Added core files

This commit is contained in:
= 2015-11-07 17:51:10 -05:00
parent 0a14ba3497
commit 8f50d07f15
3 changed files with 359 additions and 0 deletions

Fraction.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
var Fraction = function() {
var numerator = 0;
var denominator = 1;
var frac;
//If two numbers-like arguments are passed into the function
if (!isNaN(arguments[0]) && !isNaN(arguments[1])) {
numerator = Number(arguments[0]);
denominator = Number(arguments[1]);
//Only a single number is present
else if (!isNaN(arguments[0])) {
numerator = Number(arguments[0]);
//If a string is passed into the function
else if (Fraction.isString(arguments[0])) {
var number = arguments[0];
if (number.indexOf('/') != -1) {
numerator = Number(number.substring(0, number.indexOf('/')));
denominator = Number(number.substring(number.indexOf('/') + 1, number.length));
} else {
numerator = number;
else {
throw new Error("Arguments invalid");
if (!Number.isInteger(numerator) || !Number.isInteger(denominator)) {
if (!Number.isInteger(numerator)) { numerator = Fraction.decimalToFraction(numerator); }
if (!Number.isInteger(denominator)) { denominator = Fraction.decimalToFraction(denominator); }
frac = Fraction.divide(numerator, denominator);
numerator = frac.numerator;
denominator = frac.denominator;
if (denominator == 0) {
throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denominator = denominator;
Fraction.prototype.multiply = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
return Fraction.change(this, Fraction.multiply(this, frac));
Fraction.prototype.divide = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
return Fraction.change(this, Fraction.divide(this, frac));
Fraction.prototype.add = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
return Fraction.change(this, Fraction.add(this, frac));
Fraction.prototype.subtract = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
return Fraction.change(this, Fraction.subtract(this, frac));
Fraction.prototype.simplify = function() {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(0, arguments.length);
return Fraction.change(this, Fraction.simplify(this));
Fraction.prototype.toString = function() {
return Fraction.toString(this);
Fraction.prototype.equals = function(frac) {
return Fraction.equals(this, frac);
Fraction.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return Fraction.valueOf(this);
Fraction.add = function(frac1, frac2) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(2, arguments.length);
frac1 = Fraction.toFraction(frac1)
frac2 = Fraction.toFraction(frac2)
var newFrac = frac1;
newFrac.numerator = frac1.numerator * frac2.denominator + frac1.denominator * frac2.numerator;
newFrac.denominator = frac1.denominator * frac2.denominator;
return Fraction.simplify(newFrac);
Fraction.subtract = function(frac1, frac2) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(2, arguments.length);
frac1 = Fraction.toFraction(frac1);
frac2 = Fraction.toFraction(frac2);
var newFrac = frac1;
newFrac.numerator = frac1.numerator * frac2.denominator - frac1.denominator * frac2.numerator;
newFrac.denominator = frac1.denominator * frac2.denominator;
return Fraction.simplify(newFrac);
Fraction.multiply = function(frac1, frac2) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(2, arguments.length);
frac1 = Fraction.toFraction(frac1);
frac2 = Fraction.toFraction(frac2);
var newFrac = frac1;
newFrac.numerator = frac1.numerator * frac2.numerator;
newFrac.denominator = frac1.denominator * frac2.denominator;
return Fraction.simplify(newFrac);
Fraction.divide = function(frac1, frac2) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(2, arguments.length);
frac1 = Fraction.toFraction(frac1);
frac2 = Fraction.toFraction(frac2);
var newFrac = frac1;
newFrac.numerator = frac1.numerator * frac2.denominator;
newFrac.denominator = frac1.denominator * frac2.numerator;
return Fraction.simplify(newFrac);
Fraction.simplify = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
frac = Fraction.toFraction(frac);
var gcd = Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor(frac.numerator, frac.denominator);
if (gcd == 1) { return frac; }
frac.numerator /= gcd;
frac.denominator /= gcd;
return frac;
Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor = function(num1, num2) {
var greater;
var lesser;
num1 = Math.abs(num1);
num2 = Math.abs(num2);
greater = Math.max(num1, num2);
lesser = Math.min(num1, num2);
while (lesser != 0) {
var t = lesser;
lesser = greater % lesser;
greater = t;
return greater;
Fraction.toString = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
if (frac.denominator == 1) { return "" + frac.numerator; }
return "" + frac.numerator + "/" + frac.denominator;
Fraction.equals = function(frac1, frac2) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(2, arguments.length);
frac1 = Fraction.toFraction(frac1);
frac2 = Fraction.toFraction(frac2);
frac1 = Fraction.simplify(frac1);
frac2 = Fraction.simplify(frac2);
return frac1.numerator == frac2.numerator && frac1.denominator == frac2.denominator;
Fraction.valueOf = function(frac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
frac = Fraction.toFraction(frac);
return frac.numerator / frac.denominator;
Fraction.correctArgumentLength = function(ideal, actual) {
if (ideal != actual) { throw new Error("" + ideal + " arguments needed"); }
Fraction.change = function(oldFrac, newFrac) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(2, arguments.length);
oldFrac.numerator = newFrac.numerator;
oldFrac.denominator = newFrac.denominator;
return oldFrac;
Fraction.isString = function(s) {
return typeof(s) == "string" || (typeof(s) == 'object' && s.constructor == String)
Fraction.fromFraction = function(frac) {
return typeof(frac) == 'object' && frac.constructor == Fraction;
Fraction.toFraction = function(x) {
if (!Fraction.fromFraction(x)) {
return new Fraction(x);
return x;
Fraction.decimalToFraction = function(x) {
Fraction.correctArgumentLength(1, arguments.length);
if (isNaN(x)) { throw new Error("Argument invalid") }
x = String(x);
var decLocation = x.indexOf('.');
if (decLocation != -1) {
var whole = x.substring(0, decLocation);
var remainder = x.substring(decLocation + 1, x.length);
var nthPlace = Math.pow(10, remainder.length);
return Fraction.add(new Fraction(Number(whole), 1), new Fraction(Number(remainder), nthPlace))
else { return new Fraction(Number(x)); }
if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = Fraction;

Tests.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
if (typeof(module) != 'undefined' && module.exports) {
var Fraction = require('./Fraction.js');
var assert = function(expected, actual) {
if (typeof(expected) == 'object' && typeof(actual) == 'object') {
if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
throw new Error("Assertion Error: " + expected.toString() + " is not the same as " + actual.toString());
} else {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new Error("Assertion Error: " + expected + " does not equal " + actual);
var describe = function(objective, test) {
if (typeof(test) == 'function') {
console.log("Tests passed\n");
} else {
console.log("No tests written\n");
var section = function(label, tests) {
console.log("\n*********************\n" +label +"\n*********************");
if (typeof(tests) == 'function') {
console.log("\nSection tests passed");
} else {
console.log("No tests written for this section");
section("Helper Functions -- Basic", function() {
describe("Check if input is a string", function() {
assert(Fraction.isString(""), true);
assert(Fraction.isString(true), false);
assert(Fraction.isString("Hello"), true);
assert(Fraction.isString(5), false);
assert(Fraction.isString("12"), true);
describe("Greatest Common Divisor algorithm", function() {
assert(Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor(4, 20), 4);
assert(Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor(3, 30), 3);
assert(Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor(1, 5), 1);
assert(Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor(6, 20), 2);
assert(Fraction.greatestCommonDivisor(15, 33), 3);
section("Constructor -- Basic \n\nEncounter any errors? Check out \n\nFraction\nFraction.simplify\nfraction.change", function() {
describe("Tests for new Fraction()", function() {
assert(new Fraction(1, 2), .5);
assert(new Fraction(4, 4), 1);
assert(new Fraction("1/10"), .1);
assert(new Fraction(4), 4);
assert(new Fraction("10", "5"), 2);
assert(new Fraction("1/5"), new Fraction(1,5));
assert(new Fraction("10", "5"), new Fraction(10.0, 5.0));
section("Helper Functions -- Intermediate", function() {
describe("Did the input come from the Fraction constructor?", function() {
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(123), false);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(new Fraction("5.0/3.0")), true);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(3/2), false);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(new Fraction(2,5)), true);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction("1/2"), false);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(new Fraction(3.4,23)), true);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(true), false);
assert(Fraction.fromFraction(new Fraction("1/2")), true);
describe("To String", function() {
assert(Fraction.toString(new Fraction(1,4)), "1/4");
assert(new Fraction("5/6").toString(), "5/6");
assert(Fraction.toString(new Fraction("8.0", "9.0")), "8/9");
assert(new Fraction(5).toString(), "5");
assert(Fraction.toString(new Fraction("7.0/3.0")), "7/3");
describe("Convert to Fraction", function() {
assert(Fraction.toFraction(2), new Fraction(2, 1));
assert(Fraction.toFraction("1/4"), new Fraction(1,4));
assert(Fraction.toFraction(.7), new Fraction(7, 10));
assert(Fraction.toFraction("8/10"), new Fraction(4,5));
section("Arithmetic Operations", function() {
describe("The addition operator", function() {
assert(Fraction.add("2/12", "4/6"), new Fraction("5/6"));
assert(new Fraction("4/8").add("1/4"), .75);
assert(Fraction.add("2/10", "2/5"), new Fraction(3,5));
assert(new Fraction("3/6").add("2/12"), new Fraction(2,3));
describe("The subtraction operator", function() {
assert(Fraction.subtract("4/8", "1/4"), .25);
assert(new Fraction("7/12").subtract("3/6"), new Fraction(1,12));
assert(Fraction.subtract("5/12", "1/6"), .25);
assert(new Fraction("1/2").subtract("1/3"), new Fraction(1, 6));
describe("The multiplication operator", function() {
assert(Fraction.multiply(.9, "5/18"), .25);
assert(new Fraction("2/3").multiply(9), 6);
assert(Fraction.multiply("6/15", "6/7"), new Fraction(12, 35));
assert(new Fraction("14/3").multiply("3/4"), 3.5);
describe("The division operator", function() {
assert(Fraction.divide("2/3", "7/8"), new Fraction(16, 21));
assert(new Fraction("5/9").divide("105/36"), new Fraction(4, 21));
assert(Fraction.divide("5/12", "9/4"), new Fraction(5, 27));
assert(new Fraction(19).divide("38/6"), 3);
section("Helper Functions -- Advanced", function() {
describe("Convert decimal to fraction", function() {
assert(Fraction.decimalToFraction(.5), new Fraction(1, 2));
assert(Fraction.decimalToFraction(.25), new Fraction(1,4));
assert(Fraction.decimalToFraction(1.7), new Fraction(17, 10));
assert(Fraction.decimalToFraction(8), new Fraction(8,1));
section("Constructor -- Advanced", function() {
describe("Tests for new Fraction()", function() {
assert(new Fraction(.25), .25);
assert(new Fraction("1.2/4.5"), (1.2/4.5));
assert(new Fraction("1.8", "1.0"), 1.8);
assert(new Fraction(2.5, 0.1), 25);
assert(new Fraction("1.2/4.5"), new Fraction("1.2", "4.5"));
console.log("\nFinished!!!! All tests passed.");

package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"name": "fractions",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A library to help do more precise fractional math",
"main": "Fraction.js",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"test": "node Tests.js"
"keywords": [
"author": "Brandon Rozek <> (",
"license": "MIT"