Alex Dunn 4e4ea9583f instructions for Homebrew installation
updated installation page of documentation, and changed "Download" button on index.html to scroll to bottom where multiple installation options are featured

getting the scrolldown to work required removing the fixed positioning on #action and on the footer
2014-09-22 21:51:19 -04:00

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getting started
/overview/usage /overview/quickstart Installing Hugo 20

Hugo is written in Go with support for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OS X.

The latest release can be found at Hugo Releases. We currently build for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OS X for x64 and i386 architectures.

Installing Hugo (binary)

Installation is very easy. Simply download the appropriate version for your platform from Hugo Releases. Once downloaded it can be run from anywhere. You don't need to install it into a global location. This works well for shared hosts and other systems where you don't have a privileged account.

Ideally you should install it somewhere in your path for easy use. /usr/local/bin is the most probable location.

If you have Homebrew, installation is even easier. Just run brew install hugo.

Installing Pygments (optional)

The Hugo executable has one optional external dependency for source code highlighting (Pygments).

If you want to have source code highlighting using the highlight shortcode, you need to install the Python-based Pygments program. The procedure is outlined on the Pygments home page.

Upgrading Hugo

Upgrading Hugo is as easy as downloading and replacing the executable youve placed in your path.

Installing from source


  • Git
  • Go 1.1+
  • Mercurial
  • Bazaar

Get directly from GitHub:

go get -v

Building Hugo

cd /path/to/hugo
go build -o hugo main.go
mv hugo /usr/local/bin/


Please see the contributing guide.