Nicolas Dietrich 497569fee4 Add config option which requires authentication in FreeURL mode
This mitigates unintended note creation by bots or humans through a
simple GET call.

See discussion in #754.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Dietrich <nidi@mailbox.org>
2021-01-22 16:52:49 +01:00

63 KiB


You can choose to configure HedgeDoc with either a config file or with environment variables.

Environment variables take precedence over configurations from the config files. They generally start with CMD_ for our own options, but we also list node-specific options you can configure this way.

  • Environment variables are processed in lib/config/environment.js - so this is the first place to look if anything is missing not obvious from this document. The default values are defined in lib/config/default.js, in case you wonder if you even need to override it.

  • The config file is processed in lib/config/index.js - so this is the first place to look if anything is missing not obvious from this document. The default values are defined in lib/config/default.js, in case you wonder if you even need to override it. To get started, it is a good idea to take the config.json.example and copy it to config.json before filling in your own details.

Note: Due to the rename process we renamed all HMD_-prefix variables to be CMD_-prefixed. The old ones continue to work.


config file environment default and example value description
NODE_ENV production or development set current environment (will apply corresponding settings in the config.json)
debug DEBUG true or false set debug mode, show more logs

HedgeDoc basics

config file environment default and example value description
CMD_CONFIG_FILE no default, /path/to/config.json optional override for the path to HedgeDoc's config file
db undefined, { "dialect": "sqlite", "storage": "./db.hedgedoc.sqlite" } set the db configs, see more here
dbURL CMD_DB_URL undefined, postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/hedgedoc or mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/hedgedoc Set the db in URL style. If set, then the relevant db config entries will be overridden.
loglevel CMD_LOGLEVEL info, debug ... Defines what kind of logs are provided to stdout. Available options: debug, verbose, info, warn, error
forbiddenNoteIDs CMD_FORBIDDEN_NOTE_IDS ['robots.txt', 'favicon.ico', 'api', 'build', 'css', 'docs', 'fonts', 'js', 'uploads', 'vendor', 'views'], ['robots.txt'] or 'robots.txt' disallow creation of notes, even if allowFreeUrl or CMD_ALLOW_FREEURL is true
imageUploadType CMD_IMAGE_UPLOAD_TYPE filesystem, imgur, s3, minio, azure, lutim Where to upload images. For S3, see our Image Upload Guides for S3 or Minio, also there's a whole section on their respective env vars below.
sourceURL CMD_SOURCE_URL no default, https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc/tree/<current commit> Provides the link to the source code of HedgeDoc on the entry page (Please, make sure you change this when you run a modified version)
tooBusyLag CMD_TOOBUSY_LAG 70 CPU time for one event loop tick until node throttles connections. (milliseconds)
staticCacheTime 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 static file cache time
heartbeatInterval 5000 socket.io heartbeat interval
heartbeatTimeout 10000 socket.io heartbeat timeout
documentMaxLength 100000 note max length
linkifyHeaderStyle keep-case, lower-case, gfm how is a header text converted into a link id

HedgeDoc paths stuff

these are rarely used for various reasons.

config file environment default and example values description
defaultNotePath ./public/default.md default note file path1, empty notes will be created with this template.
dhParamPath undefined, ./cert/dhparam.pem SSL dhparam path1 (only need when you set useSSL)
sslCAPath undefined, ['./cert/COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt'] SSL ca chain1 (only need when you set useSSL)
sslCertPath undefined, ./cert/hedgedoc_io.crt SSL cert path1 (only need when you set useSSL)
sslKeyPath undefined, ./cert/client.key SSL key path1 (only need when you set useSSL)
tmpPath os.tmpdir(), ./tmp/ temp directory path1
docsPath ./public/docs docs directory path1
viewPath ./public/views template directory path1
uploadsPath ./public/uploads uploads directory1 - needs to be persistent when you use imageUploadType filesystem

Note: relative paths are based on HedgeDoc's base directory

HedgeDoc Location

config file environment default and example value description
domain CMD_DOMAIN null, localhost, hedgedoc.org domain name
urlPath CMD_URL_PATH null, hedgedoc If HedgeDoc is run from a subdirectory like www.example.com/<urlpath>
host CMD_HOST, localhost interface/ip to listen on
port CMD_PORT 3000, 80 port to listen on
path CMD_PATH no default, /var/run/hedgedoc.sock path to UNIX domain socket to listen on (if specified, host or CMD_HOST and port or CMD_PORT are ignored)
protocolUseSSL CMD_PROTOCOL_USESSL false or true set to use SSL protocol for resources path (only applied when domain is set)
useSSL false or true set to use SSL server (if true, will auto turn on protocolUseSSL)
urlAddPort CMD_URL_ADDPORT false or true set to add port on callback URL (ports 80 or 443 won't be applied) (only applied when domain is set)
allowOrigin CMD_ALLOW_ORIGIN ['localhost'], ['hedgedoc.org'], ['localhost', 'hedgedoc.org'] domain name whitelist (use comma to separate)

Web security aspects

config file environment default and example value description
hsts {"enable": true, "maxAgeSeconds": 31536000, "includeSubdomains": true, "preload": true} HSTS options to use with HTTPS (default is the example value, max age is a year)
CMD_HSTS_ENABLE true or false set to enable HSTS if HTTPS is also enabled (default is true)
CMD_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS true or false set to include subdomains in HSTS (default is true)
CMD_HSTS_MAX_AGE 31536000, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 max duration in seconds to tell clients to keep HSTS status (default is a year)
CMD_HSTS_PRELOAD true or false whether to allow preloading of the site's HSTS status (e.g. into browsers)
csp {"enable": true, "directives": {"scriptSrc": "trustworthy-scripts.example.com"}, "upgradeInsecureRequests": "auto", "addDefaults": true} Configures Content Security Policy. Directives are passed to Helmet - see their documentation for more information on the format. Some defaults are added to the configured values so that the application doesn't break. To disable this behaviour, set addDefaults to false. Further, if usecdn is on, some CDN locations are allowed too. By default (auto), insecure (HTTP) requests are upgraded to HTTPS via CSP if useSSL is on. To change this behaviour, set upgradeInsecureRequests to either true or false.
CMD_CSP_ENABLE true or false whether to enable Content Security Policy (directives cannot be configured with environment variables)
CMD_CSP_REPORTURI undefined, https://<someid>.report-uri.com/r/d/csp/enforce Allows to add a URL for CSP reports in case of violations
cookiePolicy CMD_COOKIE_POLICY lax, strict or none Set a SameSite policy whether cookies are send from cross-origin. Be careful: setting a SameSite value of none without https breaks the editor

Privacy and External Requests

config file environment default and example value description
allowGravatar CMD_ALLOW_GRAVATAR true or false set to false to disable Libravatar as profile picture source on your instance. Libravatar is a federated open-source alternative to Gravatar.
useCDN CMD_USECDN false or true set to use CDN resources or not (default is false)

Users and Privileges

config file environment default and example value description
allowAnonymous CMD_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS true or false Set to allow anonymous usage (default is true).
allowAnonymousEdits CMD_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_EDITS false or true If allowAnonymous is false: allow users to select freely permission, allowing guests to edit existing notes (default is false).
allowFreeURL CMD_ALLOW_FREEURL false or true Set to allow new note creation by accessing a nonexistent note URL. This is the behavior familiar from Etherpad.
requireFreeURLAuthentication CMD_REQUIRE_FREEURL_AUTH false or true Set to require authentication for FreeURL mode style note creation.
defaultPermission CMD_DEFAULT_PERMISSION editable, freely, limited, locked, protected or private Set notes default permission (only applied on signed-in users).
sessionName connect.sid Cookie session name.
sessionLife CMD_SESSION_LIFE 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 1209600000 (14 days) Cookie session life time in milliseconds.
sessionSecret CMD_SESSION_SECRET secret Cookie session secret used to sign the session cookie. If none is set, one will randomly generated on each startup, meaning all your users will be logged out.

Login methods

Email (local account)

config file environment default and example value description
email CMD_EMAIL true or false Set to allow email sign-in. The default is true.
allowEmailRegister CMD_ALLOW_EMAIL_REGISTER true or false Set to allow registration of new accounts using an email address. If set to false, you can still create accounts using the command line - see bin/manage_users for details (In production mode, remember to run it with NODE_ENV set as production in the enviroment). This setting has no effect if email or CMD_EMAIL is false. The default for allowEmailRegister or CMD_ALLOW_EMAIL_REGISTER is true.

Dropbox Login

config file environment default and example value description
dropbox {clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...} An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the Dropbox developer tools
CMD_DROPBOX_CLIENTID no default Dropbox API client id
CMD_DROPBOX_CLIENTSECRET no default Dropbox API client secret

Facebook Login

config file environment default and example value description
facebook {clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...} An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the Facebook app console
CMD_FACEBOOK_CLIENTID no default Facebook API client id
CMD_FACEBOOK_CLIENTSECRET no default Facebook API client secret

GitHub Login

config file environment default and example value description
github {clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...} An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the GitHub developer page. For more details have a look at the GitHub auth guide.
CMD_GITHUB_CLIENTID no default GitHub API client id
CMD_GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET no default GitHub API client secret

GitLab Login

config file environment default and example value description
gitlab {baseURL: ..., scope: ..., version: ..., clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...} An object containing your GitLab application data. Refer to the GitLab guide for more details!
CMD_GITLAB_SCOPE no default, read_user or api GitLab API requested scope (default is api) (GitLab snippet import/export need api scope)
CMD_GITLAB_BASEURL no default GitLab authentication endpoint, set to use other endpoint than GitLab.com (optional)
CMD_GITLAB_CLIENTID no default GitLab API client id
CMD_GITLAB_CLIENTSECRET no default GitLab API client secret
CMD_GITLAB_VERSION v4 GitLab API version (v3 or v4)

Google Login

config file environment default and example value description
google {clientID: ..., clientSecret: ..., hostedDomain: ...} An object containing the client ID and the client secret obtained by the Google API console
CMD_GOOGLE_CLIENTID no default Google API client id
CMD_GOOGLE_CLIENTSECRET no default Google API client secret
CMD_GOOGLE_HOSTEDDOMAIN no default, example.com Provided only if the user belongs to a hosted domain. default is undefined

LDAP Login

config file environment default and example value description
ldap {providerName: ..., url: ..., bindDn: ..., bindCredentials: ..., searchBase: ..., searchFilter: ..., searchAttributes: ..., usernameField: ..., useridField: ..., tlsca: ...} An object detailing the LDAP connection. Refer to the LDAP-AD guide for more details!
CMD_LDAP_URL no default, ldap://example.com URL of LDAP server
CMD_LDAP_BINDDN no default bindDn for LDAP access
CMD_LDAP_BINDCREDENTIALS no default, bindCredentials for LDAP access
CMD_LDAP_SEARCHBASE no default, o=users,dc=example,dc=com LDAP directory to begin search from
CMD_LDAP_SEARCHFILTER no default, (uid={{username}}) LDAP filter to search with
CMD_LDAP_SEARCHATTRIBUTES no default, displayName, mail LDAP attributes to search with (use comma to separate)
CMD_LDAP_USERIDFIELD no default, uidNumber or uid or sAMAccountName The LDAP field which is used uniquely identify a user on HedgeDoc
CMD_LDAP_USERNAMEFIELD no default, fallback to userid The LDAP field which is used as the username on HedgeDoc
CMD_LDAP_TLS_CA no default, server-cert.pem, root.pem Root CA for LDAP TLS in PEM format (use comma to separate)
CMD_LDAP_PROVIDERNAME no default, My institution Optional name to be displayed at login form indicating the LDAP provider

Mattermost Login

config file environment default and example value description
mattermost {baseURL: ..., clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...} An object containing the base URL of your Mattermost application data. Refer to the Mattermost guide for more details!
CMD_MATTERMOST_BASEURL no default Mattermost authentication endpoint for versions below 5.0. For Mattermost version 5.0 and above, see guide.
CMD_MATTERMOST_CLIENTID no default Mattermost API client id
CMD_MATTERMOST_CLIENTSECRET no default Mattermost API client secret

OAuth2 Login

config file environment default and example value description
oauth2 {baseURL: ..., userProfileURL: ..., userProfileUsernameAttr: ..., userProfileDisplayNameAttr: ..., userProfileEmailAttr: ..., tokenURL: ..., authorizationURL: ..., clientID: ..., clientSecret: ..., scope: ...} An object detailing your OAuth2 provider. Refer to the Mattermost or Nextcloud examples for more details!
CMD_OAUTH2_USER_PROFILE_URL no default, https://example.com Where to retrieve information about a user after successful login. Needs to output JSON. (no default value) Refer to the Mattermost or Nextcloud examples for more details on all of the CMD_OAUTH2... options.
CMD_OAUTH2_USER_PROFILE_USERNAME_ATTR no default, name where to find the username in the JSON from the user profile URL. (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_USER_PROFILE_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR no default, display-name where to find the display-name in the JSON from the user profile URL. (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_USER_PROFILE_EMAIL_ATTR no default, email where to find the email address in the JSON from the user profile URL. (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_USER_PROFILE_ID_ATTR no default, user_uuid where to find the dedicated user ID (optional, overrides CMD_OAUTH2_USER_PROFILE_USERNAME_ATTR)
CMD_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL no default, https://example.com sometimes called token endpoint, please refer to the documentation of your OAuth2 provider (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_URL no default, https://example.com authorization URL of your provider, please refer to the documentation of your OAuth2 provider (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID no default, afae02fckafd... you will get this from your OAuth2 provider when you register HedgeDoc as OAuth2-client, (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET no default, afae02fckafd... you will get this from your OAuth2 provider when you register HedgeDoc as OAuth2-client, (no default value)
CMD_OAUTH2_PROVIDERNAME no default, My institution Optional name to be displayed at login form indicating the oAuth2 provider
CMD_OAUTH2_SCOPE no default, openid email profile Scope to request for OIDC (OpenID Connect) providers.
CMD_OAUTH2_ROLES_CLAIM no default, roles ID token claim, which is supposed to provide an array of strings of roles
CMD_OAUTH2_ACCESS_ROLE no default, role/hedgedoc The role which should be included in the ID token roles claim to grant access

SAML Login

config file environment default and example value description
saml {idpSsoUrl: ..., idpCert: ..., clientCert: ..., issuer: ..., identifierFormat: ..., disableRequestedAuthnContext: ..., groupAttribute: ..., externalGroups: [], requiredGroups: [], attribute: {id: ..., username: ..., email: ...}} An object detailing your SAML provider. Refer to the OneLogin and SAML guides for more details!
CMD_SAML_IDPSSOURL no default, https://idp.example.com/sso authentication endpoint of IdP. for details, see guide.
CMD_SAML_IDPCERT no default, /path/to/cert.pem certificate file path of IdP in PEM format
CMD_SAML_CLIENTCERT no default, /path/to/privatecert.pem certificate file path for the client in PEM format (optional)
CMD_SAML_ISSUER no default Issuer to supply to identity provider (optional, default: serverURL config)"
CMD_SAML_DISABLEREQUESTEDAUTHNCONTEXT no default, true or false true to allow any authentication method, false restricts to password authentication (PasswordProtectedTransport) method (default: false)
CMD_SAML_IDENTIFIERFORMAT urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress name identifier format (optional, default: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress)
CMD_SAML_GROUPATTRIBUTE no default, memberOf attribute name for group list (optional)
CMD_SAML_REQUIREDGROUPS no default, hedgedoc-users group names that allowed (use vertical bar to separate) (optional)
CMD_SAML_EXTERNALGROUPS no default, Temporary-staff group names that not allowed (use vertical bar to separate) (optional)
CMD_SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ID no default, sAMAccountName attribute map for id (optional, default: NameID of SAML response)
CMD_SAML_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME no default, mailNickname attribute map for username (optional, default: NameID of SAML response)
CMD_SAML_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL no default, mail attribute map for email (optional, default: NameID of SAML response if CMD_SAML_IDENTIFIERFORMAT is default)

Twitter Login

config file environment default and example value description
twitter {consumerKey: ..., consumerSecret: ...} An object containing the consumer key and secret obtained by the Twitter developer tools. For more details have a look at the Twitter auth guide
CMD_TWITTER_CONSUMERKEY no default Twitter API consumer key
CMD_TWITTER_CONSUMERSECRET no default Twitter API consumer secret

Upload Storage

These are only relevant when they are also configured in sync with their CMD_IMAGE_UPLOAD_TYPE. Also keep in mind, that filesystem is available, so you don't have to use either of these.

Amazon S3

config file environment default and example value description
s3 { "accessKeyId": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "secretAccessKey": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY", "region": "YOUR_S3_REGION" } When imageuploadtype be set to s3, you would also need to setup this key, check our S3 Image Upload Guide
CMD_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID no default AWS access key id
CMD_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY no default AWS secret key
CMD_S3_REGION no default, ap-northeast-1 AWS S3 region
s3bucket CMD_S3_BUCKET no default AWS S3 bucket name
CMD_S3_ENDPOINT ENV no default S3 API endpoint if you don't use AWS name

Azure Blob Storage

config file environment default and example value description
CMD_AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING no default Azure Blob Storage connection string
CMD_AZURE_CONTAINER no default Azure Blob Storage container name (automatically created if non existent)


config file environment default and example value description
CMD_IMGUR_CLIENTID no default Imgur API client id


config file environment default and example value description
minio { "accessKey": "YOUR_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY", "secretKey": "YOUR_MINIO_SECRET_KEY", "endpoint": "YOUR_MINIO_HOST", port: 9000, secure: true } When imageUploadType is set to minio, you need to set this key. Also check out our Minio Image Upload Guide
CMD_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY no default Minio access key
CMD_MINIO_SECRET_KEY no default Minio secret key
CMD_MINIO_ENDPOINT no default, minio.example.org Address of your Minio endpoint/instance
CMD_MINIO_PORT no default, 9000 Port that is used for your Minio instance
CMD_MINIO_SECURE no default, true If set to true HTTPS is used for Minio


config file environment default and example value description
lutim {"url": "YOUR_LUTIM_URL"} When imageUploadType is set to lutim, you can setup the lutim url
CMD_LUTIM_URL https://framapic.org/ When CMD_IMAGE_UPLOAD_TYPE is set to lutim, you can setup the lutim url