Bjørn Erik Pedersen ba45da9d03 Squashed 'docs/' changes from 44fe0285..32356e4e
32356e4e Fix typo in header of
c8f1a2d2 Correct code example for index template function
bfa6a55d Escape code fencing
ff8b2f99 Fix typos in deployment with wercker tutorial
557c36e8 theme: Merge commit '7fbb4bed25001182bfeb91f79db0f0c1936582ee'
7fbb4bed Squashed 'themes/gohugoioTheme/' changes from 7dd8a302..ca53082d
ce31cee0 Add "See Also" config
158cee1b Make the tags into keywords
61600be6 Add a note to the related section
49edb5a2 Relase 0.27.1
c9bbc001 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.27.1
213c6c3b Add bugs poster
8b4590cd Add KeyCDN integration tutorial
2b277859 Add tutorial videos to several docs pages
950fef1f Update roadmap to link to the correct milestones page
496f5bf6 Rename relnotes
d6f9378d Bump Netlify versions to 0.27
087fde7f Update 0.27 release notes
603f94ae docs: Document Related Content
3790f6a3 releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.27
0948868c releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.27

git-subtree-dir: docs
git-subtree-split: 32356e4eabe357ae914f4d1d59e8ae31ce936723
2017-09-21 19:03:00 +02:00

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Raw Blame History

title linktitle description date publishdate lastmod categories keywords menu weight sections_weight draft aliases toc wip
Install and Use Themes Install and Use Themes Install and use a theme from the Hugo theme showcase easily through the CLI. 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 2017-02-01
parent weight
themes 10
10 10 false
true true

{{% note "No Default Theme" %}} Hugo currently doesnt ship with a “default” theme. This decision is intentional. We leave it up to you to decide which theme best suits your Hugo project. {{% /note %}}


  1. You have already installed Hugo on your development machine.
  2. You have git installed on your machine and you are familiar with basic git usage.

Install Themes

{{< youtube L34JL_3Jkyc >}}

The community-contributed themes featured on are hosted in a centralized GitHub repository. The Hugo Themes Repo at is really a meta repository that contains pointers to a set of contributed themes.

{{% warning "Get git First" %}} Without Git installed on your computer, none of the following theme instructions will work. Git tutorials are beyond the scope of the Hugo docs, but GitHub and codecademy offer free, interactive courses for beginners. {{% /warning %}}

Install All Themes

You can install all available Hugo themes by cloning the entire Hugo Theme repository on GitHub from within your working directory. Depending on your internet connection the download of all themes might take a while.

git clone --depth 1 --recursive themes

Before you use a theme, remove the .git folder in that theme's root folder. Otherwise, this will cause problem if you deploy using Git.

Install a Single Theme

Change into the themes directory and download a theme by replacing URL_TO_THEME with the URL of the theme repository:

cd themes
git clone URL_TO_THEME

The following example shows how to use the "Hyde" theme, which has its source hosted at

{{< code file="" >}} cd themes git clone {{< /code >}}

Alternatively, you can download the theme as a .zip file, unzip the theme contents, and then move the unzipped source into your themes directory.

{{% note "Read the README" %}} Always review the file that is shipped with a theme. Often, these files contain further instructions required for theme setup; e.g., copying values from an example configuration file. {{% /note %}}

Theme Placement

Please make certain you have installed the themes you want to use in the /themes directory. This is the default directory used by Hugo. Hugo comes with the ability to change the themes directory via the themesDir variable in your site configuration, but this is not recommended.

Use Themes

Hugo applies the decided theme first and then applies anything that is in the local directory. This allows for easier customization while retaining compatibility with the upstream version of the theme. To learn more, go to customizing themes.

Command Line

There are two different approaches to using a theme with your Hugo website: via the Hugo CLI or as part of your site configuration file.

To change a theme via the Hugo CLI, you can pass the -t flag when building your site:

hugo -t themename

Likely, you will want to add the theme when running the Hugo local server, especially if you are going to customize the theme:

hugo server -t themename

config File

If you've already decided on the theme for your site and do not want to fiddle with the command line, you can add the theme directly to your site configuration file:

theme: themename

{{% note "A Note on themename" %}} The themename in the above examples must match the name of the specific theme directory inside /themes; i.e., the directory name (likely lowercase and urlized) rather than the name of the theme displayed in the Themes Showcase site. {{% /note %}}