Lab Aide

Dr. Zeitz Self

I am the lab aide one of her sections on Computer Programming and Problem Solving (CPSC 220).

My role in this class is to help students during lab time and to create lecture notes based on the lectures given in class.

Spring 2018/CPSC 220 Notes

Dr. Jennifer Polack

I've been the lab aide for two of Polack's classes so far: Introduction to Computer Science (CPSC 110) and Computer Programming and Problem Solving (CPSC 220).

My role involves helping students debug during the lab time. I also create lecture notes for students to look over while working on projects.

Summer 2017/CPSC 110 Notes

Fall 2017/CPSC 220 Lecture Notes

Dr. Ron Zacharski

I was the lab aide for Zacharski's DATA 101 class. My role in his class mostly involved helping students debug during lab time and grading student's demonstrations of what they've done in a lab.