2024-01-26 08:22:42 +01:00

972 B

title description categories keywords action aliases
collections.Querify Takes a set or slice of key-value pairs and returns a query string to be appended to URLs.
aliases related returnType signatures
collections.Querify VALUE [VALUE...]
collections.Querify COLLECTION

querify takes a set or slice of key-value pairs and returns a query string that can be appended to a URL.

The following examples create a link to a search results page on Google.

<a href="{{ (querify "q" "test" "page" 3) | safeURL }}">Search</a>

{{ $qs := slice "q" "test" "page" 3 }}
<a href="{{ (querify $qs) | safeURL }}">Search</a>

Both of these examples render the following HTML:

<a href="">Search</a>