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49809a03 Merge commit '20a631b4964fc0ab9137cce1e41774cbc17de044' 20a631b4 Squashed 'themes/gohugoioTheme/' changes from b8202f539..dafc91ff1 8b58f565 Re-generate CLI docs 4653a724 Add Netlify deployment badge 2d6246bc Remove some deprecated site variables e6777153 Improve Algolia Search Display Styling 1570999f Add missing "." in front of gitlab-ci.yaml example b922ae7d This adds documentation to the new configDir/Environment logic from .53 (#729) 7cff379f Correctly escape multi-word taxonomy terms in example 2dfeeda4 fix typo by removing stray paren 0870bd9a Fix typo in `paginate` description 91e8be85 Fixes https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5609 c1db65ec Make the dummy URL more obvious b4589ff0 Fix a link b73dcb9a Consistently use "posts" as section name in examples 7a56abbc Format definitions a9c6fd9b Minor clarification over the last commit 5c86bdc8 Add alternative instructions for Quick Start for non-git users dafe7ee9 Add Visual Studio Code plug-ins 110ed19e Update HUGO_VERSION 2abd031a Update page.md b332f7b9 Update page.md f5a8c9d4 Update static-files.md 6d0c155c Add note about relative protocol URLs a13751ac Theme Warning: Remove note about unquoted URLs 4c8f7d68 Incorporate feedback 6f2b9cf0 Update Creating Themes Warning 40d88d98 Fix ToC example to use binary true/false 4a11f3f1 Fix typo 2dbfc0a4 Fix a typo in taxonomies d63790ef Do not mark UndocumentedFeature issues as stale d7aff095 Regenerate docs.json 71c0826f Update transform.Unmarshal.md git-subtree-dir: docs git-subtree-split: 49809a038b2691637bab7f3f2e385dde654a88b8
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title: where
# linktitle: where
description: Filters an array to only the elements containing a matching value for a given field.
date: 2017-02-01
publishdate: 2017-02-01
lastmod: 2017-02-01
categories: [functions]
parent: "functions"
keywords: [filtering]
signature: ["where COLLECTION KEY [OPERATOR] MATCH"]
workson: [lists,taxonomies,terms,groups]
relatedfuncs: [intersect,first,after,last]
deprecated: false
toc: true
needsexample: true
`where` filters an array to only the elements containing a matching
value for a given field.
It works in a similar manner to the [`where` keyword in
{{ range where .Pages "Section" "foo" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
It can be used by dot-chaining the second argument to refer to a nested element of a value.
series: golang
{{ range where .Site.Pages "Params.series" "golang" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
It can also be used with the logical operators `!=`, `>=`, `in`, etc. Without an operator, `where` compares a given field with a matching value equivalent to `=`.
{{ range where .Pages "Section" "!=" "foo" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
The following logical operators are available with `where`:
`=`, `==`, `eq`
: `true` if a given field value equals a matching value
`!=`, `<>`, `ne`
: `true` if a given field value doesn't equal a matching value
`>=`, `ge`
: `true` if a given field value is greater than or equal to a matching value
`>`, `gt`
: `true` if a given field value is greater than a matching value
`<=`, `le`
: `true` if a given field value is lesser than or equal to a matching value
`<`, `lt`
: `true` if a given field value is lesser than a matching value
: `true` if a given field value is included in a matching value; a matching value must be an array or a slice
`not in`
: `true` if a given field value isn't included in a matching value; a matching value must be an array or a slice
: `true` if a given field value that is a slice/array of strings or integers contains elements in common with the matching value; it follows the same rules as the [`intersect` function][intersect].
## Use `where` with `intersect`
{{ range where .Site.Pages ".Params.tags" "intersect" .Params.tags }}
{{ if ne .Permalink $.Permalink }}
{{ .Render "summary" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
You can also put the returned value of the `where` clauses into a variable:
{{< code file="where-intersect-variables.html" >}}
{{ $v1 := where .Site.Pages "Params.a" "v1" }}
{{ $v2 := where .Site.Pages "Params.b" "v2" }}
{{ $filtered := $v1 | intersect $v2 }}
{{ range $filtered }}
{{ end }}
{{< /code >}}
## Use `where` with `first`
Using `first` and [`where`][wherefunction] together can be very
powerful. Below snippet gets a list of posts only from [**main
sections**](#mainsections), sorts it using the [default
ordering](/templates/lists/) for lists (i.e., `weight => date`), and
then ranges through only the first 5 posts in that list:
{{< code file="first-and-where-together.html" >}}
{{ range first 5 (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections) }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
{{< /code >}}
## Nest `where` Clauses
You can also nest `where` clauses to drill down on lists of content by more than one parameter. The following first grabs all pages in the "blog" section and then ranges through the result of the first `where` clause and finds all pages that are *not* featured:
{{ range where (where .Pages "Section" "blog" ) ".Params.featured" "!=" "true" }}
## Unset Fields
Filtering only works for set fields. To check whether a field is set or exists, you can use the operand `nil`.
This can be useful to filter a small amount of pages from a large pool. Instead of set field on all pages, you can set field on required pages only.
Only the following operators are available for `nil`
* `=`, `==`, `eq`: True if the given field is not set.
* `!=`, `<>`, `ne`: True if the given field is set.
{{ range where .Pages ".Params.specialpost" "!=" nil }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
## Portable `where` filters -- `site.Params.mainSections` {#mainsections}
**This is especially important for themes.**
To list the most relevant pages on the front page or similar, you
should use the `site.Params.mainSections` list instead of comparing
section names to hard-coded values like `"posts"` or `"post"`.
{{ $pages := where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections }}
If the user has not set this config parameter in their site config, it
will default to the _section with the most pages_.
The user can override the default in `config.toml`:
mainSections = ["blog", "docs"]
[intersect]: /functions/intersect/
[wherekeyword]: https://www.techonthenet.com/sql/where.php