2021-10-31 13:53:55 +01:00

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title description date publishdate lastmod categories keywords menu weight sections_weight draft
PostCSS Hugo Pipes can process CSS files with PostCSS. 2018-07-14 2018-07-14 2018-07-14
asset management
parent weight
pipes 40
40 40 false

Any asset file can be processed using resources.PostCSS which takes for argument the resource object and a slice of options listed below.

The resource will be processed using the project's or theme's own postcss.config.js or any file set with the config option.

{{ $css := resources.Get "css/main.css" }}
{{ $style := $css | resources.PostCSS }}

{{% note %}} Hugo Pipe's PostCSS requires the postcss-cli JavaScript package to be installed in the environment (npm install -g postcss postcss-cli) along with any PostCSS plugin(s) used (e.g., npm install -g autoprefixer).

If you are using the Hugo Snap package, PostCSS and plugin(s) need to be installed locally within your Hugo site directory, e.g., npm install postcss-cli without the -g flag. {{% /note %}}


config [string]
Path to the PostCSS configuration file
noMap [bool]
Default is false. Disable the default inline sourcemaps
inlineImports [bool] {{< new-in "0.66.0" >}}
Default is false. Enable inlining of @import statements. It does so recursively, but will only import a file once. URL imports (e.g. @import url('');) and imports with media queries will be ignored. Note that this import routine does not care about the CSS spec, so you can have @import anywhere in the file. Hugo will look for imports relative to the module mount and will respect theme overrides.

If no configuration file is used:

use [string]
Space-delimited list of PostCSS plugins to use
parser [string]
Custom PostCSS parser
stringifier [string]
Custom PostCSS stringifier
syntax [string]
Custom postcss syntax
{{ $options := dict "config" "customPostCSS.js" "noMap" true }}
{{ $style := resources.Get "css/main.css" | resources.PostCSS $options }}

{{ $options := dict "use" "autoprefixer postcss-color-alpha" }}
{{ $style := resources.Get "css/main.css" | resources.PostCSS $options }}

Check Hugo Environment from postcss.config.js

{{< new-in "0.66.0" >}}

The current Hugo environment name (set by --environment or in config or OS environment) is available in the Node context, which allows constructs like this:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    ...process.env.HUGO_ENVIRONMENT === 'production'
      ? [purgecss]
      : []