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HedgeDoc Docker Image
!!! info "Requirements on your server" - Git - Docker 17.03.1 or higher - Docker Compose
The official docker images are available on quay.io.
We currently only support the amd64
The easiest way to get started with HedgeDoc and Docker is to use the following docker-compose.yml
!!! warning This is a minimal example to get started quickly and not intended for production use.
version: '3'
image: postgres:13.4-alpine
- POSTGRES_USER=hedgedoc
- POSTGRES_DB=hedgedoc
- database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
restart: always
# Make sure to use the latest release from https://hedgedoc.org/latest-release
image: quay.io/hedgedoc/hedgedoc:1.10.0
- CMD_DB_URL=postgres://hedgedoc:password@database:5432/hedgedoc
- CMD_DOMAIN=localhost
- uploads:/hedgedoc/public/uploads
- "3000:3000"
restart: always
- database
After executing docker-compose up
, HedgeDoc should be available at http://localhost:3000.
You can now continue to configure your container with environment variables.
Check out the configuration docs for more details.
File Permissions
By default, HedgeDoc will change the permissions of the uploads directory to
on every start of the Docker container. This is OK if you keep the files
in a named volume, but if you want to serve the files from a webserver on your
host (e.g. an Nginx reverse proxy) the webserver may not have the permission to
read the files.
To fix this, you can set the UPLOADS_MODE
env variable to something other
than 0700
!!! warning
Before you upgrade, always read the release notes.
You can find them on our releases page.
!!! info "Upgrading to 1.7"
Together with changing the name to "HedgeDoc" the default username,
password and database name have been changed in docker-compose.yml
In order to migrate the existing database to the new default credentials, run
docker-compose exec database createuser --superuser -Uhackmd postgres
docker-compose exec database psql -Upostgres -c "alter role hackmd rename to hedgedoc; alter role hedgedoc with password 'password'; alter database hackmd rename to hedgedoc;"
before running `docker-compose up`.
You can upgrade to the latest release by stopping the containers and changing the referenced image version in docker-compose.yml
Then run docker-compose up
to start HedgeDoc again.
Migrating from CodiMD & HackMD
If you currently use CodiMD or HackMD, you should be able to swap the docker image for ours. See the general migration hints for compatibility details.
If you use a PostgreSQL database, you can leverage this command to create a backup:
docker-compose exec database pg_dump hedgedoc -U hedgedoc > backup.sql
If you want to restore your PostgreSQL backup, run these commands before starting the application for the first time:
docker-compose up -d database
cat backup.sql | docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q database) psql -U hedgedoc