title |
description |
date |
publishdate |
lastmod |
categories |
menu |
keywords |
signature |
workson |
hugoversion |
relatedfuncs |
deprecated |
aliases |
os.Stat |
Returns a FileInfo structure describing a file or directory. |
2018-08-07 |
2018-08-07 |
2021-11-26 |
os.FileExists |
os.ReadDir |
os.ReadFile |
false |
The os.Stat
function attempts to resolve the path relative to the root of your project directory. If a matching file or directory is not found, it will attempt to resolve the path relative to the [contentDir
]({{< relref "getting-started/configuration#contentdir">}}). A leading path separator (/
) is optional.
{{ $f := os.Stat "README.md" }}
{{ $f.IsDir }} --> false (bool)
{{ $f.ModTime }} --> 2021-11-25 10:06:49.315429236 -0800 PST (time.Time)
{{ $f.Name }} --> README.md (string)
{{ $f.Size }} --> 241 (int64)
{{ $d := os.Stat "content" }}
{{ $d.IsDir }} --> true (bool)
Details of the FileInfo
structure are available in the Go documentation.