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175 lines
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/* global lunr $ */
let lunrIndex
let lunrResult
let pagesIndex
* A function for splitting a string into bigram.
* @static
* @param {?(string|object|object[])} obj - The object to convert into tokens
* @param {?object} metadata - Optional metadata to associate with every token
* @returns {lunr.Token[]}
const bigramTokeniser = (obj, metadata) => {
if (obj == null || obj === undefined) {
return []
let str = obj.toString().trim().toLowerCase()
let tokens = []
for (let i = 0; i <= str.length - 2; i++) {
const tokenMetadata = lunr.utils.clone(metadata) || {}
tokenMetadata['position'] = [i, i + 2]
tokenMetadata['index'] = tokens.length
new lunr.Token(
str.slice(i, i + 2),
return tokens
* A function for separating a string into bigram and join it with space.
* @static
* @param {?string} query - The string to convert into tokens
* @returns {string}
const queryNgramSeparator = (query) => {
const str = query.toString().trim().toLowerCase()
const tokens = []
for (let i = 0; i <= str.length - 2; i++) {
tokens.push(str.slice(i, i + 2))
return tokens.join(' ')
* Preparation for using lunr.js
const initLunr = () => {
$.getJSON('index.json').done((index) => {
pagesIndex = index
lunrIndex = lunr(builder => {
builder.tokenizer = bigramTokeniser
builder.field('title', { boost: 10 })
builder.field('tags', { boost: 10 })
builder.metadataWhitelist = ['position']
for (let page of pagesIndex) {
}).fail((jqxhr, textStatus, error) => {
const err = textStatus + ', ' + error
console.error('Error getting Hugo index flie:', err)
* Searching pages using lunr
* @param {String} query - Query string for searching
* @return {Object[]} - Array of search results
const search = (query) => {
lunrResult = lunrIndex.search(queryNgramSeparator(query))
return lunrResult.map((result) => {
return pagesIndex.filter((page) => {
return page.ref === result.ref
* Setup UI for Search
const initUI = () => {
// Clear query when clear icon is clicked
$('#searchBoxIcon').click(() => {
// Event when chenging query
$('#searchBoxInput').keyup(event => {
const $searchResults = $('#searchResults')
const query = $(event.currentTarget).val()
// Icon switching
const iconUrl = $('#searchBoxIcon').attr('src')
if (query.length) {
$('#searchBoxIcon').attr('src', iconUrl.replace('search.png', 'clear.png'))
$('#searchBoxIcon').css('cursor', 'pointer')
} else {
$('#searchBoxIcon').attr('src', iconUrl.replace('clear.png', 'search.png'))
$('#searchBoxIcon').css('cursor', 'default')
// Only trigger a search when 2 chars. at least have been provided
if (query.length < 2) {
// Display search results
// Emit keyup event for when the query is already setted with browser back etc.
// Focus at searchBox
* Rendering search results
* @param {Object[]} results Array of search results
const renderResults = (results) => {
const $searchResults = $('#searchResults')
const query = $('#searchBoxInput').val()
const BODY_LENGTH = 100
const MAX_PAGES = 10
// Clear search result
// Show message when results is empty
if (!results.length) {
$searchResults.append('<div class="searchResultPage">No results found for query "' + query + '"</div>')
// Only show the ten first results
results.slice(0, MAX_PAGES).forEach((result, idx) => {
const $searchResultPage = $('<div class="searchResultPage">')
const metadata = lunrResult[idx].matchData.metadata
const matchPosition = metadata[Object.keys(metadata)[0]].body ? metadata[Object.keys(metadata)[0]].body.position[0][0] : 0
const bodyStartPosition = (matchPosition - (BODY_LENGTH / 2) > 0) ? matchPosition - (BODY_LENGTH / 2) : 0
$searchResultPage.append('<a class="searchResultTitle" href="' + result.ref + '">' + result.title + '</a>')
$searchResultPage.append('<div class="searchResultBody">' + result.body.substr(bodyStartPosition, BODY_LENGTH) + '</div>')
// Highlight keyword
$(() => {