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Page Bundles Content organization using Page Bundles 2018-01-24T13:09:00-05:00 Page Bundles
content management
identifier parent weight
page-bundles content-management 11

Page Bundles are a way to group Page Resources.

A Page Bundle can be one of:

  • Leaf Bundle (leaf means it has no children)
  • Branch Bundle (home page, section, taxonomy terms, taxonomy list)
Leaf Bundle Branch Bundle
Usage Collection of content and attachments for single pages Collection of attachments for section pages (home page, section, taxonomy terms, taxonomy list)
Index file name 1 1
Allowed Resources Page and non-page (like images, pdf, etc.) types Only non-page (like images, pdf, etc.) types
Where can the Resources live? At any directory level within the leaf bundle directory. Only in the directory level of the branch bundle directory i.e. the directory containing the (ref).
Layout type single list
Nesting Does not allow nesting of more bundles under it Allows nesting of leaf or branch bundles under it
Example content/posts/my-post/ content/posts/
Content from non-index page files... Accessed only as page resources Accessed only as regular pages

Leaf Bundles

A Leaf Bundle is a directory at any hierarchy within the content/ directory, that contains an file.

Examples of Leaf Bundle organization

├── about
│   ├──
├── posts
│   ├── my-post
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── image1.jpg
│   │   ├── image2.png
│   │   └──
│   └── my-other-post
│       └──
└── another-section
    ├── ..
    └── not-a-leaf-bundle
        ├── ..
        └── another-leaf-bundle

In the above example content/ directory, there are four leaf bundles:

This leaf bundle is at the root level (directly under content directory) and has only the
This leaf bundle has the, two other content Markdown files and two image files.
  • image1, image2: These images are page resources of my-post and only available in my-post/ resources.

  • content1, content2: These content files are page resources of my-post and only available in my-post/ resources. They will not be rendered as individual pages.

This leaf bundle has only the
This leaf bundle is nested under couple of directories. This bundle also has only the

{{% note %}} The hierarchy depth at which a leaf bundle is created does not matter, as long as it is not inside another leaf bundle. {{% /note %}}

Headless Bundle

A headless bundle is a bundle that is configured to not get published anywhere:

  • It will have no Permalink and no rendered HTML in public/.
  • It will not be part of .Site.RegularPages, etc.

But you can get it by .Site.GetPage. Here is an example:

{{ $headless := .Site.GetPage "/some-headless-bundle" }}
{{ $reusablePages := $headless.Resources.Match "author*" }}
{{ range $reusablePages }}
    <h3>{{ .Title }}</h3>
    {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}

In this example, we are assuming the some-headless-bundle to be a headless bundle containing one or more page resources whose .Name matches "author*".

Explanation of the above example:

  1. Get the some-headless-bundle Page "object".
  2. Collect a slice of resources in this Page Bundle that matches "author*" using .Resources.Match.
  3. Loop through that slice of nested pages, and output their .Title and .Content.

A leaf bundle can be made headless by adding below in the Front Matter (in the

headless = true

There are many use cases of such headless page bundles:

  • Shared media galleries
  • Reusable page content "snippets"

Branch Bundles

A Branch Bundle is any directory at any hierarchy within the content/ directory, that contains at least an file.

This can also be directly under the content/ directory.

{{% note %}} Here md (markdown) is used just as an example. You can use any file type as a content resource as long as it is a content type recognized by Hugo. {{% /note %}}

Examples of Branch Bundle organization

├── branch-bundle-1
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── image1.jpg
│   ├── image2.png
│   └──
└── branch-bundle-2
    └── a-leaf-bundle

In the above example content/ directory, there are two branch bundles (and a leaf bundle):

This branch bundle has the, two other content Markdown files and two image files.
This branch bundle has the and a nested leaf bundle.

{{% note %}} The hierarchy depth at which a branch bundle is created does not matter. {{% /note %}}

  1. The .md extension is just an example. The extension can be .html, .json or any valid MIME type. ↩︎