#!/usr/bin/csi -s (import utf8 lowdown (chicken string) (chicken port) (chicken io) (chicken process) (chicken process-context) (chicken format) (chicken pathname) (chicken file) sxml-transforms (clojurian syntax) srfi-1 ;; list utils srfi-13 ;; string utils srfi-14 ;; charsets ) (define CLONE-URL (or (get-environment-variable "REPO2HTML_CLONE_URL") "git://git.example.com")) (define TITLE (or (get-environment-variable "REPO2HTML_TITLE") "my git repositories")) (define DESCRIPTION (or (get-environment-variable "REPO2HTML_DESCRIPTION") "my git repositories")) (define H1 (or (get-environment-variable "REPO2HTML_H1") "git.example.com")) ;; small utilities --------------------------------- ;; (bail [message [exit-status]]) ;; end the program immediately. ;; if a message is provided, print it to the screen. ;; exit-status defaults to 1. (define (bail . args) (let-optionals args ((msg "") (status 1)) (unless (equal? "" msg) (print msg)) (exit status))) ;; decompose a path s into its constituent parts. returns values: ;; ;; root: "/" if it's an absolute path, "" if relative ;; directory-elements: a list of each directory from root, () if none ;; basename: the filename with extension removed like "readme" or ".bashrc" ;; extension: the file extension with the dot, like ".txt" or "" if none ;; relative-root: the relative path from the given path to the root ;; e.g foo/bar/baz.html -> ../../ ;; ;; this is intended to provide default values that make for easier reassembly ;; into filenames. ;; ;; typical use: ;; (->> source-file ;; (pathparts) ;; (define-values (root elements basename extension relative-root))) ;; (define (pathparts s) (define-values (dirname basename extension) (decompose-pathname s)) (define-values (origin root directory-elements) (decompose-directory (or dirname ""))) ;; discarding origin because idgaf about windows (values (or root "") (or directory-elements '()) basename (if extension (string-append "." extension) "") (->> (or directory-elements '()) (map (constantly "../")) (apply string-append)))) ;; main code --------------------------------- (define css " body { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 700px; } pre, code { background-color: #ffd9df; } pre { padding: 15px 20px; white-space: pre; overflow: scroll; } a { color: blue; } nav a { margin-right: 10px; } hr { border:0; border-bottom: 1px solid black; margin-top: 16px; } td { padding: 0em .5em; vertical-align: top; } footer { text-align: right; font-size: small; } #file-path { /* change this to your liking */ }") (define (make-sxml-template-wrapper repository-name source-files-list) (let ((readme-file (find (lambda (x) (member x source-files-list)) '("README" "README.md" "README.txt"))) (license-file (find (lambda (x) (member x source-files-list)) '("LICENSE" "LICENSE.md" "LICENSE.txt"))) (issues-present? (find (lambda (x) (string-prefix? "ISSUES/" x)) source-files-list))) (lambda (source-file body-sxml) (define-values (_ _ _ _ relative-root) (pathparts source-file)) `(html (@ lang en) (head (title ,TITLE) (meta (@ charset utf-8)) (meta (@ (name viewport) (content "width=device-width, initial-scale-1.0, user-scalable=yes"))) (link (@ (rel icon) (href "data:,"))) (meta (@ (name description) (content ,DESCRIPTION))) (style ,css)) (body (h1 ,H1) (h2 ,repository-name) (p "clone url:" ,CLONE-URL "/" ,repository-name) (nav ,(when readme-file `(a (@ href ,relative-root "index.html") "about")) (a (@ href ,relative-root "files.html") "files") ,(when license-file `(a (@ href ,relative-root ,license-file ".html") "license")) ,(when issues-present? `(a (@ href ,relative-root "ISSUES.html") "issues")) (a (@ href ,relative-root "commits.html") "commits") (a (@ href ,relative-root "contributors.html") "contributors"))) (hr) ,body-sxml (hr) (footer (p "Generated by " (a (@ href "https://git.m455.casa/repo2html/") "repo2html"))))))) (define (in-git-directory?) (not (eof-object? (call-with-input-pipe "git rev-parse --git-dir" read-line)))) (define (git-file-is-text? path) (not (equal? "-\t-\t" (call-with-input-pipe (string-append "git diff 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 --numstat HEAD -- " path) (lambda (port) (read-line port 4)))))) (define (git-repository->paths-list) (call-with-input-pipe "git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD" read-lines)) (define (git-file->string path) (-> (format "git show HEAD:~a" path) (call-with-input-pipe read-lines) (string-intersperse "\n"))) (define (source->sxml source-file) ;; src/main.scm (define-values (_ _ basename extension _) (pathparts source-file)) (define (image-link) `(p (img (@ src ,basename ,extension)))) (define (plaintext) `(pre ,(git-file->string source-file))) (define (binary) '(p "(Binary file)")) `((p (@ id "file-path") ,source-file) ,(case (string->symbol extension) ((.md .markdown) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (format (current-error-port) "Error parsing ~a\n" source-file) `((p (b "There was an error parsing this file as Markdown.")) ,(plaintext))) (markdown->sxml (git-file->string source-file)))) ((.jpg .jpeg .png .gif .webp .webm .apng .avif .svgz .ico) (image-link)) ((.svg) (list (image-link) (plaintext))) ((.gz .pack .idx) (binary)) (else (if (git-file-is-text? source-file) (plaintext) (binary)))))) (define (filelist->sxml source-files-list) `((h1 "Files") ((ul ,(map (lambda (source-file) `(li (a (@ href ,source-file ".html") ,source-file))) source-files-list))))) (define (commits->sxml) `((h1 "Commits") (table (tr (th "Date") (th "Ref") (th "Log") (th "Author")) ,(map (lambda (line) (let-values (((date ref title author) (apply values (string-split line "\t")))) `(tr (td ,date) (td ,ref) (td ,title) (td ,author)))) (call-with-input-pipe "git log --format=format:%as%x09%h%x09%s%x09%aN HEAD" read-lines))))) (define (contributors->sxml) `((h1 "Contributors") (table (tr (th "Author") (th "Commits")) ,(map (lambda (line) (let-values (((commits author) (apply values (string-split line "\t")))) `(tr (td ,author) (td ,commits)))) (call-with-input-pipe "git shortlog -ns HEAD" read-lines))))) (define (issueslist->sxml source-files-list) `((h1 "Issues") ((ul ,(filter-map (lambda (source-file) (and (string-prefix? "ISSUES/" source-file) `(li (a (@ href ,source-file ".html") ,(-> source-file ((flip format) "git show HEAD:~a") (call-with-input-pipe read-line) (string-trim (string->char-set "# "))))))) source-files-list))))) (define (generate-html-files html-repo-path) (let* ((source-files-list (git-repository->paths-list)) (repository-name (pathname-strip-directory (string-chomp html-repo-path "/"))) (template-wrap->sxml (make-sxml-template-wrapper repository-name source-files-list))) (define (write-with-template filename sxml) (let ((destination-directory (pathname-directory filename))) (when destination-directory (create-directory (make-pathname html-repo-path destination-directory) #t))) (with-output-to-file (make-pathname html-repo-path filename) (lambda () (display "\n") (SXML->HTML (template-wrap->sxml filename sxml))))) (create-directory html-repo-path #t) ;; special files (write-with-template "files.html" (filelist->sxml source-files-list)) (write-with-template "contributors.html" (contributors->sxml)) (write-with-template "commits.html" (commits->sxml)) ;; htmlified repo contents (for-each (lambda (source-file) (write-with-template (string-append source-file ".html") (source->sxml source-file)) (case (string->symbol (or (pathname-extension source-file) "")) ((jpg jpeg png gif webp webm svg apng avif svgz ico) (system (format "git show HEAD:~a > ~a" source-file (make-pathname html-repo-path source-file)))))) source-files-list) ;; if README.md, README, or README.txt exists, copy that to index.html. ;; otherwise copy files.html to index.html. (->> '("README.md.html" "README.html" "README.txt.html" "files.html") (map (lambda (x) (make-pathname html-repo-path x))) (find file-exists?) ((lambda (x) (copy-file x (make-pathname html-repo-path "index.html") #t)))) (when (file-exists? (make-pathname html-repo-path "ISSUES")) (write-with-template "ISSUES.html" (issueslist->sxml source-files-list))))) (define (main args) (let-optionals args ((html-repo-path "")) (when (equal? html-repo-path "") (bail "please specify a destination directory for html files")) (unless (in-git-directory?) (bail "woops this isn't a git directory")) (generate-html-files html-repo-path))) (main (command-line-arguments))