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c43daf45f Update build-options.md 3ebbfedd4 Build options: Improve readability 5091bf6a0 Improve safeHTMLAttr explanation b64cbce2e Fix description of collections.Apply 6ea264b9c netlify: Hugo 0.115.4 b42e7c542 Revert "config: Remove disableLiveReload" 35ce2290e Remove excess spaces in configuration docs 2edf761de Update listed titleCaseStyle default value 887f6fb97 config: Remove disableLiveReload c9f49fb26 Fix typo 37d8569ac Remove tools associated with Atom 871d11b72 Fix URL in postprocess docs bbb17d29f Update GitLab workflow bc53ea5ce Use sentence-style capitalization for headings 7ca578786 netlify: Hugo 0.115.3 c5e010bd0 Merge branch 'tempv0.115.3' c885604bf Remove starter kits page 4c0fe269e Update mention of Netlify CMS to Decap CMS 05067175c Consistently use file name instead of filename 763dd6404 Improve multilingual config example and descriptions e5aa61ec5 Use lowercase when referring to front matter (#2132) 7ba3d0c72 docs: Refresh docs.json de8bddedf Update description of timeout configuration value e1245d9f8 netify: Hugo 0.115.2 153a36bdf Merge branch 'tempv0.115.2' 707cec754 Fix typo in figure example in shortcodes.md 128cbe1e5 Improve taxonomy template examples 4e743ec36 Improve highlight function example f96fa6805 transpile sass: Fixes typo e4a8a21f7 Compile Sass to CSS, not SCSS c1538bd00 docs: Regenerate CLI docs bd4e33436 Add titleCaseStyle none and firstupper 6ff93d478 Update quick-start.md 5c6653cb1 Update build config examples and explanation 1458d9a43 Remove the `url` parameter 6a1e92044 netlify: Hugo 0.115.1 a9d5d6f2f Merge branch 'tempv0.115.1' 4c4882384 docs: Regen docs helper d1aa1c1f5 Add link to PowerShell vs Windows PowerShell documentation 6e3b70c21 Fix link to Git installation instructions 4f8a9ca38 Clarify resources.Copy arguments ee86dd121 Update theme dc7c305cf Update theme 60c23920b Clarify caching for resources.FromString (#2120) 5bf2fef6d netlify: Hugo 0.115.0 46bde87c5 Merge branch 'tempv0.115.0' 42cc48c16 Specify target path caching for resources.ExecuteAsTemplate (#2027) a54bf4cd0 Correct the sample code of mermaid (#2119) 8c49b06fc docs: Update permalinks documentation a4818d99b Page bundles: link to info about single vs. list page templates (#2116) 3fc7744d7 snap: Document removable media access dbd08f58a Update theme df5b88633 netlify: Hugo 0.114.1 6b859834a Fix typo 9ec92cf68 Improve Dart Sass example for Netlify 2d294ece9 Add Dart Sass installation and usage documentation 4c6b77d6c Fix placement of curly braces 897812a50 Update template-debugging.md to include a jsonify example 22bca519b Update GitHub Pages hosting instructions (#2109) a964d93ce Document math functions new in v0.114.0 (#2108) 9f4cb040e netlify: Hugo 0.114.0 55b4d9221 Merge branch 'tempv0.114.0' 93c4dcf93 docs: Regen docshelper 96f03c77f docs: Regen CLI docs 8e22a228a Clarify resource media type variables (#2106) 2652da8d4 Update transform.Unmarshal.md (#2105) 92657177a Update theme 4601c1d65 Update theme a216f3145 Merge commit '3c1deaf201a35de08d23cc58f8f03682cace3349' eed8794f5 cache: Set default cache path based on $USER git-subtree-dir: docs git-subtree-split: c43daf45fdc36c254f4274a0815ea62d4d8c37e0
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title: Data templates
description: In addition to Hugo's built-in variables, you can specify your own custom data in templates or shortcodes that pull from both local and dynamic sources.
categories: [templates]
keywords: [data,dynamic,csv,json,toml,yaml,xml]
parent: templates
weight: 150
weight: 150
aliases: [/extras/datafiles/,/extras/datadrivencontent/,/doc/datafiles/]
toc: true
<!-- begin data files -->
Hugo supports loading data from YAML, JSON, XML, and TOML files located in the `data` directory at the root of your Hugo project.
{{< youtube FyPgSuwIMWQ >}}
## The data folder
The `data` folder should store additional data for Hugo to use when generating your site.
Data files are not for generating standalone pages. They should supplement content files by:
- extending the content when the front matter fields grow out of control, or
- showing a larger dataset in a template (see the example below).
In both cases, it's a good idea to outsource the data in their (own) files.
These files must be YAML, JSON, XML, or TOML files (using the `.yml`, `.yaml`, `.json`, `.xml`, or `.toml` extension). The data will be accessible as a `map` in the `.Site.Data` variable.
To access the data using the `site.Data.filename` notation, the file name must begin with an underscore or a Unicode letter, followed by zero or more underscores, Unicode letters, or Unicode digits. For example:
- `123.json` - Invalid
- `x123.json` - Valid
- `_123.json` - Valid
To access the data using the [`index`](/functions/index-function/) function, the file name is irrelevant. For example:
Data file|Template code
`123.json`|`{{ index .Site.Data "123" }}`
`x123.json`|`{{ index .Site.Data "x123" }}`
`_123.json`|`{{ index .Site.Data "_123" }}`
`x-123.json`|`{{ index .Site.Data "x-123" }}`
## Data files in themes
Data Files can also be used in themes.
However, note that the theme data files are merged with the project directory taking precedence. That is, Given two files with the same name and relative path, the data in the file in the root project `data` directory will override the data from the file in the `themes/<THEME>/data` directory *for keys that are duplicated*).
Therefore, theme authors should be careful not to include data files that could be easily overwritten by a user who decides to [customize a theme][customize]. For theme-specific data items that shouldn't be overridden, it can be wise to prefix the folder structure with a namespace; e.g. `mytheme/data/<THEME>/somekey/...`. To check if any such duplicate exists, run hugo with the `-v` flag.
The keys in the map created with data templates from data files will be a dot-chained set of `path`, `filename`, and `key` in the file (if applicable).
This is best explained with an example:
## Example: Jaco Pastorius' Solo Discography
[Jaco Pastorius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaco_Pastorius_discography) was a great bass player, but his solo discography is short enough to use as an example. [John Patitucci](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Patitucci) is another bass giant.
The example below is a bit contrived, but it illustrates the flexibility of data Files. This example uses TOML as its file format with the two following data files:
* `data/jazz/bass/jacopastorius.toml`
* `data/jazz/bass/johnpatitucci.toml`
`jacopastorius.toml` contains the content below. `johnpatitucci.toml` contains a similar list:
{{< code-toggle file="jacopastorius" >}}
discography = [
"1974 - Modern American Music … Period! The Criteria Sessions",
"1974 - Jaco",
"1976 - Jaco Pastorius",
"1981 - Word of Mouth",
"1981 - The Birthday Concert (released in 1995)",
"1982 - Twins I & II (released in 1999)",
"1983 - Invitation",
"1986 - Broadway Blues (released in 1998)",
"1986 - Honestly Solo Live (released in 1990)",
"1986 - Live In Italy (released in 1991)",
"1986 - Heavy'n Jazz (released in 1992)",
"1991 - Live In New York City, Volumes 1-7.",
"1999 - Rare Collection (compilation)",
"2003 - Punk Jazz: The Jaco Pastorius Anthology (compilation)",
"2007 - The Essential Jaco Pastorius (compilation)"
{{< /code-toggle >}}
The list of bass players can be accessed via `.Site.Data.jazz.bass`, a single bass player by adding the file name without the suffix, e.g. `.Site.Data.jazz.bass.jacopastorius`.
You can now render the list of recordings for all the bass players in a template:
{{ range $.Site.Data.jazz.bass }}
{{ partial "artist.html" . }}
{{ end }}
And then in the `partials/artist.html`:
{{ range .discography }}
<li>{{ . }}</li>
{{ end }}
Discover a new favorite bass player? Just add another `.toml` file in the same directory.
## Example: accessing named values in a data file
Assume you have the following data structure in your `User0123.[yml|toml|xml|json]` data file located directly in `data/`:
{{< code-toggle file="User0123" >}}
Name: User0123
"Short Description": "He is a **jolly good** fellow."
- "Can create a Key, Value list from Data File"
- "Learns Hugo"
- "Reads documentation"
{{</ code-toggle >}}
You can use the following code to render the `Short Description` in your layout:
<div>Short Description of {{ .Site.Data.User0123.Name }}: <p>{{ index .Site.Data.User0123 "Short Description" | markdownify }}</p></div>
Note the use of the [`markdownify` template function][markdownify]. This will send the description through the Markdown rendering engine.
## Get remote data
Use `getJSON` or `getCSV` to get remote data:
{{ $dataJ := getJSON "url" }}
{{ $dataC := getCSV "separator" "url" }}
If you use a prefix or postfix for the URL, the functions accept [variadic arguments][variadic]:
{{ $dataJ := getJSON "url prefix" "arg1" "arg2" "arg n" }}
{{ $dataC := getCSV "separator" "url prefix" "arg1" "arg2" "arg n" }}
The separator for `getCSV` must be put in the first position and can only be one character long.
All passed arguments will be joined to the final URL:
{{ $urlPre := "https://api.github.com" }}
{{ $gistJ := getJSON $urlPre "/users/GITHUB_USERNAME/gists" }}
This will resolve internally to the following:
{{ $gistJ := getJSON "https://api.github.com/users/GITHUB_USERNAME/gists" }}
### Add HTTP headers
Both `getJSON` and `getCSV` takes an optional map as the last argument, e.g.:
{{ $data := getJSON "https://example.org/api" (dict "Authorization" "Bearer abcd") }}
If you need multiple values for the same header key, use a slice:
{{ $data := getJSON "https://example.org/api" (dict "X-List" (slice "a" "b" "c")) }}
### Example for CSV files
For `getCSV`, the one-character-long separator must be placed in the first position followed by the URL. The following is an example of creating an HTML table in a [partial template][partials] from a published CSV:
{{< code file="layouts/partials/get-csv.html" >}}
{{ $url := "https://example.com/finance/employee-salaries.csv" }}
{{ $sep := "," }}
{{ range $i, $r := getCSV $sep $url }}
<td>{{ index $r 0 }}</td>
<td>{{ index $r 1 }}</td>
<td>{{ index $r 2 }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{< /code >}}
The expression `{{ index $r number }}` must be used to output the nth-column from the current row.
### Cache URLs
Each downloaded URL will be cached in the default folder `$TMPDIR/hugo_cache_$USER/`. The variable `$TMPDIR` will be resolved to your system-dependent temporary directory.
With the command-line flag `--cacheDir`, you can specify any folder on your system as a caching directory.
You can also set `cacheDir` in the [main configuration file][config].
If you don't like caching at all, you can fully disable caching with the command-line flag `--ignoreCache`.
### Authentication when using REST URLs
Currently, you can only use those authentication methods that can be put into an URL. [OAuth] and other authentication methods are not implemented.
## Load local files
To load local files with `getJSON` and `getCSV`, the source files must reside within Hugo's working directory. The file extension does not matter, but the content does.
It applies the same output logic as above in [Get Remote Data](#get-remote-data).
{{% note %}}
The local CSV files to be loaded using `getCSV` must be located **outside** the `data` directory.
{{% /note %}}
## LiveReload with data files
There is no chance to trigger a [LiveReload] when the content of a URL changes. However, when a *local* file changes (i.e., `data/*` and `themes/<THEME>/data/*`), a LiveReload will be triggered. Symlinks are not supported. Note too that because downloading data takes a while, Hugo stops processing your Markdown files until the data download has been completed.
{{% warning "URL Data and LiveReload" %}}
If you change any local file and the LiveReload is triggered, Hugo will read the data-driven (URL) content from the cache. If you have disabled the cache (i.e., by running the server with `hugo server --ignoreCache`), Hugo will re-download the content every time LiveReload triggers. This can create *huge* traffic. You may reach API limits quickly.
{{% /note %}}
## Examples of data-driven content
- Photo gallery JSON powered: [https://github.com/pcdummy/hugo-lightslider-example](https://github.com/pcdummy/hugo-lightslider-example)
- GitHub Starred Repositories [in a post](https://github.com/SchumacherFM/blog-cs/blob/master/content%2Fposts%2Fgithub-starred.md) using data-driven content in a [custom short code](https://github.com/SchumacherFM/blog-cs/blob/master/layouts%2Fshortcodes%2FghStarred.html).
## Specs for data formats
* [TOML Spec][toml]
* [YAML Spec][yaml]
* [JSON Spec][json]
* [CSV Spec][csv]
* [XML Spec][xml]
[config]: /getting-started/configuration/
[csv]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
[customize]: /hugo-modules/theme-components/
[json]: https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf "Specification for JSON, JavaScript Object Notation"
[LiveReload]: /getting-started/usage/#livereload
[lookup]: /templates/lookup-order/
[markdownify]: /functions/markdownify/
[OAuth]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth
[partials]: /templates/partials/
[toml]: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
[variadic]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variadic_function
[vars]: /variables/
[yaml]: https://yaml.org/spec/
[xml]: https://www.w3.org/XML/