2024-06-21 09:41:24 +02:00

1.3 KiB

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Content Returns the content of the given resource.
related returnType signatures

The Content method on a Resource object returns template.HTML when the resource type is page, otherwise it returns a string.

{{< code file=assets/quotations/kipling.txt >}} He travels the fastest who travels alone. {{< /code >}}

To get the content:

{{ with resources.Get "quotations/kipling.txt" }}
  {{ .Content }} → He travels the fastest who travels alone.
{{ end }}

To get the size in bytes:

{{ with resources.Get "quotations/kipling.txt" }}
  {{ .Content | len }} → 42
{{ end }}

To create an inline image:

{{ with resources.Get "images/a.jpg" }}
  <img src="data:{{ .MediaType.Type }};base64,{{ .Content | base64Encode }}">
{{ end }}

To create inline CSS:

{{ with resources.Get "css/style.css" }}
  <style>{{ .Content | safeCSS }}</style>
{{ end }}

To create inline JavaScript:

{{ with resources.Get "js/script.js" }}
  <script>{{ .Content | safeJS }}</script>
{{ end }}

{{% include "methods/resource/_common/" %}}