2023-01-18 11:50:40 -05:00

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title: "Transforming Videos into GIFs for Slides"
date: 2019-12-04T10:13:35-05:00
draft: false
tags: ["Audio-Video"]
medium_enabled: true
I like using GIFs in Google Slides because it doesn't require any interaction to start playing right away. Therefore, I looked at a couple resources to add a GIF from a video into my presentation. Of course this is all using one of my favorite terminal tools `ffmpeg`.
First of all, I wanted to include a video of a bot playing Pong. The video was a little long, so I decided speed it up for a more time-lapse type feel.
[From the FFMPEG website]( To 10x the speed `ffmpeg -i input.mkv -filter:v "setpts=0.1*PTS" output.mkv`
You just need to replace the `0.1` with the appropriate decimal number to change the speed.
Giphy has a great [writeup]( describing the commands to use in order to make your GIF look nice.
ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v] palettegen" palette.png
ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 -i palette.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] paletteuse" output.gif