SNARK is run regularly in Macintosh Common Lisp on Mac OS X Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) on Mac OS X Clozure Common Lisp (CCL nee OpenMCL) on Mac OS X and has been run in other ANSI Common Lisp systems After editing for the correct name and location of the SBCL Lisp system in the appropriate make-xxx file a 32-bit executable of SNARK in SBCL named snark can be made by ./make-snark-sbcl; a 64-bit executable of SNARK in SBCL named snark64 can be make by ./make-snark-sbcl64. After editing for the correct name and location of the CCL Lisp system in the appropriate make-xxx file a 32-bit executable of SNARK in CCL named snark-ccl can be made by ./make-snark-ccl; a 64-bit executable of SNARK in CCL named snark-ccl64 can be maded by ./make-snark-ccl64 Older detailed instructions: (replace "yyyymmdd" by the SNARK version date) Installing SNARK: tar xfz snark-yyyymmdd.tar.gz cd snark-yyyymmdd lisp (load "snark-system.lisp") (make-snark-system t) ;t specifies compilation (make-snark-system t) ;compile again for more inlining (optional) ;can use :optimize instead of t to compile for ;higher speed at the expense of less error checking (quit) Running SNARK: lisp (load "snark-system.lisp") (make-snark-system) ;loads SNARK files compiled above : The lengthy load process in running SNARK can be eliminated for CCL, SBCL, CMUCL, Allegro Common Lisp, or CLISP by doing lisp (load "snark-system.lisp") (make-snark-system) (save-snark-system) after installing SNARK as above. (save-snark-system) will print instructions for running the resulting Lisp core image with SNARK preloaded. In the case of SBCL, (save-snark-system) can be replaced by (save-snark-system :name "snark" :executable t) to create a standalone SNARK executable. This is done by the make-snark-sbcl and make-snark-sbcl64 scripts.