The projects are going into completely different directions these days.
Therefore I think it's no longer appropriated to have this note
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <>
Linting markdown files according to default remark-lint configuration.
Files inside the `public` directory were not linted.
Signed-off-by: oupala <>
Override markdown linting preset to disable a rule that seems useless and to change the default setting of 2 other rules.
Signed-off-by: oupala <>
CodiMD currently only uses the 'lang' attribute in YAML-metadata of a note for setting certain js-elements of the markdown-renderer. This commit adds the chosen lang into the published version of a note.
Signed-off-by: Erik Michelson <>
Add remark-lint dependencies as dev dependencies, and an npm script alias to launch markdown linting with `npm run markdownlint`.
Signed-off-by: oupala <>
Synk reported an Remote Code Execution vulnerability for the
passport-ldapauth dependency `bunyan`. This RCE is due to wrong command
sanitizing but doesn't only affects the executable the libary provides.
It has no impact on CodiMD.
This patch just updates passport-ldapauth since it's long overdue anyway
and to silence annoying security scanners that pretend this is rather
critical for us.
This is a backport of #278 with the default value of `scope` changed to
`undefined`. This is thus a fully backward-compatible change.
Signed-off-by: Victor Berger <>
Our frontend requests the `/me` pathname in order to determine whether
it's logged in or not. Due to the fact that the sameSite attribute of
the session cookie was set to `strict` in a previous commit, the session
token was no longer sent along with HTTP calls initiated by JS. This is
due to the RFCs definition of "safe" HTTP calls in RFC7231.
The bug triggers the UI to show up like an unauthenticated user, even
after a successful login. In order to debug it a look into the send
cookies to the `/me` turned out to be very enlightening.
The fix this patch implements is rather simple, it replaces the sameSite
attribute to `lax` which enables the cookies for those requests again.
Some older and mobile clients were unaffected by this due to the lack of
implementations of sameSite policies.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <>
We enabled the `secure` flag for various cookies in previous commits.
This caused setups behind reverse proxies to drop cookies as the nodejs
instance wasn't aware of the fact that it was able to hand out secure
commits using an insecure connection (between the codimd instance and
the reverse proxy).
This patch makes express, the webserver framework we use, aware of
proxies and this way re-enabled the handing out of cookies. Not only the
cookie monster will enjoy, but also functionality like authentication
and real-time editing will return as intended.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <>
As @davidmehren figured out, the problem that NodeJS version 14 gets
stuck while CodiMD is starting, was due to the outdated postgres
dependency. The old pg version doesn't work with node version 14 due to
an undocumented API change in the `readyState` in the socket API.
This patch updates the required dependency and this way resolves the
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <>
The cookie doesn't really have any purpose as it's no longer
user in modern versions. This patch disables it.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <>