
41 lines
1 KiB

date: 2021-06-03 17:54:39
draft: false
medium_enabled: true
medium_post_id: a811c52bda55
- Testing
title: Print Statements with Frame Information
I find it extremely useful to include frame information such as filename, line number, and current function in my print statements. Here's a couple ways that I've done that in the past.
In C:
#include <stdio.h>
#define DEBUGLOG(msg) (printf("[%s:%d %s] %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, msg))
int main() {
DEBUGLOG("Hello World");
In Python:
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
def debuglog(m):
frame = currentframe()
frame_info = getframeinfo(frame)
last_frame = frame.f_back
last_frame_info = getframeinfo(last_frame)
filename = last_frame_info.filename if last_frame_info is not None else "<stdin>"
lineno = last_frame_info.lineno if last_frame_info is not None else 1
function_name = last_frame_info.function if last_frame_info is not None else "<module>"
print(f"[{filename}:{lineno} {function_name}] {m}")