2018-07-22 14:04:01 +02:00

9.6 KiB

Hugo 0.45 is the revival of ref, relref and GetPage. @vassudanagunta and @bep have done some great work improving the API and implementation for the helper functions used to get one page. Before this release, the API was a little bit clumsy and the result potentially ambiguous in some situations.

Now you can simply do:

{{ with .Site.GetPage "/blog/" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}

Or two get a section page:

{{ with .Site.GetPage "/blog" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}

We have also added a .GetPage method on Page and added support for page-relative linking. This means that the leading slash (/) now has a meaning. For .Site.GetPage, all lookups will start at the content root. But for lookups with a Page context, paths without a leading slash will be treated as relative to the page.

This means that the following example will find the page in the current section:

{{</* ref "" */>}}

You can also use the .. to refer to a page one level up etc.:

{{</* ref "../" */>}}

We have now also added language support to ref and relref, so you can link to a page in another language:

{{</* relref path="" lang="jp" */>}}

To link to a given Output Format of a document, you can use this syntax:

{{</* relref path="" outputFormat="rss" */>}}

To make working with these reflinks on bigger sites easier to work with, we have also improved the error logging, and added two new configuration settings:

  • refLinksErrorLevel: ERROR (default, will fail the build when a reflink cannot be resolved) or WARNING.
  • refLinksNotFoundURL: Set this to an URL placeholder used when no reference could be resolved.

Visit the Hugo Docs for more information.

We have also done some important improvements and fixes in Hugo Pipes in this release: SCSS source maps on Windows now works, we now support project-local PostCSS installation, and we have added IncludePaths to SCSS options, making it possible to include, say, a path below node_modules in the SASS/SCSS build.

This release represents 31 contributions by 4 contributors to the main Hugo code base. @bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @vassudanagunta, @hairmare, and @garrmcnu for their ongoing contributions. And a big thanks to @digitalcraftsman for his relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to @kaushalmodi for his great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs, which has received 10 contributions by 8 contributors. A special thanks to @kaushalmodi, @Hanzei, @KurtTrowbridge, and @regisphilibert for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:


  • .Site.GetPage with more than 2 arguments will not work anymore. This means that {{ .Site.GetPage "page" "blog" "" }} will fail. {{ .Site.GetPage "page" "blog/" }} will work, but we recommend you use the simpler {{ .Site.GetPage "/blog/" }}
  • Relative paths in relref or ref that finds its match not relative to the page itself will work, but we now print a warning saying that you should correct it to an absolute path. E.g. {{</* ref "blog/" */>}} => {{</* ref "/blog/" */>}}.

