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title: "Auto-Deploy Docker Applications"
date: 2020-05-09T10:20:34-04:00
draft: false
tags: ["Containers"]
This post will combine that last three posts on [Packer](https://brandonrozek.com/blog/snapshotswithpacker/), [Terraform](https://brandonrozek.com/blog/autodeployterraform/), and their [configuration](https://brandonrozek.com/blog/sharedpackerterraformconfig/) to show an entire example of how to deploy a docker-compose application. We will specifically look at deploying a game called [`minetest`](https://www.minetest.net/) on DigitalOcean, but these principles can be adjusted to deploy your application as well. The entire setup is [documented on Github](https://github.com/Brandon-Rozek/minetest-deploy).
## Shared Config
We're going to use a shared configuration between Packer and Terraform. The template goes like this:
base_system_image = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
region = "nyc3"
size = "512mb"
domain = "brandonrozek.com" # Replace
subdomain = "minetest"
# Secrets
do_token = "DO-TOKEN-HERE" # Replace
key_name = "SSH-NAME-ON-DO-HERE" # Replace
We'll also need to define the types of these variables in `variables.hcl`
variable "do_token" {
type = string
variable "base_system_image" {
type = string
variable "domain" {
type = string
variable "key_name" {
type = string
variable "subdomain" {
type = string
variable "region" {
type = string
variable "size" {
type = string
## Packer
Create a packer directory and setup some symbolic links to the share configuration
mkdir packer && cd packer
ln -s ../config variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl
ln -s ../variables.hcl variables.pkr.hcl
Now let's create a script named `setup.sh` that will run on top of our base image. This will install Docker and setup the firewall to allow SSH and Minetest traffic through.
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y docker.io docker-compose
systemctl enable docker-compose
systemctl start docker-compose
ufw allow OpenSSH
# Add any firewall rules you need
# for your application here
ufw allow 30000/udp
ufw --force enable
The image that we'll use for Minetest comes from [linuxserverio](https://fleet.linuxserver.io/image?name=linuxserver/minetest). To configure docker-compose we'll need a file named `docker-compose.yml`. Its contents will be highly similar to what is listed on their [Github](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-minetest/blob/466cde1f2fd38278fe69d33ea3b2f42df50e6b16/README.md).
version: "2.1"
image: linuxserver/minetest
container_name: minetest
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=US/Eastern
- /volumes/minetest/config/.minetest:/config/.minetest
- 30000:30000/udp
restart: unless-stopped
We'll need to create a `systemd` script called `docker-compose.service` for systemd to [enable docker-compose on startup](https://brandonrozek.com/blog/composesystemd/).
Description=Docker Compose Application Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker-compose up -d
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker-compose down
Finally we'll need to write a packer configuration file `do.pkr.hcl` to create our snapshot.
source "digitalocean" "web" {
api_token = var.do_token
image = var.base_system_image
region = var.region
size = var.size
ssh_username = "root"
snapshot_name = "packer-docker"
build {
sources = [
provisioner "file" {
source = "docker-compose.yml"
destination = "/root/docker-compose.yml"
provisioner "file" {
source = "docker-compose.service"
destination = "/etc/systemd/system/docker-compose.service"
provisioner "shell" {
scripts = [ "setup.sh" ]
To build our image we need to run `packer build .` in the directory with all these files.
## Terraform
Like before, we need to tell terraform where to look for its configuration
mkdir terraform && cd terraform
ln -s ../config terraform.tfvars
ln -s ../variables.hcl variables.tf
To deploy, we only need to create one additional file that will tell digital ocean to create a droplet and assign a subdomain to that droplet.
provider "digitalocean" {
token = var.do_token
data "digitalocean_ssh_key" laptop {
name = var.key_name
data "digitalocean_droplet_snapshot" "packer_snapshot" {
name = "packer-docker"
most_recent = true
# Create a droplet
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
name = "tf-1"
image = data.digitalocean_droplet_snapshot.packer_snapshot.id
region = var.region
size = var.size
ssh_keys = [data.digitalocean_ssh_key.laptop.id]
backups = false
# Attach a subdomain
resource "digitalocean_record" "www" {
domain = var.domain
type = "A"
name = var.subdomain
value = digitalocean_droplet.web.ipv4_address
output "ip" {
value = digitalocean_droplet.web.ipv4_address
output "domain" {
value = "${digitalocean_record.www.name}.${digitalocean_record.www.domain}"
To deploy run
terraform apply
To later take down the minetest server, run
terraform destroy
## Conclusion
This method can be easily configured to run whichever docker services you'd like. All you have to do is edit the `packer/docker.compose.yml` file and `packer/setup.sh` to setup the firewall rules.