2024-04-08 23:59:21 -04:00

130 lines
4 KiB

Defining what it means to be a model
from logic import (
PropositionalVariable, get_propostional_variables, Logic, Term,
from typing import Set, List, Dict
from itertools import product
__all__ = ['ModelValue', 'ModelFunction', 'Model']
def set_to_str(x):
return "{" + ", ".join((str(xi) for xi in x)) + "}"
class ModelValue:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.hashed_value = hash(
def immutable(self, name, value):
raise Exception("Model values are immutable")
self.__setattr__ = immutable
def __str__(self):
def __hash__(self):
return self.hashed_value
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ModelValue) and ==
class ModelFunction:
def __init__(self, mapping, operation_name = ""):
self.operation_name = operation_name
# Correct input to always be a tuple
corrected_mapping = dict()
for k, v in mapping.items():
if isinstance(k, tuple):
corrected_mapping[k] = v
elif isinstance(k, list):
corrected_mapping[tuple(k)] = v
else: # Assume it's atomic
corrected_mapping[(k,)] = v
self.mapping = corrected_mapping
def __str__(self):
str_dict = dict()
for k, v in self.mapping.items():
inputstr = "(" + ", ".join(str(ki) for ki in k) + ")"
str_dict[inputstr] = str(v)
return str(str_dict)
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.mapping[args]
# def __eq__(self, other):
# return isinstance(other, ModelFunction) and == and self.arity == other.arity
class Model:
def __init__(
carrier_set: Set[ModelValue],
logical_operations: Set[ModelFunction],
designated_values: Set[ModelValue]
assert designated_values <= carrier_set
self.carrier_set = carrier_set
self.logical_operations = logical_operations
self.designated_values = designated_values
def __str__(self):
result = f"""Carrier Set: {set_to_str(self.carrier_set)}
Designated Values: {set_to_str(self.designated_values)}
for function in self.logical_operations:
result += f"{str(function)}\n"
return result
def evaluate_term(t: Term, f: Dict[PropositionalVariable, ModelValue], interpretation: Dict[Operation, ModelFunction]):
if isinstance(t, PropositionalVariable):
return f[t]
model_function = interpretation[t.operation]
model_arguments = []
for logic_arg in t.arguments:
model_arg = evaluate_term(logic_arg, f, interpretation)
return model_function(*model_arguments)
def all_model_valuations(
pvars: Set[PropositionalVariable],
mvalues: Set[ModelValue]):
pvars = list(pvars)
possible_valuations = [mvalues for _ in pvars]
all_possible_values = product(*possible_valuations)
for valuation in all_possible_values:
mapping = dict()
assert len(pvars) == len(valuation)
for pvar, value in zip(pvars, valuation):
mapping[pvar] = value
yield mapping
def satisfiable(logic: Logic, model: Model, interpretation: Dict[Operation, ModelFunction]):
pvars = get_propostional_variables(logic.rules)
mappings = all_model_valuations(pvars, model.carrier_set)
for mapping in mappings:
for rule in logic.rules:
premise_met = True
for premise in rule.premises:
t = evaluate_term(premise, mapping, interpretation)
if t not in model.designated_values:
premise_met = False
if not premise_met:
t = evaluate_term(rule.conclusion, mapping, interpretation)
if t not in model.designated_values:
return False
return True