374 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
374 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/csi -s
(chicken file)
(chicken format)
(chicken io)
(chicken pathname)
(chicken port)
(chicken process)
(chicken process-context)
(chicken string)
(clojurian syntax)
srfi-1 ;; list utils
srfi-13 ;; string utils
srfi-14 ;; charsets
symbol-utils ;; (unspecified-value)
;; small utilities ---------------------------------
;; (bail [message [exit-status]])
;; end the program immediately.
;; if a message is provided, print it to the screen.
;; exit-status defaults to 1.
(define (bail #!optional msg (status 1))
(when msg (print msg))
(exit status))
;; decompose a path s into its constituent parts. returns values:
;; root: "/" if it's an absolute path, "" if relative directory-elements: a list
;; of each directory from root, () if none basename: the filename with extension
;; removed like "readme" or ".bashrc" extension: the file extension with the
;; dot, like ".txt" or "" if none relative-root: the relative path from the
;; given path to the root
;; e.g foo/bar/baz.html -> ../../
;; this is intended to provide default values that make for easier reassembly
;; into filenames.
;; typical use:
;; (->> source-file
;; (pathparts)
;; (define-values (root elements basename extension relative-root)))
(define (pathparts s)
(define-values (dirname basename extension)
(decompose-pathname s))
(define-values (origin root directory-elements)
(decompose-directory (or dirname "")))
;; discarding origin because idgaf about windows
(values (or root "")
(or directory-elements '())
(if extension (string-append "." extension) "")
(or directory-elements '())
(map (constantly "../"))
(apply string-append))))
;; like (substring) but doesn't break if start and end are too big/small
(define (substring* s start end)
(substring s (max start 0) (min end (string-length s))))
;; merge alists a and b. values in b "win"
(define (alist-merge a b)
(lset-union (lambda (x y) (eq? (car x) (car y))) a b))
;; like alist-ref but works on nested alists by specifying a path (list of keys)
(define (alist-ref-in keys alist #!optional (test eqv?))
(if (null? (cdr keys))
(alist-ref (car keys) alist test)
(alist-ref-in (cdr keys) (alist-ref (car keys) alist test))))
;; like alist-update, but works on nested alists by specifying a path (list of
;; keys)
(define (alist-update-in keys value alist #!optional (test eqv?))
(if (null? (cdr keys))
(alist-update (car keys) value alist test)
(alist-update (car keys)
(alist-update-in (cdr keys) value (alist-ref (car keys) alist test) test)
alist test)))
;; auto-apply ids to headings ---------------------------------
(define (slugify _ inner)
`((*text* .
,(lambda (_ str)
(if (string? str)
(string-translate "/,:;\"[]{}()=+")
(string-translate " _." "---"))
((flip map) ->string)
(string-intersperse "")
(substring* 0 40)))
(define (enumerate-tag tag inner)
(let ((slug (slugify tag inner)))
(@ (id ,slug))
(a (@ (title "Permalink to this section")
(href "#" ,slug))))))
(define (adjust-relative-link tag inner)
(let ((linkurl (alist-ref-in '(@ href) inner)))
`(,tag .
,(if (or (not adjust-relative)
(any (cute string-prefix? <> linkurl)
'("#" "/" "https://" "http://" "mailto:" "https://")))
(alist-update-in '(@ href) (list adjust-relative linkurl) inner)))))
(define (sxml-html-rules adjust-relative)
`(;; assign all headings an id so you can link to them
(h1 . ,enumerate-tag)
(h2 . ,enumerate-tag)
(h3 . ,enumerate-tag)
(h4 . ,enumerate-tag)
(h5 . ,enumerate-tag)
;; if adjust-relative is true, all relative links should get prefixed with
;; the relative-root.
`(a . ,adjust-relative-link)
;; this copied from lowdown html-serialization-rules* because it
;; is for some reason not exported??
(*COMMENT* . ,(lambda (_ str) (list #\< "!--" str "--" #\>)))
;; ignore #<unspecified> in tree
(*text* . ,(lambda (_ str) (if (unspecified? str) "" str)))
;; reading in data from git commands
(define (in-git-directory?)
(not (eof-object? (call-with-input-pipe "git rev-parse --git-dir" read-line))))
(define (git-file-is-text? source-file)
(not (equal?
(string-append "git diff 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 --numstat HEAD -- " source-file)
(cute read-line <> 4)))))
(define (git-repository->paths-list)
(call-with-input-pipe "git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD" read-lines))
(define (git-file->string source-file)
(format "git show HEAD:~a" source-file)
(call-with-input-pipe read-lines)
(string-intersperse "\n")))
;; sxml generators for constructed pages
(define (source->sxml source-file) ;; src/main.scm
(define-values (_ _ basename extension _)
(pathparts source-file))
(define (image-link)
`(p (img (@ src ,basename ,extension))))
(define (plaintext)
`(pre ,(git-file->string source-file)))
(define (binary)
'(p "(Binary file)"))
(case (string->symbol extension)
((.md .markdown)
(handle-exceptions exn
(format (current-error-port) "Error parsing ~a\n" source-file)
`((p (b "There was an error parsing this file as Markdown."))
(markdown->sxml (git-file->string source-file))))
((.jpg .jpeg .png .gif .webp .webm .apng .avif .svgz .ico)
(list (image-link) (plaintext)))
((.gz .pack .idx)
(if (git-file-is-text? source-file)
(define (filelist->sxml source-files-list relative-root)
`((h1 "Files")
(lambda (source-file)
`(li (a (@ href ,(make-pathname relative-root source-file ".html")) ,source-file)))
(define (commits->sxml)
`((h1 "Commits")
(tr (th "Date") (th "Ref") (th "Log") (th "Author"))
(lambda (line)
(let-values (((date ref title author) (apply values (string-split line "\t"))))
`(tr (td ,date) (td ,ref) (td ,title) (td ,author))))
(call-with-input-pipe "git log --format=format:%as%x09%h%x09%s%x09%aN HEAD" read-lines)))))
(define (contributors->sxml)
`((h1 "Contributors")
(tr (th "Author") (th "Commits"))
(lambda (line)
(let-values (((commits author) (apply values (string-split line "\t"))))
`(tr (td ,author) (td ,commits))))
(call-with-input-pipe "git shortlog -ns HEAD" read-lines)))))
(define (issueslist->sxml source-files-list)
`((h1 "Issues")
(lambda (source-file)
(string-prefix? "ISSUES/" source-file)
`(li (a (@ href ,source-file ".html")
((flip format) "git show HEAD:~a")
(call-with-input-pipe read-line)
(string-trim (string->char-set "# ")))))))
;; used by ersatz writer
(define (alist->tvals vars)
(map (lambda (pair)
`(,(car pair) . ,(sexpr->tvalue (cdr pair)))) vars))
;; this version uses a jinja-style template via ersatz
(define (make-template-writer-ersatz templates-directory #!optional vars)
(define template (statements-from-file (template-std-env search-path: (list templates-directory)) "default.html"))
(lambda (output-filename body-sxml #!optional newvars)
;; create destination directory if needed
(if-let (destination-directory (pathname-directory output-filename))
(create-directory destination-directory #t)
(let* (;; vars = global vars + file-specific vars
(vars (alist-merge vars (or newvars '())))
(rel-root-prefix (alist-ref 'relative_root vars))
;; render the sxml to a html string that we can hand to the template
(lambda ()
(SXML->HTML (pre-post-order* body-sxml (sxml-html-rules
(if (equal? rel-root-prefix "html/")
;; vars = vars + body k/v pair
(vars (alist-cons 'content body-html vars)))
(with-output-to-file output-filename
(lambda ()
(display (eval-statements template models: (alist->tvals vars))))))))
;; main program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (generate-html-files html-repo-path templates-directory)
;; git automatically updates this hash when you checkout/pull/etc.
(let* ((version-ident "$Id$")
(source-files-list (git-repository->paths-list))
`(;; variables provided to template at all times. beware: ersatz
;; templates break if you attempt to use a variable with a hyphen.
;; the list of all files in the git repo
(source_files_list . ,source-files-list)
;; the description of the repo, taken from env, falling back to
;; description file
. ,(or (get-environment-variable "REPO2HTML_DESCRIPTION")
(if-let (f (file-exists? "description"))
(with-input-from-file f read-lines)
;; the repository name, which we detect from the output directory
;; name. TODO: more heuristics if this doesn't work well
. ,(pathname-strip-directory (string-chomp html-repo-path "/")))
;; the first README file found, if any.
. ,(find (cut member <> source-files-list)
'("README" "README.md" "README.txt")))
;; the first LICENSE file found, if any.
. ,(find (cut member <> source-files-list)
;; the string "ISSUES" if any files exist in ISSUES/
. ,(and (find (cut string-prefix? "ISSUES/" <>) source-files-list) "ISSUES"))
. ,(if (equal? version-ident (list->string '(#\$ #\I #\d #\$)))
(substring* version-ident 5 12)))
(make-template-writer-ersatz templates-directory template-alist)))
(define html-path (make-pathname html-repo-path "html"))
(create-directory html-repo-path #t)
;; special files
(write-with-template (make-pathname html-path "files" "html") (filelist->sxml source-files-list ""))
(write-with-template (make-pathname html-path "contributors" "html") (contributors->sxml))
(write-with-template (make-pathname html-path "commits" "html") (commits->sxml))
;; htmlified repo contents
(lambda (source-file)
(->> source-file
(define-values (root elements basename extension relative-root)))
(make-pathname html-path source-file "html")
(source->sxml source-file)
`(;; additional per-page variables provided to template
(source_file . ,source-file)
(root . ,root)
(elements . ,elements)
(basename . ,basename)
(extension . ,extension)
(relative_root . ,relative-root)
;; if it's an image, also write it verbatim to output directory
(case (string->symbol (or (pathname-extension source-file) ""))
((jpg jpeg png gif webp webm svg apng avif svgz ico)
(system (format "git show HEAD:~a > ~a"
(make-pathname html-path source-file))))))
;; if README.md, README, or README.txt exists, regenerate it as index.html.
;; otherwise regenerate files.html as index.html.
(make-pathname html-repo-path "index" "html")
(if-let (readme-file
(alist-ref 'readme_file template-alist))
(source->sxml readme-file)
(filelist->sxml source-files-list "html"))
;; TODO: do we need the full set of template variables defined here?
;; if so maybe this and the set above should be lifted out somewhere
`((relative_root . "html/")))
;; if the ISSUES directory got created, write out an index file for the
;; stuff in there.
(when (file-exists? (make-pathname html-path "ISSUES"))
(write-with-template (make-pathname html-path "ISSUES" "html") (issueslist->sxml source-files-list)))))
(define (main #!optional html-repo-path templates-directory)
(unless html-repo-path
(bail "please specify a destination directory for html files"))
(unless (in-git-directory?)
(bail "woops this isn't a git directory"))
(unless templates-directory
(bail "please specify the directory containing the templates.\nnote: built-in sxml templates have been removed."))
(generate-html-files html-repo-path templates-directory))
(apply main (command-line-arguments))