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title: Quick Start
linktitle: Quick Start
description: Learn to create a Hugo site in minutes.
categories: [getting started]
keywords: [quick start,usage]
parent: getting-started
weight: 10
weight: 10
toc: true
aliases: [/quickstart/,/overview/quickstart/]
In this tutorial you will:
1. Create a site
2. Add content
3. Configure the site
4. Publish the site
## Prerequisites
Before you begin this tutorial you must:
1. [Install Hugo] (the extended edition)
1. [Install Git]
You must also be comfortable working from the command line.
## Create a site
### Commands
{{% note %}}
**If you are a Windows user:**
- Do not use the Command Prompt
- Do not use Windows PowerShell
- Run these commands from [PowerShell] or a Linux terminal such as WSL or Git Bash
PowerShell and Windows PowerShell are different applications.
[PowerShell]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-windows
{{% /note %}}
Run these commands to create a Hugo site with the [Ananke] theme. The next section provides an explanation of each command.
hugo new site quickstart
cd quickstart
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke themes/ananke
echo "theme = 'ananke'" >> config.toml
hugo server
View your site at the URL displayed in your terminal. Press `Ctrl + C` to stop Hugo's development server.
### Explanation of commands
Create the [directory structure] for your project in the `quickstart` directory.
hugo new site quickstart
Change the current directory to the root of your project.
cd quickstart
Initialize an empty Git repository in the current directory.
git init
Clone the [Ananke] theme into the `themes` directory, adding it to your project as a [Git submodule].
git submodule add https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke themes/ananke
Append a line to the site configuration file, indicating the current theme.
echo "theme = 'ananke'" >> config.toml
Start Hugo's development server to view the site.
hugo server
Press `Ctrl + C` to stop Hugo's development server.
## Add content
Add a new page to your site.
hugo new posts/my-first-post.md
Hugo created the file in the `content/posts` directory. Open the file with your editor.
title: "My First Post"
date: 2022-11-20T09:03:20-08:00
draft: true
Notice the `draft` value in the [front matter] is `true`. By default, Hugo does not publish draft content when you build the site. Learn more about [draft, future, and expired content].
Add some [markdown] to the body of the post, but do not change the `draft` value.
[markdown]: https://commonmark.org/help/
title: "My First Post"
date: 2022-11-20T09:03:20-08:00
draft: true
## Introduction
This is **bold** text, and this is *emphasized* text.
Visit the [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) website!
Save the file, then start Hugo’s development server to view the site. You can run either of the following commands to include draft content.
hugo server --buildDrafts
hugo server -D
View your site at the URL displayed in your terminal. Keep the development server running as you continue to add and change content.
{{% note %}}
Hugo's rendering engine conforms to the CommonMark [specification] for markdown. The CommonMark organization provides a useful [live testing tool] powered by the reference implementation.
[live testing tool]: https://spec.commonmark.org/dingus/
[specification]: https://spec.commonmark.org/
{{% /note %}}
## Configure the site
With your editor, open the [site configuration] file (`config.toml`) in the root of your project.
baseURL = 'http://example.org/'
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My New Hugo Site'
theme = 'ananke'
Make the following changes:
1. Set the `baseURL` for your production site. This value must begin with the protocol and end with a slash, as shown above.
2. Set the `languageCode` to your language and region.
3. Set the `title` for your production site.
Start Hugo's development server to see your changes, remembering to include draft content.
hugo server -D
{{% note %}}
Most theme authors provide configuration guidelines and options. Make sure to visit your theme's repository or documentation site for details.
[The New Dynamic], authors of the Ananke theme, provide [documentation] for configuration and usage. They also provide a [demonstration site].
[demonstration site]: https://gohugo-ananke-theme-demo.netlify.app/
[documentation]: https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke#readme
[The New Dynamic]: https://www.thenewdynamic.com/
{{% /note %}}
## Publish the site
In this step you will _publish_ your site, but you will not _deploy_ it.
When you _publish_ your site, Hugo creates the entire static site in the `public` directory in the root of your project. This includes the HTML files, and assets such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files.
When you publish your site, you typically do _not_ want to include [draft, future, or expired content]. The command is simple.
To learn how to _deploy_ your site, see the [hosting and deployment] section.
## Ask for help
Hugo's [forum] is an active community of users and developers who answer questions, share knowledge, and provide examples. A quick search of over 20,000 topics will often answer your question. Please be sure to read about [requesting help] before asking your first question.
## Other resources
For other resources to help you learn Hugo, including books and video tutorials, see the [external learning resources](/getting-started/external-learning-resources/) page.
[Ananke]: https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke
[directory structure]: /getting-started/directory-structure
[draft, future, and expired content]: /getting-started/usage/#draft-future-and-expired-content
[draft, future, or expired content]: /getting-started/usage/#draft-future-and-expired-content
[external learning resources]:/getting-started/external-learning-resources/
[forum]: https://discourse.gohugo.io/
[forum]: https://discourse.gohugo.io/
[front matter]: /content-management/front-matter
[Git submodule]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
[hosting and deployment]: /hosting-and-deployment/
[Install Git]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
[Install Hugo]: /installation/
[Requesting Help]: https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/requesting-help/9132
[Requesting Help]: https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/requesting-help/9132
[site configuration]: /getting-started/configuration/