Sheogorath a2522888b2
Remove PDF export
As we already decleared in earlier versions, this patch removes PDF
export entirely. It's a not acceptable security risk for every CodiMD

The current implementation allowed to extract arbitary files from the
CodiMD host and therefore leaking secrets from a `/etc/passwd` to
CodiMD's own config files and all secrets contained in it.

Thanks to Joona for finding this vulnerability in August last year,
which lead to an emergency disabling of PDF exports in 1.5.0.

Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
2020-02-26 15:05:54 +01:00

188 lines
12 KiB

Configuration Using Config file
You can choose to configure CodiMD with either a config file or with
[environment variables](configuration-env-vars.md). The config file is processed
in [`lib/config/index.js`](../lib/config/index.js) - so this is the first
place to look if anything is missing not obvious from this document. The
default values are defined in [`lib/config/default.js`](../lib/config/default.js),
in case you wonder if you even need to override it.
Environment variables take precedence over configurations from the config files.
To get started, it is a good idea to take the `config.json.example` and copy it
to `config.json` before filling in your own details.
## Node.JS
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `debug` | `true` or `false` | set debug mode, show more logs |
## CodiMD basics
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `db` | `{ "dialect": "sqlite", "storage": "./db.codimd.sqlite" }` | set the db configs, [see more here](http://sequelize.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api/sequelize/) |
| `dbURL` | `mysql://localhost:3306/database` | Set the db in URL style. If set, then the relevant `db` config entries will be overridden. |
| `forbiddenNoteIDs` | `['robots.txt']` | disallow creation of notes, even if `allowFreeUrl` is `true` |
| `loglevel` | `info` | Defines what kind of logs are provided to stdout. Available options: `debug`, `verbose`, `info`, `warn`, `error` |
| `imageUploadType` | `imgur`, `s3`, `minio`, `azure`, `lutim` or `filesystem`(default) | Where to upload images. For S3, see our Image Upload Guides for [S3](guides/s3-image-upload.md) or [MinIO](guides/minio-image-upload.md)|
| `sourceURL` | `https://github.com/codimd/server/tree/<current commit>` | Provides the link to the source code of CodiMD on the entry page (Please, make sure you change this when you run a modified version) |
| `staticCacheTime` | `1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000` | static file cache time |
| `tooBusyLag` | `70` | CPU time for one event loop tick until node throttles connections. (milliseconds) |
| `heartbeatInterval` | `5000` | socket.io heartbeat interval |
| `heartbeatTimeout` | `10000` | socket.io heartbeat timeout |
| `documentMaxLength` | `100000` | note max length |
## CodiMD paths stuff
these are rarely used for various reasons.
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `defaultNotePath` | `./public/default.md` | default note file path<sup>1</sup>, empty notes will be created with this template. |
| `dhParamPath` | `./cert/dhparam.pem` | SSL dhparam path<sup>1</sup> (only need when you set `useSSL`) |
| `sslCAPath` | `['./cert/COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt']` | SSL ca chain<sup>1</sup> (only need when you set `useSSL`) |
| `sslCertPath` | `./cert/codimd_io.crt` | SSL cert path<sup>1</sup> (only need when you set `useSSL`) |
| `sslKeyPath` | `./cert/client.key` | SSL key path<sup>1</sup> (only need when you set `useSSL`) |
| `tmpPath` | `./tmp/` | temp directory path<sup>1</sup> |
| `docsPath` | `./public/docs` | docs directory path<sup>1</sup> |
| `viewPath` | `./public/views` | template directory path<sup>1</sup> |
| `uploadsPath` | `./public/uploads` | uploads directory<sup>1</sup> - needs to be persistent when you use imageUploadType `filesystem` |
## CodiMD Location
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `domain` | `localhost` | domain name |
| `urlPath` | `codimd` | sub URL path, like `www.example.com/<urlpath>` |
| `host` | `localhost` | interface/ip to listen on |
| `port` | `80` | port to listen on |
| `path` | `/var/run/codimd.sock` | path to UNIX domain socket to listen on (if specified, `host` and `port` are ignored) |
| `protocolUseSSL` | `true` or `false` | set to use SSL protocol for resources path (only applied when domain is set) |
| `useSSL` | `true` or `false` | set to use SSL server (if `true`, will auto turn on `protocolUseSSL`) |
| `urlAddPort` | `true` or `false` | set to add port on callback URL (ports `80` or `443` won't be applied) (only applied when domain is set) |
| `allowOrigin` | `['localhost']` | domain name whitelist |
## CSP and HSTS
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `hsts` | `{"enable": true, "maxAgeSeconds": 31536000, "includeSubdomains": true, "preload": true}` | [HSTS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security) options to use with HTTPS (default is the example value, max age is a year) |
| `csp` | `{"enable": true, "directives": {"scriptSrc": "trustworthy-scripts.example.com"}, "upgradeInsecureRequests": "auto", "addDefaults": true}` | Configures [Content Security Policy](https://helmetjs.github.io/docs/csp/). Directives are passed to Helmet - see [their documentation](https://helmetjs.github.io/docs/csp/) for more information on the format. Some defaults are added to the configured values so that the application doesn't break. To disable this behaviour, set `addDefaults` to `false`. Further, if `usecdn` is on, some CDN locations are allowed too. By default (`auto`), insecure (HTTP) requests are upgraded to HTTPS via CSP if `useSSL` is on. To change this behaviour, set `upgradeInsecureRequests` to either `true` or `false`. |
## Privacy and External Requests
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `allowGravatar` | `true` or `false` | set to `false` to disable [Libravatar](https://www.libravatar.org/) as profile picture source on your instance. Libravatar is a federated open-source alternative to Gravatar. |
| `useCDN` | `true` or `false` | set to use CDN resources or not (default is `false`) |
## Users and Privileges
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `allowAnonymous` | `true` or `false` | Set to allow anonymous usage (default is `true`). |
| `allowAnonymousEdits` | `true` or `false` | If `allowAnonymous` is `true`: allow users to select `freely` permission, allowing guests to edit existing notes (default is `false`). |
| `allowFreeURL` | `true` or `false` | Set to allow new note creation by accessing a nonexistent note URL. This is the behavior familiar from [Etherpad](https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite). |
| `defaultPermission` | `freely`, `editable`, `limited`, `locked`, `protected` or `private` | Set notes default permission (only applied on signed-in users). |
| `sessionName` | `connect.sid` | Cookie session name. |
| `sessionLife` | `14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000` (14 days) | Cookie session life time in milliseconds. |
| `sessionSecret` | `secret` | Cookie session secret. If none is set, one will randomly generated on each startup, meaning all your users will be logged out. |
## Login methods
### Email (local account)
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `email` | `true` or `false` | Set to allow email sign-in. The default is `true`. |
| `allowEmailRegister` | `true` or `false` | Set to allow registration of new accounts using an email address. If set to `false`, you can still create accounts using the command line - see `bin/manage_users` for details (In production mode, remember to run it with `NODE_ENV` set as `production` in the enviroment). This setting has no effect if `email` is `false`. The default for `allowEmailRegister` is `true`. |
### Dropbox Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `dropbox` | `{clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...}` | An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the [Dropbox developer tools](https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps) |
### Facebook Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `facebook` | `{clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...}` | An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the [Facebook app console](https://developers.facebook.com/apps) |
### GitHub Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `github` | `{clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...}` | An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the GitHub developer page. For more details have a look at the [GitHub auth guide](guides/auth/github.md). |
### GitLab Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `gitlab` | `{baseURL: ..., scope: ..., version: ..., clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...}` | An object containing your GitLab application data. Refer to the [GitLab guide](guides/auth/gitlab-self-hosted.md) for more details! |
### Google Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `google` | `{clientID: ..., clientSecret: ..., hostedDomain: ...}` | An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the [Google API console](https://console.cloud.google.com/apis) |
### LDAP Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `ldap` | `{providerName: ..., url: ..., bindDn: ..., bindCredentials: ..., searchBase: ..., searchFilter: ..., searchAttributes: ..., usernameField: ..., useridField: ..., tlsca: ...}` | An object detailing the LDAP connection. Refer to the [LDAP-AD guide](guides/auth/ldap-AD.md) for more details! |
### OAuth2 Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `oauth2` | `{baseURL: ..., userProfileURL: ..., userProfileUsernameAttr: ..., userProfileDisplayNameAttr: ..., userProfileEmailAttr: ..., tokenURL: ..., authorizationURL: ..., clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...}` | An object detailing your OAuth2 provider. Refer to the [Mattermost](guides/auth/mattermost-self-hosted.md) or [Nextcloud](guides/auth/nextcloud.md) examples for more details!|
### SAML Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `saml` | `{idpSsoUrl: ..., idpCert: ..., issuer: ..., identifierFormat: ..., disableRequestedAuthnContext: ..., groupAttribute: ..., externalGroups: [], requiredGroups: [], attribute: {id: ..., username: ..., email: ...}}` | An object detailing your SAML provider. Refer to the [OneLogin](guides/auth/saml-onelogin.md) and [SAML](guides/auth/saml.md) guides for more details! |
### Twitter Login
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `twitter` | `{consumerKey: ..., consumerSecret: ...}` | An object containing the consumer key and secret obtained by the [Twitter developer tools](https://developer.twitter.com/apps). For more details have a look at the [Twitter auth guide](guides/auth/twitter.md) |
## Upload Storage
Most of these have never been documented for the config.json, feel free to expand these
### Amazon S3
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `s3` | `{ "accessKeyId": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "secretAccessKey": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY", "region": "YOUR_S3_REGION" }` | When `imageuploadtype` be set to `s3`, you would also need to setup this key, check our [S3 Image Upload Guide](guides/s3-image-upload.md) |
| `s3bucket` | `YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME` | bucket name when `imageUploadType` is set to `s3` or `minio` |
### Azure Blob Storage
### Imgur
### MinIO
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
| `minio` | `{ "accessKey": "YOUR_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY", "secretKey": "YOUR_MINIO_SECRET_KEY", "endpoint": "YOUR_MINIO_HOST", port: 9000, secure: true }` | When `imageUploadType` is set to `minio`, you need to set this key. Also check out our [Minio Image Upload Guide](guides/minio-image-upload.md) |
### Lutim
| variables | example values | description |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- |
|`lutim`| `{"url": "YOUR_LUTIM_URL"}`| When `imageUploadType` is set to `lutim`, you can setup the lutim url|
<sup>1</sup>: relative paths are based on CodiMD's base directory