Bjørn Erik Pedersen 3902f9a476 Squashed 'docs/' changes from 4c5edacfe..7030fe3a2
7030fe3a2 Remove .hvm file
dd0f98831 Add details for DigitalOcean (#1730)
ff0c8a6e7 netlify: Hugo 0.97.3
e254724a7 Delete (#1723)
f4304fb7e Remove references to mmark (#1727)
255319023 remove broken link to (#1725)
06cc3856b delete broken link (#1724)
ec80dc069 Revert "netlify: Hugo 0.97.2"
211bad5de netlify: Hugo 0.97.2
cd549bca9 Revert "netlify: Update to Hugo 0.97.1" (#1722)
1039a0a48 netlify: Update to Hugo 0.97.1
a28e0d0d3 Update AddDate method
9077b443f Update
6b174329a Update
d87d9e296 netlify: Hugo 0.97.0
fa7db7c7e Merge branch 'tempv0.97.0'
dd6df54b5 Fix broken anchor links (#1717)
6b6743976 Remove StackImpact showcase
d00a7eda9 Fix for Cloudflare docs location (#1716)
890866722 Add git required FAQ & remove ZIP from Quick Start (#1713)
73e82d911 resources: Add `key` to reources.GetRemote options map
6795cd2a1 Correct possible typos re: Alias robots usage (#1165)
efd5d186a Hosting on Cloudflare Pages (#1709)
9239c5f2a deps: Update v2.10.0 => v2.11.0
859573bc8 Merge commit 'ec920363cdeb687c8bcac9c242767d366fb058cb'
21f108f12 docs: Regen CLI docs
9b6e7afd2 Add environment as a new filter to

git-subtree-dir: docs
git-subtree-split: 7030fe3a2ea107a23a4442902cb693557a421523
2022-04-28 11:52:15 +02:00

172 lines
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title: "Markdown Render Hooks"
linkTitle: "Render Hooks"
description: "Render Hooks allow custom templates to override markdown rendering functionality."
date: 2017-03-11
categories: [templates]
keywords: [markdown]
toc: true
title: "Markdown Render Hooks"
parent: "templates"
weight: 20
{{< new-in "0.62.0" >}} Note that this is only supported with the [Goldmark](/getting-started/configuration-markup#goldmark) renderer.
You can override certain parts of the default Markdown rendering to HTML by creating templates with base names `render-{kind}` in `layouts/_default/_markup`.
You can also create type/section specific hooks in `layouts/[type/section]/_markup`, e.g.: `layouts/blog/_markup`.{{< new-in "0.71.0" >}}
The hook kinds currently supported are:
* `image`
* `link`
* `heading` {{< new-in "0.71.0" >}}
* `codeblock`{{< new-in "0.93.0" >}}
You can define [Output-Format-](/templates/output-formats) and [language-](/content-management/multilingual/)specific templates if needed. Your `layouts` folder may look like this:
```goat { class="black f7" }
└── _default
└── _markup
├── render-image.html
├── render-image.rss.xml
└── render-link.html
└── render-codeblock.html
└── render-codeblock-bash.html
Some use cases for the above:
* Resolve link references using `.GetPage`. This would make links portable as you could translate `./` (and similar constructs that would work on GitHub) into `/blog/2019/01/01/my-post/` etc.
* Add `target=_blank` to external links.
* Resolve and [process](/content-management/image-processing/) images.
* Add [header links](
## Render Hooks for Headings, Links and Images
The `render-link` and `render-image` templates will receive this context:
: The [Page](/variables/page/) being rendered.
: The URL.
: The title attribute.
: The rendered (HTML) link text.
: The plain variant of the above.
The `render-heading` template will receive this context:
: The [Page](/variables/page/) being rendered.
: The header level (1--6)
: An auto-generated html id unique to the header within the page
: The rendered (HTML) text.
: The plain variant of the above.
Attributes (map) {{< new-in "0.82.0" >}}
: A map of attributes (e.g. `id`, `class`)
### Link with title Markdown example:
[Text]( "Title")
Here is a code example for how the render-link.html template could look:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html" >}}
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ if strings.HasPrefix .Destination "http" }} target="_blank" rel="noopener"{{ end }}>{{ .Text | safeHTML }}</a>
{{< /code >}}
### Image Markdown example:
![Text]( "Title")
Here is a code example for how the render-image.html template could look:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/_markup/render-image.html" >}}
<p class="md__image">
<img src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" alt="{{ .Text }}" {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }} />
{{< /code >}}
### Heading link example
Given this template file
{{< code file="layouts/_default/_markup/render-heading.html" >}}
<h{{ .Level }} id="{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">{{ .Text | safeHTML }} <a href="#{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}"></a></h{{ .Level }}>
{{< /code >}}
And this markdown
### Section A
The rendered html will be
<h3 id="section-a">Section A <a href="#section-a"></a></h3>
## Render Hooks for Code Blocks
{{< new-in "0.93.0" >}}
You can add a hook template for either all code blocks or for a specific type/language (`bash` in the example below):
```goat { class="black f7" }
└── _default
└── _markup
└── render-codeblock.html
└── render-codeblock-bash.html
The default behaviour for these code blocks is to do [Code Highlighting](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlighting-in-code-fences), but since you can pass attributes to these code blocks, they can be used for almost anything. One example would be the built-in [GoAT Diagrams](/content-management/diagrams/#goat-diagrams-ascii) or this [Mermaid Diagram Code Block Hook](/content-management/diagrams/#mermaid-diagrams) example.
The context (the ".") you receive in a code block template contains:
Type (string)
: The type of code block. This will be the programming language, e.g. `bash`, when doing code highlighting.
Attributes (map)
: Attributes passed in from Markdown (e.g. `{ attrName1=attrValue1 attrName2="attr Value 2" }`).
Options (map)
: Chroma highlighting processing options. This will only be filled if `Type` is a known [Chroma Lexer](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages).
Inner (string)
: The text between the code fences.
Ordinal (integer)
: Zero-based ordinal for all code blocks in the current document.
: The owning `Page`.
: Useful in error logging as it prints the filename and position (linenumber, column), e.g. `{{ errorf "error in code block: %s" .Position }}`.