Bjørn Erik Pedersen e509cac533 Squashed 'docs/' changes from 7ef2dbce4..cb18a5183
cb18a5183 Fix broken link
07a0198bf Config: Place Google Analytics tag ID under the services key
4bf0c719f Fix typo
50d8ad1af Fix muiltilingual menu definition instructions
1a32519a9 Fix typos
6f34ca8e0 Explain usage of front matter to target a template
5bd977257 Improve goldmark config docs
447632938 Remove Docker notes from installation instructions
84741d173 Update reference to
0338d7c71 Fix menu template
f5d2f5ed4 Fix typos in content/en/functions/fmt
a3a40ff99 Add return type to functions
85ac3e779 Remove outdated feature image
d47d889e4 Fix signatures
7551ba28f Document safe.JSStr function
e77993be0 Document keyVals function
4dba20db3 Update theme
babf91544 Update echoparam
8c8203efa Adjust related functions
4cb1b30fc Fix example
ba95eca64 Improve showcase prose
5d3dcf366 Add Overmind Studios showcase
8d634ac70 Change code blocks from indented to fenced
cfab978e6 Add missing code fences
407dd5c47 Limit related pages for functions to other functions
9fa67d981 Fix .Site.LastChange doc
393aa16d0 netlify: Hugo 0.119.0
f864af97a docs: Even more about images.Process
9d772d5f0 docs: More about images.Process
bc655f869 docs: Regen docshelper
41c3536d1 Merge commit '9aec42c5452b3eb224888c50ba1c3f3b68a447e9'
918ed53f4 Add images.Process filter
573645883 Add $image.Process
a1151b0fd Add images.Opacity filter

git-subtree-dir: docs
git-subtree-split: cb18a5183fc62f301ffde50b8c39f03e4b897aec
2023-10-20 09:42:39 +02:00

151 lines
4.3 KiB

title: .Scratch
description: Acts as a "scratchpad" to store and manipulate data.
categories: [functions]
keywords: []
parent: functions
aliases: []
signatures: []
- .Store
- .Scratch
aliases: [/extras/scratch/,/doc/scratch/]
Scratch is a Hugo feature designed to conveniently manipulate data in a Go Template world. It is either a Page or Shortcode method for which the resulting data will be attached to the given context, or it can live as a unique instance stored in a variable.
{{% note %}}
Note that Scratch was initially created as a workaround for a [Go template scoping limitation]( that affected Hugo versions prior to 0.48. For a detailed analysis of `.Scratch` and contextual use cases, see [this blog post](
{{% /note %}}
### Contexted `.Scratch` vs. local `newScratch`
Since Hugo 0.43, there are two different ways of using Scratch:
#### The Page's `.Scratch`
`.Scratch` is available as a Page method or a Shortcode method and attaches the "scratched" data to the given page. Either a Page or a Shortcode context is required to use `.Scratch`.
{{ .Scratch.Set "greeting" "bonjour" }}
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "greeting" (print "bonjour" .Title) }}
{{ end }}
#### The local `newScratch`
A Scratch instance can also be assigned to any variable using the `newScratch` function. In this case, no Page or Shortcode context is required and the scope of the scratch is only local. The methods detailed below are available from the variable the Scratch instance was assigned to.
{{ $data := newScratch }}
{{ $data.Set "greeting" "hola" }}
### Methods
A Scratch has the following methods:
{{% note %}}
Note that the following examples assume a [local Scratch instance](#the-local-newscratch) has been stored in `$scratch`.
{{% /note %}}
#### .Set
Set the value of a given key.
{{ $scratch.Set "greeting" "Hello" }}
#### .Get
Get the value of a given key.
{{ $scratch.Set "greeting" "Hello" }}
{{ $scratch.Get "greeting" }} > Hello
#### .Add
Add a given value to existing value(s) of the given key.
For single values, `Add` accepts values that support Go's `+` operator. If the first `Add` for a key is an array or slice, the following adds will be [appended](/functions/collections/append/) to that list.
{{ $scratch.Add "greetings" "Hello" }}
{{ $scratch.Add "greetings" "Welcome" }}
{{ $scratch.Get "greetings" }} > HelloWelcome
{{ $scratch.Add "total" 3 }}
{{ $scratch.Add "total" 7 }}
{{ $scratch.Get "total" }} > 10
{{ $scratch.Add "greetings" (slice "Hello") }}
{{ $scratch.Add "greetings" (slice "Welcome" "Cheers") }}
{{ $scratch.Get "greetings" }} > []interface {}{"Hello", "Welcome", "Cheers"}
#### .SetInMap
Takes a `key`, `mapKey` and `value` and adds a map of `mapKey` and `value` to the given `key`.
{{ $scratch.SetInMap "greetings" "english" "Hello" }}
{{ $scratch.SetInMap "greetings" "french" "Bonjour" }}
{{ $scratch.Get "greetings" }} > map[french:Bonjour english:Hello]
#### .DeleteInMap
Takes a `key` and `mapKey` and removes the map of `mapKey` from the given `key`.
{{ .Scratch.SetInMap "greetings" "english" "Hello" }}
{{ .Scratch.SetInMap "greetings" "french" "Bonjour" }}
{{ .Scratch.DeleteInMap "greetings" "english" }}
{{ .Scratch.Get "greetings" }} > map[french:Bonjour]
#### .GetSortedMapValues
Return an array of values from `key` sorted by `mapKey`.
{{ $scratch.SetInMap "greetings" "english" "Hello" }}
{{ $scratch.SetInMap "greetings" "french" "Bonjour" }}
{{ $scratch.GetSortedMapValues "greetings" }} > [Hello Bonjour]
#### .Delete
Remove the given key.
{{ $scratch.Set "greeting" "Hello" }}
{{ $scratch.Delete "greeting" }}
#### .Values
Return the raw backing map. Note that you should only use this method on the locally scoped Scratch instances you obtain via [`newScratch`](#the-local-newscratch), not `.Page.Scratch` etc., as that will lead to concurrency issues.
[pagevars]: /variables/page/