Bjørn Erik Pedersen 87de22d746 Squashed 'docs/' changes from 85befbb4d..c43daf45f
c43daf45f Update
3ebbfedd4 Build options: Improve readability
5091bf6a0 Improve safeHTMLAttr explanation
b64cbce2e Fix description of collections.Apply
6ea264b9c netlify: Hugo 0.115.4
b42e7c542 Revert "config: Remove disableLiveReload"
35ce2290e Remove excess spaces in configuration docs
2edf761de Update listed titleCaseStyle default value
887f6fb97 config: Remove disableLiveReload
c9f49fb26 Fix typo
37d8569ac Remove tools associated with Atom
871d11b72 Fix URL in postprocess docs
bbb17d29f Update GitLab workflow
bc53ea5ce Use sentence-style capitalization for headings
7ca578786 netlify: Hugo 0.115.3
c5e010bd0 Merge branch 'tempv0.115.3'
c885604bf Remove starter kits page
4c0fe269e Update mention of Netlify CMS to Decap CMS
05067175c Consistently use file name instead of filename
763dd6404 Improve multilingual config example and descriptions
e5aa61ec5 Use lowercase when referring to front matter (#2132)
7ba3d0c72 docs: Refresh docs.json
de8bddedf Update description of timeout configuration value
e1245d9f8 netify: Hugo 0.115.2
153a36bdf Merge branch 'tempv0.115.2'
707cec754 Fix typo in figure example in
128cbe1e5 Improve taxonomy template examples
4e743ec36 Improve highlight function example
f96fa6805 transpile sass: Fixes typo
e4a8a21f7 Compile Sass to CSS, not SCSS
c1538bd00 docs: Regenerate CLI docs
bd4e33436 Add titleCaseStyle none and firstupper
6ff93d478 Update
5c6653cb1 Update build config examples and explanation
1458d9a43 Remove the `url` parameter
6a1e92044 netlify: Hugo 0.115.1
a9d5d6f2f Merge branch 'tempv0.115.1'
4c4882384 docs: Regen docs helper
d1aa1c1f5 Add link to PowerShell vs Windows PowerShell documentation
6e3b70c21 Fix link to Git installation instructions
4f8a9ca38 Clarify resources.Copy arguments
ee86dd121 Update theme
dc7c305cf Update theme
60c23920b Clarify caching for resources.FromString (#2120)
5bf2fef6d netlify: Hugo 0.115.0
46bde87c5 Merge branch 'tempv0.115.0'
42cc48c16 Specify target path caching for resources.ExecuteAsTemplate (#2027)
a54bf4cd0 Correct the sample code of mermaid (#2119)
8c49b06fc docs: Update permalinks documentation
a4818d99b Page bundles: link to info about single vs. list page templates (#2116)
3fc7744d7 snap: Document removable media access
dbd08f58a Update theme
df5b88633 netlify: Hugo 0.114.1
6b859834a Fix typo
9ec92cf68 Improve Dart Sass example for Netlify
2d294ece9 Add Dart Sass installation and usage documentation
4c6b77d6c Fix placement of curly braces
897812a50 Update to include a jsonify example
22bca519b Update GitHub Pages hosting instructions (#2109)
a964d93ce Document math functions new in v0.114.0 (#2108)
9f4cb040e netlify: Hugo 0.114.0
55b4d9221 Merge branch 'tempv0.114.0'
93c4dcf93 docs: Regen docshelper
96f03c77f docs: Regen CLI docs
8e22a228a Clarify resource media type variables (#2106)
2652da8d4 Update (#2105)
92657177a Update theme
4601c1d65 Update theme
a216f3145 Merge commit '3c1deaf201a35de08d23cc58f8f03682cace3349'
eed8794f5 cache: Set default cache path based on $USER

git-subtree-dir: docs
git-subtree-split: c43daf45fdc36c254f4274a0815ea62d4d8c37e0
2023-07-29 11:15:54 +02:00

206 lines
8.5 KiB

title: Taxonomies
description: Hugo includes support for user-defined taxonomies.
keywords: [taxonomies,metadata,front matter,terms]
categories: [content management]
parent: content-management
weight: 150
toc: true
weight: 150
aliases: [/taxonomies/overview/,/taxonomies/usage/,/indexes/overview/,/doc/indexes/,/extras/indexes]
## What is a taxonomy?
Hugo includes support for user-defined groupings of content called **taxonomies**. Taxonomies are classifications of logical relationships between content.
### Definitions
: a categorization that can be used to classify content
: a key within the taxonomy
: a piece of content assigned to a term
## Example taxonomy: movie website
Let's assume you are making a website about movies. You may want to include the following taxonomies:
* Actors
* Directors
* Studios
* Genre
* Year
* Awards
Then, in each of the movies, you would specify terms for each of these taxonomies (i.e., in the [front matter] of each of your movie content files). From these terms, Hugo would automatically create pages for each Actor, Director, Studio, Genre, Year, and Award, with each listing all of the Movies that matched that specific Actor, Director, Studio, Genre, Year, and Award.
### Movie taxonomy organization
To continue with the example of a movie site, the following demonstrates content relationships from the perspective of the taxonomy:
Actor <- Taxonomy
Bruce Willis <- Term
The Sixth Sense <- Value
Unbreakable <- Value
Moonrise Kingdom <- Value
Samuel L. Jackson <- Term
Unbreakable <- Value
The Avengers <- Value
xXx <- Value
From the perspective of the content, the relationships would appear differently, although the data and labels used are the same:
Unbreakable <- Value
Actors <- Taxonomy
Bruce Willis <- Term
Samuel L. Jackson <- Term
Director <- Taxonomy
M. Night Shyamalan <- Term
Moonrise Kingdom <- Value
Actors <- Taxonomy
Bruce Willis <- Term
Bill Murray <- Term
Director <- Taxonomy
Wes Anderson <- Term
## Default taxonomies
Hugo natively supports taxonomies.
Without adding a single line to your [site configuration] file, Hugo will automatically create taxonomies for `tags` and `categories`. That would be the same as manually [configuring your taxonomies](#configure-taxonomies) as below:
{{< code-toggle file="hugo" copy=false >}}
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
{{</ code-toggle >}}
If you do not want Hugo to create any taxonomies, set `disableKinds` in your [site configuration] to the following:
{{< code-toggle file="hugo" copy=false >}}
disableKinds = ["taxonomy","term"]
{{</ code-toggle >}}
{{% page-kinds %}}
### Default destinations
When taxonomies are used---and [taxonomy templates] are provided---Hugo will automatically create both a page listing all the taxonomy's terms and individual pages with lists of content associated with each term. For example, a `categories` taxonomy declared in your configuration and used in your content front matter will create the following pages:
* A single page at `` that lists all the [terms within the taxonomy]
* [Individual taxonomy list pages][taxonomy templates] (e.g., `/categories/development/`) for each of the terms that shows a listing of all pages marked as part of that taxonomy within any content file's [front matter]
## Configure taxonomies
Custom taxonomies other than the [defaults](#default-taxonomies) must be defined in your [site configuration] before they can be used throughout the site. You need to provide both the plural and singular labels for each taxonomy. For example, `singular key = "plural value"` for TOML and `singular key: "plural value"` for YAML.
### Example: adding a custom taxonomy named "series"
{{% note %}}
While adding custom taxonomies, you need to put in the default taxonomies too, _if you want to keep them_.
{{% /note %}}
{{< code-toggle file="hugo" copy=false >}}
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
series = "series"
{{</ code-toggle >}}
### Example: removing default taxonomies
If you want to have just the default `tags` taxonomy, and remove the `categories` taxonomy for your site, you can do so by modifying the `taxonomies` value in your [site configuration].
{{< code-toggle file="hugo" copy=false >}}
tag = "tags"
{{</ code-toggle >}}
If you want to disable all taxonomies altogether, see the use of `disableKinds` in [Hugo Taxonomy Defaults](#default-taxonomies).
{{% note %}}
You can add content and front matter to your taxonomy list and taxonomy terms pages. See [Content Organization](/content-management/organization/) for more information on how to add an `` for this purpose.
Much like regular pages, taxonomy list [permalinks](/content-management/urls/) are configurable, but taxonomy term page permalinks are not.
{{% /note %}}
{{% note %}}
The configuration option `preserveTaxonomyNames` was removed in Hugo 0.55.
You can now use `.Page.Title` on the relevant taxonomy node to get the original value.
{{% /note %}}
## Add taxonomies to content
Once a taxonomy is defined at the site level, any piece of content can be assigned to it, regardless of [content type] or [content section].
Assigning content to a taxonomy is done in the [front matter]. Simply create a variable with the *plural* name of the taxonomy and assign all terms you want to apply to the instance of the content type.
{{% note %}}
If you would like the ability to quickly generate content files with preconfigured taxonomies or terms, read the docs on [Hugo archetypes](/content-management/archetypes/).
{{% /note %}}
### Example: front matter with taxonomies
{{< code-toggle file="content/" fm=true copy=false >}}
title = "Hugo: A fast and flexible static site generator"
tags = [ "Development", "Go", "fast", "Blogging" ]
categories = [ "Development" ]
series = [ "Go Web Dev" ]
slug = "hugo"
project_url = ""
{{</ code-toggle >}}
## Order taxonomies
A content file can assign weight for each of its associate taxonomies. Taxonomic weight can be used for sorting or ordering content in [taxonomy list templates] and is declared in a content file's [front matter]. The convention for declaring taxonomic weight is `taxonomyname_weight`.
The following show a piece of content that has a weight of 22, which can be used for ordering purposes when rendering the pages assigned to the "a", "b" and "c" values of the `tags` taxonomy. It has also been assigned the weight of 44 when rendering the "d" category page.
### Example: taxonomic `weight`
{{< code-toggle copy=false >}}
title = "foo"
tags = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
tags_weight = 22
categories = ["d"]
categories_weight = 44
{{</ code-toggle >}}
By using taxonomic weight, the same piece of content can appear in different positions in different taxonomies.
{{% note %}}
Currently taxonomies only support the [default `weight => date` ordering of list content](/templates/lists/#default-weight--date--linktitle--filepath). For more information, see the documentation on [taxonomy templates](/templates/taxonomy-templates/).
{{% /note %}}
## Add custom metadata to a taxonomy or term
If you need to add custom metadata to your taxonomy terms, you will need to create a page for that term at `/content/<TAXONOMY>/<TERM>/` and add your metadata in its front matter. Continuing with our 'Actors' example, let's say you want to add a Wikipedia page link to each actor. Your terms pages would be something like this:
{{< code-toggle file="content/actors/bruce-willis/" fm=true copy=false >}}
title: "Bruce Willis"
wikipedia: ""
{{< /code-toggle >}}
[`urlize` template function]: /functions/urlize/
[content section]: /content-management/sections/
[content type]: /content-management/types/
[documentation on archetypes]: /content-management/archetypes/
[front matter]: /content-management/front-matter/
[taxonomy list templates]: /templates/taxonomy-templates/#taxonomy-list-templates
[taxonomy templates]: /templates/taxonomy-templates/
[terms within the taxonomy]: /templates/taxonomy-templates/#taxonomy-terms-templates "See how to order terms associated with a taxonomy"
[configuration]: /getting-started/configuration/