2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
{{ define "main"}}
2022-02-15 06:13:11 +00:00
<article class="h-entry">
2022-05-08 20:11:05 +00:00
{{ .Scratch.Set "customTitleHeaderSet" true }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "customTitleHeader" "Blog" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "customTitleHeaderLink" "/blog" }}
2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
{{ partial "header.html" . }}
2022-05-08 20:11:05 +00:00
<h1 class='title'>{{ .Title }}</h1>
2022-05-06 01:07:54 +00:00
<a style="display: none" class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}"></a>
2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
<!-- date -->
2020-12-22 14:36:03 +00:00
{{ if not .Date.IsZero }}
2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
{{ $singlePageDateFormat := .Site.Params.singlePageDateFormat | default "January 2, 2006"}}
2022-05-06 01:07:54 +00:00
{{ $pubdate := .Date.Format $singlePageDateFormat }}
<p class="date">Published on <time class="dt-published" datetime='{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z0700" }}'>{{ $pubdate }}</time></p>
{{- if .Lastmod }}
{{- $lastmod := .Lastmod.Format $singlePageDateFormat }}
{{- if ne $lastmod $pubdate }}
<p class="date-updated">Updated on <time class='dt-updated' datetime='{{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z0700" }}'>{{ $lastmod }}</time></p>
{{- end }}
{{ end }}
2020-12-22 14:36:03 +00:00
{{ end }}
2022-05-06 01:29:17 +00:00
{{ $readTime := mul (div (countwords .Content) 220.0) 60 }}
{{ if gt $readTime 60 }}
Reading Time:
2022-05-06 01:32:07 +00:00
{{ math.Ceil (div $readTime 60) }} minutes.
2022-05-06 01:29:17 +00:00
{{ end }}
2020-02-16 22:29:11 +00:00
<!-- tags -->
<div id="tags">
{{ range .Param "tags" }}
{{ $name := . }}
{{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/tags/%s" ($name | urlize)) }}
2022-02-15 06:13:11 +00:00
<li><a class="p-category" href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ $name }}</a></li>
2020-02-16 22:29:11 +00:00
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
<!-- content -->
2022-02-15 06:13:11 +00:00
<div id="contentBody" class="e-content">
2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
{{ .Content }}
2022-02-15 06:13:11 +00:00
2022-05-02 04:04:58 +00:00
<!-- Webmentions -->
2022-05-01 05:06:44 +00:00
<div id="webmentions"></div>
<form method="post" action="https://webmention.io/brandonrozek.com/webmention">
<p>Have you published a response to this? <label for="webmention-source">Let me know the <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr></label>:</p>
<input type="url" name="source" id="webmention-source">
<input type="hidden" name="target" value="{{ .Permalink }}">
<button type="submit">Ping!</button>
2022-05-08 20:11:05 +00:00
2022-05-01 05:06:44 +00:00
{{ $webmentionjs := resources.Get "js/webmention.min.js" }}
<script src="{{ $webmentionjs.Permalink }}" async></script>
2022-05-02 04:04:58 +00:00
<!-- Metadata -->
2022-02-15 06:13:11 +00:00
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "NewsArticle",
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"{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.avatar }}"
"datePublished": "{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}",
"author": [{
"@type": "Person",
"name": "{{ .Site.Params.Author }}",
2022-02-17 19:09:01 +00:00
"url": "{{ .Site.BaseURL }}",
"email": "mailto://{{ .Site.Params.email }}",
"image": "{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.avatar }}"
2022-02-15 06:13:11 +00:00
2020-01-16 03:07:43 +00:00
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
{{ end }}