title |
draft |
description |
date |
publishdate |
lastmod |
keywords |
categories |
menu |
signature |
workson |
hugoversion |
relatedfuncs |
deprecated |
aliases |
.Unix |
false |
.Unix returns the local Time corresponding to the given Unix time, sec seconds and nsec nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. |
2017-02-01 |
2017-02-01 |
2017-02-01 |
Format |
dateFormat |
now |
time |
false |
Example: Time Passed Since Last Modification
This very simple one-liner uses now.Unix
to calculate the amount of time that has passed between the .LastMod
for the current page and the last build of the current page.
{{< code file="time-passed.html" >}}
{{ div (sub now.Unix .Lastmod.Unix) 86400 }}
{{< /code >}}
Since both values are integers, they can be subtracted and then divided by the number of seconds in a day (i.e., 60 * 60 * 24 == 86400
{{% note %}}
Hugo's output is static. For the example above to be realistic, the site needs to be built every day.
{{% /note %}}