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author | date | linktitle | menu | prev | title | weight | ||||
Rick Cogley | 2015-06-07 | Multilingual Site |
/tutorials/migrate-from-jekyll | Create a Multilingual Site | 10 |
Hugo allows you to create a multilingual site from its built-in tools. This tutorial will show one way to do it, and assumes:
- You already know the basics about creating a Hugo site
- You have a separate domain name for each language
- You'll use
files for some translation strings - You'll use single, combined
folders - You'll use a subfolder for each language under
Site Configs
Create your site configs in the root of your repository, for example for an English and Japanese site.
English Config config_en.toml
baseurl = "http://acme.com/"
title = "Acme Inc."
contentdir = "content/en"
publishdir = "public/en"
locale = "en-US"
Japanese Config config_ja.toml
baseurl = "http://acme.jp/"
title = "有限会社アクミー"
contentdir = "content/ja"
publishdir = "public/ja"
locale = "ja-JP"
If you had more domains and languages, you would just create more config files. The standard config.toml
is what Hugo will run as a default, but since we're creating language-specific ones, you'll need to specify each config file when running hugo server
or just hugo
before deploying.
Prep Translation Strings in /data
Create .yaml
(or .json
or .toml
) files for each language, under /data/translations
English Strings en-US.yaml
topslogan: Acme Inc.
topsubslogan: You'll love us
Japanese Strings ja-JP.yaml
topslogan: 有限会社アクミー
topsubslogan: キット勝つぞ
In some cases, where there is more complex formatting within the strings you want to show, it might be better to employ some conditional logic in your template, to display a block of html per language.
Reference Strings in templates
Now you can reference the strings in your templates. One way is to do it like in this layouts/index.html
, leveraging the fact that you have the locale set:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ .Site.Params.locale }}">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{ if eq .Site.Params.locale "en-US" }}{{ if .IsHome }}Welcome to {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ .Title }}{{ if eq .Site.Params.locale "ja-JP" }}{{ if .IsHome }}へようこそ{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if ne .Title .Site.Title }} : {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}</title>
<div class="container">
<h1 class="header">{{ ( index $.Site.Data.translations $.Site.Params.locale ).topslogan }}</h1>
<h3 class="subheader">{{ ( index $.Site.Data.translations $.Site.Params.locale ).topsubslogan }}</h3>
The above shows both techniques, using an if eq
and else if eq
to check the locale, and using index
to pull strings from the data file that matches the locale set in the site's config file.
Create Multilingual Content
Now you can create markdown content in your languages, in the content/en
and content/ja
folders. The frontmatter stays the same on the key side, but the values would be set in each of the languages.
Run Hugo Server or Deploy Commands
Once you have things set up, you can run hugo server
or hugo
before deploying. You can create scripts to do it, or as shell functions. Here are sample basic zsh
Live Reload with hugo server
function hugoserver-com {
cd /Users/me/dev/mainsite
hugo server --buildDrafts --watch --verbose --source="/Users/me/dev/mainsite" --config="/Users/me/dev/mainsite/config_en.toml" --port=1377
function hugoserver-jp {
cd /Users/me/dev/mainsite
hugo server --buildDrafts --watch --verbose --source="/Users/me/dev/mainsite" --config="/Users/me/dev/mainsite/config_ja.toml" --port=1399
Deploy with hugo
and rsync
function hugodeploy-acmecom {
rm -rf /tmp/acme.com
hugo --config="/Users/me/dev/mainsite/config_en.toml" -s /Users/me/dev/mainsite/ -d /tmp/acme.com
rsync -avze "ssh -p 22" --delete /tmp/acme.com/ me@mywebhost.com:/home/me/webapps/acme_com_site
function hugodeploy-acmejp {
rm -rf /tmp/acme.jp
hugo --config="/Users/me/dev/mainsite/config_ja.toml" -s /Users/me/dev/mainsite/ -d /tmp/acme.jp
rsync -avze "ssh -p 22" --delete /tmp/acme.jp/ me@mywebhost.com:/home/me/webapps/acme_jp_site
Adjust to fit your situation, setting dns, your webserver config, and other settings as appropriate.