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1de7a358c Clarify that "with" blocks do not render with empty values (#1287) b48de8b0a Update js.md e0124e4b1 Update js.md 087b39d74 Update hosting-on-render.md (#1286) 8f02b5412 Update js.md (#1284) 8dd8a8d1d Add link to "Build Websites with Hugo" book (#1174) ae2dc138a Fix typo in page bundles (#1283) ab14bfec3 Update configuration directory section 17da77ff1 Update multilingual.md (#1280) 5bce8db3a Fix for site-hierarchy image, issue #60 9d7a2366d Fix typo ad4210c41 Fix typo c88bc0383 Fix orphan branch url (#1262) 1cf6cf5b3 Hugo 0.78.2 538c3cb86 Merge branch 'tempv0.78.2' e5e07fc81 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.78.2 120a61a47 Fixed wrong var assignment example 4cebbb1a7 Ignore remote JSON errors (for now) 618fcf9ba Add a link to modules config option 'replacements' e12722779 Fix typo ("wil" -> "will") (#1273) 0670e9894 Update js.md 5bde834cf Update GH docs to say "main" as default branch 26312f93d Update index.md eb6f51df1 Update js.md b890dc84d Merge branch 'tempv0.78.1' 6b73ea450 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.78.1 46e582112 Update starter-kits.md (#1268) a62786235 Update 404 docs: GitLab auto-detects 404.html (#1173) cbd4fd2d9 Fix typo (#1271) 2ba3f9386 Update js.md 7b5109d90 Update js.md bc75bc962 Release 0.78.0 0b2e8b0f1 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.78.0 9ecba8480 Merge commit 'b74591123eac47a20d1f26ff3e2d291cd9c5cfc0' 60a475df7 js: Add avoidTDZ option 3b895261f Make js.Build fully support modules git-subtree-dir: docs git-subtree-split: 1de7a358cac94ac09a513456bdaae65e6ae94859
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title: Host on GitHub
linktitle: Host on GitHub
description: Deploy Hugo as a GitHub Pages project or personal/organizational site and automate the whole process with a simple shell script.
date: 2014-03-21
publishdate: 2014-03-21
lastmod: 2018-09-22
categories: [hosting and deployment]
keywords: [github,git,deployment,hosting]
authors: [Spencer Lyon, Gunnar Morling]
parent: "hosting-and-deployment"
weight: 30
weight: 30
sections_weight: 30
draft: false
toc: true
aliases: [/tutorials/github-pages-blog/]
GitHub provides free and fast static hosting over SSL for personal, organization, or project pages directly from a GitHub repository via its [GitHub Pages service][].
## Assumptions
1. You have Git 2.8 or greater [installed on your machine][installgit].
2. You have a GitHub account. [Signing up][ghsignup] for GitHub is free.
3. You have a ready-to-publish Hugo website or have at least completed the [Quick Start][].
## Types of GitHub Pages
There are 2 types of GitHub Pages:
- User/Organization Pages (`https://<USERNAME|ORGANIZATION>.github.io/`)
- Project Pages (`https://<USERNAME|ORGANIZATION>.github.io/<PROJECT>/`)
Please refer to the [GitHub Pages documentation][ghorgs] to decide which type of site you would like to create as it will determine which of the below methods to use.
To create a User/Organization Pages site, follow the single method in the *GitHub User and Organization Pages* section below.
To create a Project Pages site, choose a method from the *Project Pages* section below.
## GitHub User or Organization Pages
As mentioned in the [GitHub Pages documentation][ghorgs], you can host a user/organization page in addition to project pages. Here are the key differences in GitHub Pages websites for Users and Organizations:
1. You must use a `<USERNAME>.github.io` to host your **generated** content
2. Content from the `main` branch will be used to publish your GitHub Pages site
This is a much simpler setup as your Hugo files and generated content are published into two different repositories.
### Step-by-step Instructions
1. Create a `<YOUR-PROJECT>` (e.g. `blog`) repository on GitHub. This repository will contain Hugo's content and other source files.
2. Create a `<USERNAME>.github.io` GitHub repository. This is the repository that will contain the fully rendered version of your Hugo website.
3. `git clone <YOUR-PROJECT-URL> && cd <YOUR-PROJECT>`
4. Paste your existing Hugo project into the new local `<YOUR-PROJECT>` repository. Make sure your website works locally (`hugo server` or `hugo server -t <YOURTHEME>`) and open your browser to <http://localhost:1313>.
5. Once you are happy with the results:
* Press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> to kill the server
* Before proceeding run `rm -rf public` to completely remove the `public` directory
6. `git submodule add -b main https://github.com/<USERNAME>/<USERNAME>.github.io.git public`. This creates a git [submodule][]. Now when you run the `hugo` command to build your site to `public`, the created `public` directory will have a different remote origin (i.e. hosted GitHub repository).
7. Make sure the `baseURL` in your config file is updated with: `<USERNAME>.github.io`
### Put it Into a Script
You're almost done. In order to automate next steps create a `deploy.sh` script. You can also make it executable with `chmod +x deploy.sh`.
The following are the contents of the `deploy.sh` script:
# If a command fails then the deploy stops
set -e
printf "\033[0;32mDeploying updates to GitHub...\033[0m\n"
# Build the project.
hugo # if using a theme, replace with `hugo -t <YOURTHEME>`
# Go To Public folder
cd public
# Add changes to git.
git add .
# Commit changes.
msg="rebuilding site $(date)"
if [ -n "$*" ]; then
git commit -m "$msg"
# Push source and build repos.
git push origin main
You can then run `./deploy.sh "Your optional commit message"` to send changes to `<USERNAME>.github.io`. Note that you likely will want to commit changes to your `<YOUR-PROJECT>` repository as well.
That's it! Your personal page should be up and running at `https://<USERNAME>.github.io` within a couple minutes.
## GitHub Project Pages
{{% note %}}
Make sure your `baseURL` key-value in your [site configuration](/getting-started/configuration/) reflects the full URL of your GitHub pages repository if you're using the default GH Pages URL (e.g., `<USERNAME>.github.io/<PROJECT>/`) and not a custom domain.
{{% /note %}}
### Deployment of Project Pages from `/docs` folder on `main` branch
[As described in the GitHub Pages documentation][ghpfromdocs], you can deploy from a folder called `docs/` on your main branch. To effectively use this feature with Hugo, you need to change the Hugo publish directory in your [site's][config] `config.toml` and `config.yaml`, respectively:
publishDir = "docs"
publishDir: docs
After running `hugo`, push your main branch to the remote repository and choose the `docs/` folder as the website source of your repo. Do the following from within your GitHub project:
1. Go to **Settings** → **GitHub Pages**
2. From **Source**, select "main branch /docs folder". If the option isn't enabled, you likely do not have a `docs/` folder in the root of your project.
{{% note %}}
The `docs/` option is the simplest approach but requires you set a publish directory in your site configuration. You cannot currently configure GitHub pages to publish from another directory on main, and not everyone prefers the output site live concomitantly with source files in version control.
{{% /note %}}
### Deployment of Project Pages From Your `gh-pages` branch
You can also tell GitHub pages to treat your `main` branch as the published site or point to a separate `gh-pages` branch. The latter approach is a bit more complex but has some advantages:
* It keeps your source and generated website in different branches and therefore maintains version control history for both.
* Unlike the preceding `docs/` option, it uses the default `public` folder.
#### Preparations for `gh-pages` Branch
These steps only need to be done once. Replace `upstream` with the name of your remote; e.g., `origin`:
##### Add the `public` Folder
First, add the `public` folder to your `.gitignore` file at the project root so that the directory is ignored on the main branch:
echo "public" >> .gitignore
##### Initialize Your `gh-pages` Branch
You can now initialize your `gh-pages` branch as an empty [orphan branch][]:
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset --hard
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initializing gh-pages branch"
git push upstream gh-pages
git checkout main
#### Build and Deployment
Now check out the `gh-pages` branch into your `public` folder using git's [worktree feature][]. Essentially, the worktree allows you to have multiple branches of the same local repository to be checked out in different directories:
rm -rf public
git worktree add -B gh-pages public upstream/gh-pages
Regenerate the site using the `hugo` command and commit the generated files on the `gh-pages` branch:
{{< code file="commit-gh-pages-files.sh">}}
cd public && git add --all && git commit -m "Publishing to gh-pages" && cd ..
{{< /code >}}
If the changes in your local `gh-pages` branch look alright, push them to the remote repo:
git push upstream gh-pages
##### Set `gh-pages` as Your Publish Branch
In order to use your `gh-pages` branch as your publishing branch, you'll need to configure the repository within the GitHub UI. This will likely happen automatically once GitHub realizes you've created this branch. You can also set the branch manually from within your GitHub project:
1. Go to **Settings** → **GitHub Pages**
2. From **Source**, select "gh-pages branch" and then **Save**. If the option isn't enabled, you likely have not created the branch yet OR you have not pushed the branch from your local machine to the hosted repository on GitHub.
After a short while, you'll see the updated contents on your GitHub Pages site.
#### Put it Into a Script
To automate these steps, you can create a script with the following contents:
{{< code file="publish_to_ghpages.sh" >}}
if [ "`git status -s`" ]
echo "The working directory is dirty. Please commit any pending changes."
exit 1;
echo "Deleting old publication"
rm -rf public
mkdir public
git worktree prune
rm -rf .git/worktrees/public/
echo "Checking out gh-pages branch into public"
git worktree add -B gh-pages public upstream/gh-pages
echo "Removing existing files"
rm -rf public/*
echo "Generating site"
echo "Updating gh-pages branch"
cd public && git add --all && git commit -m "Publishing to gh-pages (publish.sh)"
#echo "Pushing to github"
#git push --all
{{< /code >}}
This will abort if there are pending changes in the working directory and also makes sure that all previously existing output files are removed. Adjust the script to taste, e.g. to include the final push to the remote repository if you don't need to take a look at the gh-pages branch before pushing.
### Deployment of Project Pages from Your `main` Branch
To use `main` as your publishing branch, you'll need your rendered website to live at the root of the GitHub repository. Steps should be similar to that of the `gh-pages` branch, with the exception that you will create your GitHub repository with the `public` directory as the root. Note that this does not provide the same benefits of the `gh-pages` branch in keeping your source and output in separate, but version controlled, branches within the same repo.
You will also need to set `main` as your publishable branch from within the GitHub UI:
1. Go to **Settings** → **GitHub Pages**
2. From **Source**, select "main branch" and then **Save**.
## Use a Custom Domain
If you'd like to use a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site, create a file `static/CNAME`. Your custom domain name should be the only contents inside `CNAME`. Since it's inside `static`, the published site will contain the CNAME file at the root of the published site, which is a requirements of GitHub Pages.
Refer to the [official documentation for custom domains][domains] for further information.
[config]: /getting-started/configuration/
[domains]: https://help.github.com/articles/using-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/
[ghorgs]: https://help.github.com/articles/user-organization-and-project-pages/#user--organization-pages
[ghpfromdocs]: https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-github-pages/
[ghsignup]: https://github.com/join
[GitHub Pages service]: https://help.github.com/articles/what-is-github-pages/
[installgit]: https://git-scm.com/downloads
[orphan branch]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-checkout/#Documentation/git-checkout.txt---orphanltnewbranchgt
[Quick Start]: /getting-started/quick-start/
[submodule]: https://github.com/blog/2104-working-with-submodules
[worktree feature]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree