDiffViewer doc = { doc } highlights = { highlights } / >
< / EditorProviders >
< / Container >
cy . get ( '.cm-scroller' ) . first ( ) . as ( 'scroller' )
// Check the initial state, which should be a "More updates below" button
// but no "More updates above", with the editor scrolled to the top
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-addition-marker' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-deletion-marker' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
cy . get ( '.previous-highlight-button' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 0 )
cy . get ( '.next-highlight-button' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '@scroller' ) . invoke ( 'scrollTop' ) . should ( 'equal' , 0 )
// Click the "More updates below" button, which should scroll the editor,
// and check the new state
cy . get ( '.next-highlight-button' ) . first ( ) . click ( )
cy . get ( '@scroller' ) . invoke ( 'scrollTop' ) . should ( 'not.equal' , 0 )
cy . get ( '.previous-highlight-button' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
cy . get ( '.next-highlight-button' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 0 )
// Click the "More updates above" button, which should scroll the editor up
// but not quite to the top, and check the new state
cy . get ( '.previous-highlight-button' ) . first ( ) . click ( )
2023-05-04 09:57:48 +00:00
cy . get ( '@scroller' ) . invoke ( 'scrollTop' ) . should ( 'equal' , 0 )
cy . get ( '.previous-highlight-button' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
cy . get ( '.next-highlight-button' ) . should ( 'have.length' , 1 )
} )
2023-04-18 14:15:52 +00:00
it ( 'scrolls to first change' , function ( ) {
const scope = mockScope ( )
const finalHighlightOnly = highlights . slice ( - 1 )
cy . mount (
< Container >
< EditorProviders scope = { scope } >
< DocumentDiffViewer doc = { doc } highlights = { finalHighlightOnly } / >
< / EditorProviders >
< / Container >
cy . get ( '.cm-scroller' ) . first ( ) . invoke ( 'scrollTop' ) . should ( 'not.equal' , 0 )
2023-04-24 13:54:20 +00:00
cy . get ( '.ol-cm-addition-marker' )
2023-04-18 14:15:52 +00:00
. first ( )
. then ( $marker = > {
cy . get ( '.cm-content' )
. first ( )
. then ( $content = > {
const contentRect = $content [ 0 ] . getBoundingClientRect ( )
const markerRect = $marker [ 0 ] . getBoundingClientRect ( )
expect ( markerRect . top ) . to . be . within (
contentRect . top ,
contentRect . bottom
expect ( markerRect . bottom ) . to . be . within (
contentRect . top ,
contentRect . bottom
} )
} )
} )
2023-04-14 10:57:15 +00:00
} )