2024-06-21 09:41:24 +02:00

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title description categories keywords menu weight toc aliases
Menus Create menus by defining entries, localizing each entry, and rendering the resulting data structure.
content management
parent weight
content-management 190
190 true


To create a menu for your site:

  1. Define the menu entries
  2. Localize each entry
  3. Render the menu with a template

Create multiple menus, either flat or nested. For example, create a main menu for the header, and a separate menu for the footer.

There are three ways to define menu entries:

  1. Automatically
  2. In front matter
  3. In site configuration

{{% note %}} Although you can use these methods in combination when defining a menu, the menu will be easier to conceptualize and maintain if you use one method throughout the site. {{% /note %}}

Define automatically

To automatically define a menu entry for each top-level section of your site, enable the section pages menu in your site configuration.

{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} sectionPagesMenu = "main" {{< /code-toggle >}}

This creates a menu structure that you can access with site.Menus.main in your templates. See menu templates for details.

Define in front matter

To add a page to the "main" menu:

{{< code-toggle file=content/ fm=true >}} title = 'About' menus = 'main' {{< /code-toggle >}}

Access the entry with site.Menus.main in your templates. See menu templates for details.

To add a page to the "main" and "footer" menus:

{{< code-toggle file=content/ fm=true >}} title = 'Contact' menus = ['main','footer'] {{< /code-toggle >}}

Access the entry with site.Menus.main and site.Menus.footer in your templates. See menu templates for details.

{{% note %}} The configuration key in the examples above is menus. The menu (singular) configuration key is an alias for menus. {{% /note %}}


Use these properties when defining menu entries in front matter:

(string) Required when two or more menu entries have the same name, or when localizing the name using translation tables. Must start with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores.
(string) The text to display when rendering the menu entry.
(map) User-defined properties for the menu entry.
(string) The identifier of the parent menu entry. If identifier is not defined, use name. Required for child entries in a nested menu.
(string) The HTML to append when rendering the menu entry.
(string) The HTML to prepend when rendering the menu entry.
(string) The HTML title attribute of the rendered menu entry.
(int) A non-zero integer indicating the entry's position relative the root of the menu, or to its parent for a child entry. Lighter entries float to the top, while heavier entries sink to the bottom.


This front matter menu entry demonstrates some of the available properties:

{{< code-toggle file=content/products/ fm=true >}} title = 'Software' menus.main parent = 'Products' weight = 20 pre = '' [menus.main.params] class = 'center' {{< /code-toggle >}}

Access the entry with site.Menus.main in your templates. See menu templates for details.

Define in site configuration

To define entries for the "main" menu:

{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} menus.main name = 'Home' pageRef = '/' weight = 10

menus.main name = 'Products' pageRef = '/products' weight = 20

menus.main name = 'Services' pageRef = '/services' weight = 30 {{< /code-toggle >}}

This creates a menu structure that you can access with site.Menus.main in your templates. See menu templates for details.

To define entries for the "footer" menu:

{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} menus.footer name = 'Terms' pageRef = '/terms' weight = 10

menus.footer name = 'Privacy' pageRef = '/privacy' weight = 20 {{< /code-toggle >}}

This creates a menu structure that you can access with site.Menus.footer in your templates. See menu templates for details.

{{% note %}} The configuration key in the examples above is menus. The menu (singular) configuration key is an alias for menus. {{% /note %}}


{{% note %}} The properties available to entries defined in front matter are also available to entries defined in site configuration.

{{% /note %}}

Each menu entry defined in site configuration requires two or more properties:

  • Specify name and pageRef for internal links
  • Specify name and url for external links
(string) The logical path of the target page, relative to the content directory. Omit language code and file extension. Required for internal links.
Kind pageRef
home /
page /books/book-1
section /books
taxonomy /tags
term /tags/foo
(string) Required for external links.


This nested menu demonstrates some of the available properties:

{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} menus.main name = 'Products' pageRef = '/products' weight = 10

menus.main name = 'Hardware' pageRef = '/products/hardware' parent = 'Products' weight = 1

menus.main name = 'Software' pageRef = '/products/software' parent = 'Products' weight = 2

menus.main name = 'Services' pageRef = '/services' weight = 20

menus.main name = 'Hugo' pre = '' url = '' weight = 30 [menus.main.params] rel = 'external' {{< /code-toggle >}}

This creates a menu structure that you can access with site.Menus.main in your templates. See menu templates for details.


Hugo provides two methods to localize your menu entries. See multilingual.


See menu templates.