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truncate |
Truncates a text to a max length without cutting words or leaving unclosed HTML tags. |
2017-02-01 |
2017-02-01 |
2017-02-01 |
strings.Truncate SIZE [ELLIPSIS] INPUT |
19 |
false |
Since Go templates are HTML-aware, truncate
will intelligently handle normal strings vs HTML strings:
{{ "<em>Keep my HTML</em>" | safeHTML | truncate 10 }}` → <em>Keep my …</em>`
{{% note %}}
If you have a raw string that contains HTML tags you want to remain treated as HTML, you will need to convert the string to HTML using the safeHTML
template function before sending the value to truncate. Otherwise, the HTML tags will be escaped when passed through the truncate
{{% /note %}}