Updated auto check
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 62 additions and 29 deletions
@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ class PagerConfig(private val viewer: PagerViewer, preferences: PreferencesHelpe
var doubleTapAnimDuration = 500
private set
var readerTheme = 0
private set
init {
.register({ tappingEnabled = it })
@ -70,6 +73,9 @@ class PagerConfig(private val viewer: PagerViewer, preferences: PreferencesHelpe
.register({ volumeKeysInverted = it })
.register({ readerTheme = it })
fun unsubscribe() {
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import com.davemorrissey.labs.subscaleview.SubsamplingScaleImageView
import com.github.chrisbanes.photoview.PhotoView
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.glide.GlideApp
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.preference.PreferencesHelper
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.ReaderProgressBar
@ -100,8 +99,6 @@ class PagerPageHolder(
private var readImageHeaderSubscription: Subscription? = null
private val preferences by injectLazy<PreferencesHelper>()
init {
@ -246,18 +243,22 @@ class PagerPageHolder(
.doOnNext { isAnimated ->
if (!isAnimated) {
if (preferences.readerTheme().get() == 2) {
if (viewer.config.readerTheme == 2) {
val bytesArray = openStream!!.readBytes()
val imageView = initSubsamplingImageView()
val bytesStream = bytesArray.inputStream()
if (viewer.config.imageCropBorders) {
val bytesStream = bytesArray.inputStream()
launchUI {
val backgroundD = async { ImageUtil.autoSetBackground(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytesArray, 0, bytesArray.size)) }
imageView.background = backgroundD.await()
val image = async { BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytesArray, 0, bytesArray.size) }
imageView.background = ImageUtil.autoSetBackground(image.await())
if (!viewer.config.imageCropBorders)
else {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import android.graphics.Color
import android.graphics.drawable.*
import java.io.InputStream
import java.net.URLConnection
import kotlin.math.abs
object ImageUtil {
@ -55,25 +56,43 @@ object ImageUtil {
fun autoSetBackground(image: Bitmap): Drawable {
if (image.width < 50 || image.height < 50)
return ColorDrawable(Color.WHITE)
val topLeftIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(2,2))
val topRightIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(image.width - 2,2))
val midLeftIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(2,image.height/2))
val midRightIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(image.width - 2,image.height/2))
val topMidIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(image.width/2, 2))
val botLeftIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(2,image.height - 2))
val botRightIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(image.width - 2,image.height - 2))
val top = 5
val bot = image.height - 5
val left = (image.width * 0.025).toInt()
val right = image.width - left
val midX = image.width / 2
val midY = image.height / 2
val topLeftIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(left,top))
val topRightIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(right,top))
val midLeftIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(left,midY))
val midRightIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(right,midY))
val topMidIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(midX, top))
val botLeftIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(left,bot))
val botRightIsDark = isDark(image.getPixel(right,bot))
var darkBG = (topLeftIsDark && (botLeftIsDark || botRightIsDark || topRightIsDark || midLeftIsDark || topMidIsDark))
|| (topRightIsDark && (botRightIsDark || botLeftIsDark || midRightIsDark || topMidIsDark))
if (darkBG) {
if (isWhite(image.getPixel(2,2)).toInt() +
isWhite(image.getPixel(image.width - 2,2)).toInt() +
isWhite(image.getPixel(2,image.height - 2)).toInt() +
isWhite(image.getPixel(image.width - 2,image.height - 2)).toInt() > 2)
if (pixelIsClose(image.getPixel(left,top), image.getPixel(midX,top)) && // top left & top mid
pixelIsClose(image.getPixel(midX,top), image.getPixel(right,top)) && //top mid & top right
pixelIsClose(image.getPixel(right,top), image.getPixel(right,bot)) && // top right & bot right
pixelIsClose(image.getPixel(right,bot), image.getPixel(midX,bot)) && // bot right & bot mid
pixelIsClose(image.getPixel(midX,bot), image.getPixel(left,bot))) // bot mid & bot left
return ColorDrawable(image.getPixel(left,top))
val blackPixel = when {
topLeftIsDark -> image.getPixel (left, top)
topRightIsDark -> image.getPixel(right, top)
botLeftIsDark ->image.getPixel(left, bot)
else -> image.getPixel(right, bot)
if (isWhite(image.getPixel(left,top)).toInt() +
isWhite(image.getPixel(right,top)).toInt() +
isWhite(image.getPixel(left,bot)).toInt() +
isWhite(image.getPixel(right,bot)).toInt() > 2)
darkBG = false
var overallWhitePixels = 0
var overallBlackPixels = 0
outer@ for (x in intArrayOf(2,image.width-2)) {
outer@ for (x in intArrayOf(left,right)) {
var whitePixelsStreak = 0
var whitePixels = 0
var blackPixelsStreak = 0
@ -107,30 +126,37 @@ object ImageUtil {
when {
blackPixels > 22 -> return ColorDrawable(Color.BLACK)
blackPixels > 22 -> { darkBG = true; overallWhitePixels = 0; break@outer }
blackStreak -> darkBG = true
whiteStrak || whitePixels > 22 -> darkBG = false
if (overallWhitePixels > 9 && overallWhitePixels >= overallBlackPixels)
if (overallWhitePixels > 9 && overallWhitePixels > overallBlackPixels)
darkBG = false
if (darkBG)
if (isWhite(image.getPixel(2,image.height - 2)) && isWhite(image.getPixel(image.width - 2,image.height - 2)))
if (isWhite(image.getPixel(left,bot)) && isWhite(image.getPixel(right,bot)))
return GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM,
intArrayOf(Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE))
intArrayOf(blackPixel, blackPixel, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE))
else if (isWhite(image.getPixel(left,top)) && isWhite(image.getPixel(right,top)))
return GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM,
intArrayOf(Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, blackPixel, blackPixel))
return ColorDrawable(Color.BLACK)
return ColorDrawable(blackPixel)
return ColorDrawable(Color.WHITE)
fun Boolean.toInt() = if (this) 1 else 0
private fun isDark(color: Int): Boolean {
return Color.red(color) < 33 && Color.blue(color) < 33 && Color.green(color) < 33
return Color.red(color) < 40 && Color.blue(color) < 40 && Color.green(color) < 40
private fun pixelIsClose(color1: Int, color2: Int): Boolean {
return abs(Color.red(color1) - Color.red(color2)) < 30 &&
abs(Color.green(color1) - Color.green(color2)) < 30 &&
abs(Color.blue(color1) - Color.blue(color2)) < 30
private fun isWhite(color: Int): Boolean {
return Color.red(color) + Color.blue(color) + Color.green(color) > 740
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