204 lines
7.5 KiB
204 lines
7.5 KiB
;; how to use this script
;; 1. cd into a bare git repository
;; 2. run the following, changing any values you want:
;; export GIT_WWW=/var/www/git/ GIT_WWW_CLONE_URL=git://git.m455.casa GIT_WWW_TITLE=git.m455.casa GIT_WWW_DESCRIPTION="m455's git repositories" GIT_WWW_H1=git.m455.casa; csi -s ../main.scm
;; i figured i would use environment variables instead of a config file,
;; because folks are just going to run this as a post-receive hook anyway, so
;; why not all just configure it all in the post-receive hook like so?
;; (assuming git-www is in your $PATH, and assuming git-www is a compiled
;; version of git-www.scm):
;; ---------------------------------
;; #!/bin/sh
;; export GIT_WWW=/var/www/git/
;; export GIT_WWW_CLONE_URL=git://git.m455.casa
;; export GIT_WWW_TITLE=git.m455.casa
;; export GIT_WWW_DESCRIPTION="m455's git repositories"
;; export GIT_WWW_H1=git.m455.casa
;; git-www
;; ---------------------------------
;; TODO:
;; [x] replace all repository-name with *repository-name*
;; [x] replace all repository-directory with *repository-directory*
;; [x] remove all passed around parameters for repo name and directory
;; [x] move html-body-contents into final html-template format except use
;; string translate for named variables in the html-template
;; Nice-to-haves:
;; [ ] nav link: License (look for LICENSE file)
;; [ ] nav link: Contributors
;; [ ] nav link: Releases
;; [ ] clickable line numbers in source files
;; [ ] render images
;; [ ] make repos with more files and directories less daunting (recursively generate a files list page for each directory in a repo?)
(import utf8
(chicken string)
(chicken port)
(chicken io)
(chicken process)
(chicken process-context)
(chicken format)
(chicken pathname)
(chicken file))
;; decided to make these two buggers globals because i passed them around
;; between functions so much
(define *repository-name* #f)
(define *repository-directory* #f)
(define WEB-DIRECTORY (or (get-environment-variable "GIT_WWW") "/var/www/git"))
(define CLONE-URL (or (get-environment-variable "GIT_WWW_CLONE_URL") "git://git.example.com"))
(define TITLE (or (get-environment-variable "GIT_WWW_TITLE") "my git repositories"))
(define DESCRIPTION (or (get-environment-variable "GIT_WWW_DESCRIPTION") "my git repositories"))
(define H1 (or (get-environment-variable "GIT_WWW_H1") "git.example.com"))
(define (populate-html-template body)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes" />
<link rel="icon" href="data:,">
<meta name="description" content="#{DESCRIPTION}"/>
body {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 700px;
pre {
background-color: ##ffd9df;
padding: 15px 20px;
white-space: pre;
overflow: scroll;
a { color: blue; }
nav a { margin-right: 10px; }
hr {
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
margin-top: 16px;
##file-path {
/* change this to your liking */
<p>clone url: #{CLONE-URL}/#{*repository-name*}</p>
<a href="/#{*repository-name*}/index.html">about</a>
<a href="/#{*repository-name*}/files.html">files</a>
(define (write-file file contents)
(with-output-to-file file (lambda () (display contents))))
(define (in-git-directory?)
(if (equal? (call-with-input-pipe "git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2> /dev/null" read-line) "true")
(define (get-repository-name)
(pathname-strip-directory (current-directory)))
; (call-with-input-pipe "git config --get remote.origin.url" read-line)))
(define (git-repository->paths-list)
(call-with-input-pipe "git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD" read-lines))
(define (git-file->string path)
(call-with-input-pipe (format "git show HEAD:~a" path) read-lines)
(define (clean-html str)
(string-translate* str '(("&" . "&")
("<" . "<")
(">" . ">")
("\"" . """)
("'" . "'"))))
(define (md->html markdown-string)
(lambda ()
(markdown->html markdown-string))))
(define (generate-list-of-files source-files-list)
(if (null? source-files-list)
(let* ((source-file (car source-files-list))
(link-url (string-append source-file ".html"))) ;; src/main.scm.html
(string-append (format "<li><a href=\"~a\">~a</a></li>\n" link-url source-file)
(generate-list-of-files (cdr source-files-list))))))
(define (generate-source-file source-file) ;; src/main.scm
(let* ((source-file-directory (pathname-directory source-file)) ;; src or #f
(output-directory (if source-file-directory
(make-pathname *repository-directory* source-file-directory) ;; <WEB-DIRECTORY>/<repository-name>/src
*repository-directory*))) ;; <WEB-DIRECTORY>/<repository-name>
;; create directories that mimic the path of the source file, so when
;; someone clicks a link to view the contents of a source file, the URL
;; matches up with the path of the source file.
;; i guess another reason to do this is to avoid conflicts with files that
;; have the same name, but exist in different directories.
(create-directory output-directory #t)
(make-pathname output-directory (pathname-strip-directory source-file) "html")
(populate-html-template (string-append "<p id=\"file-path\">" source-file "</p>"
(clean-html (git-file->string source-file))
(define (generate-source-files source-files-list)
(for-each (lambda (source-file) (generate-source-file source-file))
(define (generate-files-file files-list-page-path source-files-list)
(populate-html-template (string-append "<ul>\n"
(generate-list-of-files source-files-list)
(define (generate-readme-file index-page-path)
(populate-html-template (md->html (git-file->string "README.md")))))
(define (generate-repository-directory)
(if (directory-exists? *repository-directory*)
(begin (delete-directory *repository-directory* #t)
(create-directory *repository-directory* #t))
(create-directory *repository-directory* #t)))
(define (generate-html-files)
(let ((source-files-list (git-repository->paths-list)))
(generate-readme-file (make-pathname *repository-directory* "index.html"))
(generate-files-file (make-pathname *repository-directory* "files.html") source-files-list)
(generate-source-files source-files-list)))
(define (if-git-directory-generate-html-files)
(if (in-git-directory?)
(begin (set! *repository-name* (get-repository-name))
(set! *repository-directory* (make-pathname WEB-DIRECTORY *repository-name*))
(print "woops that's not a git directory")))
(define (main args)
(if (null? args)
(print "woops, i dont take args")))
(main (command-line-arguments))