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synced 2025-03-10 22:22:36 +00:00
Add a new rssLimit site configuration option with default of 15. Prior to this fix, you could create your own RSS feed to override the default limit of 15, but we still had a hardcoded limit of 50 items set in `hugolib.renderRSS()`. With this option in place, the `range first 15 .Data.Pages` logic is no longer hardcoded into the embedded RSS template. Because the size of the slice passed to the template is now limited to rssLimit instead of 50, this commit is a breaking change for sites with a custom RSS template that expects more than 15 items. Fixes #3035
457 lines
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457 lines
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- /doc/configuration/
lastmod: 2016-09-17
date: 2013-07-01
linktitle: Configuration
parent: getting started
next: /overview/source-directory
toc: true
prev: /overview/usage
title: Configuring Hugo
weight: 40
The directory structure of a Hugo web site—or more precisely,
of the source files containing its content and templates—provide
most of the configuration information that Hugo needs.
Therefore, in essence,
many web sites wouldn't actually need a configuration file.
This is because Hugo is designed to recognize certain typical usage patterns
(and it expects them, by default).
Nevertheless, Hugo does search for a configuration file bearing
a particular name in the root of your web site's source directory.
First, it looks for a `./config.toml` file.
If that's not present, it will seek a `./config.yaml` file,
followed by a `./config.json` file.
In this `config` file for your web site,
you can include precise directions to Hugo regarding
how it should render your site, as well as define its menus,
and set various other site-wide parameters.
Another way that web site configuration can be accomplished is through
operating system environment variables.
For instance, the following command will work on Unix-like systems—it
sets a web site's title:
$ env HUGO_TITLE="Some Title" hugo
(**Note:** all such environment variable names must be prefixed with
## Examples
Following is a typical example of a YAML configuration file.
Three periods end the document:
baseURL: "http://yoursite.example.com/"
Following is an example TOML configuration file with some default values.
The values under `[params]` will populate the `.Site.Params` variable
for use in templates:
contentDir = "content"
layoutDir = "layouts"
publishDir = "public"
buildDrafts = false
baseURL = "http://yoursite.example.com/"
canonifyURLs = true
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
description = "Tesla's Awesome Hugo Site"
author = "Nikola Tesla"
Here is a YAML configuration file which sets a few more options:
baseURL: "http://yoursite.example.com/"
title: "Yoyodyne Widget Blogging"
footnoteReturnLinkContents: "↩"
post: /:year/:month/:title/
Subtitle: "Spinning the cogs in the widgets"
AuthorName: "John Doe"
GitHubUser: "spf13"
- "foo1"
- "foo2"
SidebarRecentLimit: 5
## Configuration variables
Following is a list of Hugo-defined variables you can configure,
along with their current, default values:
archetypeDir: "archetypes"
# hostname (and path) to the root, e.g. http://spf13.com/
baseURL: ""
# include content marked as draft
buildDrafts: false
# include content with publishdate in the future
buildFuture: false
# include content already expired
buildExpired: false
# enable this to make all relative URLs relative to content root. Note that this does not affect absolute URLs.
relativeURLs: false
canonifyURLs: false
# config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
config: "config.toml"
contentDir: "content"
dataDir: "data"
defaultExtension: "html"
defaultLayout: "post"
# Missing translations will default to this content language
defaultContentLanguage: "en"
# Renders the default content language in subdir, e.g. /en/. The root directory / will redirect to /en/
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: false
disableLiveReload: false
# Do not build RSS files
disableRSS: false
# Do not build Sitemap file
disableSitemap: false
# Enable GitInfo feature
enableGitInfo: false
# Build robots.txt file
enableRobotsTXT: false
# Do not render 404 page
disable404: false
# Do not inject generator meta tag on homepage
disableHugoGeneratorInject: false
# edit new content with this editor, if provided
editor: ""
# Enable Emoji emoticons support for page content.
# See www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com
enableEmoji: false
# Show a placeholder instead of the default value or an empty string if a translation is missing
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders: false
footnoteAnchorPrefix: ""
footnoteReturnLinkContents: ""
# google analytics tracking id
googleAnalytics: ""
languageCode: ""
layoutDir: "layouts"
# Enable Logging
log: false
# Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
logFile: ""
# "yaml", "toml", "json"
metaDataFormat: "toml"
newContentEditor: ""
# Don't sync permission mode of files
noChmod: false
# Don't sync modification time of files
noTimes: false
paginate: 10
paginatePath: "page"
# Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
pluralizeListTitles: true
# Preserve special characters in taxonomy names ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "Gerard Depardieu")
preserveTaxonomyNames: false
# filesystem path to write files to
publishDir: "public"
# enables syntax guessing for code fences without specified language
pygmentsCodeFencesGuessSyntax: false
# color-codes for highlighting derived from this style
pygmentsStyle: "monokai"
# true: use pygments-css or false: color-codes directly
pygmentsUseClasses: false
# maximum number of items in the RSS feed
rssLimit: 15
# default sitemap configuration map
# filesystem path to read files relative from
source: ""
staticDir: "static"
# display memory and timing of different steps of the program
stepAnalysis: false
# theme to use (located by default in /themes/THEMENAME/)
themesDir: "themes"
theme: ""
title: ""
# if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
uglyURLs: false
# Do not make the url/path to lowercase
disablePathToLower: false
# if true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. (.Summary and .WordCount can work properly in CJKLanguage)
hasCJKLanguage: false
# verbose output
verbose: false
# verbose logging
verboseLog: false
# watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
watch: true
## Ignore various files when rendering
The following statement inside `./config.toml` will cause Hugo to ignore files
ending with `.foo` and `.boo` when rendering:
ignoreFiles = [ "\\.foo$", "\\.boo$" ]
The above is a list of regular expressions.
Note that the backslash (`\`) character is escaped, to keep TOML happy.
## Configure Blackfriday rendering
[Blackfriday](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday) is Hugo's
rendering engine.
In the main, Hugo typically configures Blackfriday with a sane set of defaults.
These defaults should fit most use cases, reasonably well.
However, if you have unusual needs with respect to Markdown,
Hugo exposes some of its Blackfriday behavior options for you to alter.
The following table lists these Hugo options,
paired with the corresponding flags from Blackfriday's source code (for the latter, see
[html.go](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/blob/master/html.go) and
<table class="table table-bordered-configuration">
<th>Blackfriday flag</th>
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>false</code> turns off GitHub-style automatic task/TODO
list generation.
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>false</code> disables smart punctuation substitutions
including smart quotes, smart dashes, smart fractions, etc.
If <code>true</code>, it may be fine-tuned with the
<code>smartDashes</code> and
<code>latexDashes</code> flags (see below).
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>true</code> enables smart, angled double quotes.<br>
<code>"Hugo"</code> renders to
«Hugo» instead of “Hugo”.
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>false</code> disables smart fractions.<br>
<code>5/12</code> renders to
Even with <code>fractions = false</code>,
Blackfriday still converts
1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 respectively to
½ (<code>&frac12;</code>),
¼ (<code>&frac14;</code>) and
¾ (<code>&frac34;</code>),
but only these three.</small>
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>false</code> disables smart dashes; i.e., the conversion
of multiple hyphens into en dash or em dash.
If <code>true</code>, its behavior can be modified with the
<code>latexDashes</code> flag below.
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>false</code> disables LaTeX-style smart dashes and
selects conventional smart dashes. Assuming
<code>smartDashes</code> (above), if this is:
<strong><code>true</code>,</strong> then
<code>--</code> is translated into “–”
(<code>&ndash;</code>), whereas
<code>---</code> is translated into “—”
<strong><code>false</code>,</strong> then
<code>--</code> is translated into “—”
(<code>&mdash;</code>), whereas a
<em>spaced</em> single hyphen between two words
is translated into an en dash—e.g.,
<code>12 June - 3 July</code> becomes
<code>12 June &ndash; 3 July</code>.
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>true</code> opens external links in a new window or tab.
<code>FootnoteAnchorPrefix</code> and
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
<code>true</code> renders any header and footnote IDs
without the document ID.<br>
renders <code>#my-header</code> instead of
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
Enable one or more of Blackfriday's Markdown extensions
(if they aren't Hugo defaults).<br>
Include <code>"hardLineBreak"</code>
in the list to enable Blackfriday's
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
<span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
Disable one or more of Blackfriday's Markdown extensions
(if they are Hugo defaults).<br>
Include <code>"autoHeaderIds"</code>
in the list to disable Blackfriday's
* These flags are **case sensitive** (as of Hugo v0.15)!
* These flags must be grouped under the `blackfriday` key
and can be set on **both the site level and the page level**.
Any setting on a page will override the site setting
there. For example:
<table class="table">
<tr style="vertical-align: top;">
<td style="width: 50%;">
angledQuotes = true
fractions = false
plainIDAnchors = true
extensions = ["hardLineBreak"]
angledQuotes: true
fractions: false
plainIDAnchors: true
- hardLineBreak